Florida woman robbed on the street the same day she went into labor

(Fox 35)

Orange County, Fla., deputies are searching for the thief who attacked a pregnant woman and took off with an expensive necklace the same day she went into labor.

Julie Antoine says she was taking a walk to help relieve her contractions, when a guy attacked her, putting her pregnancy at risk and taking off with a very special necklace.

"When he snatched the chain he put it in his pocket and proceeded to walk past me like nothing happened. I was like, what did you do that for, and I'm thinking in my mind, what just happened, did this really happen?"

Antoine says she was attacked two weeks ago, while she was 9 months pregnant. Deputies say the thief got away with a gold chain worth $1,500.

"I've had the necklace for about 10 years, somebody gave it to me for a birthday gift. What hurts the most, is that I know he most likely sold it for next to nothing if he did get it sold."

When she threatened to call police, that's when the suspect reached for her phone.

"The minute he touched me, I pulled back and ran into the road, that's when he was trying to get to me, because I was calling police. Had he tripped me or pushed me down, he could have killed my child. I'm pretty sure he didn't think about that."

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