Florida high school charging $200 for best seats at graduation

The latest must-see event had some parents doling out $200 for the best seats in the house.

But the top-shelf tickets weren’t for the latest boy band concert or even a sporting event. Rather, that was the price for front-row seats at a high school graduation.

According to the Bradenton Herald, Manatee High School charged parents $200 for prime seating at the May 31 graduation ceremony at the school's Hawkins Stadium. The tickets sold out in four hours.

The cash-strapped Florida high school also announced it will charge seniors a $20 fee to attend this year's graduation in hopes of offsetting the cost of the ceremony.

Don Sauer, the school's principal, told the paper that graduation fees are common at other high schools in the area, and if a student is unable to come up with the $20, the fee will be waived.

The school said this year's graduation will cost about $12,000. The school district usually gives the school about $3,000 to pay for the event, but this year the district will not be offering the money, the paper reported.

"I am not here to make money off my kids," Sauer said.

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