Who will President-elect Trump pick for secretary of state?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 28, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I'm Dana Perino and this is a Fox News Alert. We are closely following developments on a terrifying incident in Ohio earlier. An attacker plowed his car into a group of pedestrians at Ohio State University in Columbus and began stabbing people with a butcher knife before he was shot to death. Nine people were hurt. One critically.

The dead suspect was identified as a student, a Somali born refugee with permanent U.S. legal status. Fox News is working to verify whether this was him on the ground. Terrorism has not been ruled out. The FBI has also joined the investigation. More now from Fox News Garrett Tenney live on the scene. Garrett.

GARRETT TENNEY, CORRESPONDENT, FOX NEWS: Yes, Dana, you mentioned the suspect has been identified as 18-year-old Abdul Artan. You mentioned he is a Somalia refugee and he is a first year student at the Ohio State University. Now, investigators -- in cases like this, the big question is always why. What is it that would drive a person to take their car and plow into a crowd of students and then to pull out a butcher knife and begin attacking folks?

There is still at this hour no motive for this attack but rather something they're looking into. They are not ruling anything out we are told including the possibility of terrorism. To be clear though, there are no indications at this point that there were any related links to terrorism from Abdul Artan and we are told that he was not on a terrorism watch list as well. But over the next 24 hours, investigators will be doing a lot of things.

You mentioned the FBI is now here on the ground assisting. We know they are still here at the scene processing the evidence, going through the car that was used. They're going to be searching through Artan's electronic devices, his communication, his social media presence and we know that they are also tracking down family and friends of his to get a better idea of who he was and what may have led him to do this.

Now, we have learned just in the past hour that back in August it appears Artan did speak with the Ohio State University school newspaper "The Lantern." This was on his first day on campus and in an article he told the paper, he complained about not having anywhere on campus to say his prayers. Dana

PERINO: All right. Thank you, Garrett. More to come on today's attack in Ohio ahead later in the show.

Meanwhile, president-elect Trump is back in New York today holding meetings as he works to fill more key administration posts. Former CIA director and retired Army general David Petraeus was spotted at Trump Tower earlier. He may now be in contention for Secretary of State along with Rudy Giuliani, Senator Bob Corker and Mitt Romney. Here was the general upon his exit.


DAVID PETRAEUS, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: The meeting went very well. I was with him for about an hour. He basically walked us around the world. He showed a great grasp of a variety of the challenges that are out there and some of the opportunities as well. So, very good conversation and we'll see where it goes from here. We'll see where it goes from here. And I've got to teach this afternoon so, that's all I can do today.


PERINO: Corker and Romney both have meetings tomorrow with the president- elect. Some Trump loyalists are still publicly voicing concerns about Romney being in contention for this prominent position.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, SENIOR ADVISER FOR DONALD TRUMP: I think that there was a Never Trump movement and then there was Governor Mitt Romney. He went out of his way to hurt Donald Trump.

We don't know who Mitt Romney voted for.

For also party unity, I don't think a cost of admission of party unity has to be the secretary of state position.

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I think there is nothing Mitt Romney can say that doesn't sound phony and frankly pathetic. Speaking for most of the Trump supporters, while we will support president-elect Trump in whatever he does, we would be enormously disappointed if he brought Mitt Romney in any position of authority.


PERINO: Incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus is trying to dismiss reports that there is open warfare within team Trump over Romney.


REINCE PREIBUS, CHAIRMAN, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE: It isn't a matter of warfare, I mean there's a lot of opinions about this and yes it is a sort of a team of rivals concept if he were to go toward the Governor Romney concept. I can just assure the American people the fact that he's actually even flirting with the idea of choosing a rival should tell the American people where he's at, which is the best place for everyone in this country.


PERINO: Reince earning his pennies yesterday, Kimberly. What do you make of all this?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yes. Well, it all comes down to flirting, doesn't it? You heard it from Reince right there. He said -- this is a little bit of flirting with a rival. Is it or is it not? Now you see a little kind of new development with more people moving into the mix. You saw Petraeus going in. Now, Corker's name.

So they're adding more to it so it's not going to be a choice directly between Rudy Giuliani, Trump loyalist who proved himself over and over again to be worthy of the position and definitely wants it -- I think would do a great job -- and then Mitt Romney also highly capable individual who definitely was not supportive of the president-elect. So, let's see. Maybe he's going to make one of these other surprise picks. I just hope its Rudy.

PERINO: One person you actually haven't heard from is actually Mitt Romney, Eric. He's actually been pretty quiet through all of this, sort of sitting there waiting and then actually going back for a second interview tomorrow.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Second interview tomorrow?

PERINO: I guess it's an interview -- actually maybe it's just a meeting.


GUILFOYLE: Is that breaking news?

