US in 'close coordination' with South Korea after North Korea blows up liaison office

This is a rush transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," June 15, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Americans believe we must support the brave men and women in blue who police our streets and keep us safe.

Americans also believe we must improve accountability, increase transparency, and invest more resources in police training, recruiting, and community engagement.


NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Well, it is a start.

Welcome, everybody. I'm Neil Cavuto. And this is YOUR WORLD.

Attention right now on what the president did today to sign an executive order to well essentially police the police, and what has now been a growing cabal that calls for either defunding or drastically cutting funding for police departments around the nation.

It's a case of threading the needle. And the only question now is whether the president has managed to pull that off.

This at the same time the Senate Judiciary Committee is pondering measures of its own, that committee still meeting right now.

Tim Scott of South Carolina, the Republican senator, has come up with a plan that has overwhelming support, at least among Republicans. A few Democrats are intrigued by some of his efforts to rein in actions that some argue are targeted at African-Americans. The senator himself, an African- Americans, says that is not the case.

But, in the meantime, to John Roberts at what the White House outlined today -- John.


President Trump says that the intent of his executive order that he signed in the Rose Garden in the noon hour today is to bring police forces and the communities they serve together through reforming the police's use of force and even finding alternatives to it.

It basically breaks down into three separate initiatives. First is federal incentives to police forces to create credentialing and certification in best practices for the use of force. This would involve Department of Justice grants.

And one of the things the president wants to do is limit the use of choke holds -- also information sharing on police officers who have complaints of misconduct, so they can't move from one law enforcement agency to another, and then incorporating social workers into police forces to deal with issues like people who are mentally ill, people who are homeless, domestic calls, things like that.

This is just the beginning of more to come. Here's what the president said about it earlier:


TRUMP: Beyond the steps we're taking today, I am committed to working with Congress on additional measures. Congress has started already, and they'll be having bills coming out of the Senate and possibly out of the House.

And, hopefully, they'll all get together and they'll come up with a solution that goes even beyond what we're signing today.


ROBERTS: We will hear from Senate Republicans and find out what they have in mind tomorrow.

Senator Tim Scott expected to reveal his plan. At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on policing today, Senator Kamala Harris of California says, the president's executive order falls short of what's needed. Listen here.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): Let me be clear. This is not enough. It does not meet this moment. This is not enough.

There are thousands of people marching in the streets in 50 states demanding meaningful change. The people are demanding action.


ROBERTS: People are demanding action, says Kamala Harris.

And President Trump is promising that. You see, before the event in the Rose Garden, the president met privately with the families of some victims of police shootings and other uses of police force. He also met with the family of Ahmaud Arbery, who was killed down there in Georgia in that incident where he was jogging through a neighborhood and two men confronted him, one of them shooting him point blank with a shotgun.

The president said, Neil, that he heard devastate stating stories from these families and said he will do whatever he can to help them -- Neil.

CAVUTO: John Roberts at the White House, thank you very much.

Larry Cosme also at the White House earlier today for this big event. He is the national president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

Sir, very good to have you.

What do you think of what the president outlined today?


What he allowed outline today, I want to thank the president for his leadership on law enforcement issues, and also for outlining and trying to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the communities. And that's important for the law enforcement professionals and also for the communities in the African-American community that they're feeling -- they're feeling this situation right now.

So it's important. And I think it's a great step moving forward. And the president's doing a great job leading -- leading us in that direction.

CAVUTO: I'm just wondering the morale of your men and women, because you get these reports that 19 police officers have resigned this week over the unrest over the shooting from last weekend.

And I'm just wondering how much this is impacting morale.

COSME: It is impacting morale. Why? Because these narratives that have been pushed that they're trying to vilify and demonize police officers.

They are the front line protecting our country. And that's important that the good folks out there, the law-abiding citizens speak up. They're out there. They feel that they're being abandoned by those folks.

But guess what? The majority of Americans, more than 90 percent of the Americans in this country support law and order and support the law enforcement community, both at the federal, state and local level. I know. I have spoken to a lot of folks, and, believe me, they do -- they do feel for these folks.

