When Will Wall Street Protests End?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 14, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: No, I'm not wearing the silly hat.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Welcome back to "The Five."


GUTFELD: So Wall Street has become "Brawl Street." The effort to clean Zuccotti Park, the park with -- where the protesters have been slumming, has been stopped. According to Mayor Bloomberg, Brookfield Office Properties, which owns the park, made the decision after receiving calls from city official, who threatened to make -- quote -- "life more difficult" -- end quote -- which seems to be the norm all around.

In Boston, the Coast Guard claims a woman in uniform was harassed and spat upon near in the protest. The Coast Guard has warned all staff to avoid these punks while in uniform.

And now there are arrests around the New York Stock Exchange, in Seattle and Denver. At this point for comic relief we need a visit from Captain Stupid. Here Donny Deutsche -- rumored to be as smart as a mailman's sock -- tries to say something and then take it all back at the same time:


DONNY DEUTSCHE, MSNBC: I don't want this to come out of the wrong way. If we think what will happen, if you think back to the late '60s, what is the most stirring image of all of the rebellion that happened? What do we remember? Kent State. Now I am not saying somebody has to get killed. What will happen, there will be a climax moment of class warfare somehow played out on screen that I think will -- the same way that nine-nine-nine, if you will, kind of simplifies a message -- that articulates this clash.




So what is this all about, Alfie? I have said it before, this is about Main Street, not Wall Street. It's a coordinated effort by the usual suspects bent on undermining the greatest system ever. It is not about the one percent. The organizers want it all.

And there is proof. Biggovernment.com got its hands on e-mails from activists who planned to protest. I pared one down because it was wordy and stupid. It says "There are no "solutions" that can be presented quickly to make us go away. It's in those moments that we have to push the envelope. We go as far as we can to destabilize but maintain momentum."

See, it's not about frustration but destabilization. Our malaise is seen as an opportunity for havoc. Today it's a park. What's tomorrow? I'd say my place, but it's already a mess.


GUTFELD: So I want to quickly before we get to our -- we are being occupied here -- some video -- protesters communicate in a really weird way. They don't talk like the rest of us do. They use hand signals. And we wanted an explanation, so let's look for it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are seven basic hand signals, the first of which is "twinkles." This is to show agreement with something. The second one is "down twinkles," which is to show that you disagree with something that is said. The next one is "wrap it up," which means you've been rambling and you need make more clear, concise statements and finish it quickly.


GUTFELD: I was twinkling. Eric, do you have any hand signals?

BOLLING: I have a couple. I am occupying "The Five." I thought I was Captain Stupid.


BOLLING: This one is "The Five." I will come up with more.

TANTAROS: Actually Bob has a hand signal that he uses a lot, but we can't show it.

BECKEL: This shows what you a slow news day this is, to have you get on like that. We have good ratings, we don't need this. If I were you, I would be so embarrassed for your kid.


GUTFELD: He saved your life yesterday.


BECKEL: I am not -- I appreciate it and all the rest. I am going to try to save his. He needs to go home.

By the way, every time Greg tries to bring up these funny things from Wall Street, you pick and choose of all the gaffes.

GUTFELD: The crazy people.

BECKEL: Can we take a look at the Tea Party rallies from a couple of years ago? We have that footage, I assume we do.

GUTFELD: Here we go.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Try to take some questions if we can have a number of you participate. If not, you know, we can just keep shouting at one another.



BECKEL: I would like to make it clear -- would you get that silly sign out of my face? You saved my life yesterday today, and I am going to take yours.


BOLLING: I want to make this point.

BECKEL: Make your point.

GUTFELD: How could this happen?

BOLLING: You need mouth to mouth, this would be "The Four" today.


BECKEL: Bring it up. All I can say is -- put that thing down -- is that Tea Party, the people you keep talking about being these calm and nice people just out there trying to organize themselves and be constitutionalists. You saw the pictures up. That went on in every congressional district in America. It was disgraceful and disgusting --

GUTFELD: That's freedom of speech.


BECKEL: You make fun of the signs and you listen to those old farts do that?

TANTAROS: They need signs. They haven't brushed their teeth in weeks.

BECKEL: How do you know -- those people at the Tea Party, what do you think they were doing?

GUTFELD: At least read the bill had a point. There is no point --

TANTAROS: I love -- I love the Wall Street protest. I actually love them. It is just like in 2004 --

BECKEL: What do you say of the Tea Party people?

TANTAROS: -- when George Bush came to give his speech at the convention and there were naked liberals running up and down Sixth Avenue, thank god it wasn't Bob. We hope you never do that, Bob. But it makes the Republican Party look normal. Thank you, stinky Wall Street protesters.

GUTFELD: I want to bring Dana in here. What -- did the mayor cave on this? What happens to the protesters now? Can they stay there forever?

PERINO: You explained something to me earlier. I asked yesterday, if it's a private park --


PERINO: -- then why don't have you control over your private property? Why can't you ask them to leave? There is some sort of New York City law that allows them to stay there in perpetuity.

GUTFELD: Unless there is a curfew.

PERINO: Are they telling you in your head?

BOLLING: They are beaming it down to me from Select-tron. Brookfield Properties owns the park. Brookfield Properties has -- one of their board member on one of their property happens to be the girlfriend of Mayor Bloomberg. Now, I'm not saying -- if Brookfield wanted those people removed, they would be removed.

BECKEL: Eric, I love you. Please, take that thing off. I am embarrassed to sit next to you. Think about your wife and your child.

It's really, it's a bad thing.

I notice you guys once again don't say anything. I brought the Tea Party --

GUTFELD: You did. You made a valid pointed, Bob.

BECKEL: Would you respond to it? Do you think that was democracy in action to listen to those people screaming, yelling --


GUTFELD: That was actually at a meeting. This is in a park. People are on private property. Imagine if someone was living on your front lawn and elected officials said we don't want to you kick them off. That's what's happening here. Elected officials pressured Brookfield not to kick these guys off. Imagine if these people were on your front lawn and officials said, if you tell them to leave, we will do something --

BECKEL: This is the greatest system in the world that allows people to protest. You keep talking about it.

GUTFELD: Well, I'm just saying, they are on private property.

TANTAROS: You think this is a good 2012 message, you defending these nuts?

BECKEL: I have to defend these nuts. You have to defend those nuts at those Tea Party things.

GUTFELD: There is a fair portion of those people with sincere issues.

But this was created by Ad Busters. These are people who don't like America.

BECKEL: There are a lot of people down there who do love America and a lot of people that were hurt by Wall Street and the greed. And the fact that --

BOLLING: Oh, come on.

GUTFELD: They sleep all day.

BECKEL: Do you want to continue --

GUTFELD: They sleep all day. It's a slumber party, an outdoor slumber party.

BECKEL: In Wall Street, they slumber all your money away.

We're supposed to get outta here.

GUTFELD: Are you mad?

BECKEL: I am mad only because I want Eric to stop. I love him. But we got to go.

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