Tucker: The Left wants to use Supreme Court to remake America

This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” October 12, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: For now though, good evening, and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. Happy Columbus Day. If you've been out celebrating the discovery of America, you may have missed the first round of Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearings. 

So how were the hearings? Well, we watched. In a word, we put it this way, bizarre. Bizarre for this reason. 

Almost none of the attacks on Barrett -- and of course there are many of those -- had anything to do with the job she is trying to get. The Supreme Court exists only to determine what the laws that our politicians write are consistent with the Constitution of the United States. That's why we have Supreme Court, it's the only reason we have it. 

Supreme Court Justices do not make laws because they are not elected by voters. We don't let them legislate as a result. That's how democracy works. Only people who are elected, get to make laws. 

Democrats would like to change that system. They understand that Congress is an inherently small c conservative body. Congress is never going to change the country overnight in some radical way because voters don't want radical overnight change. They never do. 

So if you're going to have a revolution, if you're going to remake America, you're going to have to do it from above, and you're going to have to impose it on people. And the left would like to use the Supreme Court as their instrument to do that, a kind of super Congress with lifetime tenure. 

Imagine power like that. There's nothing you couldn't do. 

So once you understand that perspective, which is very much their perspective, today's hearings made sense. 

Democrats spent hours talking about the 2009 Obamacare law. That was baffling at first. If you're interviewing someone for the Supreme Court, there's only one relevant question about Obamacare. Is it constitutional?

That's all they consider. That's all they're supposed to consider, not how they feel about the law, not whether it comports with their personal values, not whether their party supports it. Is it constitutional? 

And yet that was one of the few things that Democrats didn't ask because they are not interested in whether or not it's constitutional. What they care about is power and whether or not Amy Coney Barrett will diminish or enhance theirs. 

So they understand the Supreme Court purely in political terms. So not surprisingly, they conducted today's hearings like a campaign rally. 

"Healthcare for millions of Americans is at stake," barked one finger wagging senator from California. Another Democrat pointed to a photo of a middle-aged woman called Laura who looks very unhappy. Without Obamacare, the senator said, Laura will be, quote, "unable to afford the treatments necessary for her to survive." In other words, if any Amy Coney Barrett gets this job, it is curtains for Laura. 

Democrat after Democrat made that very same point, as they so often have

recently: obey us or many will die. 


SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN):  You know that they are trying to push through a Justice who has been critical of upholding the Affordable Care Act. 

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA):  The effort to dismantle the law continues, and they are asking the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act. 

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT):  Your nomination is about the Republican goal of repealing the Affordable Care Act, the Obamacare, they seem to detest. 

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  They are deliberately defying the will of the people in their attempt to roll back the rights and protections provided under the Affordable Care Act. 


CARLSON:  Well, it sounds like Obamacare is going away if ACB gets on the court. But it's not actually. That's the amazing thing. Obamacare isn't really at risk. 

There is no case currently pending anywhere in this country before any court in America that would eliminate Obamacare, nor by the way, do we have any idea how Amy Coney Barrett would rule in a case like that where it to materialize, which again, it hasn't. 

But most bewildering of all, Democrats themselves have spent most of the past two years publicly conceding that Obamacare is a disaster. 

Six of the 10 Democrats currently as of today, sitting on the Judiciary Committee in the Senate, that's the same committee that convened today to consider Amy Coney Barrett's nomination, six of the 10 co-sponsored Medicare-for-All legislation. That legislation would have completely abolished Obamacare, along with all private health insurance. 

Kamala Harris is one of the people who voted for that -- amazing -- and yet there was Kamala Harris today, warning us that the country will collapse if Amy Coney Barrett votes on a hypothetical case to destroy Obamacare, which she herself voted to destroy. 


It all seems kind of confusing. But think about it for a second and it begins to make more sense. When you realize the goal is not to preserve Obamacare, again, they voted to scrap Obamacare. The goal is to undermine the legitimacy of our systems, and in this case, of the Supreme Court so that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can pack the court full of partisan Democrats who will rubber stamp their program. 

Again, it's about power. Oh, that's the key to the riddle. 

When confirmation hearings become partisan political exercises, they make the Supreme Court itself seem like a partisan political exercise and that degrades the public's trust in the court and their support for our institutions. 