CAVUTO: You know, on provisions like no choke holds and all that, I have talked to a number of police chiefs who say, well, you can't make blanket statements on what qualifies as use of force and all that, and you cannot tie us down to something that might change in a moment.

How do you feel about that? Because there does seem to be enormous public appetite to rein it in, regardless of the risks.

COSME: I don't feel that they should stop officers from -- this choke hold thing, this is something that people are bringing up. That should not stop officers from having the ability to utilize a choke hold if it's -- if it's a life-and-death situation.

At the end of the day, when an officer is out there, he or she is dealing with a deadly threat. So why should you minimize -- I agree with the chiefs. No officer should be told that they cannot use a particular use of force in a use of force continuum, especially if they're facing a deadly threat.

And that's where the -- that's where everything gets lost in the equation here. And I'm opposed to banning choke holds across the board. I think there has to be exceptions, just like the consensus use of force policy that the International Chiefs of Police Association has published.

And I was a part of that committee that participated in that four years ago.

CAVUTO: You know, sir, there's been a lot of criticism from many in the African-American community that, even now and with some of the proposals outlined by the president, there's no acknowledgement that there's inherent racism in some, not all, police departments.

Do you believe that to be the case, that, without even thinking, there is a bias against African-Americans, and it comes up in arrest after arrest?

COSME: I hear the African-American community. And like, with every profession, there's a percentage of individuals that are not doing their jobs the right way.

And those individuals need to be dealt with. And that's why some folks are concerned within our law enforcement profession about the -- this registry that the president's proposing with the Department of Justice.

And we have been assured that these officers that are acting, the bad -- the bad ones that are acting in an unprofessional way or discriminating, they will be dealt with. And there's also protections in there for the officers that are wrongfully accused and get exonerated.

So -- and then there's also actions in there that protect the officers' privacies.

CAVUTO: All right, we will watch it very closely.

Larry, I believe the issue you're referring to are the officers who might have been fingered for doing some bad things in one department. They move to another state, another locale, and they get hired in another area.

So you think, by the president targeting that type of activity, that's a start?

COSME: That is a start in the right direction.

And, like I said earlier, the president's leading on this issue.


COSME: And it's important, because, that way, you could basically cut out the bad apple if they're acting in the wrongful way and they're mistreating the community, and you're dealing with the issue on hand.

And if you see that there's some sort of problem arising from officers acting a certain way, you could intervene early on.

CAVUTO: Got it.

Larry Cosme, thank you very, very much. I know you have had a busy day. We appreciate your taking the time here.

We do want to update you want on a couple of things. Wall Street was having a grand old day today. And a lot of that was built on you, yes, you. You were shopping like crazy, apparently, in the latest month, so much so that this V-shaped recovery thing that people talk about, it might not be so farfetched -- after this.


CAVUTO: All right, we had a nice day at the corner Wall and Broad, a heady gain here. And a lot of it was built on that number that ain't a typo.

For those of you listening, I can tell you that retail sales in the latest period up almost 18 percent. And I can say, if you look it up in the history books, we have never seen a month like it, the biggest monthly jump in history there.

Of course, we also came out of the weakest retail sales environment in history, so it stands to reason that we'd see a good bounce-back. But what's interesting about this, and echoing other numbers, is the bounce- back might be happening a tad sooner than expected.

Also, consider mortgage applications, a busier homebuying season, bidding wars on properties. There's something going on here.

Doesn't Bob NardellirMD-BO_ probably know it, the former Home Depot CEO, former Chrysler CEO, overall corporate smarty-pants. He joins us right now.

Bob, always a pleasure.

What do you make of some of the data you have been seeing here, because it does seem to confirm this pent-up demand that's out there, once people come out of their homes?

ROBERT NARDELLI, FORMER CEO, CHRYSLER: Yes, it's amazing, Neil. First of all, it's great to be with you.

And the numbers that came out today in retail are very, very encouraging. And I wouldn't want to put a damper on that, but you nailed it. We have been sheltering now for a couple of months. We're all suffering cabin fever.

Nothing reduces stress more than shopping and spending, right, and I think also coming off of a very poor month. But, again, I don't want to dampen it. I think this was a very proof-positive sign.

