Tucker talks to Keith Ellison's accuser; do Democrats condone mob tactics?

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," October 23, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening and welcome to "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

For days, we have watched as a growing Caravan on - of Honduran nationals has snaked northward toward our border to claim asylum here. The spectacle has been televised from the very start and it has spoke - sparked an explosive political debate.

Now, more migrants are on the way. There are reports tonight that another Caravan of asylum seekers, this one organized exclusively on social media, is planning to leave from El Salvador next week heading here.

You can be certain then when and if that group actually arrives here, the usual red-faced cable news anchors will demand that we let them in immediately, no questions asked. Never mind that one-third of all Salvadorans on Earth already live here in the United States. It is our duty, they will tell us.

Once those anchors get off the air they will return home to entirely immigrant-free neighborhoods feeling good about themselves. The only Salvadorans they will ever meet personally are those doing their laundry for minimum wage.

But ignore the hypocrisy, if you can. Stifle your personal concerns about mass immigration. People are suffering, they're telling us. And only America can save them.

If you've been watching television you've seen pictures like this all day of desperate poverty and hopelessness.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now reached California.


CARLSON: Oh sorry about that. That was the wrong tape. That was not a slum outside Tegucigalpa. That video was shot right here in Orange County, California, not far from Disneyland. The desperate and impoverished people on the screen you saw were American citizens.

Hundreds of thousands of them sleep on the ground every night in this country. They don't make it on CNN very often. They're just Americans. Their tragedy is not interesting. If they did laundry at five bucks an hour for rich people though, our moral superiors might notice and care.

But as of now, no. The cable news geniuses could not be less concerned about what is happening to American citizens, which, if you think about it, kind of explains the Trump phenomenon.

One of the great mysteries here in Washington is how a president with no prior political experience, who's emotionally volatile and not very articulate, remains nevertheless so very popular outside of Washington. It doesn't make any sense. But of course, it makes sense. Trump's secret, he says things like this.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: They have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It's called a nationalist. And I say "Really? We're not supposed to use that word." You know what I am? I'm a nationalist, OK? I'm a nationalist.



CARLSON: A nationalist, in other words, a leader who puts his own country first, who cares about his own people most. You'd think everyone in charge of a nation would be a nationalist.

Putting interests of your own citizens above those of citizens of other countries was once considered a prerequisite for running a democracy, not anymore. Now it's considered immoral, evil, in fact. Watch this.


DON LEMON, CNN: Nationalist. Use that word. We're going to talk about that word tonight. It is a favorite of the Alt-Right and is loaded with nativists and racial undertones.

CHRIS CILLIZZA, CNN: He's weaponized race and sort of nationalism and dog whistles.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN: You're suggesting there's some kind of dog whistle there.

SEN. BEN CARDIN, D-MD.: It is. It is. It applies - it - it - it does provoke hate activities.

BILL BURTON, POLITICAL CONSULTANT: What are you trying to say as President of the United States that you're a nationalist? Americans know what that means. It's not even a dog whistle anymore. It's a bull horn.


CARLSON: Not a whistle. It's a bull horn. Hitler was a nationalist. Of course, so were Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln, and every other leader of every other nation state throughout history until about 20 minutes ago, but whatever.

Nationalism provokes "Hate activity," says a sitting U.S. Senator. All the cable news geniuses say, "Amen."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a time in my lifetime, I'm not that old, when a - when a picture like that would have just elicited nothing but sympathy and empathy--


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --among the American people.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You see that you think, Oh, my God.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What must be happening where those people are coming from?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How can we open our arms to people like that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These people are coming and asking for asylum. Guess what Ben? It's in our laws that people are allowed to come to our borders and ask for asylum.

STEPHEN EDWARD SCHMIDT, AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS STRATEGIST: This is a moral outrage that harkens to the worst accesses in the history of the country, to the separation of families at the slave auction blocks--


SCHMIDT: --to the separation of Native American families.


CARLSON: Hope you're following that at home. Immigration, it turns out, is not a civic question that American voters might be allowed to have opinions about. It's bigger than that. It's a moral outrage. It's a humanitarian crisis.

The law is irrelevant here, so are any of your stupid selfish concerns about the effect of impoverished foreigners moving into your neighborhood or your school district. The rule here is simple. Listen carefully. If people from a place poorer than America want to move to America, they get to do that. Period.

If you disagree or complain or do anything other than recite the poem at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty, you are, well you already know what you are, because you've heard it a thousand times, but we're going to tell you again anyway, maybe this time it will penetrate, you are a racist.


JOY REID, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, MSNBC: They see those pictures and are being told fear those Brown people.


JOHN HARWOOD, CNBC'S CHIEF WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, THE NEW YORK TIMES CONTRIBUTOR: The Democrats are a diverse party. The Republicans appeal disproportionately to older Whites. And the mob thing is an attempt to alarm those voters about the prospect of non-Whites and immigrants.

BRIAN PATRICK STELTER, CNN'S SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT, RELIABLE SOURCES HOST: The Right-wing coverage of this is it - is it demagoguery? How would you describe this?

