Why did Strzok need an insurance policy against Trump?

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," December 19, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: Great job as always. Welcome, everybody, to "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington what the president should do next year to improve his popularity and perhaps prevent a midterm wipe out. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

With the economy up, ISIS pummeled, criminals deported, 12 appellate judges confirmed, regulations slashed, and consumer confidence high, one would think that the president's poll numbers would be above 50. They're not. Of course, the usual suspects in the media, you know, those same people who erroneously relied on polls in 2016 are eager to hype the bad Trump news.


CHUCK TODD, MSNBC: Today we have a president with sinking approval ratings, unpopular piece of legislation, the tax bill supported by just one party.

JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: Twenty four percent approval rating among women. I've never seen a number that low.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN: The president's approval rating has fallen to 35 percent. That's a new low in our CNN polling.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, CNN: That is something that is a record low for every president dating back to Eisenhower.


INGRAHAM: Well, all things considered, it is better to be a popular president rather than an unpopular one. Remember when bush's popularity began to take a nose-dive in 2005 because of the Iraq war and his response to Hurricane Katrina? That was brutal.

Back then W dismissed the reports of his low standing with the public. He didn't fret much or do much about it. Then you remember the Democrats went on to win the House, the Senate, and 36 governorships across America.

Then what happened two years later with the economy in tatters, Bush's numbers cratered, and Barack Obama was elected. Now back to Trump. He is a strong populous core. Of course, he wants to be popular.

And he understandably gets frustrated when his message doesn't seem to be breaking through. Truth be told the president has made some missteps. He is not perfect and of course, the media pounced on them.

The bungled travel ban, firing of Jim Comey, and the decision probably to get involved in that Alabama Senate race at all. That, of course, Democrats have harped on the phony Russian collusion story for a year and this all had a cumulative effect on the public psyche.

But now with the economy poised to roar in 2018. The liberals and their lap dogs in the press need a fresh narrative, freshen it up. Citing the Roy Moore loss in Alabama and Gillespie in Virginia, "The New York Times" and other outlets are reporting that suburban women even those who voted for Trump are turning on him.

Well, they are supposed to be, I guess, put off by his brashness, bluntness, tweet storms and now say the CNN Trump bashers, his lack of empathy.


ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN: It's about expressing normal human emotion, expressing condolences. He doesn't do that first. First, he exploits it for political purposes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, CNN: This administration writ large is engaged in a larger game of trying to contain the president's worst impulses.

CAMEROTA: I hear people say diehard Trump people is we want humanity.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, CNN: No politician can win without empathy.

He won anyway even with numbers that suggested people saying we don't think he understands people like us. Is it catching up with him now? I think the answer is yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can't learn empathy.


INGRAHAM: Well, I disagree with these clowns and here's why. Maybe the president is sharing his empathy in a different way. I would argue that in his first year President Trump has shown empathy for the people of this country in action if not in words at all times.

Think about his deep feeling for the working people, the middle class, Americans of faith and job creators, entrepreneurs, it's all evident in his policies. So, if ridding the suburbs of MS-13, lowering taxes and improving school choice isn't showing empathy for the middle class, then what it is?

It's the massive deregulation and trade policies that are spurring job creation and driving the economy isn't showing empathy for the worker? Then what is it? I'll say it is driving black unemployment to an all-time low and laboring to get drugs off the streets isn't showing empathy to the African-American community? Then what is it?

To President Trump I say the following. You've accomplished so much this year, but you are not going to ever get the press on your side. They are not going to give you credit. But I'll tell you this, more voters can and will be on your side with maybe just a few tweaks, a few modest changes.

Perhaps the time has come to put aside a few of the Twitter battles. I like the tweets but not all of them. Now, it's time to humanize the agenda that you've been fighting for. You see, your predecessors, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, were masterful, they could turn on the machine, they could bear hug at the drop of a hat.

While they were often all emotion, they were at the same time often no action. I would say it's possible to do both. I was thinking today about that incredible event that you held, Mr. President, in August of 2016 with angel families who had lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens.

