Yoo: California is trying to meddle with ballot to oppose Trump

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," August 6, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: Hannity, you had a fantastic show. Absolutely, I am Laura Ingraham and this is “The Ingraham Angle” from another busy Washington tonight. The Democrats refused to accept President Trump denouncing hate and of course white the premises.

So will it anything satisfy them at this point? Former ACLU Executive Michael Myers and Former DNC Spokesman Luis Miranda are here to debate that. Then Raymond Arroyo is here with an astonishing look at the common characteristics of these mass shooters that are being ignored amid the blame game.

Plus John Nyou (ph) on California's attempt to keep Trump offs the ballot there in 2020 how democratic of them. But first Democrats fan the flames of hatred. That's a focus of tonight's “Angle.”

Since last night's “Angle” and we exposed the Democrats exploitation of human tragedies for political gain. Things have gotten worse if you can believe it. In the last 24 hours, the left smears and attacks have been become more ghoulish, more vicious and more unhinged. With the help of prominent media collaborators they have launched what I think is basically a three-pronged assault designed to.

Number one, profit from the massacre through political fund-raising. Number two; raise their public profiles in a competitive campaign season. And number three, target and silence their political opponents through defamation and demonization.

Now the Democratic National Committee sent out an email signed by Former Representative Gabby Giffords, remember she her herself was almost killed by an assassin and that mailing encourage people to split their donations between the DNC and Gifford's own pack in the wake of these tragedies.

Elizabeth Warren whose candidacy the Dayton shooter supported you may remember is also getting in on the act, writing in an email" If we are going to address the gun violence epidemic in our country we need to take back the Senate in 2020." She then urges people to donate to several Democrat Senatorial candidates. Then today on MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle focused at least on important stuff.


STEPHANIE RUHLE, MSNBC HOST: As that is this may sound, could this moment be a chance for Beto to gain some momentum?



INGRAHAM: As bad as that did sound. My friend, this is just macabre, callous stuff, from the people by the way who claimed to have the market cornered on compassion for those who are suffering. At the same time there's a coordinated effort on the left to use the shootings to marginalize and silence the President and his supporters.

Now, completing the evil racism of a deranged killer with Trump's reasonable and much needed call for border security, it's not just offensive. It's absolutely up seen. And by the way, I didn't see any Republicans trying to read blame into the murderer's radical environmental and anti-corporate angling's.

Well, those have gone largely unreported. I wonder why? Now this is how leftist darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez decided to honor the victims of these massacres and lower the temperature.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: I don't want to hear the question, is this President racist anymore. He is.


INGRAHAM: That's going to save a lot of lives. She also reportedly said at the same event that the President is "Directly responsible" for the massacre in El Paso. Yes you heard that right, directly responsible. Her language is the definition of irresponsible and incendiary.

Now, it's so bad that today Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro went on Twitter to list the names and employers of 44 top Trump donors in San Antonio. He wrote their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as "Invaders."

Now, a sitting congressman is doxing slandering and frankly endangering his own constituents. Forget persuasion. Democrats have decided to demonize and just altogether write off a huge swath of the population as just a bunch of racists. This is a campaign of intimidation and I'm telling you it's going to end up getting more people hurt.

Let me show you where all this leads. Once mainstream Democrats start branding all Trump supporters's as deplorable racists, they all become targets in their own way. A despicable group were they not only of marginalization but elimination by any means necessary.

Now this was the scene outside of Mitch McConnell's house. We brought you a little bit of this last night.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hopefully someone has some voodoo dolls in there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yeah, you know somebody that's probably what it is. Just stab the leap in the heart.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are trying to get the stuff out of his house.


INGRAHAM: It just takes your breath away. There is a lot of racist hate out there. And the Democrats strategy apparently is to, I don't know, just feed it. They are throwing kerosene on this fire and the end game is to drive those who disagree with them underground to silence them with fear tactics and scare tactics and then turn them into targets.

Now even when the President explicitly condemns white supremacists and he calls for unity. Peace and calm, it wasn't enough.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have also called on this President to say the words that he finally said today but they ring hallow.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump today who did finally condemned white supremacy kind of.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is a President who seems to want these things to happen.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's the arsonist coming and saying they want to put out the fire.


