Will president get a 'papal bump' in his approval numbers?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 27, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Jedediah Bila and Brian Kilmeade.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."


BOLLING: President Obama and Pope Francis met for the first time today in Vatican City, two influential leaders on two very different paths. Our president's approval rating has plunged to 40 percent in the latest FOX News poll, while His Holiness has and other wordily 85 percent approval rating.

So, what did the pontiff and the president discuss? Take a listen.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I would say that the largest bulk of the time was discussing two central concerns of his. One is the issues of the poor, the marginalized, those without opportunity and growing inequality. We actually didn't talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with His Holiness.


BOLLING: The Vatican has a different account of the sit-down releasing this statement, quote, "There was a discussion on questions of particular relevance for the church in that country, such as the exercise of the rights to religious freedoms, life and conscientious objection."

Something the president didn't want us to know.

So, Bob, let's put it this way. Let's do it nicely. One of the two, either the pope or President Obama is having a little problem with the truth here.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: No, not necessarily. And, by the way, when you put favorability ratings, His Holiness, I mean, what holiness has never been up at 80 percent, I mean, against a politician? Give me a break.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Deal with it, Bob. Deal with it.

BECKEL: Give me His Holiness any time when I'm out on the campaign so I can win. Even in a non-Catholic area they could win.


BECKEL: Listen, I think -- excuse me.


BECKEL: I think probably they are telling the truth. They are emphasizing different things. Obama does not want to emphasize that what the pope was concerned about was Obamacare and what it does for contraceptive, and the pope probably wanted to keep that as his emphasis because that's what they are talking about.

So, I mean, you hear politicians come out of meetings and they emphasize what they want to emphasize.

BOLLING: K.G., I don't know. Look very different. They look extremely different to me. President Obama said we didn't talk about any of those -- the social schisms, as he said, but I would call religious freedom in America a social schism, wouldn't you?

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. That's the headline, and my other headline for this would be rising star, falling star. I mean, when you compare the two individuals, that pretty much sums it up, given Obama's recent poll numbers, Obamacare's poll numbers and someone like this who is a true natural born leader that is able to communicate and relate to people and is also honest.

BECKEL: Why don't you put a Republican up against him and see what the polls say.

BOLLING: Hang on. Let me bring it around this side of the table. But let's talk -- so, President Obama's meeting with a guy who is immensely popular.


BOLLING: Immensely popular.

President Obama is having his own popularity problems right here at home. Is he asking for a little advice from the Holy Father?

KILMEADE: I think he could ask for the little advice, but you also have that so-called "halo effect." You appear with somebody doing extremely well, and has really looked up to by a wide range of people and it's a good political move to be seen with him.

I think also very interesting, Ed Henry came out, and you saw, we all get the same e-mails. He said the White House is really trying to downplay the controversial hot button social issues. They told FOX, the pope- president meeting, it was income inequality -- I'm not saying it was coming up, but it was not the full half hour. That's what he chose to emphasize.

And I do understand the pope was spotted in Iowa, so he might be looking for a run --


BECKEL: Borrow his cap and his shoes and he'll be fine.

BOLLING: All right. So, Bob is making light of all of this. But in reality, Brian makes a very good point -- President Obama very smart to get next to a guy with an 85 percent approval rating among billions of people.

JEDEDIAH BILA, CO-HOST: That's true. But Pope Francis was a uniter. He's united so many people. So, you have someone who's united so many, standing next to someone who has divided so many. So, I think it also highlights that. It highlights the fact that Barack Obama has been unable to unite our country. Pope Francis has united so many Americans under Catholicism and he has just united so many people in all this.

KILMEADE: Where do they differ?


BILA: Barack Obama doesn't want to talk about religious freedom. Look what's going on with Hobby Lobby and all these issues right now. He's not fighting to protect religious freedom. He doesn't want to --


BECKEL: What pope does not unite people? I mean, go back and look at popes until you get back to the inquisition. Before -- after that --


BOLLING: No, no, Bob --

BILA: No, but a president is supposed to unite people.

BOLLING: An 85 percent approval rating even among popes is pretty substantial.

BILA: It is.

BOLLING: What do you say?

KILMEADE: I was going to bring up this -- I mean, in terms of specific issues, stem cell, abortion, gay marriage and, of course, health care, which you talked about with Hobby Lobby. But I also thought with this type of popularity and this type of special pope at his age, at 74, comes off much younger. I'm just wondering if the president could have taken advantage of this pope like Reagan took advantage of John Paul.

BOLLING: Very good, great transition.

GUILFOYLE: Great point.

BOLLING: Let's do that. Let's take a listen to what President Obama said at the press conference after the meeting with the pope. Listen.


OBAMA: His Holiness and the Vatican have been clear about their position on a range of issues, some of them I differ with. Most I hardly agree with, and, you know, I don't think that His Holiness envisions entering into a partnership or coalition with any political figure on any issue. His job is a little more elevated.


BOLLING: All right. So, K.G., let me paraphrase here. President Obama says we spoke about income inequality. In other words, the gap between the incomes to shrink.

