Executive Calls Female Job Applicant B-Word

David Otto (right), Tiffany Sinclair (MyFoxDetroit.com)

When the president of a company began e-mailing a prospective employee, neither of them thought it would end in a war of words.

David Otto, president of Administrative Employer Services, an offsite human resources management company in Sterling Heights, Mich., contacted Tiffany Sinclair on an employment website to fill a position for his expanding company.

But when he looked over her resume, he encountered what he told MyFoxDetroit.com was a ‘glaring misspelling.’ Otto sent her an e-mail suggesting she check her resume for spelling errors.

The two began exchanging e-mails, but then ‘it took an abrupt turn,’ according to Otto.

Sinclair told the station that she started to get frustrated with Otto’s e-mails and his intentions and then sent the following message:

"Thank you for that information. It was the city to be more exact, as Middlebelt is one word. I most certainly appreciate your vague chain of e-mails…Unless you have an opportunity you'd like to present to me, please stop e-mailing me."

Sinclair continued: "I still don't know who you are…your tag says that you're a president. You're a president of what? 'When I went to his website, there were no openings posted.' "

Though Sinclair told the station that she doesn’t think her response was harsh, Otto did and sent the following back:

"Well, well. I do have several opportunities in human resources due to the fact that I've acquired several of my competitors. It is of no surprise why you're unemployed and your resume has misspellings. I'm confident it's representative of the shoddy work you put out. You come across as a spoiled, snotty little ‘bitch’ and I believe you probably needed to hear that for a long time."

Sinclair was offended by his remark and "I'm thinking, this man doesn't even know me. He's never met me. I'm just trying to understand how you got in contact with me, and why you think it's okay to say this to anybody," she added.

But Otto says that he was simply speaking through the heart even though he acknowledged that some people may think it’s excessive. He claims he was just trying to help, and he felt like Sinclair was rude and didn't appreciate his guidance.

Sinclair says that if she could change anything, she would have picked up the phone and called Otto to clear up any confusion and that she wants people to learn from what happened.

For more on this story from MyFoxDetroit.com click here

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