2012: Year in Photos

I took this picture of the Aurora crosses on a hilltop next to the theater the day after the shooting.

I took this photo while covering the fires outside of Fort Collins Colorado.

Smoke settles over a Calistoga vineyard as fires burn nearby.

This are the bells waiting for the swallows at Mission San Juan Capistrano.

A Coast Guard sailor raises the flag while on patrol off of Southern California.

A homeowner in Arlington, Texas survives a series of tornadoes..along with his flag and determination to recover.

While on assignment in San Francisco, the famous fog begins to roll in.

Flags adorn the graves of those who have served at the LA National Cemetery on Memorial Day.

The sun rises on the Malibu Pier as we cover cartel panga boats coming ashore in one of America's exclusive communities.

A marine cross atop a mountain at Camp Pendleton in Southern California stands in honor of those lost in the war on terror.

A former movie studio serves as a training ground for Marine Reserves heading into Afghanistan.

Helicopters in for the night after a long day of maneuvers.

The Mayan temple at Palenque as the sun rises on the summer solstice.

Sailors from the U.S. Navy launch at sea during the massive RIMPAC exercises in the Pacific.

Along the Usumacinta Rive which separates Guatemala from Mexico.

In honor of those lost on 9-11, a flag for every person killed is posted on a hill at Pepperdine University overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

A field ready for harvest in California's Solano County.

Endeavor makes its final landing in LA.

A cactus stands South of Tucson.

On the Mall a monument shines in D.C.