GUILFOYLE: Rich and the poor.

BOLLING: Ronald Reagan in 1982 took a different tact. He said, you know what, communism is the problem. It's a problem worldwide. Let's shake hands and let's work on dissolving the communist ideology around the country, around the globe, I'm sorry. A different tact.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, pivotal historical point, and a message that was well-received. I think what President Obama had to do here was try and focus on something he could have some common ground with the pontiff which is on income inequality because this is, you know, a pope who has lived his life to serve the poor, lives by very simple means, a very humble individual, a man of the people. So, that's kind of the nexus they wanted to tie in, even though, as Brian made the list and you made a point, there's such a great divide between their world ideology and how they see things.

BECKEL: There's not a divide between income inequality. This pope gave a major speech on that.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, that's what I just said.

BECKEL: Can I make a comment about Reagan? Reagan and John Paul II -- John Paul II was Polish. The Poles had been persecuted by the communists for decades.


BECKEL: And, of course, the timing was perfect for Reagan and John Paul II against communism. You don't have that here in this situation.

KILMEADE: I think, Bob, very obviously, you can't compare decades and times. But I will say, for the president to dismiss it out of hand, that the pope is above all of that, it does -- it shows a lack of knowledge or lack of willingness to study to see the role it could potentially play.

I'll give you an example. If you would have said, hey, what message could the pope help us with as a country and the western world? I would say with Islamic extremism, maybe playing a dominant role in trying to get inside that ideology. I would say this -- there's the movement now of Russia in that region. Maybe there's a lot of Catholics in Eastern Europe to combine together and collectively work with us to keep them at bay.

BILA: But I don't think that's -- I don't think those are Barack Obama's priorities. That's the reason. Barack Obama --

KILMEADE: But the United States' priority.

BILA: That's true. But from Barack Obama's perspective, I mean, this is a guy who talks about income inequality all the time, redistribution of wealth. That is his priority. When he got elected, that was his goal, to make things more equal, to take from one person and give to another.


BILA: Those other things you're suggesting, great ideas. But that wasn't his priority and he's speaking for himself.

BECKEL: Income inequality is exactly what Pope Francis has been talking about for the last year. So, I mean --

BOLLING: He took the name Francis because Francis of Assisi took care of the poor.

BECKEL: That's right, which is something that the Republicans ought to learn how to do.

BOLLING: But let's take a step back. President Reagan at the time saw a very popular pope, and he said, you know what, let's work together on something we find is a common ground issue that we need to help and we need to fix, communism.

President Obama says don't get involved in politics, Pope Francis, I've got this. You take care of the other stuff.

GUILFOYLE: We're saying, seize the opportunity because he has commonality with him on that issue, and it resonates.

BECKEL: I understand that. John Paul II came on the communist thing because of the solidarity of unions in Poland before Ronald Reagan did.

KILMEADE: Yes, it's absolutely true.

BOLLING: But I'm not disputing that part of the argument. My dispute is what Brian touched on.

Here's an opportunity for a world leader, President Barack Obama, to attack some of the things, to talk about some of the things that matter to the world. And what does he do? He says, no, pope, you handle that stuff. We'll take care of the rest.


BOLLING: Just like my son who says he's got everything under control. In reality, he has nothing under control.

KILMEADE: No, no, I just got a report -- he does have everything under --


BOLLING: Barack or my son?

KILMEADE: Ed Henry is reporting that your son has it under control.

BOLLING: That's a good news.

GUILFOYLE: Eric Chase has got it under control.

BILA: And income inequality is political. It was a choice. It was a choice of what he should focus on.

And Kimberly is right, he went for what he had common ground on, which would make him look good, make him look better. What is he going to focus on the contraception mandate when everyone in the country right now is rallying for religious freedom?


BECKEL: He's focused on the pope's number one issue, which is income inequality.

BILA: But it's also his number one issue.

BECKEL: Good. That's perfect. So they married up, that's perfect.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That's what we're saying. That resonates. Let's find some common ground. Let's get together.

BILA: I'm sure the pope would have gotten behind other issues as well.

KILMEADE: I understand it. Ronald Reagan met with Pope John Paul II for 50 minutes and made an incredible pact that ended up taking down the Berlin Wall and communism.

BECKEL: Oh, come on.

KILMEADE: This meeting went for 50 minute, too, at which time maybe they could have made more progress. Maybe it's a swing and a miss.

BECKEL: The pope and Reagan did that in 50 minutes, brought down the Berlin Wall. Gee, that's an incredible accomplishment.

KILMEADE: They set the groundwork for doing so, and did it happen a few years later, and how did Eric get his name on a mug?


BOLLING: We actually all got these.

GUILFOYLE: He bought it.

BOLLING: No, I didn't. (INAUDIBLE) sent me those.

Can we roll the sound bite very quickly? I know we have some stuff we've got to get to. But roll the sound bite very quickly. This is Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the top cardinals in -- no sound bite? We're not going to go to that sound bite.

