Veteran Rocker Neil Young's New Album Attacks President Bush

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Change of Leadership?

Just 20 percent of Americans think a civilian leader should be in charge of the military. That according to the latest Donald Rumsfeld's approval rating, which has dropped to 35 percent.

But Americans are evenly divided on whether he should resign. More say Rumsfeld's resignation would hurt the War on Terror than say it would help, but nearly half say it would make no difference either way.

Bush Bashing

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid has blasted the Bush administration for not allegedly taking the lead in the international effort to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, saying the reliance on European allies to convince Iran to give up its enrichment program "shows the Bush failure in foreign policy there and elsewhere."

But when asked in 2003 whether he would support a strike against North Korea to eliminate their nuclear arsenal, Reid said, "We cannot be the lone ranger in all these problems of international terrorism. We need this community of world support."

Online Offensive

Posters on liberal Web logs this week are calling Vice President Cheney a "reprehensible hypocrite," who is "totally devoid of any moral values," and a "Scheming, selfish, arrogant, lying, smug, law breaking, law exploiting war criminal."

Such remarks may not be unusual in the blogosphere, but you may ask what the vice president did to provoke such vitriol. Turns out, the posters were upset over Cheney's tax returns, which show Cheney gave 77 percent of his 2005 income to charity and availed himself of a Hurricane Katrina-inspired law allowing citizens to deduct more than the usual 50 percent of income donated to charitable causes.

Attack Album

Veteran rocker Neil Young, well known for his Vietnam-era protest songs, is once again making music aimed at the political arena, recording an entire album attacking President Bush.

It's called, "Living With War," and includes songs such as "Shock and Awe" and "Let's Impeach the President." Young, a Canadian, recorded the album in just three days and calls its musical style, "Metal Folk Protest."

Young, you may remember, said in a 2002 biography that while he draws the line at doing drugs he considers life-threatening, he remains addicted to marijuana, but tries not to smoke too much so as not to "set a bad example for the kids."

— FOX News' Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.