I'm also somewhat amazed at this potential V-covery, Neil. I mean, when you look at the market, I really scratch my head and try to figure out why the equities market is doing so well. The Dow is up significantly, not back to where we were at 30000, but certainly climbing back in that direction, Neil.

CAVUTO: No, you're right about that.

And, in a way, it seems to worry Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Bob. I only mention it because he says, you know -- I'm paraphrasing here -- but we're not out of the coronavirus woods just yet. He's concerned about a spike in cases, the fact that things are going to be bumpy around the world.

He was stating the obvious. But it was a counter to everything else you saw today. What does he see or fear that maybe we're not?

NARDELLI: Well, it's interesting, because, again, a really -- a major point that hopefully doesn't get lost is that he announced he was going to get involved in buying corporate bonds.

So, now he's going to be a stock picker, which, again, must have conveyed it into the market today, again, really strong support by the Fed.

And I think he's just concerned at the rate with which this is recovering. He did make a statement, if you will remember, that these rates were going to stay for a long time. He saw no inflation. And maybe his concern, Neil, is that this may generate a little bit of inflation, which, of course, a couple of years ago, he put in four increases, and then had to back them off.

So, we will have to see how he handles this potential recovery. The other thing I think we have got to watch very closely, Neil, is the second quarter earnings, when we get -- come out of the second quarter and we start to see earnings results.

And I hope that...

CAVUTO: Right.

NARDELLI: ... it doesn't dampen the spirit of the recovery that we're seeing today.

CAVUTO: Are you worried about these spikes in cases that we have been seeing? At the very least, there was fear that it could delay the various phased-in reopening in states like Utah and Oregon.

They're not doing that right now in Texas. Many argue they should because of the spike there. But what do you think?

NARDELLI: No, these spikes, you have to be somewhat of a realist.

Why did the number of cases go down? Well, because we were all sheltered (AUDIO GAP) social distancing really had a positive impact. None of us should be surprised that, once we open the gates and we get out there, that we're going to see a level of -- level of spikes return, not to the degree we saw originally, I hope.

But, certainly, you would have to be a little naive, because nothing really has changed right, Neil?


NARDELLI: I mean, nothing is out there that's going to prevent the spread. Nothing is out there to reduce the spread.

So I'm not particularly concerned about seeing a spike, as long as it doesn't really return to the level that we saw before, because it is the reality of where we are, dealing with this unbelievable, challenging pandemic out there.

CAVUTO: Bob Nardelli, very good catching up, my friend. Be well. Be safe. Be healthy.

Bob Nardelli, the former Home Depot, Chrysler CEO, much, much more.

By the way, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but North Korea, that's a mess. Here's how angry North Korea is. It blew up a facility in its own country to protest how badly things are going in these talks.

That's angry.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK)  CAVUTO: All right, when I first heard, I thought I got it wrong, reports that North Korea had blown up a liaison office in its own country, that's right, in North Korea, to protest, you know, the lack of progress, I guess, on talks with the United States, more specifically with South Korea.

And then it just built from there.

Greg Palkot in London right now with the latest -- Greg.

GREG PALKOT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: And, Neil, yes, this is remarkable stuff.

We have been tracking North Korea for four years, and something special, North Korea actually blowing up one of its own facilities in North Korea, as you say, to make a point. The explosion and the plume of the smoke could be seen from South Korea. It happened in the North Korean town of Kaesong.

That's just a few miles north of the DMZ. The regime thanking area miners probably for their explosives. Now, the building had huge symbolic value. It was opened in 2018, when diplomacy was warming up between North and South Korea and the United States.

It's called the Inter-Korean Liaison Office to facilitate ties. It hasn't been used much in recent months. In fact, it has been closed since January due to COVID-19 concerns. Nobody was apparently inside.

And the move was publicly previewed -- this is also very interesting -- over the weekend by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister Kim Yo-jong. She's been taking the lead on Pyongyang's aggressive -- aggressive relations with Seoul and assuming a bit more power lately.

