Wonders of Cuba

<b>Trinidad</b> A colonial city in central Cuba, Trinidad has been a UNESCO heritage city since 1988. Here is a view of Trinidad's historic convent, Antiguo Convento de San Francisco de Asis.  (iStock)

<b>El Capitolio</b> The National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba, was built in 1929 and used to be the seat of government in Cuba until the Cuban Revolution in the 1950's. (iStock)

<b>Plaza Vieja</b> Old Havana's Plaza Vieja (or Old Square) was built in 1559 and became the site of many historic processions, executions, bullfights, and fiestas. (iStock)

<b>Varadero</b> Varadero is one of the largest resort towns in the Caribbean. Located in the province of Matanzas, Varadero also carries the name "Playa Azul," or "blue beach," you can see why. (iStock)

<b>Varadero Golf Club</b> The <a target="_blank" href="http://www.varaderogolfclub.com/en/home.asp">Varadero Golf Club</a> was the first 18-hole golf course in Cuba. Its classic design boasts broad roads and wide greens bordered by coconut and papaya trees. (AP)

<b>Havana Centro</b> The city of Havana attracts over a million tourists annually. Havana is known worldwide for its rich history, culture, architecture and monuments.   (iStock)

<b>Cayo Coco</b> Cayo Coco is a King's garden island on the Sabana-Camaguey archipelago off of Cuba's northern coast. Coco is just one in a group of pristine islands that stretch over 120 miles along the north-west sector of the archipelago. (AP)