Weirdest travel websites

Sometimes the same old travel websites that share the same overused information and destination options can get a little stale. So if you’re feeling the need to go way off the beaten path, here are some delightful detours.

From a couch surfing community to an airport sleeping guide, we dug up seven wonderfully weird websites that are sure to keep your travels interesting. Bon voyage.



Put your faith in the stars and let them align your next trip. features a horoscope for the undecided traveler looking for a little guidance. Each month, the horoscope provides the ideal travel situation for every sign of the Zodiac. If you’re an Aquarius and it’s January, you may want to consider a quiet destination where you can reflect on life and take part in yoga classes. Even if you’re not a believer, this odd feature is an entertaining way to pick your next destination.



Airports aren’t exactly prime sleeping spots, so it’s hard to believe anyone would voluntarily slumber in one. But to each his own. Created by a frugal traveler, provides airport sleeping tips to those looking to save money on accommodations. According to the site, you should stock up on water and food before the airport shops close for the night and dress in layers in case the airport is too hot or cold. also rates the 10 best and worst airports for sleeping and even provides an airport lounge guide.



When you book a trip, you typically try to avoid a destination where injury or death is highly possible, but if you like to live dangerously, have a glance at The website, based off a book authored by a man who knows a thing or two about danger, is a survival guide for those who find themselves in dangerous locations. Robert Young Pelton, who has traveled to some of the sketchiest places around and has escaped death on more than a few occasions, provides safety and health tips as well as stats for each dangerous place so that you, too, can come back alive.



If you’re sick of camping in your own backyard, has a solution: Camp in someone else’s. The website features a selection of backyard campsites located around the world, ranging from simple to luxurious. Each campsite is advertised by its owner and includes information on its price, location and available facilities. Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try it.



One of the most peculiar travel websites out there, Atlas Obscura is an adventure in and of itself -- never mind the bizarre attractions that it suggests. The website features odd places that you’ve probably never heard of, and it does a darn good job at it. If you’re feeling brave or curious, click on the “random place” button to bring up an array of strange attractions, ranging from a National Leprechaun Museum in Dublin to an eerie fiberglass mold graveyard in Wisconsin (where thousands of fiberglass animal molds are dumped).



If you’ve ever wanted a behind-the-scenes look at airline food (because, sometimes, it’s a mystery), you’ve come to the right place. displays user-submitted photos of almost 30,000 meals and snacks served on over 600 airlines and counting. You can search the good, the bad and the ugly by airline or class, and you can even get a glimpse into how and where some of the foods are produced. For a blast into the past, browse through the old airline ads or the photos of airline meals served from the 1950s to 1980s.



Who says couch surfing has to be a spur-of-the-moment activity? With, you can plan out your couch surfing schedule with hosts across the globe. First, make a profile depending on whether you’d like to host or couch surf. If you’re interested in couch surfing, send a “couch request,” including your length of stay to the prospective host. If you’re just looking for a tour guide or a meet-and-greet event, is good for that, too. Couch surfing has never been so easy, and weird.

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