Was Terri Schiavo Abused?

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," April 15, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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MICHELLE MALKIN, GUEST HOST: Welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes." I'm Michelle Malkin, sitting in tonight for Sean Hannity.

A judge in Florida has released records of abuse reports relating to Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman who died after a fierce court battle between her husband and her parents. FOX News has obtained the records. What do they reveal?

Joining us is FOX News legal analyst Peter Johnson who has reviewed the documents for us.

OK, Peter, who is going to be happier about these documents, the Schindler family or the Schiavo family?

PETER JOHNSON, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Oh, I don't think anyone will be happy about these documents, but they're interesting. They reveal about 89 complaints between 2001 and 2004. And those are complaints made to the Florida State Department of Children and Families — saying these complaints are old and of little value. Is that a fair assessment of this or are they just looking to get Michael Schiavo?

JOHNSON: I think what you probably see — and we don't know who made these complaints — but reading between the lines based upon the statements that were made and some of the statements that showed up in interviews and affidavits during the whole process, you can kind of figure out who was making these complaints.

And it seems that both sides were making out complaints. I mean, it's an awful complaint to say that the Schindler family has somehow tried to capitalize on the misfortune of their daughter. And that complaint was made. Now, was that made by Michael Schiavo, or his lawyer, or someone associated? We don't know. Were those complaints about Michael Schiavo made by the Schindler family or their lawyer? We don't know. But it does shed some light at this point.

We still don't know, based upon the autopsy report, which has not been released, the critical question as to how Terri Schiavo got into the condition.

COLMES: Are we going to find that out?

JOHNSON: My suspicion is that we probably will not, unless there's some evidence of a fracture of the throat, determining that there was possible asphyxiation, as some have alleged. There's been no proof as to that, but an autopsy could, in fact, show that and a lot of people are kind of waiting with baited breath to see what it shows.

MALKIN: Yes. And we will be hearing a lot more about it. Thank you, Peter.

JOHNSON: Nice to see you.

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