Tucker Carlson: 'This show is not going anywhere, it's getting bigger'

This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” November 16, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST:  Good evening, and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. By this point, you probably heard about problems with voting machines in various states on Election Day.  

You've heard claims of massive fraud, millions of ballots changed from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. If you're on the internet, you know what we're talking about. The question is, is it true? Was there massive fraud? It's a very serious charge that every American should be considering. We took a close look at that story. And we'll have the results of that for you in just a minute.  

But first, you may have noticed America is locking down again; in some places that's already happening. If you have kids, you've seen it. Joe Biden has promised more of it. Masks and quarantines, limits on travel, restrictions on who you can eat with, who you can touch and how. The most intimate details of our lives completely controlled by our leadership class.  

People who used to scream of politicians "Keep your hands off my body" 

aren't saying a thing about this. In fact, they're encouraging it. So the question is, what exactly is this about? It's not about science. If masks and lockdowns, prevented spikes in coronavirus infections, we wouldn't be seeing spikes in coronavirus infections after nine months, but we are seeing them.  

So clearly the geniuses got it wrong once again. This time, they are not even bothering to point to legitimate scientific studies to support continuing their policies because there aren't any studies that support that. So what is going on?  

Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has some idea, he has thought about it. Vigano was one of the truth tellers in his church. He made himself deeply unpopular several years ago with many in the hierarchy by exposing their complicity in decades of sex abuse. They hate him for it.  

But Vigano is 79 years old and in the way that older people stop caring what others think, he really doesn't care, so instead, he says what he thinks is true. A few weeks ago, he wrote a letter to President Donald Trump assessing the lockdowns from a perspective you almost never hear in this country.  

"No one up until last February," Vigano wrote " ... would ever have thought that in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street to breathe, to want to keep their businesses open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world. 

The fundamental rights of citizens and believers are being denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny," end quote.  

Now, you may not have heard those words before and there's a reason for that. The usual foot soldiers for conformity in our news media did their best to suppress and discredit Vigano's letter to the President. Yahoo News tried to tie the elderly clergyman somehow to QAnon, which to them made sense.  

He alleged that a global health emergency was being used by the people in power for ends that had nothing to do with the virus itself. And of course, that's crazy talk. It's a conspiracy theory, Russian disinformation, probably racist, better pull it off the internet right away. Censor those ideas before they infect the whole country.  

That's the media position on that. The only problem is that what Vigano wrote is actually true. It's not a conspiracy theory, it is factually accurate.  

Watch this video from September. You may not have seen it. It wasn't played much in this country. This is the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau speaking to the United Nations.  


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER:  This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.  


CARLSON:  Oh, "This is our chance," says Justin Trudeau. Not our chance to save you from a virus with a 99 percent survival rate, you'll almost certainly be fine and they are fully aware of that. This is our chance to impose totally unprecedented social controls on the population in order to bypass democracy and change everything to conform with their weird academic theories that have never been tested in the real world and by the way, don't actually make sense. This is their chance.  

Quote, "This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset," end quote. 

Keep in mind that's not from QAnon. That is a head of state talking. And he is not alone.  

Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum. Schwab has written a book called "COVID-19: The Great Reset." The book isn't really about science or medicine. No, instead it describes, quote, "What changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward," end quote.  

What changes is Schwab talking about? We don't know. What we're certain of is that you're going to pay for them and the people in charge will benefit from them. You can bet on that. 

What's telling us how different this is now from the way our leaders were talking back when the pandemic began? So statewide coronavirus lockdowns in this country started about eight months ago in mid-March.  

At the time, California's Governor Gavin Newsom predicted that 56 percent of his state's population -- that's more than 25 million people -- would become infected with the virus within eight weeks. Businesses would need to shut down, Newsom acknowledged, but he also promised it would all be over soon. Quote, "This is not a permanent state." Newsome assured us. "It is a moment in time." And that should have made us nervous. Because in the end, that moment continued indefinitely.  

Pretty soon, Gavin Newsom was telling us who we're allowed to be around and who we are allowed to talk to.  


GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA):  As always, I want to remind you, limit your mixing with people outside of your household. It's just commonsense. But the data suggests not everybody is practicing commonsense.  


CARLSON:  Okay, so that was in July, when Gavin Newsom told the data suggests. What have we learned from the data since then?  

Well, as of November 15th, about 2.6 percent of the total State of California has been infected. That's roughly 20 million fewer people than Gavin Newsom predicted to be infected by May.  

So in some ways that looks like a victory. Can we declare victory? No. Just the opposite.  

Today, Newsom announced that more lockdowns are underway. California, he said, is pulling the emergency brake. The emergency brake? On life itself.  

Tonight, 41 counties in our biggest state are under the most restrictive form of lockdown. Churches, gyms, restaurants, et cetera cannot conduct any kind of indoor operations. So on what grounds is Gavin Newsom declaring this? Well, scientific grounds, of course. Gavin Newsom believes in science, but he doesn't believe in it for himself because personally, as man, Gavin Newsom is exempt from the laws of epidemiology.  

And we know this because nine days ago, the Governor was caught violating his own guidelines, eating at one of the state's most expensive restaurants with a dozen other people. And by the way, he is fine. He didn't die from it.  

When you're God, you don't fear viruses. Lockdowns are for mortals.  

So you'd think getting caught would hurt Newson, getting caught ignoring your own rules used to be a major problem for politicians. But it's not anymore. They are no longer humiliated by their own hypocrisy.  