Democrats know that for the public to go along with court packing, they have to de-legitimize everything about the court and the confirmation process, and so that's what they did today, again and again. 


SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI):  Lost in this hypocritical rush is the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Let me close by remembering her for a minute in this unseemly charade. 

SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ):  This is a charade when they say this is a normal Judiciary Committee hearing. 

BLUMENTHAL:  Rushing a judge through this sham process. 

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI):  They are confident that victory at the Supreme Court is now within their grasp, if the Senate confirms Judge Barrett through this hypocritical, illegitimate process. 

KLOBUCHAR:  Yes, Judge, I think this hearing is a sham. 


CARLSON:  Oh, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because in a democracy, and you probably learned this in Civics class -- in a democracy, you're required to obey the posthumous orders of a dead person who was never elected. Okay. And when you don't, it's a sham. It's a charade. 

Never mind the fact that the Senate is of course, by definition following every constitutional procedure for filling a Supreme Court vacancy. 

Amy Coney Barrett isn't the outcome though the Democrats want; therefore, our system they are telling us is illegitimate. 

The irony, of course, is that it's Donald Trump who is undermining our democratic norms. Remember that? They tell you that at every turn. And yet it's not Trump who tried to pack the Supreme Court. He could have tried when Republicans controlled Congress. He didn't consider packing the Supreme Court. 

Now Democrats are planning to, and it's a familiar path. Hugo Chavez packed the Supreme Court of Venezuela in 2004. Erdogan did the same in Turkey. How did they do that? How did they get their populations to go along with it?

By claiming their judicial systems were already illegitimate. Sound familiar? 

On Saturday, Joe Biden stumbled through the same rehearsed line you heard from Kamala Harris during the debate last week. Republicans have already packed the court, Joe Biden declared. Yes, we've had nine justices for more than 150 years. And yet somehow, without anyone noticing, Trump packs the Supreme Court. He did. 


JOE BIDEN (D), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  The only court packing going on right now is going on with Republicans packing the court now. It is not constitutional what they are doing. 


CARLSON:  They're the ones violating the Constitution says Joe Biden. So, when I rewrite the Constitution, it'll be fine. That's the predicate.

That's the setup for what's coming next. 

Joe Biden knows Republicans aren't packing the court. He also knows he can repeat that lie with no consequences whatsoever, because the media will never hold him to account. They want him to get away with it. 

Back in 2013, when it helped Barack Obama, a partisan operation called PolitiFact wrote, quote, "Court packing has involved one branch of government proposing to change the structure of the courts, either expanding or decreasing the number of justices." 

The Republicans are not doing that. It's pretty simple. They're not in favor of doing that. If they ever come out in favor of doing it, we will attack them for doing it, because we're not partisan. 

But of course, you won't find a PolitiFact fact check of what Joe Biden just said on Saturday. Instead, our media actually rushed to perpetuate his lies. Whatever it takes, whatever it takes. 

So this weekend, a piece by the Associated Press, referred to court packing, non-sarcastically, they weren't joking at all as quote, "de- politicizing the court." You increase the size of the court to dilute the other side's power. You pack it full of partisans who do your bidding, and that's de-politicizing it. 

Here's how the AP put it quote: "Montana Senate candidate Steve Bullock said that if Coney Barrett was confirmed, he would be open to measures to de-politicize the court, including adding judges to the bench, a practice critics have dubbed packing the court." 

Yes, no, not critics, scholars, historians, politicians, Ruth Bader Ginsburg herself, every person in America referred to court packing as court packing up until two weeks ago. Right. It's hard to believe that line made it into print, but it did. Court packing is just de-politicizing the court now. You'll probably see that definition formalized in the AP's next woke-style guide next to their entries on undocumented shoppers and peaceful riots. 

Fundamentally though, the AP is onto something inadvertently. Many judges and justices in this country are obviously political. They have a lot of power, too much power, more power than any individual should have. 

Power in this country should reside with the electorate. People who are elected should have the most power not people who are appointed. Unelected judges shouldn't be deciding issues like abortion and immigration policy for the entire country, but they are. 

The solution to that is not to embrace more politics in your judicial branch, though, it's to recognize the proper role of the courts, to de- escalate a little bit, to bring us a little closer to sanity. 

