Will Cruz's 'Hail Carly' pass work?

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 27, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST (voice-over):  Tonight, Donald Trump stakes his claim on the Republican nomination.

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  As far as I'm concerned, it's over.  These two guys cannot win.

HANNITY:  And Senator Ted Cruz makes a huge announcement.

SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TEXAS, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  If I am nominated to be president of the United States, I will run on a ticket with vice presidential nominee Carly Fiorina.


HANNITY:  Newt Gingrich is here tonight to react to all of it.

And then all eyes are now on Indiana and the battle for the Hoosier state.

CRUZ:  Last night was Donald Trump's night.  Today is Indiana's day.

HANNITY:  Herman Cain and Dr. Benjamin Carson -- they're here to weigh in on the 2016 race.

Plus, Donald Trump unveils his foreign policy agenda in a major speech.

TRUMP:  And then there's ISIS.  Their days are numbered.

HANNITY:  "Hannity" starts right here, right now.


HANNITY:  And welcome to "Hannity."  Now, Donald Trump is one step closer toward securing the Republican nomination after sweeping all five races last night in a battle for the East, in the mid-Atlantic.  And tonight, the Republican candidates are descending on the state of Indiana, where 57 very important delegates are now up for grabs on the GOP side.

Donald Trump was in the Hoosier state earlier today, campaigning with legendary basketball coach, the one and only Bobby Knight.  Take a look.


TRUMP:  You know, normally they come out, they introduce Trump.  Here I'm coming out and I'm going to introduce Bobby Knight, OK?


BOBBY KNIGHT, FMR. INDIANA BASKETBALL COACH:  And they talk about, you know, he isn't presidential.  And I don't know what the hell that means.  I think the most important thing in the world is that we vote for the best man there is for this job, and you've already met him.


TRUMP:  We had a big, big, big night last night.  We had five, five.  Oh, we're going to build that wall.  And you know who's going to pay for that wall?

AUDIENCE:  Mexico!


HANNITY:  And earlier today, Senator Ted Cruz made a big announcement, announcing that Carly Fiorina would be his choice for vice president if he should win the nomination.  Watch this.


CRUZ:  Carly is a vice presidential nominee who I believe is superbly skilled, superbly gifted at helping unite this party, bring us together so we stand united,as one!

CARLY FIORINA, R-FMR. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  This fight is about far more than about a ticket.  This fight is about far more than Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina. This is a fight for all of us...


FIORINA:  ... for our party, for our future, for our children's future.


HANNITY:  Here now with reaction, the author of The New York Times best- seller "Duplicity," former speaker of the House, FOX News Contributor Newt Gingrich.  Mr. Speaker, good to see you.  Big day today.

NEWT GINGRICH, R-FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER:  It's good to see you.  Well, it is a big day.  And actually, I'm talking to you from Purdue, where I'm also involved in giving a talk and seeing what's happening in Indiana.

HANNITY:  All right.  Well, let's talk about Indiana.  Let's start with Ted Cruz's announcement, Carly Fiorina.  I thought Carly, by the way, was a great candidate.  She aggressively was able to prosecute the case against Hillary Clinton, I think stronger than some of her male counterparts.  Does this help Ted Cruz?

GINGRICH:  Oh, I think at the margin, it might help him.  Carly Fiorina is a very smart person.  She understands technology and the evolution of the modern world probably as well as anybody running for president in either party.  I thought she was very effective on the debate stage.

You know, and this is a little bit parallel to what Ronald Reagan tried in 1976 when he was trailing Gerald Ford and so he announced his vice presidential choice.  Didn't happen to work.  But it was, again, throwing a Hail Mary pass at the last moment of the game.

I think Cruz, by doing this, is a little daring -- you know, if you lose five states, you come back the next day and announce your vice presidential nominee, may not be the best timing.  But you can understand why.  He's got to shake the game up, and this is a serious effort to try to shake up the game because if it keeps going the way it is now, he will lose and Trump will be the nominee.

HANNITY:  Let's talk about Donald Trump's reaction.  In a town hall earlier today with our colleague and friend, Greta Van Susteren, he was asked about this move by Ted Cruz.  Here's what he said.


TRUMP:  Well, I think it's really a waste of time, honestly.  I think that...


TRUMP:  I think that it should be over.  If Indiana treats us right, we're going to make America great again.  We're going to get rid of these politicians...


