Who's Behind the Bush Billboard?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Fired Up

The first African-American to be elected governor of a U.S. state has a message for President Obama: heads need to roll.

Former Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder writes on Politico that the president must replace the team that helped get him elected with one capable of helping him govern. Wilder singles out Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine as the first who should go, citing heavy party losses in recent elections, and Wilder writes the West Wing is filled with staffers from Chicago who are not listening to the American people: "Unless changes are made at the top — by the top — the president will discover that Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts were not just temporary aberrations but, rather, timely expressions of voters who always show that they are ahead of the politicians."

Board Games

Media outlets and blogs are buzzing about a billboard along I-35 near Wyoming, Minnesota. It has a huge photo of former President George W. Bush and the question, "Miss me Yet?". Many wondered if the image was photoshopped, but the billboard is real and has been up since late December.

The outdoor advertising company says the billboard was paid for by local small business owners who feel like Washington is not listening to them. They want to remain anonymous but thought the billboard was a fun way of getting their message across. Looks like it worked.

Cool Idea

The administration announced this week a new climate change office will be created as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The idea is to consolidate global warming data and resources.

But the announcement in Washington was complicated by the historic blizzard that shut down federal offices. Because of the frigid temperatures and snowy streets, the agency was forced to hold a press conference by telephone, instead of meeting at the National Press Club.

To the Cooler

And two university students in Virginia were thrown in jail for throwing snowballs. The Smoking Gun reports the James Madison students targeted a city plow during Saturday's blizzard.

The driver called the police, who responded in an unmarked car, that the two students reportedly then pelted with another frosty fusillade. The two were charged with "throwing missiles" at occupied vehicles, a felony. They could face between one and five years in prison and a fine of $2,500.

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.