In a brief moment toward the end of today's hearing, in her opening statement, Amy Coney Barrett tried to do exactly that. Watch. 


JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT, U.S. SUPREME COURT NOMINEE:  Courts have a vital responsibility to the rule of law, which is critical to a free society. But courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life. 

The policy decisions and valued judgments of government must be made by the political branches elected by and accountable to the people. 

The public should not expect courts to do so and courts should not try. 


CARLSON:  So these hearings of Amy Coney Barrett will continue for the next couple of days, barring some really dramatic development that it's hard to even to imagine. It does seem very likely that she will be confirmed in the end, so there's not a lot of drama, at least as of tonight surrounding her nomination. 

What happens to the Supreme Court itself, however, is very much in doubt, and along with it, our country. 

Senator Ted Cruz sits on the Judiciary Committee in the Senate. He is the author of "One Vote Away: How a Single Supreme Court Seat can Change History." He joins us with insight on what to expect. 

Senator, thanks so much for coming on. I found this attack on the process itself as a sham disturbing. It would be one thing if Democrats said, you know, this is a power move. You're doing something that you know, you wouldn't like if we did. 

I mean, all of that is probably true, by the way, but to attack the constitutional process for filling an empty Supreme Court seat as illegitimate seem like an attack on the system itself. 

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX):  Well, you're entirely right and I think today's histrionics were all about setting the predicate to pack the court. There's a reason Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to answer that question because their answer is yes, they intend to pack the court. They intend it as a partisan power grab. 

They know that that's not popular with the voters, so they're trying to hide it. And then, part of the way they're trying to hide it is claim everything else is illegitimate and they are trying also to redefine what packing the court means. 

So they are saying, nominating judges when there are vacancies and confirming them, suddenly, that's packing the court. As you know, Tucker, FDR, another Democratic President tried to pack the court, tried to increase the number of justices from nine to 15, and his own party resisted. His own party refused to do it. 

The Democrats had control of Congress. They said it would destroy the independence of the Judiciary. It would destroy the Supreme Court. It would make it just another political body. And so they said, now, today's Democrats are much more radical than the Democrats used to be. 

CARLSON:  So you serve in the Senate through which any change would have to go, and of course, you know, the other 99 who serve there, too. Do you think -- honestly, do you think they would attempt this if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win? 

CRUZ:  I think they will do it if they win. I think they will have the votes. I think it will be a straight party line vote. If God forbid, we wake up in January with Biden and Schumer and Pelosi in charge, they will end the filibuster in the Senate, which means the Senate Minority can't stop whatever they're doing. 

They'll add two new states to the United States to add four Democratic senators, and I think they will pack the court and I think every Senate Democrat is in on the joke. They know that. It's why Kamala refuses to answer it. 

But let me give you a word of optimism. I actually think today was a very good day. Today was a very good day for two reasons. Number one, nobody laid a glove on Judge Barrett. They had no meaningful, substantive criticisms of her. That says a lot that they can't criticize that she has impeccable qualifications. 

But number two, the Democrats aren't actually arguing their far left radical agenda. You mentioned a minute ago that I have a brand new book, "One Vote Away." It rose to be the number one bestseller in the country last week on Amazon. And what it does, is it takes you inside the court. It takes you behind the scenes of what's going on with the Justices from the perspective of the major landmark cases of the court, many of which I helped litigate. 

It tells the inside story, and what's stunning, Tucker, on issue after issue after issue, free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, we're one vote away from losing our fundamental liberties and the Democrats don't want to talk about it. 

So they didn't want to talk today about their agenda to take away your religious liberty. They didn't want to talk today about their agenda to allow government to censor and silence you, and they certainly didn't want to talk today about their agenda to erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights. 

I actually think that shows these are important issues for us to lead on because they matter to the American people. 

CARLSON:  I agree with that. People need to wake up. Big change is coming, it looks like. 

Senator Cruz, thank you. 

CRUZ:  Thank you. And let me encourage everyone to get the book. I'll tell you, Tucker, real quickly, when I went on Mark Levin's show last week, is when it shot to number one. I'm willing to bet that you can match Mark in terms of folks going and buying it and it'll tell you the inside of what's going on at the court and what the stakes are in November. 

CARLSON:  Appreciate it. Senator Cruz, thanks. 