TRUMP:  ... and we're going to do the right job.  I just think it's so early in the process.  You have to first get the nomination.  Here's a guy picking a vice presidential candidate.  He has zero chance.  He has no path.  It's sort of crazy.

So I think it's -- well, it gets him in the news cycle because he's been totally taken out.  He had a horrible day yesterday, and he came in third, meaning third out of three most of the time.  Most of the -- I guess four out of five, he was third, and he picked up no delegates.  And you know, we're talking about major states like Pennsylvania, like Maryland.  I mean, we're talking about big stuff, and Connecticut.  He came in, he got nothing, and I think he wanted to something to get out of that negative cycle.  I mean, in that sense, it was probably good for him, but people will not like it.


HANNITY:  Now, the Trump delegate count is at 950.  Let me ask you this question.  But it also seems -- remember, he won 17 bound delegates in Pennsylvania, but there were 54 unbound delegates.  My analysis today gets him at least 40 more of the 54 available.  So it brings him very close to 1,000.  Is that now unbeatable, in your opinion?

GINGRICH:  Well, I don't know that it's totally unbeatable.  Again, everybody's allowed to play out the game.  Whether it's basketball and you're in the last seconds of the fourth quarter, or it's football and you're right down to the end of the game, you still get to play.  And the team that's behind still gets its at-bat in the ninth inning.

But the fact is Trump is way ahead, probably better than a 90 percent likelihood he's going to be the nominee now.  And I think you find that there are people who analyze this every single day who are reaching the conclusion.  He overperformed yesterday.  He got at least 40 more delegates than he needed to be on track to get the nomination.

If he wins Indiana, it is for all practical purposes over because at that point, he'll have closed out anybody else being able to stop him.  And I think even if he only gets a third of the delegates in Indiana, he is still on track to get the nomination.

HANNITY:  Yes.  Let's talk about -- so many people have said they want to see Donald Trump a little more presidential.  He gave a foreign policy speech today, serious, significant speech.  Here's part of it.  Get your reaction.


TRUMP:  And then there's ISIS.  I have a simple message for them.  Their days are numbered.  I won't tell them where and I won't tell them how.  We have to be unpredictable.  And we have to be unpredictable starting now. But they're going to be gone.  ISIS will be gone if I'm elected president, and they'll be gone quickly.  They will be gone very, very quickly.


HANNITY:  He also talked about China.  He talked about Russia.  He talked about radical Islam.  He talked about building up our nation's military, taking care of our veterans.  It was long.  It was substantive -- our relationship with Israel and other countries.  What were your thoughts on it?

GINGRICH:  Well, I read the speech on the way out here, and I saw part of it at the airport waiting for the plane.  And first of all, I thought on television, he looked presidential.  He looked serious.  He looked controlled.  And overall, I thought it was a good presentation.

The speech itself is a very serious speech.  And I think you're going to find it ridiculed by some of the Washington establishment in part because it challenges so many of their assumptions.

But I think his challenges are pretty useful.  He has a very bold view of Russia and China, something which will startle all of the traditional, you know, anti-Russian anti-Chinese mantra.  But what he's saying is pretty straightforward, which is the first stage ought to be, Is there a way to get to a relationship that is friendlier, rather than more hostile?

Now, that's kind of the opposite of what people would have expected him to say a year ago and tells you that he's been thinking about the U.S. role in the world and how do you end this cycle, now running for 15 years, of us losing young men and women in wars that don't get won, don't accomplish anything, and leave us, frankly, a weaker country and a country that's mired down in a number of places...

HANNITY:  You know...

GINGRICH:  ... and I think he's trying to wrestle with that.

HANNITY:  It's a very complicated issue.  It's frustrating to me when 5,000 Americans get killed, Iraq, Afghanistan, many thousands more injured.  They win Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi and Tikrit, and then we give back the land and then ISIS takes it over, or 58,000 people in Vietnam are killed and then we pull out because -- because all of these wars then get argued through the prism of Washington politics.

We don't fight these wars to win them anymore.  I don't think we can risk American treasure and lose that treasure going forward any further.  Do you?

GINGRICH:  Well, that's part of what Trump said on that topic is exactly what Reagan said in '81, '82, when it was called at that time the Weinberger doctrine, which is you don't go to war unless you're going to win.  If you do go to war, you go to war with overwhelming force.