Anyway, he's the guy who said that President Obama's policies are, quote, "hostile towards Christians."

Now, Bob, we started to talk about this the other day. What more proof do you need that President Obama's policies are hostile?

BECKEL: I don't have to take -- I don't take as absolute proof what this guy says, number one. Number two, it's clear what he's talking about. He's talking about abortion and abortion rights, and that's been -- the Catholic Church has been opposed to the United States position on that.

BOLLING: And so are you.

BECKEL: What? I am. You're exactly right.

BOLLING: So, why are you defending this?

BECKEL: I'm not -- what I'm saying is, that's clearly an obvious thing they're going to disagree on. They knew that going in, and the Vatican wanted to emphasize it, Obama wanted to de-emphasize it, it's politics. Get used to it.

BILA: And religious freedom I would throw in there. I'm sure he's also talking about, I'm sure that they wouldn't want companies forced to oblige government, mandates.

BECKEL: Profits for corporations. Yes, they should be forced.

BILA: I don't think they would feel that way.

KILMEADE: I'm not -- I can't go deep in Vatican politics, but I do find it ironic that in the readout, the Vatican readout, they don't mention income inequality. In fact, they went out of their way to mention those things that we just been discussing.

BOLLING: Quick thought, before we go.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, again, I think it was a missed opportunity for the president. I would have liked him to seize it. Nothing negative to say, you know, just hey, just let's make it happen. Do something.

KILMEADE: Now, off to Saudi Arabia.


BOLLING: We have to see now. What happens? Does President Obama's approval rating go up or does Pope Francis' approval rating come down?

All right. Before we go, we want to check in with Shep Smith. He's got some breaking news at the FOX News desk.

Shep, what's up?

SHEPARD SMITH, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Eric, the U.S. Appeals Court just upheld tough Texas abortion restrictions that have been called some of the strictest in all the land. They have led to a dozen abortion clinics in the state stop performing the procedure. The law also bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. That begins in October of 2014 and requires doctors to perform all abortions in surgical facilities.

Of course, these restrictions gained notoriety when Democratic State Senator Wendy Davis launched a nearly 13-hour filibuster on the matter last year. This leaves Texas in this position. In 2011, there were 44 facilities where people could get abortions. This would take it to six, including none in the Rio Grande Valley, the poorest area of the whole state.

Eric, back to you.

BOLLING: All right. Thank you very much, Shep.

Up next, some big 2016 news. We'll tell you who just looks a little closer to a possible run.

Also, breaking developments on Chris Christie's traffic jam scandal. We have the results of a new investigation.

And later, we're going to check in with Dana and Greg. You may notice they are not here today. They are in Dallas at the Bush Presidential Center.

So stay tuned for all that and a lot more coming up on "The Five."

Hi, guys. Wave.


GUILFOYLE: Political soothsayer Nate Silver won heaps of praise from Democrats in 2012 after he actually predicted every state that would vote for President Obama. Now, Silver has good news for Republicans in 2014 and liberals aren't so happy with him anymore.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Republicans need six seats. What's the projection? How many are they going to pick up?

NATE SILVER, ELECTION ANALYST: I'd say exactly six, but it's probably six plus or minus five. That means they could --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They could pick up 11 seats?

SILVER: They could. Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What you're basically saying is a 60 percent chance that Republicans win the Senate?

SILVER: Something like that.


GUILFOYLE: Well, that quickly prompted a rebuttal from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and plenty of other liberals. They are pouncing.

Rush Limbaugh thinks he knows why.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Nate Silver must now be disenfranchised and thrown to the wolves because he is not furthering the cause, and they don't care how many lies or distortions are necessary to further the cause because all of liberalism is a lie. Silver was the guy that all these worried paranoid Democrats relied upon for their sanity, and it probably is going to get worse for the poor guy before it gets better.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Rush nailed it. I mean, this is what's going to happen. He's going to be ostracized. He's now going to be persona non grata, no invites to D.C., and all the fun parties. What should we do?

BOLLING: So, Nate Silver was the -- he was held up as a liberal hero when he predicted all the states and predicted an Obama win. His FiveThirtyEight group, which is fantastic, by the way. If you're on Twitter, you got to follow FiveThirtyEight. Now he's into sports and everything.

So, he's so good. He's a statistician, one of the best. But now, he predicts that the Republicans take the Senate and he's an idiot on the left.

GUILFOYLE: Right, right.


BOLLING: Rush is right. They have to throw him -- they have to discredit him right now. But not since 1980 has anyone been as accurate in predicting presidential races than Nate Silver.


GUILFOYLE: Look at this guy. Look at this guy over here. Bob was telling us, so what, I did it, I predicted every state.

BECKEL: I predicted every state. But listen, I agree with him. I think there's probably a 60 percent chance that the Republicans can win the Senate, although I've had -- they have had a long history of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory, and I think they will screw up, as they usually do, but right now I would say 60 percent is a chance of picking up the Senate.