Well, as we've told you in some detail for weeks now, Joe Biden has refused to say what he will do with the Supreme Court if elected. 

But he has also admitted it is a fair question to ask, after all, destroying the judicial branch of the U.S. government does seem like not a small thing. 

On Saturday, though, a reporter pressed the issue, and that's when Joe Biden let us know what he really thinks. 


QUESTION:  Sir, I've got to ask you about packing the courts. 

BIDEN:  Sure. 

QUESTION:  And I know that you said yesterday, you aren't going to answer the question until after the election. But this is the number one thing that I've been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days. 

BIDEN:  Well, you've been asked by the viewers who are probably Republicans who don't want me continuing to talk about what they're doing to the court right now. 

QUESTION:  Well, sir, don't the voters deserve to know? 

BIDEN:  No, they don't deserve -- I'm not going to play his game. He would love me to talk about and I've already said something on court packing.

He'd love that to be the discussion instead of what he is doing now. 


CARLSON:  So voters don't deserve to know what he will do if elected, says Joe Biden. Anybody who cares about the Supreme Court is probably a Republican. It's hard to believe that's a real clip. 

Just a few years ago, even Joe Biden himself would have had trouble believing it. Here he was in 2005 -- not ancient history, we had air conditioning and jet travel then -- calling court packing exactly what it always is, a corrupt power grab. 


BIDEN:  On the summer of '37, Roosevelt had just come off a landslide victory over Alf Landon. He had a Congress made up of a solid new dealers.

But the nine old men of the court were thwarting his agenda. 

In this environment, Roosevelt, and remember this whole adage about power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Corrupted by power, in my view, unveiled his court packing plan. He wanted to increase the number of justices to 15, align himself to nominate those additional judges. It took an act of courage on the part of his own party institutionally to stand up against this power grab. 


CARLSON:  That was a very different Joe Biden just 15 years ago, a completely different person. 

The question is, do voters know what they are getting? Joe Biden is ahead in the polls tonight. Do voters understand what will happen if he is elected? 

Jenna Ellis is constitutional attorney. She is a Trump campaign legal adviser and we're happy to have her on tonight. 

Jenna, thanks so much for coming on. 

JENNA ELLIS, TRUMP 2020 SENIOR LEGAL ADVISER:  Good seeing you, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  This seems -- and there are a lot of issues and Senator Cruz pointed to the Second Amendment which I think has got to be near the top.

This is up there though, court packing. Do you think the average person understands what's at stake? 

ELLIS:  Absolutely. I think that the American people are much smarter than Joe Biden gives them credit for. And they also are absolutely entitled to know because Joe Biden has been running as an alleged presidential candidate, but he is actually running for tyrant and for King of America. 

In his 47 years of not doing anything and being an elitist snob, he has told the American people now very clearly that he thinks that the Democrats are the sovereign, so that they can manipulate the power because they're entitled to it. 

And we learned two things, Tucker, about the Democrats today. First, they don't want to be held accountable. And second, anything they disagree with, they will deem as illegitimate. That is the mark of despotic tyrants. 

The Democrats don't care about the Constitution. They hate our system and they will use any and all manipulation tools available, including changing the definitions of meaning like court packing, including contradicting themselves when they know that we have video of just a short time ago, they will do anything to push their own policy agenda through and they will say that they're doing it under the Constitution, but really, in fact, they believe they're above the Constitution. They believe they are the law, rather than actually being under the law and under the Constitution. 

That's why they hate Amy Barrett, because she actually wants to be a judge.

She wants the judiciary to be impartial and they want to push their agenda through. 

CARLSON:  That's exactly right. Donald Trump has made a lot of loud noises.

It scares the hell out of liberals, obviously. 

He has never suggested anything this radical or even close to this radical, packing the Supreme Court. I mean, that's a byword for radicalism, for revolutionary behavior. I wish people understood that. 

Jenna Ellis, thank you. 

ELLIS:  Thank you, sir.  

CARLSON:  For trying to explain that. 

Well, lockdowns have taken a huge toll on everyone in the country:

psychologically and economically. For months, the World Health Organization supported those lockdown. It's why we had them. 

But tonight, in news that probably isn't leading the newscasts on the other channels, the World Health Organization has changed its mind on lockdowns.