He's clearly sending a very clear signal he's going to rebuild the American military, which it desperately needs.  His report on the decline in the size of the military, the size of the Navy, the size of the Air Force, how old some of our equipment is -- all those things are I think very, very solid.  And I think that you're going to see somebody here who wants to -- this is complicated for the news media and for the Washington elites to understand.  He wants to rebuild American strength to minimize the need to use it on the grounds that if you're overwhelmingly powerful, people don't come and play with you.

HANNITY:  That's the Reagan doctrine.

GINGRICH:  They recognize you're going to win.


GINGRICH:  That's the Reagan doctrine.

HANNITY:  We'll come back.  We'll continue more with Newt Gingrich right after the break.

Also coming up, Donald Trump surpasses Mitt Romney's vote total from 2012, and there are still 10 contests left in this 2016 primary race.  Our own "FOX & Friends" Heather Nauert will join us with a full report.

And later, Dr. Ben Carson and Herman Cain -- they weigh in on last night's primary results and Senator Cruz's VP pick.

Plus, find out which celebrities are threatening to leave the country if Donald Trump is elected president.  And I have an offer for them.  That and more as we continue.



HANNITY:  And welcome back to "Hannity."  So Republican voters -- they're energized this election cycle, and it's led in part by front-runner Donald Trump.  Here now to explain a lot more is "Fox & Friends" own Heather Nauert -- Heather, what do you got?

HEATHER NAUERT, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS":  Hi, there, Sean.  Well, Donald Trump has been saying that he is millions of votes ahead of his Republican rivals, and in the numbers -- well, they prove that he is right.

After sweeping all five primary races last night, Trump has now accumulated more than 10.1 million total votes.  That's 3 million more votes than his top challenger, Senator Ted Cruz, who has 6.9 million votes.  Trump has 6 million more than Governor John Kasich, who racked up almost 3.7 million votes.

And if you look at the total, 2016 Republican contests won, Trump has a big advantage with 27 victories compared to Cruz's 11 and Kasich's 1.  That was his home state of Ohio.

And then there is this interesting figure, Sean.  If we look at this from a historical perspective, Trump is on pace to set the Republican record for total votes won.  He's already surpassed Mitt Romney's 2012 primary and caucus total of 9.8 million votes, and there are still 10 races to go, including California.  And of course, that one is massive.

Sean, we'll keep a close eye on this story and get back to you.

HANNITY:  All right, Heather.  Thanks so much.  Appreciate it.

Back with reaction to that is former speaker of the House, Fox News contributor newt Gingrich.  That is a pretty amazing figure.  Now, if you add to that -- so 2016 GOP turnout up 60 percent.  Democratic turnout depressed, down 20 to 30 percent.  You got to interpret that, if you're a Republican that, there's a wide open field for them to win a general election.  But Hillary often outperforms in these hypothetical matchups.  

GINGRICH:  Well, I mean, first of all, I think in the short run, the country's had, you know, a long time, 24 years, to get used to Hillary Clinton.  She has a base in the Democratic Party that's very stable. They're going to vote for her under almost any circumstance.  And Trump is still both largely unknown and largely shaped by the news media.

So if you're an independent or a weak Democrat, but you haven't been part of the Republican primary process, all of your understanding of Trump comes as mediated through the news media, who are not exactly his friends.

The question is, if you look at exactly what you just said, here's a guy who is bringing lots of new people into the party.  He's bringing people in who are switching, by the way, from Democrat to Republican to vote in the Republican primary.  We have every evidence that there's a continued increase in interest in what he's doing.

And I'm always amazed at all these folks who have been consistently wrong for a year.  At every stage for a year, they've underestimated Trump.  They now tell us about the general election.  My advice is, he will run a different general election than any of us can imagine, just as he has run a different primary than any of us could have imagined.

And I sort of wait to see how Trump solves these problems before I'd assume that folks who don't have a clue are the right ones to tell us what's going to happen.

HANNITY:  You know, you actually made a lot of news last night when you were on the program and you said, Get over it, as it relates to the establishment.

You know, a couple of stories out there.  The House -- I actually found this pretty funny.  And this was in The Washington Examiner.  You know, some House conservatives are warning Trump to keep their promises.  Well, isn't that one of the problems we've had is that House Republicans did not keep their promises?  They didn't -- they've shown no willingness to fight President Obama and stop his agenda, use the power of the purse or repeal the parts of "ObamaCare" they could or stop executive amnesty?