KILMEADE: So what is wrong --

BECKEL: And by the way, having Rush Limbaugh again as one of our SOTs is really something new here.

KILMEADE: No, it's interesting to point out the way people turn on somebody just because you don't agree with them. You probably experienced that directly with the Democratic Party. People don't like what you say because you say the truth as you see it.

So, I see Paul Krugman going at it with Nate Silver. He says, I look at his Web site. It's not too good. He's garbage. Major disappointment, oh, really? You see any little rivalry here?

It just turns out this guy works with numbers. He's not trying to get girls. He's not trying to become a matinee star. He's giving people the facts, and everyone gets mad at him. Right now, anybody will tell you Republicans were on a roll.

BILA: And what do they think he was going to do. I mean, this guy has his own reputation to uphold. He was not going to say whatever folks on left wanted him to say. No, he's actually making predictions like he did for Barack Obama in the past. Now, he's making predictions for Republicans. It's just predictions, guys, get used to it.

BECKEL: Look at him, you think he could pick up girls? I mean, come on. Give me a break.

GUILFOYLE: Who cares about that, Bob? Not everyone cares about it.

KILMEADE: He's telling the truth.

GUILFOYLE: He's telling the truth and this is how you know he plays it straight and he's fair and balanced. I like that, right? Because he can just tell you how it is. He doesn't care whether liberals like it or Republicans like it.

BECKEL: I know very few Democratic pollsters who would tell you that Republicans have a good chance of carrying the Senate.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Let's talk about 2016, because he's heating up, it's getting hot in here. That's why Bob is getting bothered, OK? So, we know, we got Rand Paul, Eric. Tell us about that.

BECKEL: That bothers me.

GUILFOYLE: He's made this new 50-state network.

BOLLING: Yes. So, 50 states, 200 -- they hired 200 people to get the network in place, and I hear, I hear, there's going to be a lot more, and I also hear Rand Paul is going to spend some time in Iowa this summer a couple of times which would indicate at some point about the run.

Here's what's going on. All these different I think political calls them the invisible primary because no one has technically announced. But you have Rand Paul, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz with a real strong media presence, and then you have the others. You have Marco Rubio, Scott Walker and Jindal who are playing around the outskirts right now.

But one, Jeb Bush, is the one with a lot of money and infrastructure to get a lot of money quickly. So it's kind of an interesting little heat thing going on. Who gets there first? Doesn't necessarily mean who is the biggest, but if you -- I saw a speech Rand Paul.

GUILFOYLE: He's running, yes.

BOLLING: Rand Paul gave last night, a bit of a speech he gave last night in Baltimore to a bunch of young people.


BOLLING: He's well-loved.

GUILFOYLE: He's got a lot of love, lot of momentum and interesting because he does have now people who are funding him and backing him financially that have traditionally gone with more conservative candidates. So, he's getting some of that pull and he's getting libertarians, of course.

KILMEADE: OK. I would say this. The best thing about Rand Paul to help the whole political process he's not saying I can't get the African- American vote. I can't get minorities. I can't get liberals.

He goes to Berkeley. He goes to the inner city. He doesn't care if he gets booed. That's the most important thing any candidate can do.

Just off the country and try to maximize the Republicans I think is a problem. However, Republicans aren't embracing him yet. He might have -- he might have the base with him, but when you talk about more of an isolationist foreign policy, when you talk about the way, he's still on fence on Edward Snowden, that's not something that Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio --

BECKEL: I'm personally for him. I want to see a Rand Paul, Teddy Cruz ticket and see what happens. They might break my record of losing 49 states.

GUILFOYLE: Impossible.

BILA: What's key for me is he went to Berkeley and he didn't get booed. He got a bunch of standing ovations because he was talking about privacy rights. He was talking about things that young people really care about. He's doing the outreach that the Republican Party has not been doing for a real long time and if Ted Cruz, all these guys better be watching, Jeb Bush. I don't care how much money you have, you need to appeal to young people.

GUILFOYLE: You're absolutely right.


BILA: -- ordinarily vote Republican.

KILMEADE: That's Rand Paul's message. It shouldn't be Mitt Romney. It shouldn't be Kasich. It shouldn't be Christie. Be authentic. Don't change. Be authentic.

GUILFOYLE: It works.

All right. Let's listen to -- this is Christie's lawyer talking -- saying that the governor was not involved in the plot to shut down. Let's see what happens. See what people think. Take a listen.


RANDY MASTRO, CONDUCTED GW BRIDGE INTERNAL REVIEW: We found that Governor Christie had no knowledge beforehand of this George Washington bridge realignment idea and that he played no role whatsoever in that decision or the implementation of it.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Eric, another 2016 hopeful here coming out with a strong, you know, message saying, look, I did an investigation, well researched. I had no culpability or wrongdoing in this. Does it help him or hurt him for 2016? Credible?

BOLLING: Tony Soprano's lawyer said almost the exact same thing on "The Soprano." I'm kidding. Just kidding, Chris Christie, in all your -- your infrastructure, don't call me. I'm just kidding.