INGRAHAM: It's just unbridled political hate. They couldn't defeat him in 2016 they are still frustrated and, whatever he is in the poll, 45 percent in the polls. They just can't take it. They even seek to bar the President by the way from offering his condolences and words of comfort to the affected community.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why is he coming here when he hates us?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's urging the President not to come to El Paso.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is not welcomed here. He should not come here while we are in morning.


INGRAHAM: Well that's usually when a President shows up to console her hurting citizens. It's basically damn defeat us damn defeat us and if he didn't go they would crucify him if he goes they're going to crucify him. He just has to do the right thing here and he is doing it.

They do not want to give him a platform to appear but they will always call for it. They want him to act presidential or unify America because that ends their narrative. They want to stir up grievance and hatred for political purposes while ignoring the trends that may be fueling some of these mass killings that the country so many are suffering through tonight.

And as they scapegoat President Trump for these strategies, they ignore the exclusion of other pathologies in the United States that are taking lives every single day. Suicides increasing isolation of Americans, loneliness, curse and culture coming apart at the scenes all of which could be analyzed in this general analysis of what is going on?

The rise of these mass shootings it's an important issue, it's a big issue. We're going to explore it in this hour. This is a time for calm and unity. We should not and we will not allow the political hucksters of the left to separate us or distract us from addressing these real problems that need practical workable solutions.

Let's not give either an evil racist force or a lunatic left wing nut any satisfaction by turning on one another in the wake of the heinous acts of domestic terror. And that is THE ANGLE.

All right, here now with reaction is Michael Meyers, Executive Director of The New York Civil Rights Coalition and Former ACLU National Vice President and Luis Miranda, Former DNC Communications Director. Great to have you both on tonight. Michael--


INGRAHAM: How did we get to this point, where the Democrats are it's always for free speech and free association are now in this mode where they are trying to drive people underground intimidate them and brand of them purely for their political belief?

MEYERS: Those Democrats have a theme. Free speech for me and not for thee. They don't want to hear from anybody who disagrees with them. They don't want to hear anybody who wants to answer them. They want to have free reign to do and say whatever outrageous thing they have to say about people who disagree with them.

And they pretend that they believe in free speech. They don't believe in free speech. They believe in so many. They believe in disunity and they will do anything and say anything to defeat the candidate who they fear the most, and that's Donald Trump who is a free speaker. He speaks plainly and honestly and he speaks what he believes but they don't want to hear it. And they don't want America to hear it.

INGRAHAM: Luis, this is an exchange on MSNBC today on the Nicole Wallace with a guest talking about this issue, let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do we do with an infestation? With the infestation the natural conclusion is to attempt extermination.

NICHOLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: You don't have a President that you said talking about exterminating Latinos.


INGRAHAM: Well, of course he never said that, she went on to tweet that she didn't mean to phrase it that way and I will take her at her word but she said Trumps constant assault on people of color and his use of the word invasion to describe the flow of immigrants as intentional and constant. Luis, to say the President and to infer her guest did that he wants the "Extermination of a people," How was that helping anyone?

LUIS MIRANDA, FORMER DNC COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Here's the problem Laura. You and I have talked about the need to lower the temperature and the rhetoric in this country. But the reality is the President when he comes out and it was good that he finally denounced racism, that finally he did something he couldn't do kind of--

INGRAHAM: He did Charlottesville.

MEYERS: Finally.

MIRANDA: But the - no he didn't. You saw the people going sides.

INGRAHAM: Yes, he did.

MIRANDA: And I'm happy that the bar was so loud that basically wants to say that there was a good person on the other side of that weapon because that's basically what he's done in the past. The problem with Donald Trump is and Laura, your entire angle was the dissidents of saying that Donald Trump's words have no impact but that's somehow the far left words are going to have that kind of impact.

So, let's be honest. We should be lowering the temperature on this and making sure that the President doesn't just give one teleprompter speech, but that he just stops tweeting the hateful things that he stops going onto his rallies and allowing chance speak to the racism that he doesn't allow someone to say, "shoot them" about immigrants and then just let's his officers - only in the pan handle because that's what he did Laura.

And so let's not pretend that Donald Trump rhetoric is not part of the problem. I was just co-author on a Washington Post op-ed speaking to this point that we need him and the rest of the Congress in Washington to take action and denounce domestic terrorism domestic violent extremism because we need to designate what it is.

INGRAHAM: I think you are right about that. I think targeting people with this type of language in a heated political moment of tragedy is going to bring about more violence and bloodshed potentially in this country. That's what we're all worried about. I don't care--

MIRANDA: I don't want to see that either.