It's an important reminder of how policy and empathy can align and when you listen and teach, nobody does it better. And if that's not empathy, what is it? Then when Hurricane Harvey struck Houston and you visited the shelter housing flood victims. That was powerful. If that's not what empathy, what is?

I like seeing you out among the people. I like seeing you with children, the elderly, factory workers, volunteers. You can be really charming and warm in person. It's time to let more Americans see that.

My radio listeners today offered their advice what you should do before the midterms. One suggested a twice monthly fireside chat where you explain important policies to voters and introduce them to the people who will be impacted positively by those policies.

I think it's a good idea and great politics as well and I also like the fact that you deliver your message directly in that scenario with or without the media's coverage of it. I would say it's time to govern all the people.

To take your agenda to the inner city, to suburbia, to the churches and the areas of the country that have been somewhat or really unreceptive to the populous conservative message. It is hard to be a national party, isn't it, when every presidential election cycle we write off California and New York right off the bat.

And there is no reason the Democrats should have a monopoly on the coast. That's absurd. Just go and try there. Give it an effort and at times just your presence, just showing up and listening can be the most powerful action of all. And I say if that isn't empathy and a winning strategy, what is? And that's the ANGLE.

Joining us now for reaction here in Washington is Byron York, "Washington Examiner," chief political correspondent. With me here in the studio is Congressman Sean Duffy, Republican from Wisconsin and two Democratic strategists, Joe Trippi and Scott Bolden.

Gentlemen, it's great to see all of you. All right. Trippi, let's start with you. Where am I going wrong here? You heard the ANGLE, President Trump not where he needs to be in poll numbers. Polls say 32, some say 38, 35, but it is not where he wants to be obviously.

Do you think that President Trump can bring his numbers up, don't make any cracks, they can't get any lower, they can. If he can bring his numbers up next year with some of these initiatives, going to the people, selling this message.

JOE TRIPPI, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I thought you nailed it in terms of some of the things he needs to do like get rid of -- I would go further and not some of the Twitter but just about all of it. He often gets in his own way of his own accomplishments.

I mean, he has had them but then the next day he tweets something or attacks somebody and I think that really gets in the way of his message. You're right, the mainstream media jumps on that and makes him pay for it, but they would make any president pay for doing some of the things that he does.

INGRAHAM: The velocity of the attacks on the media for Trump. I worked for Reagan. I thought it was bad then. I've never seen anything like I'm seeing now with the press.

SCOTT BOLDEN, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION PAC: But he drives that narrative, though.

TRIPPI: He likes the fight.

BOLDEN: Republicans may like his tax cuts and popularity and talking directly to the people but then there is this other bucket. This other bucket is tweets, the way he tweets, anti-Muslim information, or videos. Anti-Muslims whereby the British national -- which was quite offensive to so many people.

INGRAHAM: I think it's what some of the Islamists are doing across Europe is really offensive.

BOLDEN: Yes, but they argue that this video was fine.

INGRAHAM: Do you think anyone next November is going to think Donald Trump tweeted something from London but the GDP is 4.2 percent.

BOLDEN: That was an example.

INGRAHAM: We have to get Duffy in here. I want to get Byron York.

REP. SEAN DUFFY, R-WIS.: I don't think it matters what Donald Trump does. The media hates him and go after him. You are partially right, Laura. I don't know if it's a fireside chat or not. He is great at rallies. Get out there and talk directly to the American people.

INGRAHAM: Explain to people why the policies are going to better for African-Americans, Latinos.

BOLDEN: What is his national urban agenda. He wants to take credit for black employment.

DUFFY: Some of the lowest rates in the African-American and Hispanic community we've seen in decades -- hold on a second. He talks to American people better than anybody else. He is doing a rally every month, do a rally every week, speak directly to them, every network covers it, pass tax reform, grow the economy, put more money in people's pockets, accomplish the agenda and this guy and our party will --

INGRAHAM: Let's put Byron on this. Byron, I love the view that the voters want a calmer landscape. That's not easy because lots of incoming and he is -- he wants to smash back. When someone hits him, he hits back, and it has worked for him usually.

