Who Are Media Blaming for Debt Crisis?

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Fault Line

Well, it looks like Republicans are getting a much larger share of the blame than Democrats in broadcast TV reporting of the debt ceiling debate.

The conservative Media Research Center looked at stories from the morning and evening newscasts on CBS, NBC and ABC and found the GOP losing the blame game by a three to one margin, 56 to 17.

Two Thumbs Down

A movie clip played inside a closed-door House GOP meeting Tuesday meant to unite colleagues around a debt plan is being ridiculed by Democrats. They point out the movie titled "The Town" is about bank robbers. Here's the clip:


BEN AFFLECK AS DOUG MACRAY: I need your help. I can't tell you what it is. You can never ask me about it later and we're gonna hurt some people.

JEREMY RENNER AS JAMES COUGHLIN: Whose car are we gonna take?


The Democratic National Committee called it a sad metaphor for GOP policies. But Assistant Minority Leader James Clyburn noted Democrats have used films in the past to fire up members. He says, years ago the bloody historical drama "Braveheart" was played. Clyburn says it was meant to illustrate teamwork and unity not -- quote -- "going out and hurting anybody."

On the Dotted Line

And finally, a group of Californians is starting to collect signatures for a ballot referendum to overturn the first-in-the-nation law requiring gay history be taught in public schools. Backers need to get just over a half-million signatures by October.

California Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill into law earlier this month.