Didn't they kind of cause that themselves?  Who are they to lecture?

GINGRICH:  Well, look, I think, again, I mean, there are factions in the House Republican Party who have a different approaches to these things. Certainly, the Freedom Caucus sees itself as a very hard-line group.

But I think what will be a surprise to everybody is that Trump wants to get things done and wants to move toward making Washington governable again. And I suspect he's going to actually be a pretty reliable partner with Paul Ryan in trying to think through what can we do to get back to a balanced budget, what can we do to protect America's interests, how do we rebuild the American military?

A point he said in passing today, how do we fix the Veterans Administration, which is a corrupt disaster?  I think he's going to be very aggressive about moving on these kind of issues, and I think you'll find the large part of the House Republican Party very eager to work with him. And frankly, a good number of senators will find that they have things they can do with Trump that they may not have expected.

HANNITY:  You know, I want to talk strategically, tactically.  Whoever the nominee is -- in the case of Trump, he made the statement that he would -- he's ready to hit the Hillary scandal encyclopedia, "crooked Hillary."  Is that the best strategy?

GINGRICH:  Well, I think it's an inevitable strategy because between the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton interest groups, the various businesses and governments that have tried to manipulate the State Department, her total failure to use her e-mails in a professional way, fitting national security
-- I mean, there's so much -- you know, think of Hillary as sort of this mound of scandals of various kinds.  You can hardly ignore them.

But I think there's a bigger issue.  Hillary is the personification of the bureaucratic welfare state that has failed.  My hope is that Trump is going to decide to take the same aggressiveness, the same boldness, the same energy that he's used in the Republican primary and go into places like South Side Chicago, go into Baltimore, go into places where you can draw a real contrast, and ask people, Do you really want to keep the same failures in charge ruining your lives, ruing your neighborhoods, crippling your children's future, or are you ready to try something really different?

I think if Trump has got the nerve to do that, it could be an extraordinary election this fall.

HANNITY:  Let's talk a little bit about Terry McAuliffe, speaking of corruption.  I mean, he announced that he's restoring the voting rights of 206,000 felons, including violent felons, in the commonwealth of Virginia.

Now, this is a purple state, swing state, an important state.  Is this to help Hillary?

GINGRICH:  Well, you have to assume it is.  But you know, the key question in Virginia is a constitutional one.  The governor clearly has the power to commute individual sentences.  There's a real serious legal question whether he can commute 206,000 as a block.  And I think that's something that has to be looked at very seriously.

and as you point out, to say that everybody who has been a convicted felon will now automatically have their rights back, including some people who've committed the kind of crimes that, frankly, might have led to a lifetime sentence of various kinds -- I think you got to look at it more carefully.

Now, to be honest, 37 states have followed the notion that once you've served your time, you get the right to vote again.  So there has been a long movement towards trying to reintegrate people back into society if they paid for the crime and if their sentence is over.

But the way McAuliffe did it was classically Terry McAuliffe.  It was crude, it was one-sided, it was a surprise, and it makes him...

HANNITY:  All right, last question...

GINGRICH:  ... look fairly dumb frankly.

HANNITY:  We've had the never-Trump, never-Cruz movement.  Cruz supporters don't like Trump supporters, Trump supporters don't like Cruz supporters. Governor Rick Scott of Florida weighed in and he is saying -- he's calling on the stop-Trump movement to disband.  Do you worry about unity in a general election?

GINGRICH:  Sure.  I mean, first of all, we ought to have a never-Hillary movement...

HANNITY:  That's what I say.

GINGRICH:  ... and remind everybody in the other movements they ought to join the never-Hillary movement.  Second -- and this'll be interesting to watch -- Trump now describes himself as the presumptive nominee.  Fine. That means the burden is on him to unify the party now.  The burden isn't on the losers.  The burden's on the winner.  And he had better figure out a strategy between now and Cleveland to bring these folks back in because he will have beaten them.

He will be standing astride the party.  But in order to make sure that a third of the party doesn't walk out, he's going to have to figure out how to accommodate them.  That will be an interesting test to the art of the deal.

HANNITY:  Wow.  Well said.  Former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, thanks for being with us.

GINGRICH:  Take care.

