Police dog mourned by Plymouth police officers

This photo shows police dog Kaiser, a member of Plymouth's K-9 team, pictured with a Plymouth police officer. (MyFoxBoston.com)

Those who have suffered the loss of a pet often describe it as if they lost a member of the family. For a Plymouth police officer, losing his dog meant losing his partner.

Kaiser, a member of Plymouth's K-9 team, was recently diagnosed with a severe kidney disease, according to the Plymouth Police Working Dog Foundation's Facebook page. The dog was placed into retirement when the disease began to take a toll on him.

The officer in charge of Kaiser ultimately made what he calls the "heart-wrenching" decision to have the dog put down after seeking the advice of a veterinarian, trainer, and family members.

Kaiser was laid to rest Friday. Members of the Plymouth Police Department gathered to say goodbye to their friend and co-worker.

"Kaiser taught me more about myself and my profession than I could have ever taught him," the dog's partner wrote on Facebook. "I feel privileged to have had a front row seat to witness his bravery and heroic actions while serving the people of Plymouth and my brothers and sisters in blue."

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