MAX BOOT, AMERICAN AUTHOR, CONSULTANT, EDITORIALIST, LECTURER, MILITARY HISTORIAN: It is demagoguery, Brian. It is also, I believe, racism and nativism, really pandering to the fears of Trump supporters and Fox News viewers.


CARLSON: Yes. You're racist just like you were racist for opposing Obamacare or not watching Sunday Night Football or believing that Brett Kavanaugh did not sexually assault someone. You are a bigot until the moment you obey the Democratic Party, at which point you are a good person like Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. You know the drill.

There's one interesting new twist in this latest propaganda barrage though, fear. If you're against admitting an entire Caravan full of poor people into this country it's because you've been coached by that dastardly Fox News to fear the people in the Caravan.

But let's be honest. That's not really true. There are a lot of reasons to oppose admitting this Caravan full of people. We don't need any more low- wage labor in this country, for one thing. We also have a right to decide who occupies our property, that's always true.

Show up uninvited at Joy Reid's house and you'll discover that she agrees with that principle too. So there are good reasons to oppose this. Fear of Hondurans isn't really one of them.

By and large, these are not scary people. Mostly, they're just poor people from crappy countries who want a better life. That's understandable. Nobody blames them for that. Nobody's really afraid of these people.

What normal people are afraid of is this?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We believe survivors.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We believe survivors.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We believe survivors.


CARLSON: And this.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get off. Get off. Stop fighting.



CARLSON: So, look closely at those videos. What didn't you see in them? Migrant fruit pickers from Honduras. There weren't any. There wasn't a single impoverished Central American immigrant.

The only work boots you saw in those videos were from Brooklyn. They're part of the historic - hipster costume. They're not real. Those were thoroughly American kids, kids with clean fingernails, children of privilege.

Those are people with four-year college degrees. Some of those people teach in colleges. What you just saw was the Activist-Left. That's a group about as diverse as the checkout line at Whole Foods.

These are not immigrants. They're far too pampered and decadent to be immigrants. These are homegrown religious extremists who believe in nothing but their own power.

Suddenly, people exactly like this hold Congressional seats, and they host their own TV shows, and they teach at your kids' school. These are the people worth worrying about. So cool it with the lectures about fear.

Listen carefully cable news geniuses, it's not impoverished peasants from Central America we're afraid of. It's you.

Univision Anchor, Jorge Ramos, joins us tonight from Southern Mexico at the site of the Caravan encampment. Jorge, I am really glad you're here because I've - I've wanted to ask you this question all day.

So, in the many times we've spoken, you've explained that immigrants to the United States from Central America are a net addition to our economy. They're America's strength. They make this a much better country.

Given that, why isn't Mexico jumping at the chance to absorb these migrants into its economy? Why is it wasting this human capital?

JORGE RAMOS, CHIEF NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Well there are - the reality, Tucker, is that most of the immigrants that you see behind me, and as a matter of fact they're not criminals or terrorists or not even immigrants. They're refugees.

They don't want to stay here in Mexico. They want to go to the United States. Their plan is just to have a better life in the United States. And - and they are refugees. So, I think we have to treat them with respect. We have to listen to the stories, hear their cases, check their backgrounds. And if they apply for political asylum, go through the process.

The reality, Tucker, I understand what you're asking. But the reality is that they don't want to stay in Mexico where, by the way, in the last 12 years, more than 200,000 people were killed. They don't want to stay here. They're fleeing violence and extreme poverty in Honduras, most of them--


RAMOS: --they want to go to the United States. They don't want to stay here in Mexico.

CARLSON: We need --

RAMOS: And in Mexico, by the way, they crossed the border between Guatemala and Mexico. I was there this morning. But that's probably just for the - for Donald Trump to see, just by the bridge, you will see little boats crossing thousands of immigrants in the last few days for--

CARLSON: Wait but - but - but I'm confused--

RAMOS: --Donald Trump to see --

CARLSON: --but - but hold on--

RAMOS: --so long it's not for show --

CARLSON: --wait but hold on you, OK--

RAMOS: --the reality is completely different.

CARLSON: OK. So, you say that the United States must show respect to these, what you call, refugees. Why doesn't Mexico show them respect? Mexico is a rich country, the richest in the region. There are more billionaires in Monterrey and Mexico City than there are in Washington D.C.

Why are they sleeping on the ground? And why haven't they been taken care of by rich Mexicans of goodwill, the blue-eyed ruling class of which you were a part, why - where are they in this?

RAMOS: Well, you know, it's a - it's a great question. And I'm so glad that you asked it because Mexicans, despite what you might hear in social media, Mexicans have been treating, all these refugees with incredible generosity, and with incredible solidarity.

I know that there are fake stories in - in the United States saying that these people were funded by George Soros and by Democrats or by Nicolas Maduro from Venezuela, Vice President Pence is completely wrong about that because if they really finance these people, it was a scam.

I've been talking to people here in - in Chiapas who don't have a single dollar, Tucker, to buy a bottle of water. So there - there's no financing here. And Mexicans--

CARLSON: No, no but that's - wait but hold on--

RAMOS: --civilians--

CARLSON: --that's my point.

RAMOS: --not the politicians.


