White House in crisis mode?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 11, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Julie Roginsky, Eric Bolling, and my little friend, Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."


PERINO: Happy Veterans Day, everyone.

We've got a lot to get to tonight.

Chris Christie, the latest politician to compare himself to Ronald Reagan.
We're going to show you what he said.

And actor Vince Vaughn talks about what it's like to be a conservative in Hollywood.

And George Clooney takes a shot at anyone who doesn't believe in global warming.

More on that in a minute.

But, first, Obama's second term turmoil. "The New York Times" says the White House is in crisis mode. The president's poll numbers are way down.
And the rollout of his signature health care law has been a disaster.

It's gotten so bad his reelection -- since his reelection, President Obama is now actually being compared to Richard Nixon.


GEORGE WILL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: It's one thing for Bill Clinton to say "I feel your pain." It's another thing for Barack Obama to say, "I feel your pain that I have caused", and for him to say, it was caused by a situation, that's the word he used in the operative sentence. We, this week, mark the one-year anniversary of his re-election. Has there ever, with the exception of Richard Nixon, 1973, been a worst first year of a second term?


PERINO: And Democratic strategist James Carville also had some amusing advice for the president.


JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I think the best thing he can do is take a toke on the mayor of Toronto's crack pipe because his numbers are about 48. So --



PERINO: All right. We're going to get to all of those stories.

Eric, I want to start with you, though, because one of the reasons the president's poll numbers are bad across the board, which we're going to get to in a bit, but you have to pin a lot of it on the health care law and ObamaCare. There was news just released from "The Wall Street Journal"
that I think our viewers would love to know.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, "The Wall Street Journal" estimates that somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 people enrolled in ObamaCare in the month of October. So that means extrapolated out about 50,000 for the month. It would take 140 months to get to their 7 million number that they want in march or 11 years -- 10 years and 10 months. Almost 11 years.

So it's a disaster. It's a disaster rollout. His poll numbers are sliding. I can't wait until -- I just want to be on TV Friday when they announce how many the real number is. They're going to tell us the exact numbers. I have a hunch, if that's right --

PERINO: How many billions does it cost per person to get to 50,000 in the first month?

BOLLING: I think someone did the math. Something like $14 million per --

PERINO: Something crazy. Julie, glad you're here today. I want to ask you, Pew Research Poll that came out on Friday showed President Obama tanking on almost every issue -- below 40 on the economy, immigration, health care, foreign policy, and hanging around 51 percent on terrorism.

Those are approval numbers that at the White House this weekend, do you think they were at all concerned or were they just said let's go play golf?

JULIE ROGINSKY, CO-HOST: They should be concerned. I mean, I'm concerned as a Democrat.

Look, when you're tanking at immigration that you've been trying to move forward and you're not being allowed to do that, you've got problems. I mean, he can't sell anything to the American people anymore. I don't know what happened to this great communicator, Barack Obama, that we all voted for, or at least I did in 2008. Even the guy I voted for in 2012.

Start communicate, my friend, because if you don't, your numbers are going to keep going down and down and down.

PERINO: I think that's actually been one of their problems. I think that they have felt that they could communication their way out of every problem.

So, Kimberly, when you look at the policy problems, has it finally just all caught up to them? That the policy is so bad, they can no longer maintain?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yes, they can no longer cloak it in rhetoric, OK? So, you may call him the great communicator but if you don't have any substance behind it, you're just a suit. The American people have grown weary because he has talked so much that it's almost like white noise when you listen to it. They're not really taking it in.

So, before, it used to work for them very well. He would go into campaign mode. He would give a series of speeches and connect with the people and move them. He would send surrogates out to the Sunday news shows and he would work the puppets in the mainstream media to be able to effectuate an outcome for himself that was positive.

Now, that's failing. When you look at the Pew poll, it's indicative of a real crisis in his administration. He's failing across the board in his approval ratings. Whether it's immigration, whether it's foreign policy.
Everything else down the board is not doing well for him. They have to do something --

BOLLING: Well, except for terrorism. He's doing 51.

Maybe he can drone his health care law.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know how well he can drone his way out. You can only kill bin Laden once. That's the problem.

PERINO: Greg, let's get quick thoughts on this in particular, and then I want to ask about Debbie Wasserman Schultz's comments.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: What's your question?

PERINO: I want to ask anything you want actually.

GUTFELD: No, I mean, these scandals, they come and go. They're like a cold sore of a stripper's lip. All he has to do is wait them out. And that's what he's been doing. Thanks to a pliant media.

We've been doing this show for two, three years. And there's a scandal after scandal after scandal. And then they just fizzle out, because he pivots to another scandal.

So, the fact is we could focus on this turmoil all you want. But it means nothing if you don't offer something better. These things don't last forever. And the Republican Party has to look at it this way.