In the long run, it has usually worked for him and he was derided for doing this in the campaign by a lot of people, probably, Joe at times you and Scott sometimes you and it worked. All these naysayers in the media told me the polls were going to destroy him. He was destroying himself.

In the end Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, et cetera, turned out because they thought the country was going down the tubes. Can he turn those numbers around given the current landscape?

BYRON YORK, CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, "WASHINGTON EXAMINER": Well, a couple of things. We have heard these complaints throughout the campaign and presidency and a lot of Republicans, who admire his sheer political talent that unique talent that he has, and they always say, gee, you know, if he could only smooth off a few of those rough edges and not do some of those tweets.

And when this is brought up with the president he will basically say and how many of you have been elected president? This is something that he sees as having worked for him and I think his big challenge next year is to get Republican voters and some independents to judge him on the substance of what he has done rather than the style which does turn off some voters and there certainly is something called Trump fatigue.

It actually exists out there. But I think you're likely to see, especially with the situation in Congress, everybody will be running for office. He will be using his executive authority more and telling the voters what he has done for them and he has to get them to the substance that you opened the program with.


TRIPPI: I think Byron is right about it. He is not measured by the substance right now. Look at the things they list off. The Wall Street is gaining breaking records every day. The unemployment, the number of jobs created, all these things, right? The economic confidence that the American people have, right? OK.

Well, when you have that stuff through the roof your favorables are supposed to be through the roof and they're not. Yes, the media is out to get him, fine, but that's not it. So that's --


TRIPPI: It's because there is something wrong with his style that people do not like and he loves that fight. If he put the fight away, he would have a chance to reach out.

DUFFY: The media bashes him so much. I don't think people are willing to tell pollsters that they support him. In Wisconsin, the last poll we had Donald Trump approval rating of 33 percent and he won Wisconsin. So, I don't think people feel comfortable saying that they support him as much as they do.

BOLDEN: Maybe. But Donald Trump drives that narrative. If the media will bash him they are covering him 24/7 and they're covering the negatives about his personality, about his -- how offensive he is and credibility, super important. I think one report I saw from the "Washington Post" like him or not is that in the first year he has told like 3,500 lies in his tweets.

INGRAHAM: How many has the Washington Post told?

BOLDEN: Take any one. He has a lot of Pinocchios. He doesn't have an urban agenda. He wants to claim credit for black unemployment being down and white unemployment is being down, too.

INGRAHAM: Scott, this is what drives me crazy about the identity politics in this country. On the one hand, what are you going to do -- because I want to reach out to communities that have a negative view of Republicans.

BOLDEN: The president hasn't and that's why he is having problems with this.

INGRAHAM: Let me finish. What I think is an objective fact is that the economy is improving. Donald Trump is a charming person. I know at times he gets a little defensive, that's fine, but he is a charming personality and even engaging personality.

I think what the Democrats fear most is Donald Trump actually taking his case to the African-American community in Detroit and Chicago and Oakland and in parts of Florida. I think they don't want him to do that because I think the Democrats are fresh out of ideas. They've tried everything and 40 years later the war on poverty was the whopping failure. They know it and we know it. It's failed.

BOLDEN: I'd love for Donald Trump to go to Detroit and Chicago and L.A., but he'll never do it --

INGRAHAM: If he will have a respectful hearing.

BOLDEN: He can't.

INGRAHAM: Why, because African-Americans don't want to hear from him?

BOLDEN: No, because he doesn't have a message for them. He's offensive to them. He has done nothing for them. He talked about an urban agenda, what urban agenda?

INGRAHAM: What is your urban agenda, hand-outs? An economy that creates jobs? That's what we're getting. Do you want more illegal immigrants?

BOLDEN: Go to those black communities and say that.

INGRAHAM: Do you want MS-13 in your community?

BOLDEN: No, I don't want gangs in my community and racists in my community.

INGRAHAM: Now that's it. Just want to argue. My friends, everybody watching right now I want you to understand what just happened on this show and I find this to be so sad for this country. Donald Trump in one year has done more for the African-American standard of living than any president in my lifetime.

BOLDEN: Name the top three things he has done for African-Americans and communities of color.

