'Your World' Viewers sound off

We interrupt this program to talk about well, my "interrupting" on this program.

Some of you have had enough say I go too far.

Art e-mails.

"Your voice is very grating and you continue to interrupt your guests when they are answering your questions. Why don't you retire?"

Donald, Grove City, Ohio.

"Cavuto, will you please shut up and let your guests talk?"

Jim in Bradenton, Florida.

"When you ask a question, shut up and listen to the answer. Your guests are trying to explain something and you keep interrupting. It's rude as hell."

Jim, it's rude if they really "are" explaining, not so if they're just "avoiding."

And in this age of fiscal-cliff-yapping politicians, who'd rather spout speeches than offer solutions, a lot of avoiding go on here very few specifics being offered here.

You might find it rude to interrupt a speech, Jim; I find it ruder allowing one.

Bette in Las Cruces, N.M.

"I understand the need to prevent them from rambling on, but if that's what they are going to do, why bother booking them?"

To get answers, Bette. And when they're not answering, or worse, stone-walling I have to step in.

Still, some argue I don't step in enough!!

Carl in N.Y..

"You let Democrats spin and spin."

Elaina in Detroit.

"Curious how you never interrupt a Republican, Cavuto? Don't 'ya think?"

Are these guys watching the same show?

This from Sal in New Jersey.

"You’re a gutless, spineless, lap dog to whatever powerful guest you're sucking up to. You sit on that fancy set of yours like a clueless Buddha..."

"...letting these politicians run roughshod all over you. If you don't have it in you to challenge, how do I get this to your boss Roger Ailes so I can have him fire you?"

Say I'm Bill O'Reilly, Sal.

Anne via MSN.

"You're a fat ignoramus."

Anne, you're wrong. I'm not an ignoramus.

Kelly in Oregon.

"Why don't you engage your guests more and show some class, instead of all but calling them names, you puffed-up, plastic-hair blowhard."

I'll consider the classy suggestion, Kelly.

This from David via AOL.

"If you're so smart, why do you look and sound so dumb?"

You got me, David. Good genes, maybe?

Vincent via Yahoo.

"Someone told me your voice sounds the way it does because you're sick or something. Then I'm in a doctor's office and I caught this article on you...

And I felt bad. Not bad enough to like you just bad that Fox couldn't see through its pity and find someone healthy and with it to replace you."

Oooooookay, Vincent. I'll put you down as "not" yet a fan.

Alonzo in Puerto Rico writes

"Where I come from, we beat the crap out of arrogant jerks like you."

Alonzo, where I come from, we don't email stuff like that.

Kyle in Washington, D.C.

"I read somewhere you're very trusted. By whom? Aliens from outer space?"

Yes, Kyle. Exactly.

Alexa in NYC.

"I find you incredibly hot, in an intellectual sort of way."

You're not alone, Alexa. You're not alone.

Jen in Atlantic City.

"This kitty wants to play with a certain anchor boy toy. No interruptions though."

Jen, you're scaring me.

Morris via AOL.

"So I looked you up on the internet and discovered that despite what you show on the air, you're smart, well educated, well regarded, and here's what I found the killer

"...30 years in the business and you've never been fired? I pray there's always a first time and it's coming soon."

I pray you're wrong, Morris.

Gilbert via Yahoo.

"I find you a fascinating TV anchor specimen, in that you're not very good looking, sound like a sick parrot just yammering and yammering, and dress like something between...

Gomez from "The Adams Family" and Nathan Lane from "Birdcage." but there you sit, on national TV, and here I sit, watching you. Is this a great country or what, Cavuto?"

It is indeed, Gilbert, it is indeed.

Carol in Atlanta.

"If it weren't for your constant interruptions, you'd be perfect. But alas, you're an ass you love the sound of your own voice more than peace for your viewers' ears."

Alas, carol, I’m only seeking out truth for my viewers' ears. Not speeches. Answers. They don't start answering, I don't stop interrupting.

In fact, "chip" out in south bend says i shouldn't. And his is the email I am now making my...

My email of the week!!!

"I don't know if you remember meeting me briefly at the democratic convention in charlotte this past summer. We took a picture. You were very kind..."

"...and I told you I thought you were very fair. If you were interrupting only Democrats, or only Republicans, I'd worry. But you seem like a pretty fair and aggressive questioner to me..."

"...and both sides seem to respect you for it. Nowhere on TV this election year did I see an anchor...

Who managed to get so many big guests of both parties to come on and have at it with him? They clearly liked you, admired you...

And enjoyed the tussle with you. And when John McCain tells you you can stop sending him personal thank you notes..."

"...and even calls you out on air for being robbed for not being voted 'sexiest person on earth,' that just proves to me and my wife, at least

"...you're out of this world. Way to go, Cavuto. You give us dorky losers, who never got a date in high school hope."