You can play the worst team in the world and still lose if you don't have any players. So, as long as you keep focusing on how crappy this health care law -- that's great but you've got to be able to come up with something positive. Start thriving on crisis. Start thriving on solutions.

ROGINSKY: Like a cold sore on a hooker's lip, it will keep flaring up, to say that great analogy, because I love it.

GUTFELD: I said stripper.



KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Now, you've ruined Julie's --

ROGINSKY: Way to ruin my point.

BOLLING: Now, strippers are going to be really mad.

ROGINSKY: You know what? I'm really mad you ruined my point, but I'm going to try to make it anyway. It's going to keep flaring up, to save that analogy, to even better --

GUTFELD: But they keep --

ROGINSKY: Unless, unless he gets it under control. What upsets me is his number one priority was health care reform. How could he have allowed it to go down so badly with the --

BOLLING: Jules, than, all that's going to happen, is you can fix the cold sore but there's still a stripper. At the end of the day, to use --

ROGINSKY: That's an honorable profession, let --


BOLLING: No, but the health care law is still the hooker, it's still the stripper. You can get rid of the cold sore, but once you fixed it, once you fixed the Web site, you still have to deal with the health care --

GUTFELD: I would like to formally apologize for introducing this metaphor in the A block.

PERINO: I thought this Monday was going to be so boring.

BOLLING: It's actually perfect. ObamaCare is like prostitution or hooker service.

PERINO: OK, it's hard to transition out of that. But let's talk about the
2014 election and the midterm elections and how that's going to play.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the Democrats can have a winner with ObamaCare.


CANDY CROWLEY, CNN: If you look at this through the prism of 2014, you don't think that ObamaCare will weigh heavily on Democratic elections?

REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D), FLORIDA: I think ObamaCare, because Americans have been feeling the benefits since 2010. Those are benefits that Americans have already been feeling and will increasingly feel as ObamaCare's fully implemented. So I think actually, Candy, that Democratic candidates will be able to run on ObamaCare as an advantage leading into the 2014 election.


GUTFELD: That is so ridiculous. Even the fountain behind her is giving her the finger.

That is --

PERINO: But she says they're going to run on ObamaCare. Don't you think -
- they had 14, 15 Senate Democrats that went to see the president the other day to complain because they want to run away from ObamaCare and the election.

BOLLING: I got to tell you, when the numbers come out, they're going to run on anything but ObamaCare. They're going to try to distance themselves from ObamaCare as much as they possibly can.

You know, this video that came out over the weekend or maybe it was out earlier. Eric Cantor asking the president about how many people -- this is from 2010 -- how many people are going to lose their health care coverage and he literally comes up with many millions -- I don't remember the exact number.

But when you think about that -- so in 2010, he knew there was going to be an excess of tens of millions of people losing their health care for whatever reason. But then proceeded over the next four years to say, you can keep your health care, you can keep your doctor, period, means either single time he did that in the back of his mind, he knew it was not true, inaccurate. He's been lying to us for three years.

PERINO: Yes. And then he had that sort of quasi-apology, not really an apology. Chuck Todd, the reporter, basically says the president doesn't actually think he's lied or they've done anything wrong.


PERINO: Do you think, Julie, that they need to have some sort of high- profile, maybe even cabinet secretary change to show there are consequences for this ineptitude?

ROGINSKY: No, I think he needs to get this darn thing fixed. I mean, first thing he needs to do is go out there and get this Web site fixed.

PERINO: How do you get it fixed?

ROGINSKY: You've got to get -- well, I don't know. I don't write code.
Whoever does needs to go out there and do it, because if you don't get it fixed, what's going to end up happening is that everything Eric just said is going to coming true. But if they do get it fixed, Debbie Wasserman Schultz may have a point where more and more people get ensured and more and more people are able to find affordable insurance.

PERINO: So, what about people who lost insurance?

ROGINSKY: Well, hopefully, they'll get cheaper, better insurance.

BOLLING: You're making an important point.

ROGINSKY: Thank you.

BOLLING: Access and affordability, but you're addressing access. They'll fix the Web site but they're not addressing the affordability part of it.

ROGINSKY: Of course, they will because --

BOLLING: And it's not affordable.

ROGINSKY: Of course they will because if you have access to the Web site, you can then shop on these exchanges for cheaper more affordable health care. And that's the part that I as a Democrat hope they do, but if they don't, they're going to be in a lot of trouble come 2014, I agree with that.

GUILFOYLE: But the shopping aspect just isn't there. Take it from a shopper. I mean, it's just not. It's not that affordable.

PERINO: You love to find a bargain.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. I love free shipping. Now, Amazon prime members, you can get shipping on Sunday. It also helps the U.S. Postal Service.

So, I'm a shopper. I'm an expert on these thing, Greg, sorry. But it's not there. The value isn't there, that's the problem. So, it's flawed on a number of levels.