INGRAHAM: I don't care where you are. But individuals, and Michael you can speak to this. Individuals they all have a right to speak out. AOC has a right to say whatever she wants. Tlaib, Omar, Trump, we all have a right to speak out, but don't call Trump a racists because he believes that the border should be enforced because that's really what's going on here. Michael.

MEYERS: That's exactly right. I don't think - any time someone speaks differently from you are a racists. Anytime someone speak differently from the rabble-rousers on the left, we are racist or we are not racist. We believe in free speech and we believe in replying to offensive speech.

Now this whole notion that people speech is offensive because they disagree with you, no. They may be offensive because they disagree with you or they disagree with the government, they disagree with group hatreds they disagree with your political agenda. But they have a right to speak. So why can't the left and the right affirm to free speech rights of all Americans including those who?

MIRANDA: Well, hold on; hold on, this is a ridiculous argument. When you consider the fact that free speech is the Supreme Court has determined that you can't yell fire in a crowded theater because of the danger to people's life that it creates.

MEYERS: You can't yell fire falsely.


MIRANDA: That's what - doing. He is yelling fire in a crowded theater and he's doing it to incite fear and he is doing it for the purpose of political gain and it's disgusting.

INGRAHAM: Wait a second, so - I'm very confused. So you are saying the President arguing for vigorous border enforcement including honoring deportation order?

MIRANDA: He's calling it an invasion?

INGRAHAM: Hold on. A lot of people have called it an invasion over the year. It's not all that surprising today.

MEYERS: It is an invasion. When you cross the border of the country and you are not welcomed, and you don't have a reason that's an invasion.

INGRAHAM: By the ways of it thousands of people came into your home at one time, not invited you might like them they might be great people but you wouldn't say okay fantastic sit down for dinner. You'd probably say what's going on here? You need an invitation to come to my house. That's not a bad thing okay. For you to believe that are anyone else. So that's - let's be honest here what's going on, this is--

MIRANDA: I called this you out for fixing the broken immigration system. But he's constantly trying to portray Hispanics as rapists and murders and that's people who are invading this country. And let's remember that of the 45 million Hispanic here when we talk about the undocumented population it's may be 10 - 8 to 11 million depending on estimates--


MIRANDA: --Hispanics in the United States are U.S. citizens born here, second third generations just like any other population of America. They all have the right to be here.


INGRAHAM: That's not right.

MEYERS: That is enough, this - the only ones who are born and have a right to be here either. But there are Hispanics who do not have a right to be here. There are blacks who do not have a right to be here. There are whites who do not have a right to be here. People have a right to control our borders.

MIRANDA: So let's treat it as a law enforcement of whatever issue it is--


MEYERS: Have you been to Australia?

MIRANDA: But when Donald Trump on these rallies - he is getting fire in a crowded theater and he is creating and he is encouraging people who are facilitating it.

INGRAHAM: Okay - he feel a lot smarter than that. That argument wouldn't hold up in any court of law. Okay, but Obama's statement on that--

MIRANDA: Laura, you said against the left at the beginning of the show.

INGRAHAM: I'm not going to argue Supreme Court that's just a week's argument. Obama says we should soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feeds the climate of fear and hatred were normalized racist sentiments. Leaders who demonize those who don't look like us suggest that other people including immigrants, threaten our way of life or for other people of sub human are implied that America belongs just a one certain type of people. The President's words Michael carry a lot of weight, not just here Former President's words, but around the world. Your reaction to that?

MEYER: The Former President's words, he has a right to his opinion. I applaud you for your opinion but that is your opinion. I have a different kind of opinion I don't believe anything Obama says because I remember when he was President. I don't believe any of his policies were really for free speech or immigration rights. This is just double talk. It's an inversion of their rhetoric. Now that he is out of office, he has so much to say about people's rights, and constitutional right. But he was Donald Trump, when he was President in terms of how they define Donald Trump today.

INGRAHAM: Well, 800,000 people deported, Luis. And he's telling families, don't send your children here, we're going to send them home.

MIRANDA: That's right, and he did it in a way that focused with criminal records. He did it in a way that was responsible. He did it in a way without dehumanizing or talking about people as their sub human. And that's the big difference. That doesn't mean that both President said similar challenges that they have to deal with but it's how you talk about people.

INGRAHAM: If Trump deported 800,000 people and called them all wonderful people, you would be on my show hammering for deporting innocent people families just because they cross the border in a different way of life.