Here's the thing, of course, they are going to say he had no knowledge. Did he know? Who knows? Right now, he's damaged goods. That will probably pass as well.

But here's the big issue, and he keeps doing it, and he did it again today or yesterday, I'm not sure. He keeps taking the shots at the libertarians. This is not a way to win.

Remember, united we stand, divided we get another Clinton.

BILA: I'd love to see it. I'd love to see a primary with a Chris Christie and a Rand Paul and let Chris Christie go after the libertarian and let them go at each other and let the country see the difference and see that the Republican Party does have a lot of diversity, these are different ideas, and let them choose.

KILMEADE: Remember, Newt Gingrich changed his immigration policy because he got backlash. Everybody is trying to mold with the polls.

I like that Rand Paul is different than Chris Christie. I like that they go at it because the candidate gets nominated, everyone understands they are not going to change and they're probably going to be the same. This is what I look for now.

Governor Christie is going to start the media blitz. I wouldn't be surprise if he's sitting here in "The Five" between you two in a couple of weeks.

BECKEL: There's not enough room.

KILMEADE: Because the investigation is pretty much over.

BECKEL: Can I make one point?

GUILFOYLE: Can you tell Bolling is on Instagram with?

BECKEL: That's what I want, my lawyer getting up and saying that I'm clear. My lawyer would stand up and say I've never had a drink or a drug in my life. The guy they bring out is his paid lawyer to say he's clean. Come on. You can do better than that.

GUILFOYLE: I like the red tie.

All right. Coming up, we are hearing for the first time from a family member of the pilot of that missing Malaysian plane. What the son of Captain Shah wants the world to know about his father, next.


BECKEL: A son of the pilot of the missing Malaysian plane has just broken his sigh helps. That in a moment but first a quick update on dozens still missing after the deadly mudslide in the west.

Dan Springer has the latest from Arlington, Washington -- Dan.

DAN SPRINGER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Bob, the size of this tragedy is now starting to come into focus. We know about 25 bodies found but that's just about the beginning. We're told there are 90 people still missing, and that's an accurate number and the community should be prepared for most, if not all of those people, to be found dead.

We're also now getting a better handle on how many permanent residents were in that neighborhood that was completely leveled, about 180, and then we now know that there were people killed in their cars just driving down the highway gone in an instant. A woman's body was found late yesterday.

This massive recovery could take weeks, and some victims, we are told, may never be found. Now, one reason why the official death toll is still at 16 is because the medical examiners on scene cannot keep up with those search people. Some survivors and others are upset that they were not told about the landslide danger.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee says the state has to reexamine how it assesses potential landslide dangers -- Bob.

BECKEL: Thanks, Dan. Good work.

Now, to the missing Malaysian jet. The youngest son of the pilot has just spoken to the press. Twenty-six-year-old Ahmad Seth told "The New Straits Times" he's been ignoring all the speculation about his father and doesn't believe he could be responsible for the plane's disappearance.

All right. Eric, we expect the son to say that, right?

BOLLING: Yes, and, again, it's really hard to continue to talk about this and speculate, because when you're speculating about whether or not the pilot had issues, whether link to terror or mental issues that might have brought the plane down, this man is still innocent. I mean, he -- as far as -- there's absolutely no evidence that says he's done anything other than being a victim of this flight as well. So it's very hard to do it, and I feel for the family and have to feel for the pilot's family right now. Unless there's some evidence that turns out to be different, right now they are grieving just as badly as 237 other families that are grieving.

BECKEL: Jedediah?

BILA: I mean, they say they are ignoring -- he says he's ignoring the speculation. That's very hard to do. I mean, you turn on the news. You hear people with constant different theories. You can say you're ignoring it all you want. But, of course, it enters his mind. You have to process that.

I think it's very sad that they don't have answers for these families. No closure on the issue at all.

KILMEADE: By the way, the weather is going to break Saturday and Sunday. So, we're not going to see much tonight or tomorrow, and that's when we're going find out if the Japanese, the French, the Australians, and now, the Thais, if their satellite photos and some of the things that the Chinese pilots saw is actually debris, we'll get to the bottom of it.

But it does find -- it is very interesting the fact that he was having a terrible day. He was having emotional issues. So we're not saying he's guilty at all. Everybody has had bad days, and we haven't crashed planes and killed 200-plus people.

But if you're looking for clues forensically, putting it together, I'm very curious what's on that simulator which they now have out and --

GUILFOYLE: Yes. What's on his computer? The FBI has that now. I think that's going to be very telling. What was the last call that he made? Who was that to?

So, there's a lot of investigative work that they can do from a forensic standpoint. Retrieving files, even deleted files can be retrieved. So, I think that's going to be really significant and depending on, you know, when we get that information.

But at the same time I'm happy to hear from the son. I want to hear what everyone has to say. I want the Malaysian government to question the wife of this man, tell us what you know about him and why did she take off before this flight?

KILMEADE: The girlfriend.

GUILFOYLE: And the girlfriend.

