Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to supporters during a rally, Sunday, June 14, 2015, in Des Moines, Iowa. Seeking an army of volunteers, Clinton is trying to build an organizational edge in Iowa as some of her lesser-known Democratic rivals clamor for attention in the state that tripped up her first presidential campaign. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Jeb Bush set to announce he’s running for President today.

1500EDT -- Fmr FL Gov Jeb Bush announces his decision to run for President. Miami-Dade College - Kendall Campus, Miami, FL. LIVE

Hillary Clinton held her largest rally of her campaign for the Democratic nomination so far on Saturday on Roosevelt Island. Clinton making income inequality a huge part of her campaign. Clinton saying, “These Republicans trip over themselves by promising lower taxes for the wealthy and fewer rules for the biggest corporations without any regard on how that will make income inequality worse.”  She also said “I’m not running for some Americans, but for all Americans.”

Hillary also weighed in for the first time later that day on the big trade deal that failed in the House on Friday. She says Democrats’ concerns should be addressed, but didn’t say she’s support a final deal. Today she’s holding events in New Hampshire. Ed Henry reporting.

1000EDT -- Hillary Clinton participates in a forum with Granite Staters on early childhood education. Rochester, NH. POOL LIVE via LiveU

1115EDT approx -- Hillary Clinton hosts a launch party. Carter Hill Orchard, Concord, NH. LIVE

A woman accused of helping two escaped murderers will be in court today. She’s charged with supplying the men with tools to help them escape from the upstate New York jail. They’ve now been on the run for 10 days. Molly Line and Peter Doocy reporting.

Garrett Tenney reporting on the growing outbreak of Bird Flu devastating the Midwest.

Severe weather expected today across much of the country including thunderstorms, flash floods and more.

There were two horrific shark attacks in North Carolina. Two attacks on teenage swimmers within 90 minutes of each other on Oak Island. Both teens losing limbs. We’ll talk to a shark expert.

The U.S. military conducted airstrikes in Libya and may have killed an Al Qaeda leader who was behind an attack on a gas plant in Algeria that left 35 dead. Four members of a Libyan terror group linked to the Benghazi attacks may also have been killed.

The New York Times reporting the United States is sending major military equipment into several Eastern European countries considered under threat from an increasingly aggressive Russia. A Russia military leader today says it’s the most serious military escalation since the Cold War. The U.S. will sent heavy equipment to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, Romania and Bulgaria.. and maybe Hungary.

Greece stocks continue to plunge.. down another 6% today on fears no deal on a bailout is imminent, and Greece could default. Amy Kellogg reporting.

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