And what I think is gross fireable incompetence is the fact they knew about it ahead of time, threw millions at this, still isn't fixed, now we're supposed to believe they're supposed to fix it in two months? I'm not putting my faith in them anymore.

GUTFELD: But, you know, President Obama is absolved from all of this because he did warn us when he was elected that radical transformation, it's never going to be easy. Those were words. This wasn't -- hope and change isn't going to be easy.

You got them -- if you're going to make an omelet, you're going to break a few eggs. In his mind, he broke more eggs than every chef at Denny's and IHOP combined. That's the nature of social transformation, is that if you're aiming at a utopia of the future, the present day can be miserable.
They're OK with it.

PERINO: All right.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, come on, anybody can build a Web site.


GUTFELD: But they can't make a great omelet.

GUILFOYLE: That is true!

PERINO: That's true. Omelets are tricky. Omelets are very tricky.

All right. Up next, American culture in decline with three disturbing stories. The alleged Miami Dolphin bully breaks his silence in an explosive new interview.

Miley Cyrus is at it again, pulling another award show stunt. We're going to show you her latest on-stage antics.

And a teenager guns down a man over his winter coat. We're not kidding.

All that when we come back. Don't go away.


BOLLING: Happy Veterans Day, everybody, to our heroes especially. God bless you all.

Turning now to our three big stories in "American Culture in Decline"
segment. Today, three more reasons to ask where in the hell are we?

A pro-football player getting bullied? Really, 6'5", 300 pounds, getting bullied?

Miley Cyrus hits a new low, smoking weed on stage. Kids watching, cameras rolling.

And this one -- a beautiful Saturday night in New York City turns into a night of terror when a 16-year-old pulls a gun on a young man for his biggie. A biggie is a street name for an expensive winter jacket. One guy injured and an innocent 14-year-old skating nearby is paralyzed after taking a stray bullet to the spine.

But, first up, listen to the big bully, Richie Incognito.


RICHIE INCOGNITO, MIAMI DOLPHINS: I'm embarrassed by my actions. But what I want people to know is the way Jonathan and the rest of the offensive line and how our teammates, how we communicate, it's vulgar. It's not right.

When the words are put in the context, I understand why a lot of eyebrows get raised. But people don't know how Jon and I communicate to one another. My actions were coming from a place of love. No matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate.


BOLLING: K.G., coming from a place of love.

GUILFOYLE: I know. I give love in a different way. It's not like that.
So, I mean, I hear what he's saying. If you're not part of the NFL culture, then you really don't know.

This is how we live. This is how we talk. This is what we do. And we sort of break in the new guys.

But still, when it comes to the comments that were made, I think it went way too far. I don't think there's any kind of NFL way to condone it.

BOLLING: I'm going to push back on that. In the locker room, stuff is said, you may or may not like it. Take it, put it on print or anywhere else, on Twitter, sounds a lot worse than maybe it was originally intended.

You want to --

PERINO: I wish that the real Richie Incognito would stand up, because we've seen, now, four different videos of him. Remember the one where he did the PSA, where he's talking about, let's not bully, let's all be good fans. Then, there was one in the bar where he was basically having 'roid rage. Now, there's this one where he seems so overly prepared but he also seems sincere in this latest interview.

So, I think the story is increasingly weird and the Dolphins have a big problem, especially, they want to get this stadium built in Miami and I think this is going to hurt them.

BOLLING: Before you go too far on the sincere route with Richie Incognito, he also said that J-Mart actually sent him a threatening email or text about killing his family. It turns out it was a meme, which is a picture and it was sent out to a group of people. So, he may not quite as sincer.

Quick thought on Incognito?

ROGINSKY: His name is really Richie Incognito?


ROGINSKY: That sounds like a totally "Soprano" made up name. That's all I know about football. So, that's all I'm going to say. That's all I got.
We've established I know nothing about football.

GUTFELD: This is a spat among huge hormonal millionaires. It has no impact on anybody's lives but them. File it under -- go away.

PERINO: You should see our hormonal spat.

GUTFELD: Oh my God. It's disgusting. You start throwing things at me. I would duck but I don't have to.

BOLLING: Let's move on. Miley Cyrus lighting up a joint in the European version of the MTV Awards. The show was taped in Amsterdam, where pot is decriminalized. But seriously, kids are watching.

Do you want this one, Jules?

ROGINSKY: Go away, Miley --


MILEY CYRUS, SINGER: Put that right there for now. You know, couldn't fit this award in my bag, but I did find this, so thank you, guys, very much.
Good night, everybody, thank you. EMAs, thank you for having me. I love y'all so much.


BOLLING: All right. Sorry, jewels, I jumped the gun on that.

ROGINSKY: She's got to go. Just leave my world view. Just go, you little tramp.

I can't with her dancing bears and her midgets and her pot and her twerk.
Go, go, good-bye.