Experts tell us that the North's tough actions mostly due to disappointment that South Korea is not delivering on business deals desperately needed by the North to help its absolutely struggling economy.

Now, none of this helps the Trump administration's efforts to rein in Kim's nuclear and missile programs. They also announced today the North is planning to move more military towards the DMZ and recently said it would bolster its efforts to strengthen its nuclear deterrence.

Neil, the State Department weighing in today, saying it supports South Korea's efforts and -- get this -- urges North Korea to -- here's a quote - - "refrain from further counterproductive activities."

Now, that's counterproductive -- back to you, Neil.

CAVUTO: I'm not sure I get that.

All right, thank you, my friend very, very much, Greg Palkot in London on the latest problems there.

I want to get Chris Wallace's read on this. Of course, you know him as the host of "FOX News Sunday," much, much more, but author of a great book, "Countdown 1945."

I want to get into that with you, Chris. But I also, since we're talking about nuclear and everything else that set the stage for the end of World War II, and I'm looking at the North Koreans, obviously, you know, sort of champing at the bit here to do something or get talks back on, or they, darn it, will get going nuclear, where do you think this is going?

Is the bloom off the rose between the president and Kim Jong-un? How seriously should we be taking this? What do you think?

CHRIS WALLACE, HOST, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY": Yes, I -- and, certainly, the negotiations, the Trump-Kim negotiations -- and I remember going halfway around the world to Singapore for the first round of them -- seems to basically have collapsed.

And part of the reason that the North Koreans are taking it out on the South Koreans is that the South Koreans had talked about more economic cooperation, and even some -- sending some South Koreans, allowing them to go to some resorts in North Korea, but it was contingent upon progress towards denuclearization.

When that fell apart, the South cooperation with the North fell apart, the North took it out on that building in Kaesong. But the larger issue is that it just seems that, for all the talk about denuclearization, the U.S. and North Korea had very different understandings of what that was, and during what, I guess, three meetings that Kim had with President Trump in Singapore and Vietnam, and then once on the demilitarized zone, they never could resolve those differences.

CAVUTO: You know, you think about it, it's a good a transition to your book.

It's a great book, by the way, Chris. I -- it reads like an action spy novel here. But the fact of the matter is that that was the start of the nuclear age, at least -- even Truman himself was not aware of it, taking office after the death of FDR. And the 116 days, it refers to that point, to the actual Hiroshima bomb.

But the one thing that came up and I wanted to get a sense of with you, how is it possible that a vice president of the United States is that much out of the loop that he wouldn't be informed of something as major as that?

I mean, FDR had been sickly for the better part of a year-and-a-half prior to that, extremely bad in the last few months. So, you think people would have started channeling him on some of this stuff.

WALLACE: Well, you would think that.

But, remember, this was year 13 of the Roosevelt presidency.


WALLACE: He had just won a fourth term and been sworn in. And as someone said, he'd gotten pretty good at ignoring his vice presidents.

In fact, the reason that Truman was the vice president was because Henry Wallace had been before that, in his third term. And Democratic Party leaders thought Wallace was too far to the left, too much of a socialist. And they were very concerned that Roosevelt would not survive a fourth term and that the vice president would then be president.

And they didn't want Henry Wallace in that position. Roosevelt didn't care, because, as far as he was concerned, he was going to live forever, and certainly through the end of World War II, so he didn't pay much attention.

In fact, remarkably enough, Roosevelt -- rather, Truman had been vice president for 82 days when Roosevelt died. He had met privately, Truman, vice president, with President Roosevelt twice in those 82 days.

CAVUTO: And what was remarkable, Chris, is that it was still a couple of weeks after becoming president before he found out about this. And then what?

WALLACE: Well, he was told the night he's sworn in, on April 12.

After he has taken the oath of office in the Cabinet, and all the officials leave, Henry Stimson, the secretary of war, takes him aside in a private room...

CAVUTO: Right.

WALLACE: ... and says: Mr. President, I just want you to know that we are involved in an immense project to build the most powerful weapon in history.

That's the first the Truman had any inkling of the Manhattan Project. Then, 13 days later, on April 25, he is filled in by Stimson and General Leslie Groves, who was the military commander behind the Manhattan Project.

