The Top 29 Cities to Visit in 2011

29. Amsterdam, Netherlands Long considered the European party capital, Amsterdam has become only slightly less debauched with a recent political turn toward the conservative. And though legalized prostitution and marijuana are still at the forefront of most tourists' minds, the compact city (one of the smallest capitals in the EU, with less than one million inhabitants) presents other physical pleasures as well. By renting a bike (or boat), you can easily navigate the narrow city streets as well as the diked-in surrounding countryside. Ride westward out to the former island of Ruigoord, for instance, and discover an artists' collective preserving the spirit of the 1970s. <a href="">Click here for more about Amsterdam from AskMen</a> (MorBCN)

28. Sydney, Australia It may not technically be Australia’s warmest or sunniest city (though it towers well above its rival, Melbourne, in both categories), but Sydney is where the traveling man will be most spoiled for options on a warm, sunny day In Australia. The city’s two signature tourist beaches, Manly and Bondi, come alive when the sun is shining and attract the cream of the bikini-clad beauty crop. But there’s no need to limit yourself to these inevitably crowded options. <a href="">Click here for more about Sydney from</a> (Corey Leopold )

27. Mumbai, India It can be hard to meet local people in some cities. Mumbai, however, is not one of them. After a few days of the energetic madness that is the city, you’ll be trying to figure out how you can get away from everyone for a while. The answer: You can’t. Mumbai is a city that will embrace you. The only way to enjoy it is to get swept up in it all. <a href="">Click here for more about Mumbai from</a> (Public Domain)

26. Montreal, Canada Montreal may be one of the most underappreciated cities in North America, possibly thanks to visions of a town buried in year-round snow. But those who have made it to this island city have been rewarded with a town buzzing with a distinct European charm mixed with the best food, shopping and nightlife the Great White North has to offer. <a href="">Click here for more about Montreal from</a> (Tourism Montreal)

25. Wellington, New Zealand Most times, New Zealand’s level of interest in the sport of rugby is set somewhere around "obsessed." In 2011, however, with the Rugby World Cup coming to town, that obsession will rise to an all-encompassing mania, and there’s no better city in Kiwiland to experience it in than Wellington. The New Zealand capital knows how to put on a show. This is a city that seems to be in party mode year round, with more bars, cafes and restaurants per capita than New York City. The nightlife around Courtenay Place is pretty much always pumping, with everything from huge clubs to hole-in-the-wall boozers dishing it up to the thirsty masses. <a href="">Click here for more about Wellington from</a>

24. Istanbul, Turkey On Some cities are known for food and some for nightlife, but Istanbul offers a bit of everything -- from sports to cuisine to architectural marvels. In 2010, it was appointed the European Capital of Culture, and in 2012, it will be the European Capital of Sport. That means, in 2011, it must be the best of both, right? <a href="">Click here for more on Istanbul from</a> (Thinkstock)