GUTFELD: They're called little people.

ROGINSKY: I'm sorry --

GUTFELD: You know what she is? She's 20. My question is, what have you done to deserve the oblivion of drug use? Young celebrities, they disrespect the power of drugs and alcohol. Older people who have worked for years deserve to lose their minds once in a while.

But it hurts us when idiots like that don't know how to control or act responsibly with drugs and her tongue reminds me of a rabid conger.

GUILFOYLE: Look at her outfit. There's nothing attractive.

GUTFELD: She forgot her pants.

GUILFOYLE: Her singing isn't any good. Her hair is horrible.


GUILFOYLE: I'm sorry, I'm just telling you --

BOLLING: "Wrecking Ball" is a good song.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you know what? I've never been --

PERINO: It's all in the production.

GUILFOYLE: I think she went downhill after "Hanna Montana." I don't know what her dad is doing but I just don't think this is cool at all. It's a bad example for children. She dresses horribly.

I mean, it's sad. I think she has mental health problems. I'm not kidding you.

BOLLING: To their credit, MTV pulled that portion. They kind of edited.
They went to this big wide shot.

PERINO: Now they've had bad PR about it all day long.

I can see future. Something spectacular bad is going to happen with her.
And then she's going to go away for about six months. Maybe nine months.

And then she's going to be on the cover of "People" magazine. Her hair's going to be longer and she'll look better and she's going to talk about how she wants to be more true to her music and she wants to be a better lyricist and she's going to work on her vocals. And then, there will be another couple years from then another spectacular breakdown.

BOLLING: Lindsay Lohan style?

PERINO: This will go on for the rest of our lives.

GUILFOYLE: She'll have a guardian appointed and she'll go to promises rehab and promise she'll be back. Yes.

BOLLING: Got you.

All right. So, how about this one, this thug allegedly shot an innocent victim over his winter jacket, a jacket. By the way, this punk reportedly bragged about it on Facebook. Like he was a big shot until the cops arrived and arrested the jerk with this tail planted firmly between his legs.

Greg, it's four blocks away from here.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's shocking because it's rare in New York City because crime has dropped so vastly under Bloomberg and under Giuliani. It's even more shocking in a wonderful era.

But the underlying cause of most crime that I've come to see, whether he was part of a gang or the spree killing or the massacre in Brooklyn where the guy killed four kids and the mother because he was a relative.

All of these things, the cause for all of this is resentment. That guy didn't need the jacket. He just didn't want the guy to have a jacket.

Almost all the spree killings are in anger against the world. So, what they want is to be known -- they want fame. All of these things are united in a world where you think you deserve something and the desire for fame and notoriety drives you to do these things. Even though crimes are going down, these things still seem to be with us because resentment will always be with us forever and we have politicians and we have pop culture who are driving the resentment to a high, high level.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there's --

BOLLING: You've been to this place.

GUILFOYLE: I have, I've taken my little boy ice skating there. They had a school outing there. I wouldn't go back, I'll tell you that much.

GUTFELD: It's safe there.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's not really safe, is it? Because look at what happened. A kid, young boy now, is like paralyzed. They had supposedly seven security guards working. Where were they?

It's gotten bad on the weekend because you have people coming in from all over. That's what everybody knows. Don't go there on a Saturday night.
Now, look what's happened on a weekend.

PERINO: I like Greg's comments that it comes down to resentment. How many do you turn that tide? I don't have an answer. I'm actually asking the question.

How do you turn it?

GUTFELD: Right now, pop culture and the increase in luxury items that seem to put such a price on to have. If you can't have it, you feel that person shouldn't have it. And I think that is what is driving.

And we focus on these spree killings. These massacre killings. It's the same thing. As this kid, it's a desire for infamy and to lash out at a world that somehow hasn't given you what you wanted.

BOLLING: Go ahead, Julie.

ROGINSKY: You're actually right, because I think you have the whole Kardashian mentality, right, who wore it best. I remember dying for a big Benetton sweater when I was 9 or 10 and I never got one. So thanks, mom and dad.

But I don't think I would have -- yes, but like now you see them in magazines all the time and everybody absolutely -- girls are just killing -
- not literally killing themselves, but in school just dying over it. Now, you see that taken to its logical conclusion. Absolutely right.


GUILFOYLE: Used to happen with Air Jordans and iPhones.

BOLLING: So, can I throw it -- they want us to get out of here in a minute. But can we throw it around the table?

I mean, so here's the way it went down. The kid, the 16-year-old kid went to the ice rink. He said, I want that jacket to the other kid. The other guy says no.

The shooter goes back. Gets mad and comes back and shoots this guy. And another shot paralyzes another kid.

If someone asks you for something --


BOLLING: Give it. My wife said the exact same thing. I'm having a hard time with this. If someone asks you for something, you're just going to hand it over?

