White House Jumping the Gun on Jobs Plan Praise?

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Trigger Happy

The White House may have jumped the gun a bit in its eagerness to send out e-mails showing support for President Obama's jobs plan.

One message to reporters was titled "Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Backs American Jobs Act" -- a surprising endorsement from a conservative Republican.

But less than an hour later, the press office sent a corrected release titled "Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on American Jobs Act" walking back the claim Snyder backed the Obama plan.

While the governor has some positive things to say about the proposal, his office clarified he isn't offering his full support.

Save the Teachers

One element of the president's plan is $35 billion to prevent 280,000 teacher layoffs.

However, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's office points out just last year, President Obama signed legislation that included $10 billion to avoid 160,000 teacher layoffs.

That bill was a bargain averaging $62,500 per job saved. At least compared with the president's new request, which works out to $125,000 per job.

The Education Department says last year's bill did save jobs, but there's now a need, to avoid more layoffs.

Big Mouth

And finally, former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz may have cost herself $10 million because of name-calling.

Bartz referred to other Yahoo board members as doofuses in a Fortune Magazine interview Thursday, two days after she was fired.

But since she reportedly has a non-disparagement clause in her contract she may lose out on a multi-million dollar settlement from Yahoo.