MEYERS: And if he--


MIRANDA: You know it's much border than that. There was a consistent tramline of deportations from 2001--

MEYERS: If Trump deported 800,000 people, you'll be calling him a racist.

INGRAHAM: Okay, Luis but you do support Obama's deportation of 800,000 people then? Do you support that?

MIRANDA: What I support is that we had a budget and--

INGRAHAM: Yes or no?

MIRANDA: --operation system of enforcement. And we did in the best way possible which was the focus on criminals.

INGRAHAM: So you support that.

MIRANDA: --Obama administration, including the deferred action program for childhood arrival.


INGRAHAM: Okay, I'm glad that the 800,000 people deported. Luis supports. All right, don't talk over each other. All right, panel thank you very much, great to have you both on. As we mourn nearly 3 dozen now killed in El Paso and Dayton, Chicago just had one of its deadliest weekends of the year. So why isn't the left talking about that? Curbing crime in the windy city, still needs to be done a live report from Chicago, next.


INGRAHAM: There has been wall-to-wall media coverage of the tragedies in El Paso and Dayton, but did you know on Sunday there were two mass shootings in Chicago marking one of the bloodiest weekends of the year leaving seven people dead and 55 injured. Look at this headline. So many people were shot in Chicago this weekend a hospital had to briefly stop taking patients. Fox's Matt Finn, live in Chicago tonight with the story. Matt.

MATT FINN, CORRESPONDENT: Laura, it was yet another disturbing violent weekend here in the city. And today the city's Mayor took a stand with police and publicly chastise judges at the - the Mayor says repeatedly let criminals walk free on bonds as low as a couple hundred dollars. Today, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was outraged highlighting suspects that can now walk free after being arrested over the weekend with firearms the Mayor says were modified to be weapons of war with armor piercing bullets. The Mayor says criminals caught with these types of weapons should get no bond.


LORI LIGHTFOOT, MAYOR OF CHICAGO: I need to understand from the judges who think that these people are not dangerous to the community. How do I explain that to people on the west side and on the south side who in many instances are living in a war zone? How do I explain to them that this is a justified use of bail?


FINN: Chicago's police Superintendent insist bail needs to be increased in Chicago to deter repeat gun offenders, the city's top cops says criminals simply are not afraid to pull the trigger in the city because right now they can easily post a hundred dollar bond over and over.

Chicago Police told Fox News that after this past weekend a total of 290 people have been murdered in the city so far this year 1,249 shooting incidences and 1600 shooting victims in Chicago. Over the weekend there was a two hour period where 17 people were shot and Chicago police decided to release horrifying audio of the single shoot-out in which you can hear nearly 51 seconds of continuous gunfire.

Eight people shot in the country's third largest city. In an effort to show the world the uphill battle that CPD faces, the Department now has a new website that list every adult felony gun offender if they have a criminal history and how much bond they post to walk free.

Now the Cook County Board President and the Chief Judge here in Cook County disagree with the Mayor and they disagree with police they say that the bail system was working here in Chicago and there needs to be even less people in jail. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Matt unbelievable story. Thank you so much tonight. And here on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE, we have been sounding the alarm on the violence, the plague of it in Chicago. Almost a year ago we committed on entire hour to put the spotlight on the liberal city overrun with crime.


INGRAHAM: The gang violence problem has reached epidemic proportions and it's not just a level of violence in the city that's the problem. It's the lack of justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They burnt him alive in a car. He wasn't in again, he did not do drugs. What was it that he could have done so bad that a monster would take his life like that?


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Reverend Bill Owens, Founder of the Coalition of African-American Pastors and Author of the forthcoming book, "A dream derailed". Reverend, you preached in the inner city, I'm still thinking of that horrific case of her nephew being left in a barrel that was burned. So he was burned alive or not, 14 years old left in a barrel. What does Chicago need?

REV BILL OWENS: AUTHOR OF "A DREAM DERAILED": Chicago needs spiritual leadership. Politicians cannot solve these kinds of problems. It's our families, ministers in our community that must go together to address these issues. Everybody is pointing to politicians.

Politicians have something to do with it. But the ministers, the families have more to do with it than politicians.

INGRAHAM: Pastor, this has been such a difficult week for the country. White nationalists ticks out all these people and it's horrific in El Paso, another shooting in the same time period. In Dayton, Ohio, and yet a lot of folks are saying at the same time, of course this is horrific. But why is there not the attention, even after we had President 8 years from Chicago Barack Obama. Why is there not a sustained effort to curb violence in places like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis - it goes on and on?