GUILFOYLE: Well, guess what? I don't want to second guess. I'm telling you, I've seen enough of these cases. If someone comes up to me, they want my iPhone, fine, I don't know how to use it anyway, take it, leave.

BOLLING: What about you, Julie?

ROGINSKY: No way. Well, if they're pulling a gun on me, it's different.

If some kid comes out to me and says, give me your jacket, I feel like take a hike. What are --

BOLLING: Right. And then he comes back.

ROGINSKY: Then he comes and shoots me. Maybe Kimberly's right.

PERINO: I haven't thought of it that way. I don't know -- of course, my instinct is not give it. Now listening to Kimberly who knows a lot more about crime and crime prevention than I do, I guess if they really want my size extra small jacket, they can have it.


GUTFELD: Yes, I think you have to read the situation. If you don't have a clear shot at the person and you think the person is unstable or a criminal, you got to do it.

But the interesting here is the guy posted a lot of what he was doing on Facebook. And that's like the weird part. The weird part is that people liked it. They put their likes on the post which was insane.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it there. That's the American culture in decline, folks.

Coming up, the IRS at the center of another scandal. It was bad enough when those clowns spend 60 grand on "Star Trek" and "Gilligan's Island"
training videos. This one is costing taxpayers billions. That's next.

Be sure to check our new Web site at FoxNews.com/TheFive.

We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: The Treasury Department says the IRS issued $4 billion in phony tax refunds to crooks. Of course, the IRS actually sent 343 refunds to one place in Shanghai. Maybe that's where Biden is hiding.

But they also sent 655 tax refunds to a joint in Lithuania. I'm not even sure that's a real place. I don't own a globe.

See, thieves get the cash by swiping Social Security numbers for people who don't file tax returns, like the old, the dead, Beckel's dates.

A treasury official claims swindling, quote, "erodes taxpayer confidence in the tax system." That's impossible. What taxpayer confidence is there left? We have more confidence in a Tom Cruise marriage.


GUTFELD: But thanks to a fickle media, the IRS has gotten away with the political targeting of conservative groups, a slush fund for ObamaCare that swallowed $67 million, the earned income tax credit scam that cost $132 billion, awarding themselves $70 million in bonuses while blowing millions on meetings and really goofy videos.

So, what happens when your nation's accountants can't do math? Wouldn't it be better if the IRS targeted fraudsters instead of Tea Partiers?

Maybe to Obama, the Tea Party's worse.

Anyway, the evolution of big government is like "Freaky Friday." Remember that movie? The roles of servitude are switched. The government no longer works for us. We work for the government. And our boss is a greedy and confident crook brazenly spending, using muscle to act on grudges. I compare them to the mob, but then the mob would kill me.

K.G, I have a theory that the IRS benefit greatly from the atrocious ObamaCare rollout. Nobody talks about it anymore. And they're scandal- filled, but nobody seems to mind.

GUILFOYLE: And they're supposed to be overseeing this, so good luck with that. And then they keep sending bills repeatedly to, like, me, same deal, over and over again, I paid it, OK. Yet they're sending money in refunds to Lithuania.

I mean, the system, that whole department needs to be overhauled. Don't get me started. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. Bolling's too.

GUTFELD: Julie you're from Lithuania.

ROGINSKY: Close by, Latvia.

GUTFELD: I know it began with an "L." Shouldn't -- if it's fraudulent refund, shouldn't it go to thieves in the U.S. before thieves around the world? That bothers me.

ROGINSKY: Are you saying that the IRS is one like organization responding to the Nigerian prince?




PERINO: That sounds like a great deal.

ROGINSKY: Wait a second, just send me some money and I will get you my chateau in Nigeria. I have no answer to this. It's not good.

GUTFELD: America, does America not care about this story? Because half don't have any skin in the game? If you're not paying taxes, this story is kind of --

BOLLING: Half of America cares. You know, $4 billion to identity thieves.
Kimberly's right. This is the group that's going to administer ObamaCare.
They're going to the ones who are going to decide who's meeting the criteria and who's not.

They can't even handle their regular job, let alone this part-time job, which is going to be bigger than their regular job by three or four times,
$1 trillion -- what is it, $3 trillion in money that's going to change hands through this whole system? That they're going to police it?

We're in trouble. ObamaCare's in trouble.

GUILFOYLE: But they act like it's monopoly money. It's not even for real.
They don't care about --

GUTFELD: Because it's not theirs.

GUILFOYLE: No, they don't. There isn't any accountability. No one ever gets fired in this administration whatsoever. I mean, it's pathetic.

If it were the private market, this would be a completely different story, because competence would be the expectation.

BOLLING: Can I point something out, though, with the IRS, you're supposed to pay your taxes, they have recourse. They can garnish your wages. They can take your stuff. They can take your stuff. They can take your house.
With the ObamaCare stuff, if you don't pay, if you don't pay their fee or fine or tax or whatever you call it, there's none.

