Boy Rescues Friend From Trench Collapse in Georgia

13-year-old Jordan Marankie rescued from collapsed trench in Georgia by 12-year-old friend Brandon Biro.

A 13-year-old Georgia boy was out of the hospital Thursday night after a trench collapsed on him earlier in the afternoon. Paramedics rushed Jordan Marankie to the emergency room after pulling him from the dirt, MyFoxAtlanta reports.

Marankie's friend Brandon Biro is credited with saving the teen' life.

"They thought I was going to die," said Marankie.

The seventh grader and his 12-year-old buddy went to a vacant lot in a nearby subdivision on their bikes Thursday afternoon. Marankie and Biro said they were getting dirt to build a bike ramp and got trapped in a trench.

Biro said he fought off panic when all he could see were his friend's wiggling fingers sticking through the dirt. With his bare hands he dug through the dirt until he could see his friend's face.

"It was above his head for about a minute then I got his whole head out and he was able to breathe," said Biro.

Cherokee County Fire and Rescue crews said it took them a half an hour to remove Marankie from the dirt.

"If Brandon wasn't there, all the paramedics and the doctors were saying I wasn't going to make it," said Marankie.

Click here for more on this story from MyFoxAtlanta. 

Cherokee Teen Falls into Trench:

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