BOLLING: So, I thought it was great news that General Petraeus came to visit today, and now you have three -- you have Rudy, Romney, Petraeus --


BOLLING: Hopefully he keeps going. It's probably the most important appointment I think he's going to make. You have defense. You have treasury. But I think secretary of state going forward is an extremely important pick. I hope he -- Donald Trump -- president-elect continues to interview people, to talk to people, hopefully maybe some we haven't even heard yet.

I know if you watch enough cable news on other networks, there's this massive problem going on within the Trump organization transition team and it's not really the case. That's not the case. Yes, there are loyalists on both sides and yes, it's kind of playing out in the media.

But he's smart -- I believe Donald Trump is very smart in doing what he's doing. See a bunch of people, take your time with the decision. Maybe even announce some of the other appointments before you get back to secretary of state.

PERINO: What do you think, Juan? You've covered several transitions. This is a little bit different but I guess we kind of expected it to be different.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Yes, I don't think Donald Trump was prepared for all of this and of course his transition team was trying to get it together. So now you have a situation where I find this so intriguing. This is really shooting inside the tent going on with the Romney nomination and largely over the issue of loyalty. Donald Trump famously said though he thinks that Mitt Romney looks the part. I don't know. Maybe that's a qualification.

But when you look at some leading conservative publications, they are saying that they have concern that in fact loyalty should not Trump experience and clearly when you look at experience, you would have to look at someone like General Petraeus who was visiting today. You'd have to think about someone like Bob Corker whose experience as head of the foreign relations committee in the Senate is substantial and he is well respected. The question is, you know, you have to have someone who Donald Trump can trust, Dana.

Someone who Donald Trump feels comfortable with because he's going to have to bring him information at times that's going to be, like, no, Donald, Russia is not our friend and Vladimir Putin is not a hero to the American people. And Donald Trump is going to have to have sufficient faith in that person to listen to them at that critical moment.

PERINO: And what about you? You've got some notes here.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Everybody says, oh look, you have notes. Is there something wrong with being prepared?

GUILFOYLE: Those are the same notes from when we started the show.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's all just props.

PERINO: You're asking me?

GUTFELD: This is all just props. No, I think Petraeus is a good thing. He's a sober adult in a sea of feeling. Remember, he was the guy behind the surge and for any tried and true military mind, the surge is the way war should be. It's like it makes no sense that you don't have a continuous surge. That's why he was so successful and why it's good that he is one of the people there. It's good news because if you look at everybody there, there's not a bad egg in the bunch.

Although it does feel like you're watching the casting of a movie, which is not as exciting as the movie itself, but you get the sense that compared to the last eight years, we are replacing the Teletubbies with the A-Team, you know. It's like the adults are coming in. But I do have a concern.

GUILFOYLE: Who's spaceman?

GUTFELD: That's a good question. Mitt (ph) spaceman.


GUTFELD: But what becomes of Fox News? So I'm looking at the roster so far. You got KT McFarland, Ben Carson, Bolton, Crowley, Huckabee, Scott Brown. These are all FNC mainstays. Are they going to replace the Supreme Court with "Outnumbered?" Does that make Clarence Thomas one lucky guy? I'm worried. We're not going to have anybody here anymore.

GUILFOYLE: Don't worry, you'll still be here.

GUTFELD: You know that. I'll be hosting every show.

GUILFOYLE: Every hour.

PERINO: You know what's interesting about the Petraeus possibility that, well, not as -- obviously not vocal like Romney was, Kimberly, but he did serve in the Obama administration and loyally I would say. The other thing to Greg's point, I think people don't necessarily remember that when the surge in Iraq was conceived, that was General Petraeus' idea. But it wasn't just military.

There was a huge diplomatic component to it and a surge in diplomatic relations through the state department and other departments within the administration. So, maybe that is really an interesting pick because you have defense, intelligence and a diplomatic -- and a diplomat all coming together into one person.

GUILFOYLE: And you know him well, too, so. And he's not close with KT McFarland as well so that's kind of interesting to know that as well behind the scene (ph). He's a highly capable individual. He is well-respected by all sides, not just both sides, all sides. Meaning if you have people talk about his level of experience, his credibility, he's somebody that knows how to put, you know, ideology to the side and work directly for whoever the commander-in-chief is.

That's why it's interesting, you see somebody right there on the screen that was working for, you know, President Obama and is somebody that could have worked for Hillary Clinton if she became president and could certainly work and serve Donald Trump who is the next president. So, I think that there are a number of positions that he would be well-suited for and he certainly has the international experience.

WILLIAMS: Well, one quick is confirmation. I apologize, but --

GUTFELD: I know where you're going with this.

WILLIAMS: On his confirmation --

GUILFOYLE: Can he get through and Hillary and the e-mail scandal.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I think Giuliani would have a terrible time with confirmation hearings because of his money coming from lots of sources including foreign capital so I think that would be very difficult for Rudy Giuliani to get confirmed. And I think Petraeus would face some concerns over Paula Broadwell and the fact that he leaked information.