But he viewed it as kind of a science project, because the bomb had never been tested. It was not tested until July 16, which was only 21 days before it was dropped on Hiroshima.

CAVUTO: You know, I'm wondering.

There's been a lot of second-guessing about why he did that when the Japanese were done. Obviously, it was the justification that a lot more lives would be lost just getting them to finally surrender.

And I'm wondering whether part of this was to telegraph to others, including Stalin, and, look what we have, that, one way or the other, this is something that we have in our arsenal?

WALLACE: There certainly has been some history after the fact that has suggested that the real target of the bomb on Hiroshima was Moscow, not Hiroshima or Tokyo.

I got to say, having really studied all of his diaries, all of his letters, all of his conversations during this period in the summer of '45, that wasn't it. He was really focused on Japan.

And the choice was either you bomb them or you invade Japan. And, as terrible as the bombing was, invading was going to be much worse. The war would have gone on, according to projections, for another year-and-a-half.

CAVUTO: All right.

WALLACE: There would have been a million Japanese casualties, a half-a- million American casualties.

And for people who say, well, they were about to surrender, the fact is, we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, and they didn't surrender.

CAVUTO: They didn't. It took another bomb, yes.

WALLACE: And then we dropped the bomb on Nagasaki, and they didn't surrender.

CAVUTO: The reason why I mention it, you had...

WALLACE: And then Hirohito, the emperor, went over the...

CAVUTO: Right. Go ahead.

WALLACE: I was just going to say, he went over the heads of the Japanese military government and delivered a radio address, first time most Japanese would ever heard him. And he decided to surrender.

The military government wanted to fight on.

CAVUTO: Yes. I'm sorry for interrupting you.

One of the things I always wonder, in retrospect, had we offered a somewhat conditional surrender, where Hirohito could stay in the palace -- he was recognized as a deity, as you know -- would it have ever come to that?

The argument was that the Japanese would never quit. I guess we can second- guess this ad nauseum. But that was a potential option, right?

WALLACE: Absolutely.

And, in fact, that's kind of what happened...

CAVUTO: Right.

WALLACE: ... because Truman -- because Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor had demanded unconditional surrender. Truman did too.

In the end, it was kind of a conditional surrender. We allowed the emperor to stay in place as a figurehead, but he had to report to the head of the occupation, Douglas MacArthur.

CAVUTO: All right, thank you, my friend, very, very much.

It was a very, very clever and interesting way to go back at this and look at these 116 days between FDR's death and ultimately Harry Truman doing what he did it. And it finalizes that in such a dramatic way. I urge people to read it. It's not what you think, just the drama and the excitement building up to this. It's like a Ludlum novel here.

Chris Wallace, "Countdown 1945: The Extraordinary Story of the Atomic Bomb and the 116 Days That Changed the World." That is an understatement.

We will have a lot more after this, including how those guys up in the space station are doing, you know the two ones that we launched into orbit for the first time in a decade, no longer hitching rides with the Russians?

Meet them next.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK)  CAVUTO: Normally, our guests come via Skype, maybe FaceTime, maybe a phone call. We made some allowances for these guys. They're coming live from space. Meet the astronauts on the International Space Station -- after this.


We have two astronauts now joining three others on the International Space Station. The fact is, we got there of our own means, though, didn't have to hitch a ride with the Russians, as you know, thanks to SpaceX and, of course, the Dragon capsule.

Those astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, are there. I caught up with them earlier from space, and a pretty interesting view of how they're liking things, because they're going to stay a while.

Take a look.


DOUG HURLEY, NASA ASTRONAUT: We're feeling pretty good. Both Bob and I have exceeded our longest time on space station at one time as far as our shuttle missions go.

I think the longest we were ever docked to station was on the order of 12 days. So, we have been here longer than that already, and kind of settling in and getting our microgravity legs, so to speak, and trying to help Chris manage the space station. It's a huge undertaking to try to keep it maintained, keep it clean, keep the science running, and just staying physically fit. It takes up a full day.

So, we're just trying to kind of figure out the routine and then help Chris as best we can while we're here.

