NYC officer gets 2 years' probation for stomping on suspect

A New York City police officer convicted of stomping on a suspect's head during an arrest has been sentenced to two years of probation.

A Brooklyn judge on Thursday also ordered Officer Joel Edouard to resign within 24 yours.

Edouard was convicted in April of misdemeanor assault.

Prosecutors say that on July 2014 Edouard and his partner saw Jahmi-El Cuffee drinking on a sidewalk and possessing what appeared to be marijuana.

They say Cuffee resisted arrest. After other officers arrived and subdued Cuffee, a witness recorded cellphone video showing Edouard pointing his gun at Cuffee while he lay on the ground. It then shows him walking away, returning and stomping on his head.

District Attorney Ken Thompson says Edouard "intentionally" stomped on Cuffee's head after other officers had restrained him.