There's nothing written in the law that says if you don't pay, that they're going to fine you. You can accrue a deficit. But if you don't pay it, they're not going to do anything to you.

GUTFELD: Dana, doesn't the IRS, the actions of the IRS kind of validate everything the Tea Party's been talking about? I mean, everybody lashed at the Tea Party, but the Tea Party's been saying big government sucks and this is what happens.

PERINO: Right, government has gotten too big. We've ended up having to work for them. The other point is the technology and all of these agencies seems not to work, the software.

So, you have the problem in the welfare system in Medicaid, Medicare, with the waste, fraud and abuse. This is a good example of there's no red flag that goes up when you're sending 655 checks to one address in Lithuania, like there's no alarm bell that go off.

I also would say just on an update on that Tea Party targeting scandal story, the former general counsel, Wilkins, of the IRS, is going to end up having to testify. So that story might not be completely gone yet, though it's not on the front page anymore.

GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: But it's not over.

GUTFELD: It's not over.

PERINO: Until it's over.

GUTFELD: Uh-huh, wow, anyway.

Up next, actor Vince Vaughn defends being a conservative in Hollywood and George Clooney goes from sexiest man alive to climate change cheerleader.
He loves men named (ph) climate change. The Hollywood heartthrob gets fired up over global warming.


GUILFOYLE: How did they know?

All right. Well, most people know Vince Vaughn for his starring roles in big hits like "Dodgeball", "Anchorman" and "Wedding Crashers." he's also one of the few outspoken conservatives in Hollywood.

What makes him a conservative? And does he get a hard time from his friends in the business? Here's his explanation.


VINCE VAUGHN, ACTOR: I've always been more conservative than not. I think that what come as you get older, is you just get less trust in the government run anything. And that you start to realize when you really go back and you look at the Constitution and the principles of liberty, the real purpose of government is to protect the individual's right to, you know, sort of think and pursue what they have an interest in.

I think there can be sort of a bias against people who don't sort of agree with what's popular. But I think if you talk to people, you know, sort of how you present it over time, I think people kind of understand where I stand. And I can disagree with people and not have it be the forefront of all conversations.


GUILFOYLE: Let me give you a little sound bite. Hey, let's not hate on him. That was articulate.

PERINO: We're loving on him, even more time than anyone.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. So what he's saying is he's talking, Eric, about the role of government. That it should be one to protect individual liberties, not choke the very life breath out of us, taxing us to death with government programs that don't work.

BOLLING: I love it. Fantastic. Great. The more the merrier. I'm surprised we have Vince Vaughn on our team, Ashton Kutcher, Jon Voight.
The lovely --


BOLLING: We'll look at that in a minute. But, no, it's good to see more Hollywood -- there, you look. There you go. Anyway, we have (INAUDIBLE) we're going to, I'm not going to say how to look. It's nice to see more Hollywood people who are conservative.

GUILFOYLE: -- the camera pick her up, there we go.

BOLING: Maybe it's not such a bad thing. It will keep you on black lists and whatnot if you're conservative.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Greg, what do you think? I like Vince Vaughn.

GUTFELD: In Hollywood, there's what's called the honesty status ratio.

As you're status grows and reaches a point of success, whereas if you speak out about something, you have -- it's OK never to work again, then you will actually speak out. Hence, when you look at a lot of these people, the Clint Eastwoods and Jon Voights and Stallones, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Sinise, David Mamet, they've all reached a point in their career that if they got black listed, they could survive.

But you can't do that as a young person because you do not have the wealth or status to absorb the damage. It truly is black listing. It truly is McCarthyism in reverse in Hollywood. That's why most of the people don't do it until they're in their 50s.

GUILFOYLE: Because then you're protected because you don't worry about them taking down your career or your professional opportunities.

GUTFELD: Yes, because you're done.

PERINO: Because you're finally established. So, good for him.

I hope that more people in Hollywood do start to speak out. I think they're getting tired of the fact that government is so incompetent. And that they've been supportive. They've held their tongues. They've been quiet about some of the things they are disturbed by.

But it gets to a point where if you think you're going to make a difference in the world that you finally have to use the platform you've been given.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, that's true. My friend Suzanne Somers, she's a conservative. She's been here at FOX a lot.

GUTFELD: Name dropper.

GUILFOYLE: Well, sorry, I know you're jealous because I know her.

And she's had a hard time as well because she's conservative and some of the articles and things she's written, there's been a lot of, you know, vicious just back bite at her, that she was quite surprised by.


ROGINSKY: I'm just happy that "Wedding Crashers 2" is apparently coming out, so he can say whatever he wants to say. And Dorothy Mantooth was a saint, as he said in "Anchorman", and I'm just very excited that he's -- whatever he wants to talk about is fine with me. I love him and if he wants --

PERINO: He can just talk to you all night. Talk and talk and talk.