OWENS: It does, it goes on and on and on. How are we going to solve it? I repeat, with emphasis, the politicians cannot solve this and it's not right, it's not fair to point to one person and say he caused it all. How disrespectful is that? One person called at all. Is he God? The ministers should step up and address these issues in their communities. That's what we are for.

INGRAHAM: Reverend, I have to get your response to this interview you did the other night with CNN's Don Lemon. And the treatment that you received let's watch.


DON LEMON, CNN HOST: Any concern for you that the President use this meeting with black leaders to insulate himself from that criticism? I know it's hard for you and it's hard to believe that Trump is racist, but he has repeatedly used racially charged language. It sounds like you are condoning attacks, is that Christian leader or Godly?


INGRAHAM: You started off being called a faith leader in the lower third description. By the end of the segment you were called a controversial pastor on CNN because he wouldn't sing the song that they wanted you to sing about President Trump. What was that like?

OWENS: It didn't bother me, I was ready for it. It didn't bother me at all. When you come from where I came from, the deep-south where people were killed. They were talking about what's happening now. Black people were killed and murdered in this country when I was a boy like nothing. They were hung from trees. They were beaten. They were taken advantage of. And all this talk now about the President caused it, but who caused it then?

INGRAHAM: And pastor, the President is making a big push for African- American support and he is being ridiculed and laughed at for doing that. It's an effort that - he has been trying to forward for since really he came into the office with the criminal justice reform, opportunity zones other reforms such as one you attended.

But the left is basically saying, how dare you? Even make this effort and they call him a white supremacist, racist, et cetera. You spent time with the President, you know this President.

OWENS: Absolutely I did.

INGRAHAM: And what are your thoughts on what they are doing to him, his supporters and even those of us who actually tried to call balls and strikes on politics day in and day out?

OWENS: I think it's terrible. I think they should steady history. When my book comes out it's going to reveal where all of this started. When President Johnson, who was my hero until 2015, when I discovered what happened under his watch, when they hired a 100,000 federal social workers to go throughout the country and get the black father out of the home and the government became the father of the home, they put the women on welfare and they were pregnant. They would approach them and put them on welfare, but the father could not be in the home. The government became the father. And that is when so many so many of our black boys went to prison. That caused the destruction of our family even till today. I see the effects of it now. And most people don't know that. My book will tell it all.

INGRAHAM: Pastor Owens, the left and Democrats, they want to shut down this conversation about a spiritual loss in our country. They want to shut it down, and they want to call anyone who raises questions about various policies as racist, as white supremacists, or you are anti-immigrant. If you believe in legal immigration you are now anti-immigrant. This is the level of discourse we gotten to.

And none of us are perfect. I'm sure everybody gets hot under the collar every now and then, and that's fine. But this is now at a point where people's lives are being taken, and other bloodshed could occur because of the demonization game. And I think a black conservative today, because I worked for Justice Thomas, you can say anything about an African-American conservative because they are demonized to such an extent.

OWENS: I don't mind. Let them demonize me, but I'm going to stand for rights. I'm a Gospel preacher, and I will stand for right, I don't care who it is.

INGRAHAM: Joy Reid, who you might not watch her very often, but she made an interesting comment, to put it charitably, about President Trump and African-Americans. Watch.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: Donald Trump has two kinds of visions of black people. One, celebrities and sports stars that he wants to be around, and two, every other black person that he thinks is beneath him. He's just Republican George Wallace.


INGRAHAM: Republican George Wallace, 15 seconds pastor. Your thoughts on that demonization?

OWENS: It's natural. They come at President Trump with all of these issues. Where did they start? They started right after the civil rights movement or during the civil rights movement when the Democrats --

INGRAHAM: Pastor, we are out of time, unfortunately. But we can't wait to read your book. Thank you for joining us tonight.

OWENS: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: We have a lot more to get to. Stay there.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mitch, we know you are home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- you, -- your wife, -- everything you stand for.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hopefully some -- out there with some voodoo dolls of these --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know somebody is. That's probably what it is. Just stab -- in the heart please.


INGRAHAM: The rabid left, they're on the move. And it's not only those irate activists you just saw protesting outside Mitch McConnell's house. There are other steps being taken that will hurt, maybe even destroy free speech in the long term.

