Billy Graham: Christians Can't Take a 'Casual' Approach to Church

Christians can't take a "casual" approach to their faith in God, the Rev. Billy Graham said in a post this week.

Responding to a question on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's website, the 97-year-old religious leader said Christians must be completely dedicated and involved in their faith.

Graham explains in the BGEA "My Answers" post that while many are be tempted to stop attending church so they can focus on other weekend activities, such an approach to Christianity and Christ's love is not sustainable in the long run.

"People drop out of church for all sorts of reasons (and over the years I suppose I've heard them all!)," the reverend begins, suggesting that some people have good reasons to leave their church, including if their pastor isn't preaching the Gospel.

Many times, however, people drop out of church simply because "they want to do something else."

"Perhaps they've found church boring, or people haven't seemed friendly, or it's become a meaningless routine. But these aren't true of every church — and often they're only an excuse to do something else," the religious leader says, adding that this age-old problem can be traced back to the New Testament, as seen in Hebrews 10:25, when some believers "give up" meeting together.

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