Cop accused of using police database to hit on woman

FILE: A police car for the Vorhees Police Department is show. (

A 14-year veteran of a Pennsylvania police department is facing charges after he allegedly used his department's database to find and hit on a woman on Facebook.

44-year old patrolman Jeffrey Tyther of the Vorhees Police Department has been suspended without pay after the alleged incident last September.

A local woman claims she was driving when Tyther pulled up next to her in his patrol car and waved at her. Investigators claim Tyther then ran the woman's license plate through a classified law enforcement database to get her personal information.

The woman says Tyther then set her a friend request on Facebook and emailed her, identifying himself as the police officer who had waved at her. She reported the incident to authorities.

Investigators say the system Tyther used to track down the woman is only available to law enforcement to be used when pulling over a driver to find out about warrants or criminal investigation information, not for personal use.

Tyther faces charges of misusing police powers for personal reasons and could face up to 10 years in prison.

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