"The New York Times" yesterday bowed to the far left Twitter mob over the fair headline "Trump urges unity versus racism," which is exactly what Trump did, by the way. Now the headline is a little more in line with the left's narrative. So much for the paper of record.

Here to discuss, Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, and Dennis Kucinich, former congressman whose district included Dayton.


INGRAHAM: Cleveland, OK. Dennis, my prayers go out to you, everyone in Ohio tonight still suffering. I don't think they're getting the attention they deserve, and their mourning needs to be respected as well. What's going on here, Congressman Kucinich. You have people urging the stabbing of Mitch McConnell. They call him "Massacre Mitch." That was trending last night after I believe an NBC host started the hashtag moving the other day.

KUCINICH: You have a fringe element whose violent behavior is achieving the outsized importance. And it's absolutely distorting the political environment. As far as targeting Mr. McConnell, the senator may have opinions that we disagree with. But we have to start toning down this rhetoric, because it is, as you said earlier, this is dangerous. Somebody is going to get hurt. People have already been killed as a result of it. And it isn't so much about placing the blame on individuals as it is trying to change the larger environment that we are in here, which can trigger all kinds of thoughts, and people aren't very strongminded.

INGRAHAM: The Internet inflames all the worst. People who are isolated, lonely. We're going to get into that next segment with Raymond. Devastating isolation in the world of connectivity, which we don't even talk about. But what happened over the last 24 hours since the president did exactly what they said, you must do this, he did it. It's not good enough. You have to act presidential. He's extremely presidential. He's going to go to El Paso. You are not welcome in El Paso. You're not welcome in Dayton. We're going to -- basically implicitly threatening the visit. Matt, they want to stop him from campaigning. I'm telling people that tonight. They are trying to stop him from going to Chicago or Oakland, or San Jose. This is where we are.

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIR, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION: This is what they did on the college campus. They want to make it so the president can't come and give us a commencement unless it's at the academies. They want to make sure he's stuck in the Rose Garden. The was a time when John F. Kennedy actually wrote a contribution to Richard Nixon when they were Senate colleagues. There was a time when Ted Kennedy, who is as liberal as all get out, could work with Orrin Hatch and they didn't hate each other. They actually liked each other. They gave each other personal advice.

And we do have to get to the point where you can disagree with someone. I bet I disagree with Dennis and you disagree with me on almost every big issue. But we like each other and we kind of thrash it out.

INGRAHAM: I adore Dennis. Dennis is one of my favorite people.

SCHLAPP: But I don't want anyone to kill you. I think you're a wonderful person. It's a shame we've come to his.

KUCINICH: But what we are actually talking about here is a call for calm, a call for unity, a respect for differences, and not just looking at those differences. It would be good as Americans for us to look at ourselves again, not just as Democrats, Republicans, conservatives and liberals, but as Americans. There's something that connects us.

I want to share something with you. When I campaigned twice for president, I saw something that was so important. I saw an underlying unity in the country.

INGRAHAM: There's a lot of thing just basically people agree on.

KUCINICH: Yes. And so we can't lose sight of that. We can't lose sight of a deeper meaning of America.

SCHLAPP: How about cops running in when people are getting shot. How about people stopping and doing CPR on the victims? I know these are tragedies, but there's also a beauty of people stepping up and doing the right thing.

INGRAHAM: We do focus on those who refused to stand for that Anthem. They have a right. They don't want to stand for the Anthem. But most Americans do.

SCHLAPP: But 99 percent of us are weeping and emotional.

INGRAHAM: But people don't stand for the Anthem, or the spit on the flag. I don't like that. But they spit on the flag, OK. But most people decide we are all in all a pretty darn good country. We're not perfect but we're pretty darn good. And I think it is a time for everybody to take a breath and realize a presidential election comes and goes, but the country has to survive. And I'm telling you, with the congressman framing people who donate to campaigns as complicit to murder, which was what Joaquin Castro did tonight, it wasn't just we're going to publish names, it's all public information anyway. It's the frame around it, Dennis, you know what I'm talking about. The frame around it is, you give to Trump, you are complicit in murder. You give to Trump, you might as well pull the trigger. What is that going to do? People are going to start showing up at places of work.

KUCINICH: The politicization of violence is in and of itself a form of violence, because when you start to say that this person is responsible because of his or her politics, just based on that, that makes for a more dangerous environment.