RAMOS: The politicians, they'll be playing the game with - with Donald Trump. But civilians - Mexicans civilians have been giving all these refugees a little money, water, food, clothes, and sometimes--

CARLSON: But why not - but - but hold on, what about your - I understand and I--

RAMOS: --transportation to go to - to the next town. Yesterday I saw--


RAMOS: --something incredible--

CARLSON: All right wait, but let me - let me just interrupt you and say I - I--

RAMOS: --and let me tell you, they--

CARLSON: --OK, go ahead.

RAMOS: --yesterday they went 26 miles, a marathon, many kids, hundreds of kids, Tucker, and that's the people of the Caravan, no terrorists or criminals.

CARLSON: I - I think most Mexicans are very nice people. I grew up next to Mexico. I always like them. It's your ruling class I'm asking you about, the people who are some of the richest people in the world, who spend the summer in France every year.

And again, you're from this group, so you can speak to this. Where are they in this? Why aren't they taking care of these people who are sleeping on the ground? We can see them right behind you.

RAMOS: I - I was never part of that group.

CARLSON: But where are those people - where are the Mexican billionaires? They're very good at lecturing us about our moral inferiority, but they don't seem to be helping at all. Why?

RAMOS: No. I think you - you want to concentrate on what Mexicans are doing. I just told you that civilians have done it in a - in a beautiful, generous way. And I think we have to concentrate now on what the role of the United States should be in - in all these crises.

First of all, I spent two days with these refugees. And I have not seen a single person from the Middle East. That's a lie. And I think, Tucker, you have - you have to tell the truth to your audience, and you don't have - you have to make sure that people are not lying about this Caravan because- -


RAMOS: --the people from the Middle East are not part of this Caravan--

CARLSON: OK. But wait - what are you - let me just - let me just ask, what are you doing?

RAMOS: --and they're not terrorists. And they simply want a chance to remake --

CARLSON: Wait hold on. What are you - I understand and --

RAMOS: --their lives.

CARLSON: --look, I'm not there. So I'm not - I can't describe the people there. You said the United States, its taxpayers, me, you know, the other 330 million American citizens--

RAMOS: Right, of course --

CARLSON: --right - have an obligation. How many of these migrants are you taking in personally into your home and are supporting once they get to the United States?

RAMOS: I - I think that's a great question. And - and that's precisely the kind of question that people like you ask when you don't want to understand that this has nothing to do with individuals. It has to do with nations. And what we have to understand--

CARLSON: But what's the answer?

RAMOS: --is that these refugees--


RAMOS: --are not a threat to the United States. I know that in - in Fox News they'll be reporting that they--

CARLSON: No, no, no, but how many are you taking in? It's a very - before you attack the Fox--

RAMOS: --are a threat to the--

CARLSON: --it's a simple question--

RAMOS: --sanctuary of the Unites States--

CARLSON: --how many are you - how many are you--

RAMOS: --that is not true. They are - they are not a--

CARLSON: --taking in?

RAMOS: --threat to the United States. I think it's really a love letter to the United States. And you know what they're saying at the - in the United States, please help us. You are the only ones who can help us.

CARLSON: I think that's right.

RAMOS: And that's exactly what--

CARLSON: I agree with you.

RAMOS: --they are asking from President Trump--

CARLSON: I agree with you. I agree.

RAMOS: --and from people like you--

CARLSON: But - but--

RAMOS: --and from all your audience. So, I think it is very important that you send--

CARLSON: --but - but - but what about you, hold on--

RAMOS: --that you send correspondents Fox correspondents --

CARLSON: --wait, I understand. I'm not attacking--

RAMOS: --to this place and talk to them. And don't--


RAMOS: --don't lie to your audience, Tucker.

CARLSON: But I'm not lying to the audience.

RAMOS: Don't tell them that they're terrorists--

CARLSON: I'm trying to get, hold on - I'm going to - I'm going to stop with this--

RAMOS: --and - and tell them the truth about this Caravan because what you and--

CARLSON: --I'm going to stop with this, hold on--

RAMOS: --Fox News and President Trump--

CARLSON: --wait listen, I'm asking you a very simple question.

RAMOS: --are saying about this group is a complete lie.

CARLSON: OK. Let me just ask you a - and let's - let's - let's answer this question. We can end on this. How many of these migrants are you personally taking responsibility for?

RAMOS: Right.

CARLSON: How many are going home to Jorge's place in Miami at the end of the day? And be - please be specific.

RAMOS: Yes. Well, I think that, again, this has nothing to do with individuals.

CARLSON: Oh, you don't have to do a thing.

RAMOS: It has nothing to do with me. I wish I could help all of them but right now - right now--

CARLSON: How about three?

RAMOS: --we're talking about 7,000 here. We're talking about 2,500 kids. It is impossible for an individual to deal with a crisis like this. I think President Trump's immigration policy has been a complete failure--

CARLSON: Have you donated money personally?

RAMOS: --and unfortunately, Tucker, I - I hope that that you could--

CARLSON: Wait hold on, let me just you --

RAMOS: --help them too and I wish I could--

CARLSON: --have you donated money?

RAMOS: --help them too.

CARLSON: Well, you can.

RAMOS: I wish we could that.

CARLSON: Well sure you can.