BOLLING: From a Republican.

WILLIAMS: Yes, from a Republican because remember, Republicans were holding Hillary's feet to the fire on just this issue.

BOLLING: But it goes to committee first and then to a full confirmation, right.

WILLIAMS: Yes, the committee -- it would have to come out of committee, but one thing, right from the start there would be lots of controversy and I'm not sure that's helpful to a president trying to get his team together.

GUTFELD: I think I'd be more worried about the Democrats seeking revenge.

WILLIAMS: On Petraeus?

GUTFELD: Because of the Hillary e-mail scandal, you know.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes, because that's going pop out either way.

PERINO: Don't forget --

GUTFELD: He's got his own private server problem and that was a biographer, so that's going to be an issue.



GUTFELD: Paula Broadwell.

BOLLING: So actually to come out of committee, you only have -- Republicans have a one-vote advantage in the committee before it goes to the full Senate, and so you're right. So if there is a Rand Paul who said he would push back against some of the secretaries of states that have been floated, that's something absolutely to consider. It becomes an interesting dance on who you're entertaining, who you're dancing with going into these appointments.

PERINO: Don't forget it's the left is the one that took out the big ad, "General Betray Us" in the hearings in 2007.

WILLIAMS: It was move on. By the way, there's someone who is a totally surprise candidate, which is Tulsi Gabbard, who is the congresswoman from Hawaii and a Democrat.

PERINO: For Secretary of State?

WILLIAMS: Yes. I'm like, what --

PERINO: I hadn't heard that. New information right here on "The Five." Next, Hillary Clinton's team participating in a recount effort, believe it or not, now under way in Wisconsin despite the secretary's declaration nearly three weeks ago that we must accept the results of the election. We'll bring you up to speed on that drama when "The Five" returns.


BOLLING: Donald Trump soundly defeated Hillary Clinton on November 8th. She conceded and called on her supporters to accept that fact.


HILLARY CLINTON, FOMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.


BOLLING: Hypocrisy alert. Now the secretary is going back on her own words taking part in an effort to challenge the results starting in Wisconsin. The recount initiated by Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Stein is also asking for a recount in Pennsylvania and wants one in Michigan as well. The Clinton campaign is participating in the Wisconsin recount even though the secretary said this last month.


CLINTON: We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.


BOLLING: But that was a month ago. President-elect Donald Trump calls the recount effort sad and a Green Party scam, his team pushing back hard over the weekend.


REINCE PRIEBUS, CHAIRMAN, REPUBLICAN NATIONALCOMMITTEE: It is a total and complete hypocritical joke that the group of people that thought that they were nervous about president-elect Trump not conceding are the people that are conducting recounts in states where we won by over 68,000 votes.

CONWAY: They have to decide whether they're going to interfere with him finishing his business, interfere with a peaceful transition.

They're going to be a bunch of cry babies and sore losers about an election that they can't turn around.

GINGRICH: -- said, we're watching how to live out a psycho drama in public but the fact is she lost.


BOLLING: All right, Dana, so the words were the secretary says, "we must accept the results" on October 19th and that's --

PERINO: I'm glad you had that thought because you remember when that first happened, the headlines the next morning were oh my, gosh, this spells doom for Trump. That was the worst thing he possibly could have said. And yet, if you look at Wisconsin, Hillary Clinton -- she didn't even campaign there. They didn't even bother to go there and now they want a recount there?


PERINO: The other thing about Jill Stein is, if you were so concerned about Hillary Clinton winning the election, why did you run and pull votes away from her especially in Florida. Why would you have done that? And the last thing is, I really think this is Hillary Clinton's campaign just saying, yes, they would argue that they're not actively participating but by sending the lawyer to Wisconsin to oversee on her behalf, then, yes, that is participating.

And what it really is trying to do is change the story line so that it wasn't that her campaign did not meet the -- did not rise above the bar. Actually I should just say her campaign was a total failure. Now -- I'm trying to be nice -- now, what they're trying to do is say, oh no, look, actually there's this possibility of widespread fraud so that they could say that those states were closed for the obituary (ph) whenever that happens in the future.

It won't be that she lost to Donald Trump, it will be that there was some sort of voting irregularities even though the Obama administration itself has said there is no evidence of any sort of widespread irregularity. So, all of these seem like an exercise in futility and I really wonder who is funding this, you know, is Jill Stein, who is backing her in order to make this happen?

GUILFOYLE: A big donor. She's trying to say it's grassroots --

BOLLING: One more thing I'm going to go through, the odds of this actually working for Hillary Clinton at the end of the show. Stick around for that one. KG, does --

GUILFOYLE: Let me give you the new math. Fat chance.

