Lakewood Church Hosts Medical Missions Conference to Mobilize Believers

Missions work doesn't always involve traveling abroad, and the inexperienced don't have to have all the answers in order to get started. That's the message that Rev. Dr. Paul Osteen, brother of Lakewood megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen, wants to impart through the Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference.

"We don't have to have all the answers; we just have to do our part," Osteen told to The Christian Post Monday. "There are so many opportunities available locally, and so many opportunities all across the nation, and then so many opportunities globally. So you don't have to go to the interior of Africa to do medical missions."

Doctors, dentists, nurses and other medical professionals interested in medical missions might be surprised to learn that they don't have to leave the U.S. in order to contribute. Osteen says missions workers can donate their time at a local clinic or even help to sort medical equipment to be sent to different locations around the world.

Held at Lakewood Church in Houston on Feb. 19-20, the Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference will feature guest speakers who are "active and in the trenches and making a difference," including missionary doctor and Ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly, Restore International founder and best-selling author Bob Goff, and the director of the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Dr. Russ White, along with 32 other speakers who will share perspectives on medical missions.

Over 70 missions organizations will offer exhibits that range from helping to heal the sick and drilling for clean water, to fighting against human trafficking and caring for orphaned children — all with the purpose of providing "tangible, practical ways that people can get involved," and to help attendees discover what mission is right for them.

Osteen describes missions service as a broad "spectrum," ranging from those looking to get their feet wet, so to speak, with very short-term assignments, to others who feel a call to do missions full time.

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