CAVUTO: All right, I assume you're talking about your colleague Chris Cassidy, the two other cosmonauts on board. That's five people on board. It's a big place.

Commander Behnken, how are you getting used to that?

BOB BEHNKEN, NASA ASTRONAUT: Well, I think we're getting pretty well used to it.

Our previous experience, we had full shuttle crews on each of our first flights. And then, of course, Doug's second flight was a little bit smaller, but still came to a fully populated space station, so still had 10 people on board.

So, from our perspective, it's actually kind of sparsely populated, as far as space stations go, compared to our previous experience. They're able to deconflict things pretty well, so we can do our task in different modules, so we're not right on top of each other for the science activities or stowage activities or even the EVA preparations.

We're able to spread out pretty well to accomplish those things. So, we have got plenty of room up here.

CAVUTO: Guys, you will be celebrating Father's Day in space.

And you know already you have been nicknamed, the both of you, the dads. You both have sons of similar age, I believe about 6 years old. You have made a stuffed dinosaur famous, an apatosaurus, I believe. They have sold out of these things on Amazon just because of that.

So, any message you want to relay to your sons, first of all, Commander Hurley, to you about what you're seeing, what you're doing?

HURLEY: Well, it's actually really nice up here.

We get -- once a week, we get a private family conference. That's video. So it's pretty nice to be able to share the experience, so albeit my wife have spent six months up here in 2013, so our son has a pretty good idea of what it's like. But he really enjoys seeing all the different modules.

And you can float around and kind of show your family what's going on. We also have an I.P. Phone, so we can call home whenever we get an available moment. So it's pretty nice to stay connected. Much better than it was when I was in the military and deployed.

But it is special. Father's Days are always special, just like Mother's Days are. And you would really like to spend it with your family. And I'm sure they want to spend it with us. But we will wish them all the best to have a little Father's Day celebration with their fathers 250 miles up orbiting the planet, and that we love them very much.

And, hopefully, we will spend the next Father's Day with them.

BEHNKEN: All I would add for my son is that I hope he can be on extra good behavior to make mommy's job easier while I'm out of town. It takes a family to raise a child. And I'm not doing my part as much right now while I'm in orbit. And so I'm thankful for my wife for accomplishing that while I'm gone.

And my son, 6 years old, has got to do his part as well. So that's the message I always remind him of.

CAVUTO: Yes, but it does get you out of chores, Bob, in the meantime. So there is that, at least chores back on Earth.

I have heard that they're looking at an August return for both of you guys right now. There are going to be some space walks in between, I understand. That's a long time. And it will obviously break the records that you both have had in space yourselves.

Are you ready for that?

Doug, to you first on that.

HURLEY: Yes, as far as staying on board for another couple months, we certainly had the idea that we would probably be extended through the summer, to some extent.

And as we accomplish the launch, that was the first -- kind of the first thing that had to go into the decision tree as far as just making that choice as to when we come back. The International Space Station has a lot of things that need to be done up here. And we're able to help with that, as you mentioned, with some space walks.

We are going to do at least two starting next week. Bob and Chris will go outside and replace some aging batteries on the starboard side of the space station. And so I think it's great that we can contribute to the mission up here, as well as continue to get time in orbit for Dragon, which I also believe is important, since the next crew coming up here will likely be up here a full-duration flight closer to six months.

So, anything we can do to get time on Dragon helps the next crews just to give them the idea that the vehicle can handle a long time in space.

CAVUTO: Bob, for those kids and sons and daughters out there who are looking to you guys and are inspired by what you're doing -- my son is among them, my son Bradley. I don't know if he wants to be an astronaut, but, many times, I have thought of putting him in space.

And I'm just wondering advice you might have for kids all over the world who are watching you and seeing what you're doing and seeing the pride you have brought back to the country. What would you tell them?

BEHNKEN: I think both of us would tell them that nothing is really more important than what you're doing right now, and being successful at that.

If you have dreams of becoming an astronaut, the path to that goal is accomplished by a series of successes. It's not just a single event that you can accomplish and then be selected to be an astronaut. It's a -- it's an education of excellence. It's a career of excellence. Then -- and folks are selected from that group.