RAMOS: I - I wish - I wish we could do something like that but I - but I--

CARLSON: Well I think you can.

RAMOS: --bet if your kids were in danger of being raped or being raised in extreme poverty or being threatened with join in--


RAMOS: --Armada or a gang, what will you do? I mean--

CARLSON: I can count on you to do a standup next to them but probably not to help them--

RAMOS: --will you take the risk? I'm merely telling for the same reason that they're doing--

CARLSON: --I noticed.

RAMOS: --for their kids.

CARLSON: OK. Jorge, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

People are very upset about the migrant crisis, not upset enough to help personally but upset enough to demand that you help. Brit Hume joins us just after the break. Is the mid-term a Blue Wave in the making or is it not? He's been thinking about it. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Mid-term election exactly two weeks from right now. Everything that happens is, in effect, political at the moment. What's going to happen in two weeks?

Brit Hume has been thinking about it, and joins us tonight. He's, of course, chief political analyst at Fox.


CARLSON: Senior, whatever, the biggest guy at Fox, for sure.

HUME: Or -- or senior moment political analyst.

CARLSON: It's - so, the Caravan. I - I hate to make it a political question because I - I think it's a civic question. But it is political. What's the political effect of it?

HUME: Well, if you think about it from Trump's point of view, here's an issue, immigration, that hadn't been all that prominent this fall, but one that he emphasized, I think, and am sure, he believes to great effect in 2016.

So, here comes this Caravan. Now, mind you, Tucker, in terms of, you know, this country and what kind of threat these people pose, these people are - are probably - most of them will probably never get here.


HUME: I mean they've got to walk ahead of them. They're all - they already have sore feet, all of them, or most of them. You can see the - the pictures are - are heartbreaking. These people, you know, they're - they're - they're in pain.

And so, they - they're marching up through Mexico. They got at least a month to come before they could reach any part of our border. And it all - how long it will take depend on where they go.

Most of them probably won't make it, so it's probably not that big a threat in terms of - of a lot of people crossing the border. But it's very visual, as the pictures on the screen right now illustrate.

And Americans are looking at this and they see the picture of that bridge, which is just chock-a-block with people, they think what's going on here. So, Trump's out raising hell about it. This helps him, unquestionably, in my view. It's a good issue for him and a good issue by and large for Republicans.

CARLSON: I wonder if Democrats understand that because their cheerleaders, their handmaidens all day long have been acting as if this, you know, is something that everyone would agree with that America has a moral obligation to accept anybody from a poorer country.

HUME: That's a problem that Democrats often have is that they think everybody agrees with them, and they take their cues from elites in New York and Washington and, perhaps, some other places, and they get on board with this stuff.

And, you know, there are pockets of the country where that's strong and in other cities and so on. But, you know, one of the things that's happening in this election is that if you look at the - the - the - the classic, what they call the generic ballot, would you rather have a Republican or a Democrat--


HUME: --you need to go. Which party you think should control Congress that number's been very good for Democrats most of this fall. And it's still good on a national basis. But in the - in the places and the crucial races, that number is close to where it's barely a margin for the Democrats at all.

And those are the places around the country that they'll need to win to get control of the House. The - I'd still favor that. But they don't favor that as much as they once did, not very many weeks ago.

CARLSON: So, we - sum up the political apocalypse that occurs if Democrats don't take the House back.

HUME: Oh, my lord. Oh, my lord.

CARLSON: Ha-ha, ha-ha.

HUME: I mean, you know, that you - you would have thought that there would have been a really major reassessment than the appointment of--


HUME: --new leaders and so on after what happened in 2016 that the - the - the unlosable race was lost to Donald Trump; it really hasn't happened. Is there a generation of new leaders emerging? Maybe, but they're pretty hard to see now because what you see is Pelosi and - and Chuck Schumer--


HUME: --and - and - and - and Perez and that group and - and the rest of these people are and - and Joe Biden's out on the campaign trail, Obama's out on the campaign trail. This doesn't look like the, you know, the group of tomorrow's leaders.

CARLSON: It really doesn't but if they lose they're going to get a new set, I would say.

HUME: Well their hopes of the Senate look diminished too.


HUME: That looks like that's not - probably not going to--

CARLSON: Briefly.

HUME: --happen.

CARLSON: Brit Hume, thank you very much for that.

HUME: You bet, Tucker.

CARLSON: Senior political analyst.

A former aide to Hillary Clinton, high-ranking, is defending the Left's new tactic of screaming at people they disagree with in restaurants. He joins us next, fresh from a restaurant.


CARLSON: Ted Cruz has cast votes that some Democrats don't like. Rather than wait until the election two weeks from now to vote against him, some decided to scream at him and his wife in a restaurant.


CRUZ: God bless you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think that putting a sexual assaulter on the court is a victory for women?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Leave him alone.

CRUZ: Thank you, Sir. God bless you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, you believe in man assaulting women. That's what your vote cost today, Senator?

CRUZ: I believe in due process.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, why do you support a man that abuses women?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Leave him alone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why doesn't he support women?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shame on you, Ted Cruz.

CRUZ: God bless you, Ma'am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shame on you, Ted Cruz.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shame on you, Ted Cruz.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shame on you, Ted Cruz.


