Arrest of Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson partially recorded on video

DeRay McKesson

Cellphone video emerged Sunday apparently showing part of the arrest of prominent Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson during a protest in Louisiana against officer-involved shootings.

McKesson was arrested around 11 p.m. in Baton Rouge, The Washington Post reported. Several witnesses described the arrest as “physically violent.” Police said more than 100 people have been arrested in connection with protests in the city so far this weekend.

In the video, an officer was heard telling McKesson not to “fight” him.

“I'm under arrest ya'll," McKesson was heard saying.

“The officers won’t give their names,” said Brittany Packnett, a co-founder of the group Campaign Zero, a prominent activist collective. “He was clearly targeted.”

Packnett said that McKesson was in a group of eight people walking down a street when an officer approached him and told him he had been “flagged” and that if he left the sidewalk he would be arrested.

Moments later police were seen taking McKesson into custody.

“They tackled him, one officer hit the top of his body and another officer the bottom,” Packnett said.

The Post reported that McKesson’s phone was knocked from his hand.

“The police continue to just provoke people,” McKesson said after an officer told people to stay on the sidewalk.

McKesson said in a text message to The Post that he and 33 others were in custody together. It’s unclear if he is facing any charges.

In addition to McKesson, The Advocate reported that local NPR reporter Ryan Kailath was also arrested. He is facing a simple obstruction of a highway charge.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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