BOLLING: Which is right, slim to none. But I'll show you (inaudible) numbers. The democrats look so desperate doing this. I mean, what -- where is -- they don't actually think they're going to flip the election so what is this all about?

GUILFOYLE: No, this is a con job and this is just an attempt to try to create more division in this country and try to change the narrative and to affect the whole impact of Donald Trump and winning this election and the movement that put him forward into the oval. That's what this is about. So she's being a big cry baby now. I mean, she had no chance so this isn't even anything about her.

She's trying to look like she's a champion of the people. It's big donor money behind it. Only after the big donors put the money forward, then did she get some smaller donations in time to be able to put it. I mean, it's almost embarrassing to be quite honest with you especially with Hillary joining in when she said, oh no, Trump is going to do this and now look at who's doing it. Two face.

BOLLING: Talk about a lack of gracefulness in a loss. I mean, she literally said we owe it to Donald Trump, he's our president. And here we are a couple of weeks later saying let's rethink this.

WILLIAMS: This is such an incredibly a one-sided conversation. I'm like speaking from a different planet, but I believe over the weekend it was Donald J. Trump, president-elect, who said there were millions of fraudulent votes cast in this election. Did I miss that? Did somebody not mention that here on the show? Donald Trump thinks something terrible happened then what's the problem with having a recount to assure Americans it was a legitimate election?

BOLLING: I'm all for the recount. By the way, it's a joke because I'm all for it. Greg, your thoughts on Democrats --

GUTFELD: She did learn this from Trump. Remember the Colorado primary?


GUTFELD: Does anybody remember that? I mean Trump made the word rigged the word of 2016. He said everything was rigged. So, he kind of opened the door for this. I don't really care about that. What I care about is who's behind the recount? Jill Stein. As Michael Moynihan points out, she called Castro the symbol of the struggle for justice in the shadow of empire. So what right does she have to discuss a voting discrepancy in a republic as she praises a country whose leader didn't held no election. She is an ass.

BOLLING: And she's also on Kennedy tonight if you're going to stick around --

WILLIAMS: Yes, like I mean, in response to what Dana said about Hillary, you know, I mean Hillary is always going to go down in the obituary whatever Dana, as having lost the election --


WILLIAMS: -- that I think she could have won, I mean, was hers to win.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, not a closer.

WILLIAMS: But here's my point to all of you, which is I think there's a legitimate question about Russia, which hacked in to the DNC, right, the Democratic --

GUTFELD: That's a conspiracy theory.

WILLIAMS: No, no, hang on.


BOLLING: -- in place (ph) of the voting booths --

WILLIAMS: And into registration data in several states. So, this is what the intelligence community, the United States intelligence community.


GUILFOYLE: There's no evidence to support that.

BOLLING: Anywhere, anywhere.

WILLIAM: That's correct, but Donald Trump said he believed --

GUTFELD: The reason why there's no evidence is because we don't have voter ID. This is the thing that drives me crazy. We have people screaming about voter fraud, but they don't want to have voter ID. Why don't we have voter ID? That would help.

GUILFOYLE: Did you just say dude? I'm pretty sure they don't say that on "Special Report."

GUTFELD: Dudettes.

BOLLING: When we (inaudible) recount those down and Donald Trump is confirmed the winner, maybe even by wider margins in some of these states, how foolish are the Democrats going to look? How ridiculous are they going to look?

WILLIAMS: If it was Democrats who were initiating, OK, or you could say Democrats are taking advantage of the situation, but the fact is Hillary Clinton has won by I think it's still over more than 2 million votes at the moment -- in the popular vote and Donald Trump, the president-elect, is saying there was fraud.

BOLLING: He won the Electoral College fair and square and it's going to be really fun to watch this recount.

PERINO: I think that he didn't need to say that about the illegal -- that there is a bunch of illegal voting because then it did open the door for them to say, well them, OK, great. I'm glad you agree. Let's do a recount.

GUTFELD: It's like winning the Super Bowl and then saying, well, wait a second I want a recount because the referees were space aliens.

BOLLING: If this plays into the Trump narrative, right here. Look, the left didn't accept it. They're complaining they want a recount, and then he'll still win. This is really actually brilliant on the Trump team --

GUTFELD: I'm surprised you would say that.

BOLLING: Crazy, crazy, right. Next, evil communist dictator Fidel Castro is finally dead. See what happens? Trump wins, Castro dies. A man who slaughtered his own people and drove his country into the ground. The world should never forget. But some were (ph) leaders in our mainstream media are choosing to completely rewrite history. That's ahead.


GUTFELD: Finally, we can say something nice about Fidel Castro: He's dead. I hear they cremated him because they don't want to give the cemetery maggots food poisoning.