SCHLAPP: My view is this, Laura, which is we have a real racism. But when almost everything is Republican or conservative is replaced for that racism, it means that when you stand up and fight real racist, it just seems like everything else, it dilutes it. And on this question of calling out people who are writing checks and everything else, come on. Let's be smart about this. Why take people want to be involved in politics in a constructive way --

INGRAHAM: Why do you think?

SCHLAPP: Because they are trying to silence them.

INGRAHAM: They want people to live in fear unless they are expressing the views they agree with. Then they can say anything.

SCHLAPP: But they went after Nancy Pelosi. They went after the staff of the DCCC. They went after Joe Biden.

INGRAHAM: I want to know where all the civil libertarians are tonight. Dennis is one of them. We can disagree vociferously, vigorously. It's fine. That's America. We are not dueling. We're not having duels in public, so that's good. But not the way they're doing it.

By the way, I've to play this. This is Ruben Gallego from Arizona, a Democrat. Do we have this? Yes. This is what he said. Watch.


REP. RUBEN GALLEGO, D-ARIZ.: The one thing that's very consistent about Mitch McConnell, he could care less about anybody in this country except for himself and his donors. And he is the grim reaper.

You have like Mitch McConnell and President Trump that talk a good game after every shooting, but then hope we all forget and go away and then just keep moving on. The only way that we're every going to stop this is by getting rid of Mitch McConnell.


INGRAHAM: Getting rid of, getting rid of. What does that mean? To whom does that mean real termination?

KUCINICH: There's a dialectic of conflict going on there that is moved by words. And people who are in Congress, and I served in Congress for 16 years, we're admonished on the floor of the House to be careful with our words. And I think it's also important to be careful with our words when we are performing our public duties.

SCHLAPP: Mitch McConnell can't solve this problem, government can't solve this problem. We have a darkness in our country and we all better get in on the fight to pull each other back together and try to find some common purpose here.

INGRAHAM: Marianne Williamson said there are dark forces lurking about. I think she's right. She probably thought it was just Donald Trump.

KUCINICH: You can't meet hate with hate. You have to meet it with love, even as tough as that might be.

INGRAHAM: Hear, hear. John Paul II, I believe, said that. Panel, thank you very much.

And to stop the next mass shooter, what are the common characteristics of these killers? We're focused on one thing, but are we missing the other. Raymond Arroyo has the troubling details, next.


INGRAHAM: While the media is fixated on access to guns, there seem to be common threads that run between these mass shooters, including those in El Paso and Dayton. FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo has been examining those connections on what we might be all missing. Raymond, what characteristics to they possess.

RAYMOND ARROYO, CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, it's definitely not politics, OK. The entire conversation has been focused of the political leanings for these shooters. The El Paso shooter feared a border invasion and spewed environmental radicalism. The Dayton killer was a Satanist and an AOC fan. But this comment from the Dayton shooter's ex-girlfriend is the most telling. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This isn't about race. This isn't about religion. If it's none of those things. This is a man who was in pain and didn't get the help that he needed. People go every day being perfectly fine and with having mental illness, me included. And he just got the short end of the stick. No support system.


ARROYO: No support system. And this is one of those common characteristics. The El Paso shooter as well. People say he was very standoffish, he didn't have connections with people. He was picked on in school. He sounds a lot like Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter.

INGRAHAM: Eight hours a day, he said himself sometimes I'm online for eight hours a day. So connectivity with no connection.

ARROYO: They marinate there. They marinate in this social media world. And researchers at the Justice Department and elsewhere have examined all these mass shooters since 1966. When you put several of these studies together there are some common hallmarks. There are these. Domestic violence or childhood trauma leading to mental health abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse, isolation. A reverence for other shooters and seeking validation of their motivations. And an announcement of their intentions.

Laura, we have suicides exploding in this countries, 33 percent increase since 1999, 47,000 Americans killed themselves in 2017. Something is happening, particularly among the young. The drug legalization is a part of this.

INGRAHAM: It will go down as one of the worst things we've ever done.

ARROYO: The violent content, the family breakdown, all of that.

INGRAHAM: The left just laughs at that. Oh, games. We're not saying games per se cause anything. We're just saying the living in your own isolation.

ARROYO: That isolation with mental health difficulties undiagnosed and no connection.

INGRAHAM: What did she say, no support system.

ARROYO: Right.

