Richard Marx helps restrain violent passenger on Korean Air flight

In flight squabbles are becoming more frequent but they don’t usually involve famous faces.

On Tuesday, singer Richard Marx helped restrain a violent passenger on a Korean Air flight after the man began attacking flight attendants and other passengers—and his wife Daisy Fuentes captured the entire incident as it happened, according to TMZ.

“On our flight from Hanoi to Seoul a guy sitting in the next row from us got crazy & started attacking the flight attendants & passengers,” Fuentes explained in an Instagram post.

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

“When he started pushing the female staff and pulling them by the hair @therichardmarx was the first to help subdue him. This went on for FOUR hrs.”

Fuentes captured her husband’s efforts in a series of photos. At one point during the scuffle, the flight crew even used a rope to keep the passenger from lashing out. According to Fuentes, at least two passengers and a crew member were injured during the incident.

Marx also posted about the ordeal on his Facebook page and said he believes the Korean airline employees aboard were not properly equipped to handle the out-of-control flier and that the airline should be sanctioned.

“Korean Air #480. A completely ill-prepared and untrained crew for a situation like this. Four hours of a psycho passenger attacking crew members and other passengers,” he said.

He added that while he and Fuentes were safe the “all female crew was clueless and not trained as to how to restrain this psycho and he was only initially subdued when I and a couple other male passengers intervened.”


He said it took so long to subdue the passenger because the man was able to break his restraints “easily.”

The singer says the man was taken into police custody after the flight landed in Seoul Tuesday evening.

A representative for Korean Air was not immediately available for comment.

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