HANNITY:  Coming up, Senator Ted Cruz announced that he's picking Carly Fiorina to be his VP if he wins the nomination.  How is this going to impact the 2016 race?  We'll check in with Dr. Benjamin Carson and Herman Cain.  That's next.

And later, more analysis of Donald Trump's foreign policy speech with Dr. Sebastian Gorka and Walid Phares.

Plus, all these celebrities are promising to leave the country if Trump wins the White House in 2016.  We're going to tell you who they are, and I have a special offer for them straight ahead.



SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TEXAS, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  After a great deal of time and thought, after a great deal of consideration and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that if I am nominated to be president of the United States that I will run on a ticket with my vice presidential nominee, Carly Fiorina.



HANNITY:  All right, that was Senator Ted Cruz earlier today announcing that Carly Fiorina is his pick for vice president if he, in fact, wins the GOP nomination.

Here with reaction, former 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Benjamin Carson and the author of "The Right Problems," Fox News contributor, radio host WSB in Atlanta and nationally syndicated, Herman Cain.  Sir, how are you?

HERMAN CAIN, FOX CONTRIBUTOR:  I'm great, Sean.  Thank you.

HANNITY:  All right, first your reaction to the announcement.  And do you think this helps?

CAIN:  Well, you know in football, they call it a Hail Mary and it works about 1 percent of the time.  This is a Hail Carly, and I don't think it's going to work.

Now, that's no disrespect to Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, because Carly and Ted Cruz, as well as Dr. Carson, who's on with me tonight, and you, along with Donald Trump were amongst my "pick six" eight months ago.

I have a lot of respect for all of them.  I just don't think at this point, since Ted Cruz has no path to winning the nomination on the first ballot and possibly the second ballot, that naming the VP candidate now really is going to add any momentum to his campaign.  I don't think it will work, but I respect both of them.

HANNITY:  I respect them both, too.  And by the way, and I said this earlier, Carly Fiorina I think single-handedly was one of the most effective at prosecuting the case against Hillary Clinton.

Dr. Carson, do you agree with Herman Cain?  Do you think this is a Hail Mary?  Do you think this helps?  Traditionally, historically, VP selections don't really impact races.

DR. BEN CARSON, R-FMR. 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  No, I don't think it's going to make a huge difference.  I think it's a good pick.  You know, I've known Carly for 20 years.  We joined the Kellogg board on the same day 19 years ago.  And she's very smart.

But the fact of the matter is, you know, the numbers are what they are, and there is no pathway whereby Ted Cruz can get the nomination without some manipulation of the system that will significantly alter the will of the people.  And that is what the Republicans must recognize.  I think many of the establishment do not understand what the impact of that will be.

HANNITY:  Yes.  You know, what do you think -- you talked about your top six, Herman Cain -- and I think this is really important.  I'm worried about the intensity out there, the anger, the resentment, especially between Cruz supporters, Trump supporters.

Look, Donald Trump now clearly has the only -- he's the only person that can get to 1,237.  The only way that people can stop him is getting to a contested convention and preventing him from getting to 1,237.

At the end of all of this, do you think they are going to put aside their differences and unite with the common purpose of defeating Hillary Clinton and ostensibly a third Obama term?

CAIN:  If they want to preserve the Republican Party and if they want a victory in November for a Republican nominee, they will have to put aside all of that resentment.  The only thing that hasn't changed yet, Sean, as you know, that I'm disappointed in, is that the never-Trump anti-Trump movement appears to not be letting up when the voice of the people is being heard.

This is what they don't understand, and I don't understand why they're digging in their heels.  I respect Ted for trying to do something.  He did the alliance with Governor Kasich.  That appeared to have backfired, in my opinion, if you look at the overwhelming results from the primaries yesterday.  Now he's trying something else.

Well, he's going to keep trying, but like Dr. Carson said, I don't think this is going to add any unexpected momentum to his campaign at this time. The people -- the people are speaking.  The voice of the people is the most important thing that's coming through this Republican primary.


CAIN:  And there are many, many people that are ignoring it.

HANNITY:  And it may end up, if the numbers hold up and continue the way they've been going, that Donald Trump will accumulate more votes than any nominee in the history of the Republican Party.

Dr. Carson, you started out with 17 people.  I understand -- and by the way, all of them good people.  I could make the case for all 17 of you that you would be better presidential material than Hillary Clinton.