BOLLING: So wait a minute. So, what about the rest of the passengers? You want the Malaysian government to go -- like I said, the deep dive into the backgrounds of every one of those, especially the two --

GUILFOYLE: Until it's solved.

BOLLING: The two that paid cash and through an Iranian middle man.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes, I do. Maybe the pilot is innocent.

BOLLING: Why are we focusing on the pilot -- granted he has control of that, I get that. But at this point, knowing what we know, anyone could have --

GUILFOYLE: By the way, why do you fly the plane, Brian brought it up for seven hours to take a nosedive in the ocean? Making a lot of sense?

BECKEL: One thing we should also report -- yesterday, we said there were sightings of 122 pieces of debris. Several more dozens of pieces of debris, but we don't know what that debris. As Eric said yesterday, it could be fish. I mean, we're looking at it from the satellite. But it's all in the same area, so it does have some indication.

All right. Ahead on "The Five," our pals Dana and Greg are in Dallas today at the Bush Presidential Center. Do you want to know why they are doing that? You have to stick around.


KILMEADE: Eventually the camera will get to me, I think. What the heck? How many zooms are we going to have?

Hey, there's a big event happening tonight at the Bush Presidential Center in Dallas. Don't miss it if you're in the area, especially if you are a Dallas Cowboy. Dana Perino will be interviewing Greg Gutfeld about his new book "Not Cool."

And guess who is here, the co-hosts of "The Five" joining us now with an exclusive preview. You're not going to find this on Cavuto. You're not going to find this with Wolf Blitzer.

You guys are giving us the story.

And, Dana, are you nervous about interviewing Greg in front of all of these people?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: No. Kidding, a little bit, yes, I'm a little nervous.

This is a big deal for me because I was excited to show Greg, at least a replica of what my life used to be like and we're going to do a little tour and show that to "The Five" next week sometime.

But tonight I'm excited to talk to Greg about his book because I have to give him a compliment. It's a really good -- it's a really good read.

GUTFELD: You have to. You have to give me a compliment.


KILMEADE: Yes, Greg, you like the book, too, right?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I think it's a very important book. In fact, you know why, it's important that in order for you to see Dana, she's sitting on four copies. It's not just a great read. It's a booster seat for tiny people.

BECKEL: We got a little something for you. Ready, one, two, three.

My eyes adore you --


BECKEL: Listen, after last night, Dana, can you now confirm that Greg can write?

GUILFOYLE: Now come on. Let me ask you something. If you guys were in my position tonight and you had a chance to ask Greg something in front of all of these people, sold-out crowd tonight at the Bush Center.

GUTFELD: Twenty thousand people.

PERINO: What would you ask him?

BILA: I would ask him if the 2016 GOP candidate -- does that candidate need to be cool by society standards in order to win, in order to get elected?

BECKEL: That is an excellent question. I say that you have to play the game, which means you've got to be able to laugh at yourself, have a sense of humor, try and quell the outrage. You've got to be able to do what the Democrats do which is be telegenic and be fast on your feet. You've got to -- you've got to lose the stiff stereotype but got to run on substance, not style. We need a president with substance. We haven't had one for eight years or seven years or six years, how many years it was?

PERINO: You had to get that in.

GUTFELD: I had to do that.

PERINO: Anyone else have a tip more me?

KILMEADE: Well, I would say, number one, don't be afraid of the follow-up question and don't be afraid to make him cry with personal questions, probing questions into his background. Get him to weep and show the personal side of Greg Gutfeld that we don't often see, which would be uncool, which would be perfect for your book.

BECKEL: I would ask him if he's cool. Greg --

GUTFELD: Well, the answer is no.

BECKEL: Yes, you are too cool.

GUTFELD: The answer is -- no, no, I'll tell you, why because I don't believe in the word cool because it's value relative. The reason why cool is evil because nobody says things are good or bad anymore. They say it's cool, and that allows people to do bad things because it's called cool.

So instead you're either good or bad. You're not cool. I feel that I'm good and bad.

BECKEL: OK, I don't know what value relative means, but I'll take your word for it.

GUTFELD: I know you don't know what it means.


PERINO: I want you to be able to tell Eric because his favorite president was Ronald Reagan and you were there last night. Tell him what - - the things that they were asking you about Bob.

BOLLING: Oh, they always ask, you know, does Bob really believe in the things that he believes in, and I always say yes, but he never remembers them, which is great.


BECKEL: Very true.

GUILFOYLE: That's very accurate.

OK. So, Greg, we heard that this event is sold out so we launched an investigation and wanted to know who exactly is buying these tickets, and what we uncovered is there's somebody that goes by the name Tiny D.

Do you know who that is?


GUTFELD: Yes, Tiny D is the code phrase for a -- a rapper, a young diminutive rapper with blond hair.

PERINO: Of amazing ability.

GUTFELD: Amazing limited ability.

PERINO: And her voice is just incredible.

GUTFELD: Is just incredible.

The people here are great. We've met a lot of them already. They are wonderful people.