An amazing story, straight ahead. 


CARLSON:  So it was just six months ago that the Director of the World Health Organization assured the world that mass lockdowns were absolutely necessary to stop the coronavirus. You might want to live your life, continue with your jobs, or see your elderly parents -- tough. It's time for a new normal, Dr. Tedros told us. 


DR. TEDROS ADHANOM, DIRECTOR GENERAL, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION:  People in countries with stay-at-home orders are understandably frustrated with being confined to their homes for weeks on end. 

People understandably want to get on with their lives because their lives and livelihoods are at stake. That's what W.H.O. wants, too, and that's what we're working for all day, every day. 

But the world will not and cannot go back to the way things were. There must be a new normal, a world that's healthier, safer and better prepared. 


CARLSON:  A new normal says doctor who's not actually a doctor, Tedros. We can't go back. That was a lie then, it's very clear that it's a lie now. 

Anyone who looks at Sweden can tell you that was a very, very bad idea. 

So last week, Dr. David Nabarro who is the W.H.O. Special Envoy on Coronavirus came out and admitted it. Lockdowns are not a good idea, Nabarro said. They never were a good idea. 

DR. DAVID NABARRO, W.H.O. SPECIAL ENVOY ON CORONAVIRUS:  We, in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of controlling this virus. 

Look at what happened to smallholder farmers all over the world because their markets have got dented? Look at what's happening to poverty levels?

It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents in poor families are not able to afford it. 

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe actually, and so we really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary control method. 


CARLSON:  So our leaders are so stupid, so reckless, so completely insulated from the consequences of the decisions they make that they doubled global poverty in six months. Good going, guys. 

Will anyone ever trust these people again? Why should we? Why are they still there?  

Dr. Marc Siegel has watched this whole thing from beginning to end. He was the first person to interview the President on camera during his recovery.

He is the author of the book "COVID: The Politics of Fear and the Power of Science." We're happy to have Dr. Siegel on with us tonight. Hey, Doctor. 

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR:  Hi, Tucker. I'm going to talk about the W.H.O. and Dr. Nabarro tonight and also about a poor restaurant owner down in Kilgore, Texas, a personal story. 

In terms of the W.H.O., in my book, I talk about Dr. Nabarro. Did you know that in 2005, he saber-rattled and said bird flu was going to kill -- it could kill up to 150 million people. It scared the entire world.


He is still there with the W.H.O., but go forward 15 years and as you know, the W.H.O. did not warn the world for an emerging pandemic this time around and then as you just showed, Tedros said, stay in your lockdowns. You need the lockdowns. 

But I'm very happy today to see Dr. Nabarro come out and say, look, lockdowns can help a little bit as you regroup or if your healthcare workers are exhausted, but the cost is enormous and they should not be a primary strategy. Stick to your masking and your distancing. 

I'm so happy to see this turnaround. They're not a reliable group. This is very correct. 

But let's look at the United States for a minute and how it has affected the United States, Tucker. Restaurants: the National Restaurant Association said last month that 100,000 restaurants are already closed and 40 percent of restaurant owners say they can't keep going more than another few months. Then, it is going to be a major economic disaster, just in terms of restaurants. 

And I want to talk about one restaurant owner down in Kilgore, Texas, a woman named T. T owns a bar and grill that can't seem to get open because of the lockdowns and she has gone through severe depressions and she made a suicide attempt, and now, she has turned to alcohol. 

I have a message for T tonight. T, listen, we know now when we're learning that the fear from COVID that the damage, the side effects of COVID -- the side effects not from COVID, but from the lockdowns is worse potentially than COVID itself. 

T, hang in there. We're on it. I hope we can focus on the lockdown damage not just on COVID -- Tucker. 

CARLSON:  Amen. Dr. Siegel, thank you so much for that. 

SIEGEL:  Thank you. 

CARLSON:  Horrible story this weekend out of Denver. A left-wing security guard working for a left-wing local news station shot a Trump supporter in the face and killed him. A lot of confusion around this case. We're going to speak to someone who was standing right nearby when it happened after the break. 


CARLSON:  Well, it's probably Columbus Day where you live, in your house anyway, but in the cities controlled by America's unhappiest people, it is Indigenous People Day. 

