Monitoring the Arizona-Mexico Border

The creator of points out peaks atop the Huachuca Mountains, where individuals have been spotted surveying the U.S. Border Patrol agents below. (

The cockpit of Spencer's single-engine Cessna TU206, as seen from the "jumpseat," aviation slang for an auxiliary seat for passengers not operating the aircraft. (

Glenn Spencer, president and founder of American Border Patrol, returns his Cessna TU206 to a hangar at Bisbee Municipal Airport after a two-hour, 30-mile-plus trip along the border. (

A Border Patrol agent's vehicle, center, is seen near the U.S.-Mexico border west of Sesabe, Ariz. (

A network of trails are seen just across the U.S. border east of Bisbee, Ariz. The smaller, free-flowing trails are thought to be paths taken by human and drug smugglers. (

A SBINet tower is seen in an area west of Nogales, Ariz. Surveillance towers like these are part of the Secure Border Initiative and use radar, motion detectors and long-range cameras to spot would-be border-crossers. (

A portion of border fence separates the cities of Nogales, Arizona, to the north, from Nogales, Mexico. (

The port of entry at Sesabe, Ariz., one of 327 official entry points into the United States, ten of which are located in Arizona. (

Spencer discusses changes he'd like to see along the Arizona-Mexico border, including a complete, uninterrupted pedestrian fence similar to those found at California's San Diego and El Centro border sectors. (

A portion of border fence near Nogales, Ariz., one of several urban areas along the Arizona-Mexico border where fencing is primarily used instead of vehicle barriers, which are utilized in more remote areas. (