The best part about this: Watching dumb ass leftists search for value-free language to describe this murderous scum bucket. Oh sure, he slaughtered tons of people, but there's always a but -- he was larger than life. Sorry, jackasses, your pathetic observations about his stature offend those who died fleeing this misery mountain that he carved out of an island paradise. Cuba is so bad their citizens would gladly take Gitmo over Havana.

And a pox on those celebrities who went to Cuba for a thrill. While Cubans starved, you enjoyed the cigar and the prostitute knowing that both shared similar life spans. But Castro has taught us that as long as you claim to destroy the system, you're allowed leeway by pop stars, the media and academia to kill at will. Colin Kaepernick wears this racist, homophobic murderer on his chest. For him it's the key to the radical kingdom paid for by a mountain of skeletons. The shirt cost more than a Cuban makes in a month. I'd call him trash, but at least you can recycle litter.

But look, you can't judge a country by its horrible leader. Take Justin Trudeau who praised Castro's tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people. What a turd. Justin symbolizes the left's vacuous moral bankruptcy. Sure, Castro killed thousands but it was for the greater good. Trudeau is so stupid he could probably quarterback the 49ers.

All right, I want to go -- Juan, let's go through the list of -- wait, this is for Justin Trudeau, OK. He's watching because I know he has nothing better to do.

Fidel pushed terror where possible. He inspired violent revolutions that end in death all over the place. He turned Cuba into the arm of the USSR. Thousands disappeared under his watch. He built concentration camps. He tormented and tortured gays. He encouraged torture where possible. He confiscated private property. He had islands everywhere for himself. He banned Christmas. Bill O'Reilly.

BOLLING: It's like Montreal.

GUTFELD: I know. Twenty percent of the population ended up fleeing in little rickety boats. A lot of people died. We remember that. Their lives were destroyed.

And yet, you have people in America saying he's got an outsized personality; he's larger than life. What morons.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think this moronic kind of thing has been going on for some time.


WILLIAMS: I mean, in my lifetime, you had people like Ernest Hemingway...


WILLIAMS: ... who was a big fan.


WILLIAMS: Bob Dylan, to this day. Bob Dylan, big fan.

GUTFELD: I think Bob Dylan changed his mind.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I haven't seen it. But I'm just telling you. Bob Dylan -- I mean, you had people like, you know, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the famous Latin American writer, and of course, you saw this kind of -- to my mind, mindless flattery of Castro.


WILLIAMS: Hugo Chavez and so many of the leaders...

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: ... in Latin America. And I can tell you from personal experience, I think that it has led to more repression, lack of economic opportunity.

The reason that they all make him into this romantic hero, he and Che Guevera, another murderous sort and given to political oppression, is they were resisting the giant USA...

GUTFELD: That's all.

WILLIAMS: ... and all of its economic clout in Latin America. And then once they did that, they then became the great oppressors, in my view.

GUTFELD: Yes, so we're the bully, Eric, and that justifies massacres.

BOLLING: First of all, there's an amazing op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, dealing with exactly this.

Everything you said is absolutely true. Let me deal with the economic part of it, the little ball game here.

Fidel Castro took a vibrant farm economy, an agri-economy, and turned it into a struggle -- they had to rely on Russia for their -- for their grains. They had to rely on Venezuela, Chavez, for their oil. Doctors are in shortage. Hospitals lack sheets and aspirin. The average monthly salary income in Cuba is $20. Meanwhile, Fidel Castro has a net worth -- Castro family has a net worth of 900 million, almost $1 billion.

That said, you want to talk about vacuous moral bankruptcy? President Obama's quote when -- official quote was "History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and the world around him." Really? Everything Greg said about the death and the destruction and the false imprisonments, all about destroying a vibrant economy is true, and this is what the leader of the free world comes up with? "History will judge"? No. He's a thug. He killed people. He's bad.

WILLIAMS: You must also -- look, so there are some people who view him, as Greg was saying, in this kind of revolutionary heroic T-shirt terms. So you know what?

GUTFELD: But our president shouldn't think like that.

WILLIAMS: No, I think the president should be respectful of the people of Cuba, and the people of Cuba, some of them see him as, you know, the great father figure, Greg.

GUTFELD: The people that are still alive?

WILLIAMS: Yes. And you know, for me, you know what? I always think Marion Barry, who was mayor of the District of Columbia, and I would say this guy is terrible? What do you...


WILLIAMS: But people would say, "Yes, but a lot of good summer jobs."

And you know, even -- even Donald Trump was trying to do business in Cuba and get away from the embargo. So it's not like there's one set of people who thought Castro and Cuba are OK. There are lots of people who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, no matter how despicable I thought Castro might be.

GUTFELD: You know what I love, Kimberly? Is whenever you bring up horrible crappy crap this guy did, they always go, "Oh, but they have great health care."


GUTFELD: they only had great health care for rich tourists who came there. Everybody else died.