INGRAHAM: Right now the response to that is Donald Trump has to be a racist because of the -- he is offensive and a racist, but things are getting better in the African-American community for entrepreneurs, for mothers who want to send their kids to other schools rather than failing schools. You've dominated. School choice and economic opportunity are not emancipators in the inner city, I don't know what is, and getting rid of the MS-13.

DUFFY: There is economics, Donald Trump is doing it right and when the economy grows, it helps everybody, black, white, brown. It helps everybody.

BOLDEN: It was growing under Barack Obama. He inherited the worst economy since the 30s because of the Republicans. Get back to the truth.

INGRAHAM: Let me just -- Trump is a racist and it's Bush's fault? That's the Democrats playbook, Bush and racist. That's all you've got.

YORK: What you said about Trump and going -- Donald Trump and going to areas with large black populations, large Hispanic populations, that is true for every Republican. The first thing you do in trying to -- the most important thing you can do in a campaign is to show up.

That's what Mitt Romney didn't do with Hispanic voters in 2012 and look, it is not like they are going to come to a rally and all vote for you, but voters appreciate when you care enough to show up.

And the president could do that in this upcoming campaign. He has a lot of Republicans to campaign for. One other thing that has to do with what's going on right now. If he can say he has delivered a middle-class tax cut that will help him.

INGRAHAM: All right. Guys, I appreciate it. I wish we could go on for an hour and it'll be great.

BOLDEN: And another thing.

INGRAHAM: Breaking just moments ago, Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe just wrapped with the House Intel Committee after seven and a half hours behind closed door. So, what was his role in that so-called insurance policy text from Peter Strzok. We have exclusive reaction up next.


INGRAHAM: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe just wrapped up with the House Intel Committee after seven and a half hours behind closed doors. McCabe may hold the key to unraveling the insurance policy text between Peter Strzok and his mistress, Lisa Page.

Joining us now to analyze, Solomon Wisenberg, a former deputy independent counsel, who conducted grand jury questioning of President Bill Clinton in the Whitewater investigation. He joins us now. Sol, wow, seven and a half hours, even if I'm tongue tied at the top there, seven and a half hours for McCabe, what does that tell you, if anything?

SOLOMON WISENBERG, FORMER DEPUTY INDEPENDENT COUNSEL FOR WHITEWATER INVESTIGATION: It tells you they're very angry at him. You are talking about the person who wouldn't understand a conflict of interest if it jumped up and bit him on the butt. They've been waiting to talk to him for a long time.

My God, you are talking about a lawyer whose wife took $700,000 from a Clinton crony and he refused to recuse himself from the Clinton investigations until there was a "Wall Street Journal" story about it and by then it was too late. They were closed.

INGRAHAM: Well, Republicans, more of them, are coming closer and at least one calling for him to step aside. I think a lot of folks are hesitant to say that about Mueller although some are. But it seems to me given everything we know about McCabe from his wife to the conversation or they learned something about that conversation, I imagine, that took place before the election that Mr. Strzok was referring to in those texts about an insurance policy. And at this point, I think he is the weakest link at the FBI in this current situation.

WISENBERG: Laura, nobody over at the bureau can believe -- I talked to former agents, I talked to people who are currently at the bureau. Nobody can believe that he is still there. It's astonishing that he is still there. I wouldn't tarnish Mueller.

I notice you didn't pass up the opportunity to tarnish Bob Mueller with McCabe. I wouldn't do that. Mueller has nothing to do with the things that McCabe did before Mueller came onto the scene. If you talk about the insurance text -- the insurance policy text from Strzok, what possible innocent explanation is there?

He says we can't take the risk that Trump will be elected. We can't take the risk. I mean, how can you -- there are only embarrassing and more embarrassing explanations. There is no completely innocent explanation for that. Worst case scenario is -- go ahead.

INGRAHAM: Go ahead. The worst-case scenario is they were trying to stop Trump from becoming elected and get that FISA warrant on the phony basis of the dossier. They're trying to say now through various sources that they were actually trying to in a way help Trump if he were elected by getting finished with this investigation, correct?

