Where Is Ray Gricar?

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," April 19, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Police need your help tonight. Pennsylvania District Attorney Ray Gricar has been missing since Friday. Could he have fallen victim to someone he put behind bars?

Joining us on the phone is LeDon Young, a colleague who has known Gricar for over 20 years. LeDon, when was the last time you saw him?


VAN SUSTEREN: Anything unusual about his life at all, something that sticks out in your mind?

YOUNG: Not at all. You must bear in mind, young lady, that we're in central Pennsylvania. Someone of Ray's stature would be known throughout the area. There's little that we can do that is not noted or reported. As far as being a high-profile person, he was, because in the community, he was active, well-known for supporting women and those who had been abused and suffered from such violence, spoke on many boards on that, was known throughout the community.

The suggestion that, you know, there was another life there or under stress or something secret going on — it's difficult to do here. I was in the grocery store Friday night, sneezed and a person three aisles over said, Gesundheit. You just don't get away with anything here, especially someone of Ray's presence in the community.

VAN SUSTEREN: So what is your theory? We have a car. There's no evidence of foul play in the car. It's some distance from his home. His cell phone is in the car. He has just vanished into thin air.

YOUNG: My concern is that he was driving a very distinctive automobile. As you well know, Greta, in any seminars that we go to, they tell us not to do anything that singles yourself out. As I told you, Ray was very active and quite an advocate regarding women and those who had endured violence. He made a point of being the attorney who would represent such women when their abuser had been held in criminal contempt court.

And so what we're talking about are those abusers who a mere protection from abuse order entered by a judge didn't stop them. They were still going after their victims, and Ray was standing between them and their victims.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that your theory?

YOUNG: That's my concern, yes. Very much so.

VAN SUSTEREN: And just briefly, before we go, how did you know him? You work with him?

YOUNG: I was usually on the other side, representing the guy accused of the abuse. And I would also point out, Saturday was the first day of fishing season here in central Pennsylvania. So for Ray to have gotten anywhere without being observed, as far as in the woods or along the river, he would have to push aside a lot of men who were drowning a lot of worms.

VAN SUSTEREN: That would be unusual. All right, LeDon. Thank you very much. We got to go, but I appreciate it.

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