GUILFOYLE: And you know how great he thought it was? He wouldn't even let a Cuban doctor touch him.


GUILFOYLE: He brought doctors in from Spain, because he didn't even trust his own people; because that goes to tell you how many times people tried to assassinate him for all the horrors and atrocities that he committed.

I mean, this is somebody that really championed himself on the backs of people.


GUILFOYLE: Destroyed whole families, took away lifetimes of what people achieved. Basically, they were ruined to nothing and had to flee the country, like you said, in boats to be able to try and come to this country to save themselves to make -- you know, make a dollar.

Then you see people glorifying it like Beyonce and Jay-Z.


GUILFOYLE: And everybody having this big man crush on Castro. For what?

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Trump administration is going to do as it relates to Cuba.

GUTFELD: I think Colin Kaepernick should get on a little rickety boat and do that...

PERINO: Think he can make it?

GUTFELD: Yes, see if he can make it. I want to see him do it with none of -- with no offensive line.

PERINO: That's true. All on his own.

Hope he doesn't get sacked.

GUILFOYLE: Cuban people don't want him there.

PERINO: It's weird when the left is so blind to the suffering of others. And you have to wonder why.

I mean, a lot of the people who suffered, they never got to tell their story.

GUTFELD: The Soviet Union...

PERINO: Suffer in silence. So there's a nine-day moratorium on -- there's no -- basically, you have to mourn for nine days. It's mandatory, which I think is basically to say just to make sure that nobody is out in the street celebrating, because Raul Castro is no different. And I think that's something that the next administration will have to look at.

If you want a personal account about how -- what this meant to a family, Mercedes Schlapp, a FOX News contributor, somebody I worked with at the White House, has an op-ed on FOXNews.com that's really worth reading. Her father, who was put in prison by Castro, really helped shape her viewpoint and taught me a lot, too.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. A really revealing story.

GUTFELD: All right. I'm glad he's dead. Trump is putting pressure -- we had to wait a long time, though. Trump is putting pressure on Cuba's government following the death of Castro, threatening to cancel President Obama's deal with the communist nation unless multiple conditions are met. You'll hear what they are next.


GUILFOYLE: In 2014, President Obama restored diplomatic relations with Cuba after more than 50 years of embargoes and severed ties. The deal, however, may not remain in place when President-elect Trump takes office. He tweeted this morning, quote, "If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban-American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate the deal."

So Bolling, basically he's saying, "You're fired."



BOLLING: And I believe him. And I think he's -- first of all, I love the idea of doing a deal with Cuba. I've said that. I'm on record for saying that.


BOLLING: But -- but President Obama and John Kerry never addressed, you know, some of the suffering that the Cuban people are having. They just were in a rush to get this behind him on his legacy -- list of legacy items and never negotiated a deal where, if you earn U.S. dollars in Cuba -- let's say an American company owns -- opens up a hotel and you hire Cubans and you pay them in U.S. dollars. Right now the Cuban government, as Dana has pointed out, in the past, takes the dollars, turns it into pesos; and they control the currency. They never negotiated that deal to let the economy free.

I love this idea. I think Trump will do that in Iran, as well.

Here's the point, though. I think capitalism, now that Fidel Castro is gone and Raul Castro likely will be gone in a year or two, I think capitalism will find its way. It will make its way through the Cuban economy, and they will prosper from it eventually, especially under Trump fixing that -- let the currency float there. Let people earn dollars and keep the dollars.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So that's some economic sense. Juan, what do you make of it?

WILLIAMS: Well, to me, Trump wants to do business.

GUILFOYLE: Wants to do good deals.

WILLIAMS: That's what he was doing back in the '90s when -- yes, when he paid money, he was looking to do business in Cuba. There's a tremendous opportunity. That's why you see the telephone companies, a lot of the pharmaceutical companies, people going down and looking around to see what's possible.

That was the basis of President Obama's action. President Obama said, "Look, we've had an embargo. We've had sanctions for the last 50 years. And it didn't change anything. It didn't improve conditions for the Cuban people."

My objection to Castro -- it's why I wrote about it -- is that he's an oppressive guy. He's a dictator. He's an authoritarian force, and he was not beneficial to the life of the people of Cuba, in my opinion.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So, Greg, what do you think should be done here?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what? To address suffering, you must remember it. When I went to Berlin -- I don't know, it was like four years ago -- the greatest thing I went to was the East German museum. So that any young person who's 16, 17 or so could go in there and would see what it's like before the unification, back when it was this oppressive communist hellhole.

That's what they have to do here. They have to make sure the history is intact by having a museum there that shows all of Cuba in its misery so you don't have this stupid asinine hero worship that you have with Che Guevara, or you have the Colin Kaepernicks wearing these shirts. You have to eradicate that. You have to have a museum there that shows exactly how horrible Cuba was.