WISENBERG: That is ridiculous. They are also saying -- I have also heard a rumor floating around the insurance policy was for them to keep their jobs, which is equally ridiculous. An FBI agent doesn't have to worry about -- at that level doesn't have to worry about keeping their job in a new administration unless they've committed malfeasance.

So, unless he was worried about his handling of the Clinton email investigation, I'm talking about Strzok now, he had nothing to worry about. It's a preposterous explanation. The most innocent explanation is we can't take the risk that he is going to get elected and not let us investigate him so let's get this investigation started now. But even there it's obvious they are rushing things and not doing it the right way and the meticulous way.

INGRAHAM: I have a question for you. Why wouldn't Jeff Sessions at this point fire McCabe? I mean, that doesn't bear on the Russian investigation. I know he recused himself from the collusion investigation, why count he fire McCabe now? He could, right?

WISENBERG: He has the power to fire McCabe. I've heard different things how broad his recusal was. One interpretation he said I won't have anything to do with the election at all. Somebody could say that has to do with the election, but I think he could do it. Look, President Trump can call up Christopher Wray and say the guy shouldn't be there.

INGRAHAM: He will be attacked for it.

WISENBERG: He is attacked for everything, you know.

INGRAHAM: He won't do it. I think you're probably right. In the end, he probably shouldn't. Sol, thank you so much. Another great analysis.

But there is another big question, by the way, in the Russia probe. It's whether Bob Mueller's acquisition of thousands of Trump transition team emails was proper or even legal? And this may have echoes, believe it or not, when I was a Reagan administration appointee of the Iran contra affair.

The conviction of Colonel Oliver North was overturned in that case after a judge ruled the independent counsel's office evidence was tainted due to the way it was obtained. Joining us now Ollie himself, Fox News senior military analyst, host of "WAR STORIES" airing weekends on Fox Business. So, Ollie, is there a comparison here we can draw to your case?

LT. COL. OLIVER NORTH, USMC (RETIRED), FOX NEWS SENIOR MILITARY ANALYST: Independent counsels are a way for Congress to evade their responsibility for government oversight. Number two, they're fishing licenses for everybody who gets hired to be a special prosecutor and their staffs whose goal it is to bring down a president. It's been that way since 1875.

INGRAHAM: This is a special prosecutor, which is slightly different from the independent counsel.

NORTH: What Lawrence Walsh did was to use tainted testimony against (inaudible) both of our charges were thrown out. Walsh went on for seven years. Folks were asking me if it was a good idea to appoint Bob Mueller. His reputation is untarnished. We were in Vietnam at the same time. He has been decorated with a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He's longest serving as the director at the FBI, former attorney general.

INGRAHAM: Put him on Mount Rushmore.

NORTH: He is surrounded by people who hate Trump.

INGRAHAM: What does that say about his judgment in this case? I know he is a war hero and I respect that so much, but he made critical decisions. Sol gets mad at me when I raise this. I think he made critical hiring decisions and judgment is off.

NORTH: They were all referred by people inside the Justice Department, who go back to some of the things that the Clintons were doing.

INGRAHAM: A lot of them were from his firm. He worked there. He knew there are political allegiances.

NORTH: I'm telling you that this process is set up to bring down the president and that things are happening right now that quite frankly destroyed the reputation of Bob Mueller. I kind of wonder why he is still there. Not because the president will fire him. The president said yesterday and again today he is not going to.

INGRAHAM: That's wishful thinking by the media.

NORTH: Why Mueller wants to continue in the job. That's a question he's got to be asking that himself tonight.

INGRAHAM: Ollie, when you look back in 1987. I was a speech writer in the White House at the time and remember watching your motorcade go down to Sullivan's office and back and it was such a wild time for the country. Couldn't we be in for another scenario like we were back then?

NORTH: The building right behind you, Laura, will never hold another hearing like that. They will never do that again and one of the reasons why things like Benghazi got dragged out for months and years and nobody still knows the answer going all the way back to 2012. The bottom line that building is full of 435 people in the House and 100 in the Senate, who don't do their jobs and they should have.

INGRAHAM: They don't want to hold-- they don't want to make -- ask the hard questions and make the hard decisions.