CARLSON: Shame on you, Ted Cruz. Changing minds and annoying travelers at the same time. That wasn't a restaurant, of course. That was Washington National Airport. Cruz is not the only lawmaker getting yelled at these days.

Mitch McConnell recently screamed at in a restaurant also. Watch.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Leave him alone. Leave him alone.




CARLSON: You want to live in this country? Of course, you don't. Most people are horrified by it. Some people though defend it. Former Hillary Clinton aide, Philippe Reines recently said that the public harassment of lawmakers was a made-up problem. He joins us tonight.

Philippe, thanks a lot for coming on.


CARLSON: You didn't mean to defend that, I assume.

REINES: I wasn't defending Ted Cruz. I - that - those could've been Republicans chanting against Ted Cruz, the way he's so unpopular.

CARLSON: Screaming at - look, screaming at people in public places is not, you know, you could argue it's protected by the First Amendment. That's fine. But it's not the way that people should behave. It's not anything we should defend, and it's not the country we want to live in, is it?

REINES: Well let's be clear - clear what happened. First, the first instance of this was Sarah Sanders who--


REINES: --was in a restaurant in Virginia.

CARLSON: At Lexington Virginia and was ejected.

REINES: She was asked very nicely to leave. She was asked nicely more than sometimes you're nice to me in terms of questions. So, I don't think that that is a heavy price to pay for someone who lies with impunity every day to the American people.

CARLSON: OK. So - so you worked for Hillary Clinton whose--

REINES: I did.

CARLSON: --husband was credibly accused of rape. If your mom--

REINES: He was not credibly accused --

CARLSON: --he was accused of rape by someone with all kinds of contemporaneous conversation --

REINES: --dismissed by Ken Starr. But that's not what we're here.

CARLSON: I'm just saying, look, I'm not accusing --


CARLSON: --him of rape.

I'm just saying that he was accused of rape. So, you could see someone saying "Well, Philippe defended this. His mother gave birth to him. Why should she be allowed to eat in a restaurant?" It's within bound to say, "Philippe's mom, please leave." How would you feel about that?

REINES: Nobody was protesting Sarah Sanders' mother. It was Sarah Sanders.

CARLSON: Because she works for a guy they don't like. Look, I mean I'm just saying maybe --

REINES: I mean first of all, she has free will. She doesn't have to work there. It's an honor and a privilege to work there.

CARLSON: Well you don't have to defend the Clintons --

REINES: She chooses every day to - she--

CARLSON: --but how would you like it if--

REINES: --she chooses every day to lie to the American people. People are seeing public officials and they don't see any accountability. And they're thinking to themselves.

CARLSON: What about elections?

REINES: Elections are two weeks. I mean what - what point is this OK? I mean--

CARLSON: I don't know you --

REINES: --100 - 100 days ago, I mean--

CARLSON: You - no, no, but you just agree -

REINES: --I'm - I'm not the - I'm not the angry mob.

CARLSON: --the questions --

REINES: A 100 days ago, I started a protest outside the White House.


REINES: You have loyal viewers like Kate Roonie who know that I couldn't hurt a fly. Donald Trump is trying to shut that down because he doesn't want protestors outside.

CARLSON: OK. I guess the point I'm making is should - is this - is it OK or do things start to fall apart, when you --

REINES: I'll tell you it's not OK.

CARLSON: --snatching this kind of nonsense --

REINES: I'll tell you it's not OK. It's been--

CARLSON: Lots of things aren't OK.

REINES: --it's been--

CARLSON: Is this OK?

REINES: --642 days since Donald Trump was sworn in. Not one of those days has he said, "We've got to dial down the rhetoric." I'll tell you what he did say.


REINES: In the last few days - in the last few days, he has specifically--

CARLSON: Have you seen a lot of Democrats been--

REINES: --I'll tell you what I saw.

CARLSON: --pushed out of restaurants.

REINES: He specifically - we're not in power. We're not - there's nothing to hold us accountable to.

CARLSON: No. No, because your youth wing--

REINES: In the last week--

CARLSON: --all the little - all the little robots who follow you--

REINES: --he specifically--

CARLSON: --are doing this. I mean I know - I must know 10 people who've been yelled at until they had to leave restaurants, all conservatives. Is that OK with you?

REINES: There's nothing --

CARLSON: Is that an OK thing?

REINES: --I am OK with Sarah Sanders, Secretary Nielsen, and Mitch McConnell. Yes, Mitch McConnell was more in danger of--

CARLSON: You're OK, so--

REINES: --salmonella in that restaurant than he was--

CARLSON: So, if Hillary Clinton is--

REINES: --no one's been arrested.

CARLSON: --in a restaurant and I walk up to her--

REINES: I've been with her when she's--

CARLSON: --and I start screaming at her--

REINES: --accosted.

CARLSON: No but, I - I get it. But are you--

REINES: It's not - there's a difference to that.

CARLSON: --OK with that?

REINES: There's differences between unpleasant--

CARLSON: If I scream at Hillary until she leaves--

REINES: There's serious difference being unpleasant and something being OK. I will say if you're protesting something, you're disagreeing with that.