And so really focus on trying to be excellent at what you're doing right now. And, of course, education is a is a critical piece of that. And so both Doug and I, I know, can look back at our younger years and find things in science or mathematics that inspired us to continue our educations, inspired us to go into engineering fields, and inspired us to eventually go into the military to fly or work on airplanes, and then on to be astronauts.

And so I'd say search for that inspiration and just be excellent at it.


CAVUTO: They are the real McCoys, folks.

Just think of this. To become astronauts, 12 years of advanced schooling in you name it, mechanical engineering, physics, years as trained fighter pilots. And now they're astronauts.

And I just did it with a pin from Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon.


CAVUTO: I told them it could have been so much easier.

We will have more after this.


CAVUTO: All right, it's the back-and-forth on these reopenings across the country and concerns that where they're being the most aggressive doing it, they're getting a spike in coronavirus cases, some say because of it.

Casey Stegall has been following this phenomenon in Texas right now.

I think, Casey, though, as things stand now, they're not changing phased-in reopenings, right?

CASEY STEGALL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: No, at least not at the state level, which Governor Abbott has argued all along takes precedent over the local laws.

But after days of increased cases and now hospitalizations at an all-time high here in the Lone Star State, there are already some local leaders, some government leaders that are taking matters into their own hands.

For instance, down in Austin, they went ahead and extended the stay-at-home order through mid-August. And, today, the Travis County commissioners voted on an ordinance that would require face masks at dedicated county facilities. And those who don't comply could be charged with criminal trespassing.

But it's unclear whether the governor will challenge these rules because they do contradict his own, one of the reasons officials in Houston say they have held off on reimplementing any of their own new measures. More than 2,500 people are hospitalized across the state, the highest numbers since the outbreak began.

But the governor, in an afternoon press conference, saying there is there's no need for people to be alarmed, and he is not making plans on rolling back any of the reopenings. Listen.


GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): There is an abundant supply of beds that are available.

We do not have to choose between either returning to jobs or protecting health care.


STEGALL: The mayor of Nashville, Tennessee, is putting the next phase of reopening on hold after recent jumps in new cases there.

And also in Miami, the same thing, that city's mayor saying that Florida's record-breaking streak of new cases is enough for him to push the pause button for that community.

And late word this afternoon in Tulsa, the site of President Trump's first rally since the pandemic began, which is going to be held on Saturday, as you know. Health officials they're urging the elderly, people with compromised immune systems to maybe go ahead and stay home. And those who will attend, health officials are urging them to comply with the temperature checks that are going to be held at the venues' doors, and also try to social distance as much as possible, wear a face mask, and sanitize your hands as much as possible -- Neil.

CAVUTO: All right, Casey, thank you very much, Casey Stegall in Dallas on all of that.

You think that this has been unnerving to average folks just trying to get back to work. Imagine you had already dotted the I's, crossed the T's on a retirement plan. Now what do you do?

After this.


CAVUTO: Imagine you are all set for retirement, you got your paperwork in order, everything in order. You think you got the right savings.

Then the whole virus hits. And then you go through this whipsawing in the markets. Even if you're back to where you were, you start wondering, where am I going to go?

Enter Chris Hogan, Ramsey Solutions, multiple bestselling author, famous for getting in the mind-set of millionaires.

Chris, what do they do? I mean, a lot of them right now are saying, you know, I'm not so sure this is the time to pack it in. What do you tell them?

CHRIS HOGAN, PERSONAL FINANCE EXPERT: Well, Neil, the first thing I want to advise them is to understand that this has a been a very trying time, these last few months.

And people are scared, and they're nervous. Imagine if you have worked for 20 to 25 or 30 years to get to retirement, and now you're in this predicament. And so I'm just urging people out there just to not make knee- jerk reactions.

This is a time to really breathe carefully, and to have clarity. You want to ask yourself a few questions. What am I invested in? What am I invested in? What's my risk tolerance? And what's my time frame?

And, sometimes, we may have to shift some of those expectations right now because of everything that's going on. But it really boils down to three options, right? You can sell, you can hold, or you can shift.