Your supporters were disappointed.  Marco Rubio's supporters were disappointed, Scott Walker's, Rick Perry -- all good people.  Is there any chance you see of possible coalition of some of the best and brightest in the Republican Party that has a deep bench, problem solvers joining together in an administration to fix the mess we're currently in?  Is that-- is that a pipe dream on my part?

CARSON:  No, I don't think it's a pipe dream at all.  I think it will become a reality, because the people that you just mentioned, and some others, recognize that if we don't do that and we throw the election to Hillary or a Hillary substitute, and they get two, three, or four Supreme Court picks, that will be the end of America as we know it.  You look at some of the stuff that has come out of the Supreme Court with the numbers that we have now.  Can you imagine what will happen with a more progressive Supreme Court?

HANNITY:  And Trump is going to have a series of these speeches.  We'll get into his foreign policy speech from earlier today.  But he said to me in interviews that he will name a list of about 12 people, and only those 12 people would be considered for the Supreme Court if he becomes president. That's interesting because we'll know his knew judicial philosophy going in and we shouldn't have surprises.  But I want thank you both.  Herman, thank you.  Dr. Carson, always good to see you, thank you.

CARSON:  Always good to see you, Sean.

HANNITY:  When we come back, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traded jabs last night.  Trump accusing Clinton of playing the woman card.  Our panel will respond coming up.

And also later tonight --


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security above all else.  It has to be first, has to be.


HANNITY:  We'll have more reaction to Donald Trump's major foreign policy speech from earlier today.

Plus, find out the names of celebrities that threaten to leave the country if Trump is elected.  I have an offer for them.  That's coming up straight ahead.


HANNITY:  Welcome back to "Hannity." So last night both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump scored several big primary wins, and they wasted no time turning their focus toward a general election face-off.  Watch this.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  The other day, Mr. Trump accused me of playing the, quote, "woman card."


CLINTON:  Well, if fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in.


TRUMP:  I'll do far more for women than Hillary Clinton will ever do.  The only card she has is the woman's card.  She's got nothing else going.  And, frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get five percent of the vote.  The only thing she's got going is the woman's card, and the beautiful thing is women don't like her.


HANNITY:  Joining us now with reaction, conservative columnist A.J. Delgado, from the federalist, D.C. McAllister is with us, and founder and president of High Noon Strategies, Lisa Boothe.  All right, I'm asking all three of you this question.  Is Hillary's screaming hurting her?  I'll start with you, A.J.

A.J. DELGADO, CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST:  I don't know if it's the screaming that's hurting her.  It's really her record and the fact she's somebody that has ridden her husband's coattails to becoming the presidential contender.  That's why you see her unfavorability rating among women is in the 50s.  So it might be the screaming isn't going to help.  But really, Sean, it's just a matter of who she is and how she got to where she is. She's not likable; she's not a role model.

HANNITY:  What do you think, D.C. McAllister?  She seems to for whatever reason, we got into this discussion the other night with Geraldo, she gets louder and louder and screams and screams.  It seems like nobody's telling her and her campaign it may not be the best delivery.  Your thoughts?

D.C. MCALLISTER, THE FEDERALIST:  She is very unlikable.  I guess she has to overcome her deficits by yelling louder.  Women do not like her.  She's not the kind of feminist that women want.  The younger women especially look at her and just see her as a white privileged woman who has ridden her husband's coattails.  And so they don't like her a lot.  The only problem is that Donald Trump has a women's problem as well.  But Hillary Clinton, boy, she has a long ways to go when it comes to attracting them.

HANNITY:  What do you think, Lisa?

LISA BOOTHE, WASHINGTON EXAMINER CONTRIBUTOR:  Sean, I think the bigger point Donald Trump is trying to make is the pandering.  Hillary Clinton is a prolific panderer.  She is trying to play cards that she doesn't even have.  She was accused by an African-American radio host before the New York primary of pandering to black voters by saying she carries hot sauce around in her purse.  She was accused of His-pandering when her campaign pushed out the seven ways that Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela.  And when she tried to pretend like she is just like everyday Americans who take the subway, she was mocked by "SNL" because there was an epic failure when she tried to use the metro.  So I think that's the broader point that Donald Trump is trying to make here.

HANNITY:  That was a pretty funny moment, you got to admit.  Oops, oh, they use metro cards now?