CARLSON: But how about you - what are we saying --

REINES: If I - if I separated children from their parents, and I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, I would realize--

CARLSON: Well how about - how about if I endorse--

REINES: --that there's a possibility--

CARLSON: --third-term abortions? I mean there are lots of things I disagree with, and find repugnant that you support. But I'm not going to--

REINES: Hey, you're not a public--

CARLSON: --yell at you.

REINES: --official, Tucker.

CARLSON: No. So, is it OK to scream at Nancy Pelosi until she leaves a restaurant? And the answer is "No, it's not OK." It's never OK.

REINES: I - I think what happened with Nancy Pelosi was fine, the other day. She was walking out of a fundraiser and a group was protesting--

CARLSON: If she was going with her daughters --

REINES: --you don't see any - you don't see any of us yelling about it.

CARLSON: --if I walked up and said, "Nancy Pelosi, I'm going to yell at you until you leave The Palm because you have a - you support a policy I disagree with." I think a normal person would say, you know what--

REINES: You're crying how pathetical --

CARLSON: --if you don't like make --

REINES: --that's not what happened at any of those instances.

CARLSON: --I've noticed because Conservatives don't do it because they're not monsters.

REINES: In the last 10 days, Donald Trump used the name George Soros for the first time in his presidency, and the guy had a pipe bomb in his mailbox last night. And we're talking about whether or not--

CARLSON: Wait --

REINES: --whether or not Sarah Sanders gets her corn at Hen --

CARLSON: --who and all put a pipe bomb in George Soros'--

REINES: --why do you think--

CARLSON: --mailbox?

REINES: --why do you think they did? You think it's just --

CARLSON: Because Trump criticized George Soros, one of the richest people--

REINES: --coincidence? Because Donald Trump--

CARLSON: --in the world?

REINES: --Donald Trump runs around--

CARLSON: No, because George Soros maybe you count --

REINES: Don't laugh.

CARLSON: --I'm laughing because--

REINES: Laughing why?

CARLSON: --to draw a connection between Trump, Soros, I've criticized Soros a thousand times. I hope he'll live long enough I can continue to criticize him.

REINES: But you're not Donald Trump. I'm not Donald Trump. He has - he has- -

CARLSON: Our elected leaders are not allowed to criticize George Soros?

REINES: --come on. In 642 days, if there's an angry mob--

CARLSON: No, no, I'm serious, look--

REINES: --if - if - if we'd gone from coconut juice and soy to angry mob, and everyone is so worried about violence, why has Donald Trump not said everyone needs to dial it down? The rhetoric in our society--

CARLSON: I think - I think--

REINES: --he has never said that, Tucker.

CARLSON: --he said it. Mobs shouldn't assault people.

REINES: He's--

CARLSON: --everybody's like oh mob, you're racist--

REINES: --he--

CARLSON: --racist.

REINES: He calls Democrats--


REINES: --an angry mob.

CARLSON: Well they are an angry mob--

REINES: Jobs not angry mobs.

CARLSON: --and I hate that stuff.

REINES: It's catchy but he needs--

CARLSON: It's all but true.

REINES: --fear and hatred to succeed.


REINES: He has no interest in taming it down.

CARLSON: He's never screamed at people in restaurants.

REINES: He's --

CARLSON: It was great to see you --

REINES: --it's his responsibility.

CARLSON: I'm going to let you dine--

REINES: I just came from BLT--

CARLSON: --without being harassed.

REINES: --at Trump Hotel.

CARLSON: No one yelled at you, exactly.

Democratic Party Keith Ellison has been accused of abusing an ex- girlfriend. She's gone public, and she'll tell us the story next, and what happened to her after she did.


CARLSON: Two weeks from now, DNC Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison may become the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota. This despite allegations of abuse that have been leveled at him by his ex-girlfriend, Karen - Karen Monahan.

Karen Monahan is a Liberal. She's a Democrat. But she's also complained about the poor treatment she's received from fellow Democrats since she was bold enough to go public with her allegations.

Has anything changed in the weeks since she said that? Well Karen Monahan and her attorney, Andrew Parker, join us tonight. Thank you both for coming on.



CARLSON: So Karen, you had said publicly that since coming forward with your claims against Keith Ellison that you were, in effect, blacklisted by fellow Democrats. Can you describe what you meant when you said that?

MONAHAN: Well, I think if you look on social media, if you see some of the letters that have been written that basically say they don't believe me, the folks who have signed on you it's pretty apparent.

There's been a lot of bullying. There's been a lot of harassment, isolation by many folks that I stood side by side with supporting them in their campaigns, walking with them in various protest, worked together on different issues around social justice.

CARLSON: Were you so - I mean that's not the reception that people who say they're survivors of abuse expect they're going to get from the Left, from Democrats. Were you surprised by it?

MONAHAN: No. I watched the MeToo movement. It was, you know, both - I've watched both sides basically take women's pain and use it as a tool for politics. And once it came to one side or the other, you would see these same people start pushing away from it and saying stuff like, "Well let's talk about the real issues." And this is a real issue.

CARLSON: Andrew Parker, do you think that the Democratic organization in Minnesota investigated this in a legitimate way, these claims?