In Portland, Oregon, the unhappiest city in America, it was Indigenous Day of Rage. That's what they called it. Portland Police declared a riot last night as they do most nights. Antifa broke windows, threw flares into the Oregon Historical Society, they hate history most of all, and they toppled statues of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. 

Why Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt? One protester explained why he said, quote, "We need to address the climate crisis people. Indigenous people are hurting. Our salmon are hurting." He did not explain what Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt did to the salmon. 

We will try to get to the bottom of the motive for last night's particular riot and of course, we'll bring it to when we find out. 

Meanwhile, in the City of Denver on Sunday, a security guard called Matthew Dolloff shot a pro-police demonstrated by the name of Lee Keltner in the face and killed him on the street in full view of many people and on video. 

A local news station 9NEWS in Denver contract with Pinkerton, that's a security company to hire Dolloff to protect one of their producers at the demonstration. Now, it is emerging that Dolloff has radically left-wing views. 

On social media, he referred to Donald Trump as a fascist dictator and he praised BLM. There's no record that he is a legally licensed security guard that's required in Denver as it is in most places. So why did 9NEWS hire Pinkerton to hire Dolloff? 

Well, it turns out the network itself it's also pro-Antifa, at least some of its correspondents are. Its most prominent anchor, Kyle Clark has openly mocked anyone who was concerned about violence from Antifa and BLM. 

So what exactly happened yesterday in Denver? Lots of stories swirling around. We thought we'd speak to someone who was there. 

John Tiegen was there. He was also at Benghazi it happens in 2002, but he was about 10 feet away when the shooting happened and we're happy to have him on tonight. Mr. Tiegen, thanks so much for coming on. 

JOHN TIEGEN, FORMER BENGHAZI GRS MEMBER:  Hey, Tucker. Thanks for having me on. 

CARLSON:  So if you don't mind, I'd be grateful if you would unravel this and tell us as an eyewitness what you saw. 

TIEGEN:  Well, you know, I wasn't -- I wasn't that close to it. I kind of go back to where when I started doing the Patriot Muster, within 24 hours, the Denver Democratic Party posted a soup fundraiser, whatever you want to call it -- a soup drive and they said they were going to give to the homeless. 

Within a matter of minutes, you know, we started reading the feeds of the BLM and Antifa saying how they're going to use the cans as projectiles.

They're going to attack is like the day at the Blue Rally, because in July, they had a pro-police rally and they came in and mainly just started attacking people with skateboards, batons, socks with cue balls in it and it just got extremely violent right at the get go. So they thought they'd come back and kind of try to do the same thing. 

But that didn't happen, but the whole entire time leading up to it, they just wanted to shut us down, and saying they were going to attack us. They say they were going to get one of us and obviously, now, we find out that they did get one of us. 

And from what I am hearing, actually the owner of 9NEWS actually helped push the soup drive, and with 9NEWS, they actually had an agitator. They had the murderer that was with them. 

During the whole entire process of the Muster, the agitator which had a Black Guns Matter shirt on so I always refer to them as a black guns matter guy, he just started immediately coming up to us, obviously calling us white racists. We are Nazis, supremacists. Everything under the book. 

We had a politician, Casper that was there. He is a black individual. The moment he started -- the moment Casper came up, he immediately went to him, called him a house brother, but he used the N word, and every other individual that of color, he mainly attacked them and called them a house brother. And just again, just wanted to say I'm going to kick your ass. I'm going to do this the whole entire time. 

And just prior to us leaving, the producer, the murderer and the aggressor were all huddled in the corner having a nice little long conversation and then we started digress through -- 

CARLSON:  May I stop you there, so the man contracted by Pinkerton, Dolloff, who fired the shot, the producer from 9NEWS and the guy in the Black Guns Matter shirt, who was screaming at the pro-police demonstrators, they were all together talking. 

TIEGEN:  Yes. They were huddled just before we started exiting. He mainly came up, started attacking one -- actually a pretty, pretty good size black individual, which was a guy named Joe. Joe is a dad, and when he came out, he saw him and said, I'm going to whoop your ass. 

His dad just kind of looked at him. Again. He is like six-five, really burly guy, just kind of looks at him and just smiles. And he kind of backs off. 