INGRAHAM: A YouGov study, millennials, the loneliest generation. These findings released before this weekend's shootings are heartbreaking. Among them, 27 percent of millennials say they have no close friends, 25 percent don't have any acquaintances. That's compared to just nine percent of baby boomers, 15 percent of Gen Xers who say the same. Where did we go from here?

ARROYO: I'll tell you where we go from here. The president should convene a national task force on mental health and the connection to violence in these mass shootings. And as the pastor said earlier in this show, it's going to take a moral reawakening, family, community ties. And at a time when priests are breaking their vows and pastors are violating their principles, it's a tough moment for the church and morality, and you need it, and family structure.

But we need to identify these people, almost profile them, Laura, discover their difficulties and get them the help they need. They are out there, they're crying out, but they are in isolation. And this culture is sadly fomenting, and we're going to see more of this.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, extremely powerful. Thank you.

And up next, President Trump and the RNC fight back against a bogus new law in the liberal state of California. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: OK, liberal state lunacy hits a new low. President Trump and the RNC are now suing California over its blatantly partisan effort to keep the president off the 2020 ballot. Last week Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law requiring presidential candidates to release their tax returns in order to be on the primary ballot. His predecessor Jerry Brown vetoes similar legislation in 2017 over concerns it could be unconstitutional. Joining me now, John Yoo, former deputy assistant U.S. attorney general. We have three quick topics to get into with John. John, is that California law constitutional?

JOHN YOO, FORMER DEPUTY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL: It's flatly and obviously unconstitutional and I think everyone in California knows it. The Constitution allows states to manage access to the ballot, but the Supreme Court clearly said in a case about term limits that states can't do it in a way that changes the qualification for federal office. Here obviously California is trying to meddle with the ballot in order to oppose President Trump, and it's clearly something California is not allowed to do. It also violates the right of the Republican Party or any political party to choose its leaders under the free speech clause and under the 14th Amendment.

INGRAHAM: It was just so obvious to anyone who has even a cursory understanding of the law, and yet it doesn't matter. They will do it anyway.

John, I also want to get to another story that anti-Trump former official Peter Strzok is now suing the FBI and DOJ for his firing last June. He claims that making his anti-Trump text, taking them violated his First and Fifth Amendment rights. Does he have some case?

YOO: No, I don't think he has a case. This is a publicity stunt. I think actually the FBI had to fire him. Imagine if an FBI agent during the Hillary Clinton investigation had said, I hate Hillary, we have to get Donald Trump elected. Obviously, someone like that should be fired, too.

I'm not sure whether the FBI should ever be involved in ever investigating presidential campaign, but if it's going to be, it has to have integrity. The FBI can't have people who are political hacks or even partisan affiliations working on these kinds of investigations. Strzok, he obviously displayed a failure of leadership. He obviously displayed an inability to manage. And he showed himself to be biased. I think the FBI had every grounds to fire, and I expect he will lose his lawsuit.

INGRAHAM: Reviewing the decision to fire an at will employee, good luck with that.

John, to top Dems on the House Judiciary Committee today sent a letter to the National Archives for documents from Brett Kavanaugh's time in the White House Counsel's Office. They are still going after Kavanaugh. So is the White House Counsel's Office in the White House now going to shut this down?

YOO: I actually hope President Trump here says, don't produce the documents. And he's got a good ally on this, and that's George Washington. This is a principle that our country has lived under for over 200 years. The House wanted to get from George Washington documents about a treaty, and George Washington said no because the House is not involved in ratifying treaties. The same principle applies here. President Trump should say the last time I looked at the Constitution, the House is not involved with confirming Supreme Court judges. Because of that you have no right to the information about Kavanaugh's background because you have no constitutional function here. So if I was President Trump I would say no on the documents, and I will say my good friend George Washington is the precedent that shows I'm right.

INGRAHAM: John, fantastic review of three important legal issues. We really appreciate it. And we'll be right back.

YOO: Thanks, Laura


INGRAHAM: And how's about that, we end with some great news. Over 170 volunteers took to the streets today to do what. To help local residents clean up some of the horrible conditions in Baltimore. This is the before shot, and this is the after shot. It looks quite a bit better. Here you can see people from all different backgrounds coming together for a good cause.

This is really good. It's persistence versus resistance, persistence to do good.

That's all the time we have tonight. Don't forget. Check out my new podcast drop today, podcastone.com.

Shannon Bream, "Fox News @ Night" have all the new details, all the big breaking news, take it from here.


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