PARKER: No, it wasn't legitimate at all. Any objective review of it would reach the same conclusion. The Democratic National Committee kicked it to the DFL party in the State of Minnesota who hired their lawyer to investigate their candidate for Attorney General.

And not just their Candidate, Tucker, for Attorney General but cause celeb for the Democratic Party, a leader of the progressive movement, not just in Minnesota, but nationally, the Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee is who they were investigating and they hired their own lawyer, not an outside independent lawyer, their own lawyer--


PARKER: --and - and a law firm that raised over half a million dollars for Democratic candidates and over $50,000 for Keith Ellison himself.

CARLSON: Yes. That's not legitimate. Karen you have said or allegedly there is a video that shows you being dragged off the bed by Keith Ellison, him swearing at you. Does that video exist?


CARLSON: Will the public have a chance to see it?

MONAHAN: Well the public will not have a chance to see it. That's my pain. And for something like that for everybody to look at and ogle over, something that was--


MONAHAN: --very traumatizing for me, absolutely not. I would not allow the public to see it. If and when I decide to show it to somebody, it will be in my time.

I mean this is a process and just to find the courage to come out and break my silence, as I said, knowing the backlash that I would get, and knowing that this is a journey that I would walk pretty much on my own it took tremendous amount of courage.

And I had to face the same fears that so many others who have been victimized face when they decide to either share their story or not tell - share their story.


MONAHAN: It's also the same - it's also the same kind of fear that many people who actually know about this situation, have known about it long before I ever shared went - went public with it, why they sit silent or they're afraid to show public support.

Many have been bullied and intimidated if they did come out and show any kind of public support, and I grappled with that same fear, the fear of isolation, the fear of being re-victimized--

CARLSON: Well but that's - that's what you're not supposed to feel--

MONAHAN: --being smeared.

CARLSON: --according to the people who are making you feel that way. Thank you both for joining us tonight. I appreciate your taking the time to talk to us and tell us what happened. Thanks.

MONAHAN: Thank you so much.

PARKER: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well the administration has infuriated the Left once again, this time, by defending science. But wait, we thought the Left was for science. But it turns out they're not. And if you are, you're a bad person.

That's a topic that's addressed at some length in a new book called Ship of Fools. You can purchase it at TuckerCarlson.com.



CARLSON: Federal law prohibits gender discrimination. Various federal programs offer special loans to female business owners. Congress sets rules for how women need to be treated in the workforce and universities.

There are literally dozens of government agencies that exist in part due to the long-standing presumption that men and women are biologically distinct. They're different.

Now, the Trump Administration in the spirit of all of that wants to define gender on a clear scientific basis, but is running into headwinds politically in trying to do that.

Tammy Bruce joins us tonight to respond.


CARLSON: So Tammy, let me just ask you, what happens to women if the definition of sex, of gender becomes up to the discretion of the individual?

BRUCE: Yes. Well your opening comments, I think, made that pretty clear. We have a scientific framework that recognizes women and men. As a woman who's worked most of my adult life for the welfare of women, that's important.

You know, we are important. We lead different kinds of lives. Our - our life experiences are different. We're subject to certain kinds of, different kinds of violence, sexual violence etcetera.

So, I mean it's important but the - the important thing also is when it comes to the government and law is that something is actually administratable that something is clear, that something is defined.

And, of course, science, as the Left always tells us, is important, and as - and as an - a - a distinctive framework of how we make decisions. The problem here is, is that Barack Obama created a framework where for Title IX, people could - would be judged and placed in a framework based on simply what they claimed.

Now, I think the transgendered issue is a serious one, people going through--


BRUCE: --serious life changes. Chelsea Manning just posted Twitter photos with her having the surgery. We know, of course, Caitlyn Jenner has. Hundreds of Americans have gone through this.


BRUCE: And it's a serious issue. And I think that what we're looking at here for the government, especially as a gay woman, if you're looking for the government to, and the reaction to this change has been remarkable to confirm your value or your existence as a person, we're all in trouble because the government is not the place to get that.

Right now, any kind of rule, I think, for the government's got to be something that helps us administrate a framework like Title IX and recognize the differences between men and women while transgendered individuals, of course, this doesn't erase them.

It means that their relationship with themselves and with the medical community and how they identify--


BRUCE: --remain - is personal and that they can work through the system within that framework.

CARLSON: Yes. I mean it's not an attack on anyone to--


CARLSON: --to start to worry that maybe women are - are about to be hurt in this. That - that's my opinion because --

BRUCE: Well, yes--

CARLSON: --we should at least talk it through, I think--

BRUCE: Well - well yes--

CARLSON: --rationally. And I'm glad that you helped us do that.

BRUCE: Exactly.

CARLSON: Tammy, thank you.

BRUCE: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well getting into Harvard is tough for anybody, but it's a lot harder for some, and it depends on your skin color to a large extent, it turns out.

We know that because of documents related to a discrimination lawsuit brought by Asian applicants to Harvard. And those documents show the University has spent decades rigging its admissions policies at the behest of University leaders, who want a significantly less Asian student body. It's hard to believe but that is happening even today.

