Groupon promo pays tribute to 'President Hamilton'

More than 200 years after Alexander Hamilton’s death, an online coupon company has given the Founding Father a historic promotion.

Deal website Groupon launched a Presidents Day tie-in of $10 off when customers purchase a $40 coupon for a local business.

The problem is, the promotion honors President Alexander Hamilton -- who was never president of the United States.

According to, the promo calls Hamilton "undeniably one of our greatest presidents and most widely recognized for establishing the country's financial system."

Hamilton, the nation's first secretary of the Treasury, was killed by Vice President Aaron Burr in a pistol duel.

"President Hamilton is best known for the fiscal sensibilities that led him to author economic policies, establish a national bank and control taxes," Groupon's press release said.

When asked to respond to the mix-up, Groupon spokesperson Erin Yeager told, "We'll just have to agree to disagree."

The email included a list of all of the U.S. presidents and Hamilton was not on the list, reported.

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