ROGINSKY: No, I'm actually --

GUILFOYLE: All right. So we're going to talk about George Clooney here and we'll talk about climate deniers. They say it's just a stupid argument, he said. The idea that we're somehow involved in climate change is ridiculous. What's the worst thing that happened? We clean up the earth a little bit."

Dana is raising her hand, looks to be taller then Greg, so I'll call on you first.

PERINO: OK, I'm just going to sit up a little taller.

OK, the easiest thing to say about somebody who you might disagree with politically is to say, you don't believe in global warming. Actually, that is just so easy and intellectually lazy. It's more difficult to have actually read the literature, thought about it and you can say, you know, global warming, actually -- maybe it is happening, but let's talk about, then, the causes. How are you going to solve it?

Are you going to get India, China and Brazil to lower their economic production, as we are, or are we going to do it by ourselves? And if we do that, if you believe that global warming is a global problem, you actually haven't done anything to actually solve it.

It is so much harder to be truthful about climate change and about solutions than to just say you're a climate change denier. That's just another way to say you're a Tea Party right wing freak. That's the insult he's trying to deliver.

GUILFOYLE: Well-stated, Dana.

Go ahead.

GUTFELD: The irony here is that he said if you don't know the science, you're either ridiculous or stupid. He is woefully ignorant on the science. He mentioned 99 percent of scientists agree on manmade global warming. That's false -- 97 percent of 75 individuals who answered a graduate student questionnaire about man's effect on climate. It was a hypothetical question. They've been using this for years.

I get it. He's gaining respect in Hollywood trying to be a climate change apostle, but, you know what? It's bogus.

GUILFOYLE: Can you stop with George Clooney who is my friend? He's very nice. Have you met him in person?

PERINO: What did he say? What did he say?

GUTFELD: What did I say? I didn't say anything.

GUILFOYLE: Always belittling George.

GUTFELD: How am I belittling him? I salute him.

GUILFOYLE: We have to go. We're in a fight now. Sorry, George. Can't help it.

Chris Christie gains momentum after his big re-election win, hitting the Sunday shows, and telling his fellow Republicans they should follow his lead by emulating one of the icons of the party, Ronald Reagan. Look at Bolling's hair.

Can Christie deliver from the Garden State all the way to the White House?
That debate is next on THE FIVE.


ROGINSKY: Fresh off his landslide re-election victory, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made the rounds on the Sunday talk shows yesterday, saying he's got what it takes for the GOP, even comparing himself to Ronald Reagan.


GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), NEW JERSEY: Here's what people in Washington, D.C. don't understand, if you want to win a vote by that kind of margin, if you want to attract a majority of the Hispanic vote, if you want to nearly triple your African-American vote, you need to show up. That's exactly what Ronald Reagan would have done and did do when he was comparing for president.

I did that campaigning for governor because I believed it's what right to do as governor when you represent all the people, not just the people who vote for you.


ROGINSKY: Eric, I'm going to start with you because you're kind of like a woman scorned with Chris Christie. Now you feel like you're not getting the love for him.

I've got to tell you, as a Democrat, I'm kind of terrified of him being the Republican nominee because I think he's the only one who can really take it to the Democrats.

BOLLING: That's probably why --

ROGINSKY: My question is, why do you want to destroy your own party nominee before he gets out of the gate?

BOLLING: I don't, I don't. No, no, Like I said, I can't vote -- I couldn't vote for Chris Christie in the election because he wasn't conservative. I want a conservative.

That said, that doesn't mean his second term as governor in the next three years he's going to start pivoting to some of the more conservative stances. He's been tough on guns. New Jersey is probably the first or second most aggressive gun control states in the Union. He's going to have to move on that. His NRA rating will be a big fat "F" if he doesn't and he'll never get elected that way.

So, if there's some movement in Christie in things like guns and immigration and maybe taxes. He's got some very liberal baggage that he has to get rid of. If he does, then maybe we'll take a look again.

ROGINSKY: Dana, do you think Republicans will believe Chris Christie, if were to go from being liberal, as Eric said, to now pivoting 180 degrees?
Or is that kind of situational.

PERINO: It is interesting to look at his trajectory where he was the conservative hero in 2010 and then they fell out of love with him after Hurricane Sandy or whatever, which I don't think is necessarily that substantive a problem for Chris Christie.

However, I think one of the problems is that he lacks modesty.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Me, me, me, me, me.

PERINO: Four Sunday shows after, he's doing the victory lap. I think he had it all pent up and he was ready to get it out there. I do think it would be good to be governor for two months before you started the White House run. If he's serious about it, he's going to have to raise a lot of money. He's going to need really good organization in those primary states, because it's one thing to talk in the abstract, but when you get on the ground, you're actually trying to get votes in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, it's difficult.

ROGINSKY: His aide just became the executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party, which I thought was very interesting.