And if you sell right now, what you're doing is, is, you're removing the risk of the market, but you're also eliminating yourself from any potential rebound or gain.

And if you decide to hold, now what you're saying is, is, I'm going to give myself a chance for the market to be able to rebound, because we all know, once we get a vaccine for this virus, and it gets distributed, we are going to calm down and the market is going to begin to come back.

But there could be a shift that's needed, where if you do have enough money put away, you can begin to kind of move away and take less risk with your investments.

But studies show, by SimplyWise, Neil, 40 percent of Americans don't believe that they're ever going to retire. So, growth is necessary, which means we have got to be in the market.

CAVUTO: You're the expert on this stuff. But, as you know, Chris, I qualify because I read a prompter.


CAVUTO: So, having said that, I think a lot of people underestimate how much income they're going to need in retirement. I know the rule, oh, I can do a third or half what I normally make.

But many of them quarantined in their homes have to come to discover, you know, still spending a lot of money. And then maybe they have to adjust, right?

HOGAN: Well, they're going to have to make adjustments.

We can look at our lives right now, Neil. We know the time where we spend the most money. It's weekends. When you have more downtime, that's when we tend to spend. Well, if you make it to retirement, your life is a weekend now. You have got options in front of you.

CAVUTO: Yes. You're right.

HOGAN: So it's really important to -- it's really important to learn the skill of budgeting.

We have a tool, it's called EveryDollar. You can go to and learn that skill. But we have got to be able to be grown up enough, Neil, to tell a want that it needs to wait. And so it really boils down to being in tune, but getting the proper guidance, but also believing in ourselves.

We have worked so hard throughout our careers. I want people to have more options later. So, don't throw in the towel right now. We need to make some adjustments, but keep your eyes on the prize. We have got to stay focused and not finished.

CAVUTO: I like that, a want that's going to have to wait. I'm going to call that my own now.


CAVUTO: All right, thank you very much, my friend. Good seeing you, Chris Hogan, multiple bestselling author who really makes you think about things that maybe you don't give enough time to.

All right, in the meantime, Hoboken, New Jersey, right now, looking live there, where they're allowing outdoor dining here, but not everyone's biting.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK)  CAVUTO: What if the outdoor dining was available, but there were few people biting?

Kristina Partsinevelos following that phenomenon in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Kristina, what's going on?

KRISTINA PARTSINEVELOS, FOX NEWS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Well, you have got phase two, and it's green-lit here, here in Hoboken, as well as many other places across the country.

But I am standing right now on what is called -- I have learned a new word -- a parklet. They're taking over parking spots in order to provide outdoor dining. We know the restaurant industry has been devastated as of late.

I spoke to one owner, who talked about how you have to get creative in order to stay open. Listen in.


ANTHONY PINO, OWNER, ANTHONY DAVID'S RESTAURANT: Now we have the space we need. But we have changed things.

We have now earlier hours of operation. Now brunch starts at 8:00. Dinner starts at 4:00 -- 4:00. Who wants to eat at 4:00? But yesterday was very busy for us. We also do Q.R. codes for our menus.


PARTSINEVELOS: You have a situation where the restaurant industry has been hit dramatically.

They lost roughly $120 billion in revenue just over the course of three months. And, already, 3 percent of businesses have shut down. These are restaurant-owned businesses. We're expecting that number to increase once government statistics have come out.

But, Neil, I want to showcase just right now where I am. I'm in Hoboken. There's a family right here. And it's just normal to see just chairs, right, and tables out on the sidewalk. This is what we're talking about, creativity.

But like you mentioned out from the top of the hit, it's all about whether healthy customers are going to feel comfortable coming back out. Could set a precedence for New York City -- back to you, Neil.

CAVUTO: All right, it'll take some getting used to, like you say, Kristina.

Great reporting, Kristina Partsinevelos there.

Again, at the corner of Wall and Broad, they're letting the worries like this sort of ease back here. And they're optimistic that things will pick up, including for those restaurants, so I guess some bullish food for thought.

See what I did there? Food for thought.


CAVUTO: Here comes "THE FIVE."

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