The other thing you've got to think about, get Joanna Chesimard back here, the cop killer. The reason Cuba holds onto her is they claim it's to cultivate the relationship with the African-American community. She killed a cop. You know, no African-American community thinks it's great that you're harboring this criminal, because she was part of some black liberation theology. Whatever.

WILLIAMS: It's called anti-American.


WILLIAMS: That's what it is.

GUTFELD: Bring her back if it takes -- bring her back if it takes two suitcases.

GUILFOYLE: OK. That was a little bit, like, "Pulp Fiction"-y, but I like it. I like it.

OK, Dana.

PERINO: Well, I think a good decision, despite the statement that we talked about being a little weak from the White House, a good decision on the funeral is that neither President Obama or Vice President Biden will be attending the funeral. I don't know if Secretary of State John Kerry will. But I do think that that does send a message.

GUTFELD: What about James Taylor?

PERINO: He'll probably go.

I do think that Donald Trump's team is going to get an earful from both business -- especially Juan mentioned a couple of them. But airlines in particular. But also agribusiness, because that would be a good market, right, for America.

But then you have the supporters, especially in south Florida and Miami, who really helped pull Florida across the line for Donald Trump. And so I think he'll have a lot of listening to do. And maybe there's a way that you can figure out a way to get a better deal; might mean political freedom or economic freedom in exchange for continued diplomatic relations or something like that.

GUILFOYLE: OK, fantastic. All right. Well, that was perfect. And now we're out of time, and the control room is pleased. Straight ahead.

GUTFELD: We've got "One More Thing."

GUILFOYLE: Too bad. But thanks anyway.

New details on today's attack at Ohio State University in Columbus. Was it terror? That's a question many want to know. A live report next.


WILLIAMS: This is a FOX News alert. Back now with more on that terrifying attack at Ohio State University today. A Somalia-born student plowed his car into pedestrians. He then began stabbing people before he was shot dead. Terrorism has not been ruled out.

Let's go now to national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin, live at the Pentagon for the latest.


Well, we've now learned the identity of the Ohio State attacker who rammed his car into a group of students and then exited his vehicle with a butcher knife and began stabbing the students, who had just returned from Thanksgiving break.

The attacker, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was an OSU student. It was his first year at the school, we're told, according to authorities there. He was shot and killed within minutes of the attack by Police Officer Alan Horujko, who was investigating a nearby gas leak.

U.S. officials say the attacker was born in 1998, a Somali refugee who had received legal permanent residence status here in the United States.

According to those officials, the FBI has been brought on to investigate whether Artan had ties to terrorism overseas or was self-radicalized online. I'm told that he was not on a terrorism watch list.

The university at first thought that it was an active shooter after hearing the shots fired by the police. It put out a message to Ohio State's 60,000 students to, quote, "Run, hide, fight."

When the attacker emerged from the car, he did not say a word but began wielding the knife. The assailant reportedly posted a declaration of some sort on his Facebook page, complaining about attacks on Muslims. Federal authorities are now investigating.

Ohio officials say they have a video of the attacker when he first drove onto campus. On Saturday, ISIS put out a video urging Muslims to carry out attacks on non-Muslims in the west. And last month their newspaper, ISIS's newspaper, "Rumia," called for attacks using knives -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Jennifer, thanks so much. We appreciate it.

Greg, what about the fact that he's 18 years old and apparently, according to Jen Griffin, a legal permanent resident of the United States?

GUTFELD: Well, generally, a lot of these -- these guys who pulled this stuff are young men. They're not in their 50s or 60s. But what's interesting to me is there was a car that was used to harm innocent people. There was a knife that was used to harm innocent people. There was a gun that killed a non-innocent person. I wonder how soon the left will be condemning the gun. Yay, guns.

WILLIAMS: Yay, guns.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And yay, police officers.


WILLIAMS: Dana, when you see a situation like this and, you know, we immediately jump and think is there terrorism involved, not because he's Somali, is that fair?

PERINO: Yes, I think that it is, because we know that the -- ISIS and al Qaeda, et cetera, they want to infiltrate our way of life in order to disrupt it and what a choice he made. He gets a chance to be a permanent legal residence in the United States, gets a chance to go to university in Ohio, one of the best states in the union; and decides to use that to kill others. And thankfully, he wasn't successful in killing others.

But I do think that it's -- I think it's OK for us to assume that he had some sort of radicalization, as Jennifer said, whether it be self- radicalized or with ties to a group. But even if you're self-radicalized, you do have ties to a group.


PERINO: So I think that it's OK for us to assume that.

WILLIAMS: Let me -- let me challenge Dana's premise here, Eric, and say, "Well, wait a second. We just had some mass killings recently, and it's ordinary Americans goes out and shoots people. We don't immediately suspect terrorism, but we do hear, even though this guy clearly didn't have guns, as Greg was talking about, didn't have the kind of weaponry of, you know, mass murder.