A.J., let me go back to you.  The one time that Hillary tried to the gender card earlier, Donald Trump hit back hard, because the issue of Bill Clinton and women, and he actually called Hillary an enabler in that process, going after and smearing and besmirching women that had made allegations against Bill.  I don't think she'd get away with it if Donald Trump's the nominee.

DELGADO:  Right.  And, I mean, this is something she normally gets away with because it's never discussed.  It's something you're not supposed to talk about or even mention in the mainstream media.  But really she does have a very shaky record in terms of how she has criticized and in some cases according to some set out to ruin some of these women's lives that Bill behaved inappropriately with, to put it lightly.  And yes, Trump does have the courage to bring that out.  And I think American public, including women, are going to see what's Hillary's real record with women.  It's not pretty.

HANNITY:  Yes.  What do you think, D.C.?  I know you're not supporting the premise.  You're supporting Ted Cruz.  So you think the race goes on. Would Ted Cruz prosecute that case in a similar fashion?  And should he? Is that the best strategy?

MCALLISTER:  Absolutely.  I mean, he should definitely do that.  I agree. One thing I do want to say about Trump is that it is nice to see a Republican really be bold and go after Hillary Clinton because we're too soft on her.  And we need to attack her.  So I think Ted Cruz would also attack her as well.  I think he would be just as bold.

HANNITY:  Yes.  What do you -- Lisa, what do you think?  Your thoughts?

BOOTHE:  Well, the issue with the Bill Clinton thing is the hypocrisy of it because Hillary Clinton, herself, said that every rape victim, every victim has the right to be heard.  But we know that she did everything she could to drag Monica Lewinsky's name through the mud, to drag other accusers'
names through the mud.

HANNITY:  Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, I mean, all of this is going to come up, all of it.

Let me ask this question.  Because I think this is fundamentally to the case.  Hillary is a weak candidate.  Hillary doesn't have the ability to, I guess, energize a crowd the way Barack Obama has or Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump.  She certainly doesn't have the interpersonal skills of her husband, Bill Clinton.  She's got ethical issues hanging over her head. But yet she still does OK in matchups, hypothetical matchups.  A.J., will that go away?

DELGADO:  Yes, because the American public, since we're still in these primaries, has not really had a chance to sit down with the two candidates and say, OK, we have two.  Let's watch a debate between the two.  Let's look at the two records, not 16 different records of 16 candidates, and let's see who really has a good record.  And really with women even, Trump has a record throughout his entire career of being a champion of women including even in the workplace.  So once the American public can compare the two, Hillary has no shot.


MACALLISTER:  I don't think Donald Trump has that great of a record when it comes to women.  And 68 to 70 percent of women find him unfavorable.  They don't like him.  Only 58 percent of women don't like Hillary.  So he has a deficit.  Plus, we have to remember that people assume the --

HANNITY:  They're both pretty --

DELGADO:  He won, I'm sorry, he won more women yesterday than Ted Cruz did. Trump won more women's votes then Ted Cruz, so who has the women's problem?

HANNITY:  Lisa, you're a delegate -- all right.  Hang on.  Lisa, you're in the middle.  You're the delegate expert.  Does Trump get to 1,237?

BOOTHE:  I think he does, or he gets pretty darn close.  But the problem with Hillary Clinton, and this is something that nobody is talking about. Hillary Clinton does so poorly among women, and she is a woman.  Her unfavorables with women voters is 58 percent.  If you look at in the Midwest, it's 62 percent.  In the south, it's 60 percent.  And Hillary Clinton is a woman.  But it's something nobody wants to talk about.  They just want to focus on Donald Trump's unfavorables.

HANNITY:  All right, guys, good to see you all.  Appreciate it.

And coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity" --


TRUMP:  Our military dominance must be unquestioned, and I mean unquestioned by anybody and everybody.


HANNITY:  Donald Trump, he delivered a major foreign policy speech earlier today.  Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Walid Phares, they weigh in.

Also, you hear about these celebrities, they're vowing to leave the country if Donald Trump becomes president.  We'll tell you who they are, and I have an offer for all of them, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  Welcome back to "Hannity." So earlier today 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump delivered a major speech on foreign policy.  In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights.


TRUMP:  My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security above all else.  America first will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

Our military dominance must be unquestioned, and I mean unquestioned by anybody and everybody.

Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction.  The best way to achieve those goals is through a disciplined, deliberate, and consistent foreign policy.  With president Obama and Secretary Clinton, we've had the exact opposite.


