Will Ted Cruz's 'New York values' comment hurt him in NY?

This is a rush transcript from "Your World," April 7, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS HOST: To Bob Vander Plaats who's very much Ted Cruz, Cruz for President national co-chair, joins us right now. Good to have you back.

BOB VANDER PLAATS, NATIONAL CO-CHAIR, CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT: Glad to be back. I wish I was in New York with you, Neil

CAVUTO: You know, I remember at the time those remarks and -- helped guide Senator Cruz to a victory in Iowa and helped him elsewhere. Is it going to come back to bite him in New York? What do you think?

VANDER PLAATS: Well, I don't know. First of all, I love New York, but I remember what happened here in Iowa because that's initially when it was - when it was made big. It was with your debate, but it was Donald Trump, that - that infamous interview where Tim Russert was saying how pro-choice he was, how much he was for homosexual marriage because he grew up in Manhattan, you know. It was kind of like this is the New York way to do it, it's not the Iowa way to do it.

And now I think what Ted Cruz is saying is that, look it, it's the liberal policies that have governed New York and New York City for a long time that Donald Trump wants to embrace. So it's more on the policies versus New Yorkers in general.

CAVUTO: All right. I know we can split around this, but it gave the impression that New York, they're a whole strange preacher, and I wonder if it's going to hurt him here.

VANDER PLAATS: You know, I don't know. I think what he needs to do is just keep casting that vision that has drawn so many people to his campaign, we're uniting the Republican Party, stay on the conservative principle of jobs, and freedom and security. I think it's what did him so well in Wisconsin. I think he's going to do well in New York as well. He's going to be way closer than what people think it's going to be.

CAVUTO: All right, now right now the latest polls, the Monmouth one that a lot of people are paying attention to, he's running third, he's actually behind John Kashich right now. Now, I should hasten to add that this poll was conducted, you know, prior to the Wisconsin results, so maybe the needle has moved a little bit, but he could be hurting here.

And I'm just wondering, if he does get shellacked, where does he sort of bounce back? He could have problems elsewhere. I'm just wondering as some of Trumps folks have been saying, whether Wisconsin was like an anomaly, it was a one and done event. What do you think?

VANDER PLAATS: Well, I think the key is that that poll was done before the Wisconsin result. Initially he was polling way behind in Wisconsin as well.

CAVUTO: You're right.

VANDER PLAATS: When he showed up in Wisconsin people started to galvanize around his campaign. Donald Trump kept exposing himself, and then he comes out with a 13-point win. The other thing to remember, though, Neil is that Wyoming is going to come up here before New York and I think it's going to be another strong win for Ted Cruz. There's nothing like winning to have that momentum, and so Donald Trump's narrative that all he does is win, well, he's not winning that much anymore. And I think Ted Cruz is going to keep casting that vision, he's going to get to 1,237...

CAVUTO: Well, now keep in mind, I understand ...

VANDER PLAATS: ... whether he does it before the convention or at the convention.

CAVUTO: All right, Bob. I understand where you're coming from. He's not winning anymore. It's one state he didn't win, and the fact of the matter is Donald Trump has piled up a lot more victories and more votes.

Now, they - they say this is all about getting that 1,237, both candidates, but do you think now the way things stand, neither will, that when you get to - to - to Cleveland, no one is actually anywhere near that number?

VANDER PLAATS: I think you're probably right. I mean, I think Cruz has to win 80, maybe 80 plus percent yet in order to get to 1,237, but Trump has to win, like, 55 or 60 percent to get to 1,237. And you still have this governor called John Kasich in the race who has no mathematical pathway to 1,237 and he can't even be considered at a convention, so people really are starting to wonder...


CAVUTO: Well, he could if they change the rules. He could if they change the rules. And by the way, if it goes to multiple ballots, you know, it's open to anyone, right?

VANDER PLAATS: Yes. I just don't see that happening.


VANDER PLAATS: I think that would a sure way to lose to Hillary Clinton. I think it's going to be Cruz or Trump coming out of Cleveland with the 1,237 that are needed.

CAVUTO: Bob, always a pleasure. Thank you very, very much.

VANDER PLAATS: Great to - great to be with you, Neil.

CAVUTO: All right, Bob Vander Plaats. Very instrumental in securing that big victory for Ted Cruz in Iowa.

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