Will Our Decency Spell Our Demise?

Do you remember the old "Batman" TV movie, where Adam West is desperately trying to get rid of a bomb... but first he runs into a little old lady, then a group of kids, then even a little family of ducks. Exasperated, he turns to the camera and says: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"

It was funny stuff. It's not so funny now.

Because Batman then was a noble character trying to do the noble thing in the face of some bad guys who didn't care about little old ladies, or groups of kids, or families of ducks.

You see, rational, honorable, decent people care about such things. Irrational, dishonorable, evil people do not.

That's why the irrational count on us being rational, being honorable and being decent.

It's why the Supreme Court rules Gitmo is a no-go and that we can't treat prisoners of war this way. Even though these aren't typical prisoners and this isn't any typical war.

No matter. We are a nation of standards, even though we fight an enemy that has no standards.

We have rules. They don't.

We covet our freedoms. They covet our corpses.

We are quite properly wedded to our liberties. They are quite predictably wedded to our demise.

We can't see through our decency, our impending doom, because we refuse to fight evil on their level… and they know it.

It's why, I suspect, they love our free press that tracks where they're getting their dough and bemoans where their foot soldiers are getting their punishment.

It's the way noble people live and it's the way noble people will die.

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