Disabled Woman Watches Helplessly as Girl Robs Her Michigan Apartment

Disabled 79-year-old Florence with neighbor Renee Blackwell.

DETROIT, Mich.-- An elderly Michigan woman watched helplessly as a girl broke into her apartment.

Seventy nine-year-old Florence of Ferndale, Mich., is confined to a scooter because of Polio. So she couldn't do much when a 12-year-old girl broke into her apartment Friday.

The girl stole her money and a ring, ignoring the disabled woman's cries to stop, MyFoxDetroit reports.

Luckily, neighbor Renee Blackwell noticed her leaving the lobby of the complex and asked Florence if she knew the girl.

Renee figured out that Florence was saying "she took my money."

"I immediately jumped in my car and followed the girl," Blackwell told MyFoxDetroit.

Renee called police and watched the girl arrested as they apparently found the stolen goods in her possession.

Florence credits Blackwell for saving the day.

Click here for more on this story from MyFoxDetroit.

Disabled Woman Watches Helplessly as Tween Robs Her Ferndale Home: MyFoxDETROIT.com

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