BOLLING: We know that it was very recent that ISIS put out a video saying use vehicles to kill mass people in America.


BOLLING: I mean, this guy did exactly that.

PERINO: Like they did in Paris.

BOLLING: Like they did in Nice, France. Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: He followed the directions.

BOLLING: Here's my question. We've got to go, but my question is how does an 18-year-old Somali get -- get legal status in this country? You know, you push back on Donald Trump's extreme vetting, or people coming from certain regions where terror is prevalent. This is one of those examples. Here's an 18-year-old who is a legal resident of the United States in a very short period of time. There are a lot of people who are doing it by the book. It could take them ten years to become legal here.

WILLIAMS: I don't know that he didn't do it by the book, but clearly, there's this thought that Jennifer referred to, Kimberly, about radicalization. And it may have been that he did it to himself.

GUILFOYLE: Well, fine and the point is look at the end outcome. So whether or not you're somebody that needs to be coaxed more or you're a self-starter and self-sufficient and you self-radicalize, we need to look out for people like that, too. Which means increasing our intelligence operations and making sure we're not letting guys like this fall through the cracks that ultimately can do great harm.

I mean, he's literally falling, like, the terror cook book of what they're saying, specifically the instructions about committing acts of jihad on U.S. soil. I'm concerned about this, and the new president will be too.

WILLIAMS: We will follow this story, you can be sure of that. "One More Thing" is up next. Stay with us.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." Juan goes first.

WILLIAMS: Oh, boy. So it was a proper ending to my Thanksgiving break, and that's the start of Christmas for my family. Yesterday, Advent Sunday, my grandkids wanted to see Santa and let him know what they have on their Christmas list. So here are Pepper, Wesley and Eli with Santa at the Pentagon City Mall in Virginia. Then the big kids got into the photo as you can see. My family's ready to celebrate Christmas 2016.

GUILFOYLE: You have the most perfect family. It's, like, unbelievable.

WILLIAMS: They're nice people.


GUTFELD: Speaking of my perfect family...


GRAPHIC: Greg's Etiquette Tips


GUTFELD: You know...

BOLLING: Greg's Etiquette Tips.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: God. Mail it in Monday.

GUTFELD: Very slow. Eric stepped in.

GUILFOYLE: What was that?

GUTFELD: When I was spending time there, you know when people are watching something, and you don't want to sneak up on people when they're, like, busy watching a show or an event. Like, that happened here was terrible.

You have them watch. And they're just enjoying a nice little bird and then all of a sudden, you know, a little dog just decides, what's going on at any moment. Anyway, I could just keep watching that. I could keep watching that for days.

PERINO: That was great. All right. Eric.

BOLLING: As promised, we're going to talk about how this recount will never, never change. Check it out. Since 2000-2016, there have been 4,687 statewide elections, only 27 recounts resulting in only three reversals. The biggest one, biggest recount change was Bush v. Gore in Florida. Only 1,247 votes change, bringing Al Gore closer. He still lost.

And here at the bottom, check this out. Wisconsin, Trump has a 10,000-vote lead, 24,000 Michigan, 68,000 Pennsylvania. I think they missed the deadline anyway.

GUILFOYLE: They missed the filing.

BOLLING: But that puts it about a .00026 chance, three in 10,000 chance...

WILLIAMS: I can tell you you're worried.

BOLLING: ... of having this happen. It ain't going to happen.

PERINO: You're saying there's a chance.

WILLIAMS: He's worried. He's worried.

BOLLING: "You're saying there's a chance." "Dumb and Dumber." Great line.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thank you so much.

So look at how cute this is. This is Billy from Walton County, Florida, and he was a big fan of law enforcement, and so he called 911 on Thanksgiving and invited the local sheriff's deputy to dinner with him and his family. So two of the deputies took little Billy up on the invite. So it's very cute, and they took these pictures and posted it to their Facebook. And they gave out Billy a sheriff's badge and let him sit in the patrol cars.

So they said, quote, "With all the bad calls we take on a daily basis, this one was a welcome happy call that made us all smile," said lead communications officer Monica Webster.

Absolutely. Lovely. I wouldn't recommend calling 911 all the time.

However, I would also like to say a special happy birthday to our producer and mine in particular, Sean O'Rourke. There he is. That's us doing little selfies, on the way back from the three-week bus trip at the airport. Sean, happy birthday. Thank you for everything you do. I adore you, Sean O'Rourke.

PERINO: OK. I don't have enough time to do the "One More Thing" I was going to do. Let me just do the -- if you guys give me the second full screen. This was two months from today, you can go see "Short Stories." That's Dana and Greg in Washington, D.C., just after the -- inauguration. January 28, Warner Theater. Ticketmaster's got tickets, and Flat Jasper will be there.

That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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