Disney World honors woman's unused ticket from 20 years ago

Chelsea Herline poses in front of Cinderella's Castle at Walt Disney World in April (left) and as a four-year-old with Pluto in 1994. (FOX 35)

Disney has received a lot of flack for raising ticket prices earlier this year.

But one California woman was able to score the deal of lifetime when Disney allowed her to use an Orlando theme park ticket that was originally purchased in 1994.

Over 20 years ago, Chelsea Herline visited Walt Disney World Resort with her family. Her parents had purchased a 4-day park hopper pass for the vacation but on the final day of the trip, Herline got sick and wasn’t able to go to the park, reports FOX 35.

Fast forward to present day when Herline’s father discovered the tattered ticket while doing a little spring cleaning.

"He was cleaning our basement, and he found the ticket in our safe in the basement, so he had kept it for 22 years, and he knew we had a trip to Florida coming up, so he brought the ticket with him," Herline, who is now 26 and lives in San Francisco, told the station.

The ticket still had her picture on it from when she was a toddler along with her signature, which she posted on LinkedIn.

The family had already planned a trip back to Florida in late April so Herline decided to bring the old ticket along—just to see what would happen. She walked up to the front gate and presented her ticket from 1994.

"I  walked up, and there was a girl at the ticket counter, and I approached her with a big smile and I said hi, I have a really old ticket, will you let me in, and so she said, 'Of course!'"

After a little Disney magic, the old paper ticket was changed to modern electronic ticket. In 1994, the price of a one-day Disney World park admission ticket was $36. Today, a regular priced one-day pass is $110.

"I was very surprised that it worked, but at the same time, the ticket didn't have an expiration date on it, so I thought there was a small chance they would let me in, but  I  didn't realize it could be that easy,” says Herline of the experience.

And after 22 years, Herline still found herself acting like a kid all over again spending the day riding new rides, taking pictures with characters and enjoying Mickey-themed food by herself.

"This has been a really funny experience. I was not expecting this at all and my parents are loving it that they were able to save the ticket so long, and it's getting this much attention. So, it's pretty awesome!"