Jason Hill is a Philosophy Professor at DePaul University and author of the book We Have Overcome. He opposes the admissions practices of Harvard. Jason, thanks a lot for joining us.

So, a lot of us grew up hearing about the discriminatory practices of the Harvard Admissions Department believing that they were no longer in existence, only to discover that they are, and that Harvard is defending them, even having been caught using them.


CARLSON: What is this?

HILL: Well I think this is - there's no other word to describe it than just nefarious. I mean any institution that uses race explicitly as a way and ex - explicitly uses race with such zeal as a way of excluding persons from their institutions is just plain evil.

And what makes it even more nefarious is that we're talking about a group that has achieved the highest academic record, the highest SAT scores, but has the lowest admission rate among any racial group.

This makes it even more nefarious and - and - and - and I just - I think the word that comes to my mind is evil here. This is plain --

CARLSON: So but--

HILL: --and - and --

CARLSON: --if you're telling kids, and we do tell kids all through young adulthood through their teen years and high school, we say, "Get the highest grades you can and the highest test scores," those are the criteria that are going to be used to judge you. And it turns out that's a lie. It makes all of us kind of cynical, doesn't it? This - this fake meritocracy?

HILL: It's - it's profoundly anti-American. And it's - it's - it goes in the face of - of - of - of what is - as - is - is - is the American dream, which is meritocracy, which is going by fairness, which is going by working hard, not judging people by race, by ethnicity, by, you know, morally neutral factors, but judging people based on merit, on talent, on sheer grit, and ten - tenacity and resilience.

And what Harvard is saying is that there are other criteria that we're going to judge you by, a superfluous and extraneous criteria, and anything that you exhibit such as talent and merit, we're actually going to discount those and use them against you.

And when we have a model group that aspire to the best virtues that America can offer, such as grit, tenacity, and hard work--


HILL: --and display those to the American people, we say we're going to discount those, and we're going to actually use them against you. And I think that's just very, very unfair.

CARLSON: They believed in our values and we punish them for it. It's really sad. Thank you.

HILL: We punish them for it.

CARLSON: You put that so nicely. Professor, thanks a lot.

HILL: Thank you.

CARLSON: Well he hosts the most popular television show in the A.M. He has written a bunch of best-selling books. He can probably bake 30-minute brownies in five minutes. Brian Kilmeade joins us after the break, we are honored to say. Stay tuned.


CARLSON: Time now for the Friend Zone. We bring on one of our favorite people here at Fox. Tonight, we're honored to be joined by one of the co- hosts of Fox & Friends, the great Brian Kilmeade.

His new book, Andrew Jackson and The Miracle of New Orleans, a best-seller sold so well, it's now out in paperback, and we are proud to be the forum in which he announces that.

So Brian, all this drama going on, you spent a lot of time thinking about Andrew Jackson and studying his presidency, what are the lessons from Jackson that we could apply to this moment? How would he handle the drama we're living through?

BRIAN KILMEADE, FOX & FRIENDS CO-HOST, FOX NEWS: Straight ahead, very similar to Trump. And that's one of the most amazing thing, Tucker. I could say lucked out but also when you write a history book, you worry about being relevant.

People like you and I like politics, like history, lot of our audience does. But I had no idea that President Trump was even going to run for president, let alone win and be so compared, and accurately, to Andrew Jackson, and put his portrait up in the Oval Office.

I had no idea his - his tomb would be defiled for the first time since his death, prior to the Civil War because all of a sudden, Andrew Jackson's being re-evaluated. Suddenly, the previous president wanted him off the 20.

We can never justify slavery but he had slaves. We can never justify some of the battles he had with American Indians at the time, but others was in order to win a war called the War of 1812.

So, having done that, he was still an unbelievable success story that in the afterward I have Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, all looked up to him and said, "I can learn from this guy."

I'm amazed today we're having trouble finding relevance, good things about Andrew Jackson, a 13-year-old orphan who ended up a two-term president. That's the American story.

CARLSON: One of the toughest people ever to hold the Office, I - I think by popular claim.

KILMEADE: He shot people in duels. He had a bullet in him his entire life. He suffered from dysentery, 6' 1'', a 140 pounds. He was brought up in the backwoods. There were no social programs to prop him up.

He found a way. He didn't blame. He took action. Became a self-taught lawyer, Judge, Congressman, Senator, a Militia General. Won some of the most consequential battles, including the Battle of New Orleans, that any American General has ever won.

And get this, he didn't go to West Point. He didn't learn his leadership from his - from his father. He learned it from being raised by his town, his County, his country, and he bled red, white, and blue. And he lived to pay back that country for what they did for him and that give him a shot at life.

In no other country could he have done anything. He was one of the original American success stories even if you didn't like some of his policies.

CARLSON: Amazing. This is why the book has sold the number of copies it has.


CARLSON: It's a great story and a great account of an amazing life. Brian, thank you very much. The great Brian Kilmeade.

KILMEADE: All right, go get them, Tucker. Thanks.

CARLSON: Always sits in on this show when I'm gone.

That's it for us tonight. Amazing how fast that went. We'll be back tomorrow night at 8 o'clock to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. We'll be back tomorrow.

But in the meantime, Sean Hannity, live from New York City.

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