HANNITY:  Here with analysis tonight, the author of "Defeating Jihad, The Winnable War," Dr. Sebastian Gorka, as well as one of Trump's foreign policy advisers, FOX News terrorism analyst Walid Phares.  Dr. Gorka, let me start with you.  And I agree with you, we can defeat ISIS.  One of the things Trump said is we're too predictable.  He is not going to telegraph what the strategy is going to be, but he will hit them and hit them hard. That would be a shift in foreign policy.  We're going to war, it's only a matter of time.  Do you remember the buildup, for example, to the Iraq war?

DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA, "DEFEATING JIHAD" AUTHOR:  Yes, absolutely.  And for full disclosure, as the FEC has filed, I did advise Mr. Trump last year, but my wife is actually on Senator Cruz's national security team.  So I've been waiting a long time for this speech.  The fact is this would be a sea change.  But still, I don't see enough meat here on the bone.  And the speech he gave today is in various places ultimately contradictory.  So --

HANNITY:  In what way?  He said he's going to build up our nuclear weapons. He will rebuild our defenses.  He talked about China, Russia, radical Islam, terrorist, ISIS.  Where was the contradiction?

GORKA:  Let me give you a couple examples.  Look, the first one is we're going to build up our nuclear forces because they're so important.  And then he talks about how nuclear weapons are so horrific.  Which is it? Secondly he says we're going to stand by our agreements but we're going to rip out the Iranian deal.  Well, which is it?

HANNITY:  He's talking about allies versus an enemy.  I think that's fairly obvious, right?

GORKA:  Well, he talked about trust, trust, trust, trust us and our word stands.  Well, which is it?  Does our word stand, or doesn't it?  And on top of that, the whole relationship with --

HANNITY:  Let me go to Walid.  This is important.  My interpretation, he was distinguishing between how we treat our enemies and whether or not people will be our real allies.  That was my interpretation.  What's yours?

DR. WALID PHARES, FOX NEWS TERRORISM ANALYST:  Absolutely that's the case. He was very clear in were it begins, the genesis, the security of the American people, the interest of the American people, and he was very clear where we're going, unlike the Obama-Clinton administration which failed in Libya, failed in Iraq, failed in Syria, and maybe now in Yemen.

So what Mr. Trump is trying to say, we need to revise these strategies, we need to revise these policies over the past seven to eight years, but also over the past 20 years.  And as you just said, Sean, the issue with regard to ISIS, you have to have a decision to dismantle, not contain.  That is a three-mile wide difference with the current administration.  We regard to the Iran deal, this is a deal basically that is harming the region, and of course you're going to revise it.  You're not going to revise and dismantle NATO.

HANNITY:  I'm running out of time.  Dr. Gorka, did you view this as presidential?  You say you want more meat on the bone, but a good step for you?

GORKA:  Well, I was impressed by his ability to read a teleprompter.  But, again, are we going to stand by Israel?

HANNITY:  Well, he said yes.  He was very clear on Israel.

GORKA:  But he also said what?  He said our allies must defend themselves. No more free loading.  Well, which is it?  Are we going to stand by Israel, or is everybody going to have to defend themselves?  So it's a different quality of speech.  It's an improvement.

HANNITY:  Walid, last word.  What did you think?

PHARES:  Well, the quickest flies from one point to another and doesn't see in between.  He is the only one who spoke about the ideology of radical Islamism should be addressed and mentioned the actual organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.  I think this is 100 miles more advanced than the past.

HANNITY:  We've got to leave it there.  Guys, boy, we could talk about this all night.  Thank you both.

When we come back, we need your help with our "Question of the Day," and we'll tell you which celebrities are threatening to leave the country if Donald Trump is elected, and I have an offer for all of them, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  Time for our "Question of the Day." So do you think Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee or not?  Go to Facebook.com/SeanHannity, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what you think.

Finally, I've been telling you all night, here are the celebrities who said they're going to leave the country if Donald Trump becomes president -- Lena Dunham, Miley Cyrus, Samuel L. Jackson, Cher, Al Sharpton, Raven Simone, Jon Stewart, Eddie Griffin have all vowed to leave if Donald Trump wins.  I have an offer for them.  I will give you a one way ticket to the country of your choice with the stipulation that you promise never to come back.  The offer stands.

That is all the time we have left this evening.  As always, thank you for being with us.  We'll see you back here tomorrow night.


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