NORTH: And they tried once with a fellow by the name of Clinton. Where did it end up? In the Senate of the United States and they voted not to convict.

INGRAHAM: The Democrats had that pep rally, remember that? They went and supported Bill Clinton after that.

NORTH: That's why we have a special prosecutor, because they will not do what they are supposed to do and they've been elected to do.

INGRAHAM: Trump presidency, the big speech yesterday, the media. Can we play that little clip, Tommy? Let's listen. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he read this thing he put out, because it doesn't square with the words he spoke?

GEN. BARRY MCCAFFREY (RET), MSNBC MILITARY ANALYST: The tone has been all wrong with the president on foreign policy and national security.

RICHARD HAASS, PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: This is no talk about transforming the world to bring democracy to the Middle East. He wasn't talking about bringing China or Russia into the international community at all.


INGRAHAM: I just love watching these people.

NORTH: You know why? Because they can't say they want to put America first. If Ronald Reagan did it, and you and I know that because you were there, and this president is doing it. And it's high time. That's one of the reasons why there is a town full of permanent bureaucrats who some call the deep state and they hate Donald Trump for standing up for America.

INGRAHAM: They don't want their jobs ever cut. They want it to grow, grow, grow, grow.

NORTH: Tomorrow morning after the Senate votes tonight to approve, it goes back to the House. There will be an enormous tax cuts for Americans and you and I and every American watching this will be better off for it.

INGRAHAM: Ollie, it is so great seeing you, wonderful. And by the way, Ollie, did you know that the Obama team has some not so secret weapons to try to keep their policies in place? They're called federal judges. You remember them. And one Obama appointee is helping to make sure that illegal immigrants can get abortions late into the second trimester. Isn't that lovely? Details next.


INGRAHAM: Underage and need an abortion? Just come to America, bienvenidos. No visa needed. Federal judge Tanya Chutkan, of course an Obama appointee, ruled yesterday that the Trump administration must let two illegal immigrant 17-year-olds, one 17 actually and one is a 19-year-old. There was some confusion on that. The government will not have to pay for the procedures, however, but the ruling stymies the Trump administration's efforts to reverse Obama's policy which allows abortions for illegal alien minors in custody. This is a crazy world we live in. What could possibly go wrong? We're not going to become an abortion magnet or anything.

Joining us now from Boston in trial attorney Rachel Self who specializes in criminal defense and immigration law. All right, now, I'm trying to understand this from a different perspective. OK, these young women came to the United States, as far as you know when, Ms. Self? Did they come while they were pregnant or did they get pregnant after they were here?

RACHEL SELF, TRIAL ATTORNEY: Well, according to what I've read about these cases, one of the women, when she was -- when she immediately got here and learned that she was pregnant, had requested the abortion. She was at about 10 weeks at that time. And another one of the women was even less further along than that.

What happens is when these -- and they're not women, they're girls. But when they flee their country and come here, they get examined upon their entry to the United States for basic medical care and needs. And that's because it has been discovered that almost 80 percent of them on their journey here wind up victims of sexual violence. And so there are studies that show that.

And so the refugee -- these actually aren't part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement custodies because in the 80s with the Flores settlement they became part of the Health and Human Services -- well, no, it's the Health and Human Services.

INGRAHAM: They're in ICE custody.

SELF: They're not an ICE custody. There is confusion about that. They're not in ICE custody. It's in the purview of the refugee and resettlement office, OK.

INGRAHAM: They're in custody. They're not walking around in the street.

SELF: No, they're not walking around in the streets. They are in a center.

INGRAHAM: That's not important. What's important here is just a basic question. Is it the responsibility of the United States to be a magnet for those who want to come here, have children here, come here illegally, or come here pregnant to either deliver their child, child then becomes an automatic U.S. citizen, or to come here and get an abortion paid for by a sponsor? I know a lot of people think the government should pay for it. Is that our responsibility? And if so, under what principle is it our responsibility? I'm not talking for American citizens. I'm talking for illegal immigrants who arrive here. They're not supposed to be here, obviously.

