Small town travels: wacky Wall South Dakota and historic Spring Green Wisconsin

Did you know that there are 300 signs around South Dakota advertising Wall Drug? (Wall Drug)

There may only be 800 citizens in the city of Wall, but Wall Drug can rack up to 20,000 visitors per day! (Wall Drug)

The Wall Drug Store was purchased by Ted Hustead in 1931. After putting up signs advertising free ice water in the middle of the summer, it didn't take much to get tourists driving by the area to come inside to get a drink. (Wall Drug)

A giant jackalope is just one of Wall Drugs' many quirks! (Wall Drug)

What a blast from the past! Like any real drug store, Wall Drug has kept its traditional soda shop. (Wall Drug)

Nothing like a funny souvenir shirt to take away from your trip to Wall Drug! The store has something for everybody--cowboy hats, bumper stickers, and even stuffed jackalopes. (Wall Drug)

The Up-the-Hill Theatre at the American Players Theatre outside Spring Green, Wis. (American Players)

The carousel at the House on the Rock in Spring Green, Wis. (Library of Congress)

Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright’s summer home in Spring Green, Wis.

During his summers at Taliesin, Frank Lloyd studied the patterns and rhythms of nature Nature, which is part and parcel of his designs. (Taliesin Preservation, Inc.)