And, by the way, they are huge fans of "The Five." This would not be sold out if it wasn't for "The Five." Everybody loves this show out here and the same thing at the Reagan Library. Massive FIVE fans everywhere.


GUTFELD: Everybody doing this, and they know I hate it, but they keep doing it.

BOLLING: And you're even doing it. And that's --

GUTFELD: They keep doing this.

BOLLING: By the way, can we point out that Greg's book premiered the first week, debuted number seven on the "New York Times" best-seller list.

Here's my question for you, guys --


BOLLING: After this is all said and done and after the speech and everything, you have a few hours to unwind, Greg, you like a glass of wine, Dana you'll have a glass of wine.

GUILFOYLE: Dana likes red.

BOLLING: What's the plan for the evening after the speech?

PERINO: Well, I actually -- I turned down a dinner invitation with Greg. In fact, I'm going to go home, go to bed and get on a flight so I can be back sitting next to you tomorrow, Eric.

BOLLING: Very good answer, Perino.

BECKEL: I got a message for all you liberals out there. I've read this book. Actually you should read it. It's a very good read. It's very well written.


BECKEL: And there's four of you that are listening.

PERINO: And the greatest compliment, the greatest compliment to you, Bob, is that you're not cool. It's actually a compliment.

BECKEL: That's obvious -- I mean, that's obvious.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, try to do the best so they see Greg's personality and his charm, just not the witty snark, OK? So try to ask him questions.

PERINO: We'll try to contain it. We'll try to keep it contained.

KILMEADE: And, Greg, wear cologne.

GUTFELD: I'm doing the whole interviews shirtless.

KILMEADE: Fantastic.

GUILFOYLE: I hope you wax.

KILMEADE: Twenty-five thousand people just cancelled.

So, listen, guys, it's going to be great. What a thrill. Reagan Library, Bush Library, Dana Perino, that's a great mix. Congratulations on being uncool and writing about it.

Greg, good job, guys. Greg, I'll keep the seat warm until you're healthy.

GUTFELD: That sounds very weird. Don't keep it warm.

KILMEADE: OK, good. Bye, guys.

All right. Now, coming up straight ahead: one federal judge and self-professed dirty old man has taken it upon himself to tell female lawyers what they shouldn't wear in the courtroom. Is he out of order? That story next. Bring up the music.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A federal judge in Nebraska has some fashion advice for female lawyers in a controversial blog post. It's titled "On Being a Dirty Old Man and How Young Women Lawyers Dress."

Senior district Judge Richard Kopf writes, quote, "There is a wonderfully talented and very pretty female lawyer. She wears very short skirts and shows lots of her ample chest. I especially appreciate the last two attributes. Word had gotten around about this lawyer's dress," close quote.

His three rules for young female lawyers on what to wear. "One, you can't win. Men are both pigs and prudes. Get over it. Two, it's not about you. That goes double when you're appearing in front of a jury. And, three, think about the female law clerks. If they are likely to label you, like Jane Curtin, an ignorant" -- "S" word that we can't say on TV -- "behind your back, tone it down."

All right. This guy, amazing. I can't even -- I don't know if you guys got a chance to look at the post, but it's incredible. Kimberly, I have to go to you, because you've been in the courtroom. Does he have a valid point here?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. How awesome is this outfit?

KILMEADE: But you're not trying a case.

GUILFOYLE: If I was trying a case you'd see something like this, OK? (PUTS HAIR UP)

KILMEADE: I see it.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's sexy in its own way.

GUILFOYLE: I would never wear this into court.

BOLLING: You wouldn't show it?

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely not. Not with the kind of cases I was trying. If I was trying murder cases, no way.

BOLLING: If you were in the courtroom would you show your ample chest? Is that what he said, ample chest? He's just trying to be helpful.


GUILFOYLE: You have to be very respectful to the court, to the judge and the jurors. So I think you should not overshare any of your assets.


GUILFOYLE: Ample or otherwise.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bob, he says that men are both pigs and prudes. Agree or disagree?

BECKEL: I sort of agree, sort of on the piggy side myself. And I don't like the idea that he got the dirty old man title. I just...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He gave it to himself.

BECKEL: I know.


Oh, you want it.

BECKEL: That's one I've had for a long time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maybe you can share it.

BECKEL: Yes, OK. Brian, what do you think?

KILMEADE: What do I think? I think it's a copout to say I've been a dirty old man since I was a young man. Straighten up. You're in the court.

And I'm just curious. If you could try a case, and you have an asset which is a great body and a great figure, you've got to do everything you can to be successful. So if it means somebody in the jury is going to be swung to your side because of the fact that you work out...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but that's if you're having an all-male jury. I'm telling you, every time I'd go to try a case, I'd try and just tone it all down, tone it all down, because every time the defense attorney, juror No. 7, No. 5, No. 12, and kicked all the guys off the jury.

BOLLING: You know, under scrutiny, you're about to get -- you find out if you're guilty or innocent, and you have to go up against the -- the attorney with the -- showing the ample chest. This is what -- this is what is going to determine my fate and the next 20 years of my life? She's showing ample chest.