GUILFOYLE: It is interesting. Not a coincidence. What I think is he's going to have to get in bed.


GUILFOYLE: He's going to have to get in bed with the big money, because they fell out of love with him a little bit. They need some cuddle time.
That is the truth. You heard it here first.

ROGINSKY: Greg, I'm going to go --

GUTFELD: I don't understand.

GUILFOYLE: Got to suck up to the cash if he wants to win. The cash is a little mad. He's going to --


GUILFOYLE: I know the cash.

GUTFELD: I think that right now, we have a very good conservative, as a conservative who, you know, I have a problem with the whole 100 percent ACU rating. What good is a totally good guy if he's an inarticulate weirdo?

The great thing about Christie is he's charming, and he's funny, and I would rather be right than win segment is going to destroy the Republican Party. I've been a conservative since 19, I don't know, '87.

GUILFOYLE: I thought you were a libertarian.

ROGINSKY: What happened in '86 to make you switch?

GUTFELD: Berkeley. Berkeley. No, can I finish? The point is, the Republican Party has to move beyond the negative messaging of Obama sucks because Obama's not going to be there. You're going to have Hillary Clinton and Hillary is going to be a powerful figure.

Christie is probably one of the only people who can unite people outside of the Republican Party to vote for them.


ROGINSKY: "One More Thing" coming up next.

BOLLING: Maybe not the base.


PERINO: OK. It's time now for "One More Thing".

And, Kimberly has been a very good student today and gets to start.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you very much. I'd like Abe (ph).

OK. And I like Janice dean who is one of our favorite people here at FOX.
She was out at the villages for Operation Shoebox for the 1 millionth box passed for our troops today. Take a look.


GUTFELD: Incredible.

GUILFOYLE: A lot of enthusiasm and patriotism there. We thank Janice Dean for going out there and spending the time. It was a worth while cause.

And, of course, we want to give our sincere and heart felt thanks to all the veterans and troops fighting for our freedoms that we don't take lightly or for granted here. Thank you very much for your service and family.


PERINO: Well-done, Janice Dean. That was fun.

All right. Eric, you're next.

BOLLING: Very quickly want to say hi again, to the studio audience right there, Stacy Dazz (ph), joining us, friend of THE FIVE. Loves our show.
We love her, too.

Very quickly last night, "60 Minutes." Big apology. Watch.


LARA LOGAN, CBS NEWS: A security officer working for the State Department, Dylan Davies, told us he went to the compound and detailed his role that night. After our report aired, questions arose about whether his account was true. When an incident report surfaced, it told a different story about what he did the night of the attack. The most important thing to everyone at "60 Minutes" is the truth and the truth is we made a mistake.


BOLLING: President Obama would just take some advice from "60 Minutes" and Lara.

PERINO: The problem is, I'm still so confused by this because who lied at what point? How did they not know about it?

Also, the ultimate question, who pushed the video? That's what really matters. It worries me that this story is going to go away after this because those people deserve to have the truth from them.

That really wasn't my one more thing. My one more thing is also about our troops. We celebrate the ones that are serving, all the ones that have served in war. They also serve in a lot of humanitarian missions.

And over the weekend, there was a horrible typhoon in the Philippines, the biggest storm recorded in weather history in the world. We had 90 Marines that were sent today on the ground to provide assistance, and there will be more coming.

I'll tell you, here on the ground and you have just lost your home and you're worried and you're sick, when the U.S. military shows up, you are in really, really good hands.

OK, Julie, you're next.

ROGINSKY: So, Friday, I reported that lady gaga is apparently going to space. Today it turns out that she unveiled a high tech white vehicle she billed as the world's first flying dress.

So, my question is based on our conversation both Friday and today, who is more annoying Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga? I don't know.

PERINO: This is creative.

ROGINSKY: Well, you know what? Tweet me because I can't tell who annoys me more, Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga. Just go to outer space and stay there -

PERINO: How do you feel about Greg Gutfeld?

ROGINSKY: That's a good question. Tough call, Lady Gaga or Greg Gutfeld.

PERINO: On the annoying scale? Scale of one to ten.


GUILFOYLE: At least he's smart.

ROGINSKY: But he doesn't have flying dress.

PERINO: Do you hate people today?


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUILFOYLE: Is that recorded hate?

GUTFELD: Yes, I went to a comedy show Saturday. There's a guy next to me who is laughing, laughing very loudly, because he wanted everybody to know he got the joke. So, he would laugh extra laugh and he would also repeat the punch line. And he would constantly go, oh, yes, spinach. Air conditioners.

I hate you. If I ever see you again, I will destroy you. I will hunt you down. I will take your pants. I will set them on fire.

I hate these people. When you go to a comedy club, just smile and laugh.

PERINO: Yes. Don't laugh loudly or Greg will come after you.

That's it for us "Five."

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