SELF: It's a really good question, Laura. And to go to your point exactly, these girls actually wanted to -- when they learned that they were pregnant they wanted to get abortions. They weren't looking to have babies here. They wanted actually just to get the abortion taken care of once they learned they were pregnant.

INGRAHAM: Taken care of. It's a baby. It's a baby. In one case the baby is preborn at almost six months of age. Do you know what a preborn baby at six months looks like?

SELF: And that was due to obstruction. And nobody is talking about late term abortions here, Laura. And that was due to obstruction -- that was due to obstruction by the administration. The girls originally wanted it. Now, there was a Texas judge. Now, people in Texas vote for the judges in Texas.

INGRAHAM: That's what a baby looks like. Hold on, hold on. You are talking but I want people to know what's on the frame.

SELF: So I think that we really should stick to the law because showing pictures like that doesn't go -- I don't have a monitor.

INGRAHAM: Guess what, when you get home check your DVR and look at that baby in the face. Look at that baby and you tell me that that baby --


INGRAHAM: I'm going to have cut your mic if you don't listen to me because this is important.

SELF: We're not discussing the law. We're not discussing the law. That's why I'm here.


INGRAHAM: -- necessarily proper, judges get things wrong all the time.

SELF: No, the constitution, the 5th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, they all say that it's the law. And a Texas judge in the best interest of the child -- in the best interest of the child, this girl needed to have an abortion.

INGRAHAM: She didn't need to have an abortion, no, no, no.

SELF: A Texas judge appointed a guardian ad litem and determined.

INGRAHAM: Mute the mic.

SELF: What we need to do is stick to the law. It makes sense.

INGRAHAM: The law makes sense. So when you get home and, as a human being, we were all former embryos, correct. As a human being I just want you to look at that face that we just showed on the TV screen. I know it's inconvenient.


INGRAHAM: Stop. I want --

SELF: Again, you are showing things that I can't see. You are showing things that I can't see, and I'm happy to look at it, but right now what I would like to do --

INGRAHAM: I showed you a baby, a baby.

SELF: That's fine.

INGRAHAM: It is a baby. It's not a hamster. It's not a piece of tissue. It's a baby and it makes you very uncomfortable and that's why you're talking over it.

SELF: I can't even see it at this point. So that's fine, you can show what you want to show to the viewers, but for right now what makes the most sense --

INGRAHAM: Can you please stop?

SELF: The Constitution of the United States --

INGRAHAM: The constitution does not say in one provision --

SELF: Protects every single person within the jurisdiction to not be denied basic medical care and --

INGRAHAM: A baby is not a disease.

SELF: That is why a guardian ad litem was appointed --

INGRAHAM: Tommy, I can't hear her talking over me. OK, got it.

This is my one thought. I understand what you are saying about what the law is. I understand that. But we're talking about a human being, and we are talking about an illegal immigrant who has violated our laws, OK. That's all I wanted to say. We're not talking about hair splitting of the Fourth Amendment or Roe versus Wade. We're talking about not a medical condition. We're talking about a baby. That's all I wanted to say. And I appreciate the conversation.

OK, it's time to ask the big question of the season, and we have a special guest up next who is going to tell us who has been naughty and who has been nice. Ainsley Earhardt is here for her pick up next.


INGRAHAM: A big part of the Christmas spirit is to see the world with innocent eyes of wonder. And that lesson is number one New York Times kids bestseller by "Fox & Friends" co-host Ainsley Earhardt, "Through Your Eyes." I love this book, "My Child's Gift to Me." We welcome her now from New York. Now, Ainsley, we're so proud of you.


INGRAHAM: And as we all know, this is the time of year to take stock of who has been naughty and who has been nice. So we understand you've brought your list.

EARHARDT: OK, so I brought my Christmas list. I would say on the naughty list, and I think you would agree with me, Laura, would be the media. Many people complain that the mainstream media doesn't report the stories on this administration fairly. So I just think many of these folks that claim to be journalists wake up every morning and they think I have an agenda to bash the president and the administration and I refuse to put out any positive stories about him.

Granted there are some stories that might warrant their coverage, but there are many that do that don't make it on their air. And I just don't think many of them are objective or fair or balanced, and they're not staying on point and not being focused.