KILMEADE: I heard the higher the court the most conservative outfit. Is that correct?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think that's very accurate. It doesn't mean you can't wear a nice pair of shoes and a, you know, appropriate outfit and look good.

KILMEADE: But the whole thing is sexist to bring that up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is it, though? Is it sexist?

GUILFOYLE: You know what? I don't really care. I care about justice. And I care about winning the case. And I don't want anything else to interfere with this. I don't want someone irritated with the color of my dress or anything like that. I would not wear this to try a case, especially the severity of the charges.

BECKEL: Except that your shoes are worth more than most of those jurors make.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The last question to -- the last question to Eric. Should this guy have an opinion blog at all? Should he be giving his opinion...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... on a whole range of topics?

BOLLING: He's just being helpful. He's just trying to be helpful.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trying to improve the dress code?

BOLLING: I'm not -- listen, unbelievable, a federal judge, right?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Talking about this stuff.

GUILFOYLE: He can say what he wants.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And he apologized, but his apology was a little weak. Let's just say that.

All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing," and Bob starts.

BECKEL: The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, who has a haircut that comes from hell, has decreed that had all 13 million men in his country have the same haircut. Do we have a picture of this haircut? See, this would be me with his haircut. You've got to be kidding me. I mean, it's - - to tell people how to wear their hair is just ridiculous, and if our producer had been there, Porter Berry, he couldn't because he has no hair.

BOLLING: That's not your haircut?

K.G., you're up next.

GUILFOYLE: That was so weird.

KILMEADE: That guy is so deranged.

GUILFOYLE: And you have a picture there of President Obama with the hairdo and you didn't even show it.

All right. Well, let's get on to Jimmy Kimmel since it's been a while since we had a little Kimmel in our lives. Not really. Well, very cute. This is part of his show. It's something on YouTube where people did this asking kids to say a naughty word, and he did kind of a takeoff on that, and this is what happened.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stupid, poop. You're ugly.



GUILFOYLE: And there were a few other ones in there, but it was very cute. It's adorable. You check it out. I'm sure it's online. I mean, Jimmy Kimmel is very good, you know, and I miss Jay Leno.

BOLLING: Good stuff. Good stuff.

All right. I'll go. You know how I always point you to Snapchat, EB2016 on Snapchat. Do it; be creative. Check out what the SadSav (Ph) Snapchat. Look, this is her picture and she drew the rest in. That's me. Show Kimberly, please. There's Kimberly. It says, "I heart Bob." And Dana, Dana's is very good. Look at this one. There's Jasper. And on Greg. There's Greg with the glasses. How about Andrea? And there's Andrea. And how about Bob? Saved the best for last. There's Bob.


BOLLING: Go ahead, chat me, but make them creative. All right. That's it.

Brian, you're up.

KILMEADE: All right. So Bush 41, who has come all the way back. You know, he was doing well a year and a half ago, and now he's doing fantastic. Johnny Manziel did not have the greatest combine. He's the Heisman trophy winner from two years ago.

So he says, "I'm going to have a pro day. Before I have my pro day, when I invite all the scouts to come down, I'm going to go visit Bush 41, because you know, went to Texas A&M. Bush a big alumnus there.

So look at this. He went and visited Bush 41, and look at it, he's just hanging out in the living room. Afterwards, of course, that's the former president of the United States trying on Johnny's helmet.


KILMEADE: Afterwards, the next day he returned the favor by surprising him, hopping on a golf court -- cart and going out to the stadium and watching him play. And he evidently lit it up, did it in full uniform, completed pass after pass. The Texans have the first pick. Have some courage, get the next Fran Tarkenton; make him your No. 1 pick. Do it. He looks so good.

BOLLING: The next Fran Trakenton. A lot of people thought he was too small, too.

KILMEADE: Wouldn't disagree.

BOLLING: All right, Jen, you're up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right. Skidmore College, which is a private liberal arts college in upstate New York, is offering a summer course on Miley Cyrus. I kid you not. It is a sociology course, and the professor says that it's meant to focus on gender, race, class, fame and power. Professor Carolyn Chernoff. It's kind of interesting. I'm told that the classes will be twerk-free, which I think is...

KILMEADE: I doubt it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have been told. Who knows, maybe they'll be some demonstrations going on, but I think it's really interesting. I mean, she's bringing in pop culture. I don't know how you feel about this, but it's definitely a different take on education.

BECKEL: Is this like a practical class on class?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sociology, a class on Miley Cyrus.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe it's lack thereof in some cases.

BOLLING: Here's where you go with it: American culture, is it in decline?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is it in decline? Exactly?

BECKEL: Is it's embodied in her, it's dead.

BOLLING: You bring in Justin Bieber. You talk about what's going on with young people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What does fame do to young people? What does power do to them?

I think it could be interesting, actually but just no twerking.

BOLLING: I might not fail that class.

Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." We'll be right back here tomorrow.

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