And then, he immediately goes to another individual, a female came up and tried to de-escalate. He got in her face. Again the whole entire time, he was just trying to get a rise. And when he was doing it, the murderer, I am not going to even say his name, the murderer, he was there the whole entire time. 

9NEWS was there the whole entire time. Everywhere this agitator went, they went. 

CARLSON:  Interesting. And then of course, we know how it ended. Very quickly. Give us a sense of the man who was murdered. What was -- who was he and what was he doing there, do you know? 

TIEGEN:  Obviously, he was a Patriot Muster. He was pro-American. It wasn't

-- again, this wasn't back the blue rally. It wasn't a pro-Trump rally. 

To me, it was just a Patriotic Muster, and obviously he is an American patriot. He was a veteran, so he came out to support the cause because we are tired of the left trying to silence us, keeping us quiet through intimidation. 

And you know, he just -- he was just there and, obviously -- 

CARLSON:  Yes, well, this would qualify as -- shooting a man on the face is intimidation, I would say, unfortunately, it killed him. 

John Tiegen, thank you for your account. 

TIEGEN:  Well, shooting somebody -- well, shooting somebody for a slapping him in the face. That's not self-defense. That's murder. 

CARLSON:  Thanks so much. Appreciate it. 

TIEGEN:  Yes, sir. 

CARLSON:  Well, Donald Trump hates our troops. You've heard that again and again. There are signs tonight that that story is a little bit more complicated than we've been told. Signs at the highest levels of the U.S.

military are openly defying the President. 

That's not how our system works. You should be concerned about it. Details just ahead. 


CARLSON:  So on Labor Day, the President pointed something out that is true, but that almost nobody ever says. Military contractors have an awful lot of power in Washington, enough to distort our foreign policy. 


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  Biden shipped away our jobs, threw open up borders and sent our youth to fight in these crazy endless wars, and it's one of the reasons the military -- I'm not saying the military is in love with me, the soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy. 


CARLSON:  Cue the leaks from anonymous military sources saying the President hates the troops. 

Tonight, there are ominous signs that the military is openly defying our system of civilian control. Today, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley broke with the White House's plan to lower troop levels in Afghanistan to 2,500. That's a plan that both the public and commonsense both demand. 

Milley said he is going to conduct his own rigorous analysis of the situation. Again, aren't civilians supposed to be in control of the military? 

Jimmy Dore has thoughts about this. He is the host of "The Jimmy Dore Show." We're happy to have him with us tonight.  

Jimmy, thanks so much for coming on. So, I guess it doesn't -- I mean, I hope that I'd be principled enough that if a President I despised you know, if Elizabeth Warren were President, that I would be as offended by this as I am now because it's an attack on our system, a system that we should probably keep a pretty good hold on. What's your view of it? 

JIMMY DORE, HOST, "THE JIMMY DORE SHOW":  Well, when a President orders for troops to go home, that's up negotiation with anybody in the military. That just sounds crazy. Maybe Mark Milley is one of these resistance grifters and he is writing a book he is planning on selling to those resistance people. 

Now, he stood up against Trump trying to end a war because that's what it seems like. Anybody -- and here is the weird thing, Donald Trump, you have to end some of these wars. You have to pull these troops home now. 

You are -- he is the Commander-in-Chief. There's no excuses. People are sick and tired of these wars, and he has got to take on the establishment, Tucker. That's what won him the election in 2016. 

You know, in the primary Trump was able to smash the Bush dynasty and the Republican status quo, and now he can't handle a few military war hawks and Mitch McConnell? I say he can. You know, he promised that's why he got elected because he promised to give everybody healthcare and end those overseas wars and then invest that money back home right now. 

President Trump, there are millions and millions of Americans who don't follow you on Twitter who are hurting, who needs a check right now. Take those troops home. Give that money to the people. 

If Nancy Pelosi offers $1,200.00, you double it. Put your name on that check. People need help right now. 

You know how weak it looks that you're trying to position yourself as a victim to Nancy Pelosi, and take those troops home, take that money, put it in a stimulus check, give it to the people right now time. The time is ticking. 

Now is -- you know, if he would have given us healthcare, he missed his moment. They are going to -- whoever gives the American people healthcare, they're going to put on Mount Rushmore. He missed that. 

Now, it's time to take those troops home and invest that money back here.