INGRAHAM: And 90 percent of the stories are negative, I guess. But you're much nicer than I am saying they're just naughty.

EARHARDT: Maybe nasty?

INGRAHAM: We come up with our new list. What about nice? This is what we want to talk about.

EARHARDT: This is my nice. Exactly, exactly. So I would say the military. You know, if you think about it, especially with North Korea, we have men and women that are missing Christmas with their children this holiday season because they're fighting to defend our freedom so that we can live our lives and we don't have to worry about a terrorist blowing up a cafe where that's not the case, unfortunately, in other countries. So I'm very proud to be an American and I'm so grateful for our military men and women that don't get the credit they need, and I'm so grateful.

That reminds me, because you mentioned my book, I really appreciate that. Dan Rooney, I had the pleasure of getting to know him over the last year and his family. And he has served our country and he was coming back from a tour in Iraq. And the pilot came over the loudspeaker and said please take you seats, stay in your seats while we remove a casket off this plane. He looked out the window. There was a flag-draped casket.

He wheeled over to a family, and a young woman was there with her son, and he thought, who is going to teach that little boy to play baseball? Who is going to put him through college? And he decided he was going to be the one. Since then his organization has raised millions of dollars to put kids through college. And Laura, he came on our show and he surprised me and he said, Ainsley, because you are from South Carolina and because you've given money to folds of honor, I presented him with a check because of our viewers who are amazing that bought the book. And he said because you gave us $50,000, 10 kids are going to go to college.

He went down the list. He said I picked out kids on the list. We have a long list of people that want this college money because they've lost their parents who served our great country. And he went down the list and found people from South Carolina, my home state, and put together a video. So God bless him.

INGRAHAM: What a great story, what a great Christmas story. Ainsley, merry Christmas to you.

EARHARDT: Thank you so much.

INGRAHAM: And Ainsley, by the way, I'm putting Disneyworld on the naughty list. Something to do with an animatronic Trump. Please come back.


INGRAHAM: It's wild.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It's a privilege to serve as the president of the United States, to stand among so many great leaders of our past.




TRUMP: It's a privilege to serve as the president of the United States --


INGRAHAM: The geniuses at Disney have finally installed President Trump in the Magic Kingdom's Hall of the Presidents. He's reverberating behind me. There's only one problem. Now that the president has finally shown up there, will anyone know who the heck he is? Look at this. This looks nothing like Donald Trump. Was the sculptor out of town when they were making this animatronic figure? You have got the open coat and the long tie. You can't see it, but the tie goes below the belt. I just don't see Trump at all in this.

So I ask the question, who does this look like? Some on the Internet say it looks like a bloated Jon Voight. Jon Voight is never going to speak to me again. Or maybe I thought today an aged Lloyd Bridges. Look at that. I'm right. Or maybe does it look like Alec Baldwin kind of? Alec Baldwin's impersonation of Trump is the worst. I'm sorry. I don't like it.

This is very cruel. I reject this at Christmas time especially, that it looks like Hillary Clinton.


INGRAHAM: That is just -- I completely reject that. Well, let me know what you think on Facebook or on Twitter @IngrahamAngle. You know I think they should get the guy who does the wax figures for the wax museum. Why can't that guy or gal do the animatronics because it looks really good. That looks like Trump. Whatever the case, Disney should be ashamed. Or it might be their own way of protesting. Having to include Trump in their attraction at all probably drives them crazy.

But do not go anywhere. I want you to hit me on Facebook and Twitter about those three, four options.


INGRAHAM: And before we go, the rush is on to get all that that Christmas shopping done by week's end. So make sure to get something, maybe get a gift for someone who's been naughty and nice just for the heck of it. My kids, I say they are not going to get anything, but they are getting. You've got to give them something. Maybe win the naught people over by giving them a copy of my book, "Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump." You'll love it. It's a great read, great gift, stocking stuffer, and all that jazz.

Reach me @IngrahamAngle on Twitter and on Facebook. Remember to vote for who the animatronic Trump really looks like. Lloyd Bridges is my vote.

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