Why Can't Some Stars Control Their Anger?

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 31, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

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TONY SNOW, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, what happens when the very personal problems of some of the world's biggest stars become public?

Here's supermodel Naomi Campbell during her "perp walk" yesterday. She was arrested on charges of smashing her housekeeper in the head with a cell phone. Campbell says she's the victim of a scheming employee who was making the whole thing up. So why did the housekeeper need four stitches?

Of course, Campbell isn't the only hot-headed celebrity accused of using a phone in anger. In June 2005, an enraged Russell Crowe fired a phone at a hotel worker.

And then there's the sad case of Whitney Houston. This week her sister-in-law told the National Enquirer that Houston is a crack addict living in filth and squalor.

Joining us now from Los Angeles, Harvey Levin, TMZ.com managing editor. And Tamara Conniff, executive editor of Billboard magazine.

Tamara, let's begin with you.

We have the Naomi Campbell thing. She says that it was, in fact, a thieving employee, who I guess somehow managed to whack herself in the head and get four stitches. What do you — what do you make of this? I mean there is sort of a pattern with Naomi Campbell, is there not?

TAMARA CONNIFF, EXECUTIVE EDITOR, BILLBOARD: I actually think there's a pattern with phones and celebrities. It seems to be the weapon of choice.

It's interesting. I mean, obviously the woman had stitches. I also think that we might be surprised at how many normal people throw phones, but it's the celebrities that make headlines.

SNOW: Harvey, what do you think here? Is this a celebrity maybe being singled out for doing things that other people do?

HARVEY LEVIN, TMZ.COM: Well, if she did it, she should get nailed. But Tony, I have to tell you, I wouldn't jump too quickly. There is something so weird.

You know, Naomi Campbell did this once before, and she was convicted. It almost feels too convenient that she fired this woman and, suddenly, there is an allegation that the exact same weapon was used against her. And that would be really weird for somebody to go out and self-lacerate themselves.

But we found out the cops — the cops actually seized the cell phone from Naomi's home. They're not saying it's the cell phone; they're not sure. But I mean, this is like an O.J. Simpson case with DNA. That blood on the cell phone could either nail her or free her.

SNOW: Harvey, are they looking at this skeptically then?

LEVIN: Well, you know, I think that Naomi's camp has come out swinging here. They've essentially said that they may file charges against this woman for stealing her stuff over the last couple of months. And they're saying this is extortion. So stranger things have happened in the past, but you know, Naomi Campbell does have a temper problem. No question. So they just have to investigate.

SNOW: Tamara, speaking of problems, we have the latest on Whitney Houston. A long slide that probably — I don't know. You tell me when you think it began.

CONNIFF: You know, I think it was always a little bit in Whitney. I think Bobby Brown really brought it out. I think that she was a really well manicured diva star and she just turned a little ghetto. It's really sad. She's an amazing talent, but she keeps spiraling downward.

SNOW: Yes. Harvey?

LEVIN: Yes, I just think it is — it is such a sad situation. And the irony is in some ways all of their troubles kind of kept them in the news and kept their celebrity, in a weird sort of way, bright. And now, you know, if this is true, there's nothing bright about it. It's just tragic.

SNOW: Well, it does appear in this case Tamara, that again, a family that says that it intervened previously in the case of Whitney Houston may be, in its own way, trying to use the tabloids to intervene once again. Is that how you're reading it?

CONNIFF: I mean, it sounds like they're definitely trying to make a statement. Then again, I think that a lot of people just like to talk to The National Enquirer. I think Whitney has some major issues she has to deal with, but I think that sometimes other family members seek their own celebrity.

SNOW: Yes.

Now Harvey, what we're talking about here, obviously, people are interested in these celebrities. But there does seem to be a pattern of people doing stuff that — I don't know, like the Russell Crowe case. When is the last time you walked into a hotel and, in anger, picked up a phone and threw it at somebody?

LEVIN: You know, Tony, there are two different types of celebrities, probably more than two. But the two we're talking about now are the really sweet, nice people who don't really let celebrity go to their head. John Travolta, apparently, is the nicest guy in the world, is always nice to people.

And there are other celebrities who kind of feel entitled and a little better than the common folk, because they're the ones that people fawn over. They're the ones that get the people at the restaurant. They get everybody saying yes to them. And when somebody says no or it doesn't go right, they explode. And you know, clearly, that happened to Russell Crowe, and that is the overall danger of celebrity in this town.

SNOW: Tamara, doesn't anybody ever tell these people, "Behave or your stock is going to go down with the public"?

CONNIFF: You know, in Russell Crowe's case, I have to come to his defense just a little bit, because he was trying to reach his wife and I, having lived in New York on and off for 12 years, have dealt with people that can be very, very not helpful. And if you're trying to reach your wife and child and someone is not helping you, you know, I'm not saying it's OK to throw a phone, but I can certainly understand why he would get angry.

SNOW: All right. Harvey, Tamara.

LEVIN: I beg to differ.

SNOW: All right. Well, you two can argue about that.

LEVIN: I doubt Tamara has ever done that.

SNOW: You can argue about it some other time.

CONNIFF: OK. We'll talk about this outside.

SNOW: Thank you both. Absolutely.

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