Now, people are hurting. You tell the Senate, the G.O.P. and the Senate and Mitch McConnell to do their job and give stimulus to the people and he will put his name on it. 

Whatever Nancy Pelosi offers, double it. That's what Trump would have done in 2016. He needs to do that now. 

CARLSON:  I just find it so hilarious. You're a lefty, who I'm sure is not voting Trump, who is giving him better advice than any Senate -- than almost any Senate Republican, any congressional Republican, any Republican in Washington. 

I think you're absolutely right. Jimmy Dore, thank you for that. 

DORE:  My pleasure, anytime. 

CARLSON:  Well, California is using taxpayer money to hire Democratic operatives in election season. We have obtained the state's contract with them. Hard to believe this is legal. We'll speak with a Member of Congress about it and we'll get to the bottom of that, next. 


CARLSON:  In August, the State of California awarded a $35 million contract with firm called SKDKnickerbocker for a voter turnout program the state claims is nonpartisan. How nonpartisan is it? 

Well on its website, SKDKnickerbocker says it's on quote, "Team Biden." The firm's managing director is a top Biden aide. In its contract proposal with the state, SKDKnickerbocker flat out calls Donald Trump a liar. It doesn't sound very nonpartisan yet, these are public funds. 

Congressman James Comer of Kentucky is seeking an investigation into all of this. He says the State of California may be illegally using Federal funds from the CARES Act. Congressman Comer joins us tonight. 

Congressman Comer joins us tonight. Congressman, thanks so much for coming on. How can this be legal? 

REP. JAMES COMER (R-KY):  I don't think it is legal, and that's why my committee, the Oversight Committee has requested that the Federal Election Commission Inspector General launch a formal investigation. 

This was a no bid contract awarded to a partisan company. One of the things that the company said they would provide is get out the vote efforts. That is illegal in the Help America Vote Act, which was part of the CARES Act money. 

So to get out the vote, Tucker, they're going to have to micro target voters. In order to do that, they are going to have to have sensitive voter data from the Secretary of State's Office. So the Secretary of State's Office would be giving a Democrat operative firm voter data to help get out the vote and I'm pretty confident that would not be a vote for Donald Trump or the House Republicans. 

CARLSON:  It's almost unbelievable that this was allowed to happen. I mean, was there nobody up and down the chain of California state government who said this is so obviously unethical. 

COMER:  No, apparently not. This is something that the Secretary of State did. It was a no bid contract. The people that -- the other companies that wanted to bid asked about it and they said this is a no bid invitation only contract and they didn't have time to go through the normal bid process because of the COVID virus. 

So this is another act of wrongdoing potentially, by a Democratic Secretary of State trying to do things to help get out the vote with their universal mail-in ballots. 

Remember, California mailed out 21 million universal mail-in ballots last week. 

CARLSON:  I know you're busy as a Member of Congress. But if you have time, you might compile a book of all the corruption that's been abetted and justified by the COVID epidemic. It seems like there's a lot of it. 

COMER:  There's a lot of it. This is another example of wasteful spending that obviously Pelosi stuck into the CARES Act. That's why there's really no need for Secretary Mnuchin to continue to negotiate with Pelosi. She is not interested in solving the problems in America. She is interested in fulfilling her liberal Christmas wish list with more funding for useless worthless projects such as the one we're talking about tonight. 

CARLSON:  Yes, this was her response to the COVID epidemic. It is to subvert our electoral system. 

Very quickly, Congressman, do you think you can do anything about this? 

COMER:  I think so. We're not going to let this go. The Federal Election Commission Inspector General is a Federal agent, and this was created -- this position was created to be a watchdog over the elections. And this was created in 2002 under the Help America Vote Act, so we're going to put them to work. 

If they don't do their job, we're going to hold them accountable because this is clearly wrongdoing. It was a no bid contract to a partisan firm to do things that are clearly illegal in the Help America Vote Act. 

So something needs to be done and we're not going to let up until it gets done and these people are held accountable. 

CARLSON:  I hope so. I hope someone is finally punished for something.

Congressman Comer, great to see you. Thanks for doing that. 

COMER:  Thank you for having me, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  That's it for us. Sadly, we're out of time. We'll be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn and totally sincere enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. 

Sean Hannity right now. 


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