The point of the exercise is to humiliate the rest of us by forcing us to obey transparently absurd orders. Let's see what we can make them do next. 

Okay, for health reasons, everyone has to wear a Viking hat with horns every Wednesday.  

It's the law. Dr. Fauci's orders.  

By the way people would do that. They would. They'd follow the orders. CNN would scream at them if they didn't.  

In an environment like this dominated by completely unreasonable demands, from the people on top, mediocrities like Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago thrive. This is a moment created for her and people like her.  

Watch Lightfoot explain on MSNBC how she has no personal obligation to follow the lockdown restrictions that you could be arrested for ignoring.  


QUESTION:  What do you say to those who are criticizing you, less than a week ago, you went out and stood before a massive crowd who was celebrating Joe Biden's victory? And now you're saying your city has to shut down. 

How do you have one and not the other?  

MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS:  There are times when we actually do need to have a relief and come together, and I felt like that was one of those times. That crowd was gathered whether I was there or not.  


CARLSON:  Notice the complete lack of embarrassment, no shame whatsoever. 

Inflection in the voice doesn't move. There are times when the rules just don't apply to me. Okay. And no one says anything.  

So what specifically are those times? When don't the rules apply to the people making the rules?  

Well, in Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser decided that her rules did not apply to Joe Biden's victory party in Delaware, so she went.  

Going to the party, she explained, was quote, "Absolutely essential." And it was -- and you would have guessed this -- "official business." So Muriel Bowser didn't have to quarantine or restrict her travel in any way because it was on behalf of the Democratic Party.  

What does the great reset look like? That's what it looks like. Where the people in charge can do whatever they want because they are in charge.  

No principle is universal. No standard is evenly applied.  

No one is enjoying this more than the Governor of Washington State, Jay Inslee. Inslee is not a man of science, he is a lawyer like the rest of them. But watch him explain what you're not going to be allowed to do anymore in his state.  


GOV. JAY INSLEE (D-WA):  Indoor social gatherings with people from outside your home are prohibited unless they quarantine for 14 days prior to the social gathering. Outdoor gatherings are limited to no more than five people.  

Restaurants and bars are closed for indoor service. Religious services will be limited to 25 percent of indoor capacity or 200 people, whichever is less, and choirs, bands or ensembles are prohibited from performing.  


CARLSON:  So the great reset is coming. The richest people in the world are behind it completely. Bill Gates supports the great reset.  

What will the great reset look like? Well, there will be no live music in the great reset. Choirs will be illegal unless they are singing the praises of Kamala Harris. According to CNN, Christmas will be banned. Sorry, put on your mask and spend the holidays alone. Good luck.  

So how long can this all continue? This weird, and yet weirdly recognizable combination of hypocrisy and authoritarianism? Well, it's hard to imagine it could go on forever.  

In his letter last month to the President, Archbishop Vigano wrote this, and it's worth hearing, quote, "This great reset is designed to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and their grandchildren." End quote.  

Let's hope that's true. 

Alex Berenson is the author of "Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns, Part 2: Update and Examination of Lockdowns as a Strategy." He joins us tonight.  

Alex Berenson, you are the Science Guy. I say that non-ironically. You're the only person I say it about, really. Is there a scientific justification for continuing measures like quarantines and mandatory masks orders?  

ALEX BERENSON, AUTHOR:  No, there is -- the short answer to this, and what is so maddening about this is we've been through this now, twice. We've been through it in the spring and in the summer.  

And you know, in the spring, you know, we were told that lockdowns were going to quickly turn things around and it was going to be 15 days to flatten the curve. None of that turned out to be true. It turns out that lockdowns actually, in many ways appear counterproductive because they drive people inside. There's a lot of transmission inside they don't do anything to help.  

People in nursing homes and care homes were so many deaths occur, no masks, the best science messages, they do very little or nothing. Perhaps if you have an N-95 mask that's properly fitted, you have some defense.  

There's been a big study that you and I have talked about that we're still waiting on. That's almost four months late now and we can only assume that it's been held up not because it shows masks work, because the people who, you know, in the scientific establishment are desperate to tell us that masks work, so if they had some evidence, they'll presumably show it to us.  

I mean, I can quote you chapter and verse. I can tell you about the Navajo Nation, which is 170,000 people, and 600 deaths, possibly the highest death rate of any population group in the world that we know about.  

The Navajo Nation has been under weekend lockdown for almost the entire year and it doesn't seem to have done any good. You know, if you look at it

-- and if you look at sort of big states, like you mentioned California.  

Well, California has 40 million people. They've had two deaths of people under 18. Still, they've had 18,000 deaths total, which is one for every

2,000 people in the state, but they've had two deaths of people under 18. 

They've had -- almost half their deaths are people over 75. That's the case everywhere.  

You're hearing about North Dakota now. North Dakota, as you know, supposedly, you know, falling into the sea under a wave of coronavirus deaths. Guess what? Eighty percent of the coronavirus deaths in North Dakota approximately are people over the age of 80.  

So we are twisting our society inside out for a virus that we know better than ever affects the very old and very sick, most of all, and I'll say one last thing about Gavin Newsom, which is yes, it's funny that Gavin Newsom went to a restaurant called the French Laundry. That's a three-star Michelin restaurant. What's not funny is that Gavin Newsom's kids get to go to school in person and yours don't, okay.  

And he seems to have no -- he won't even defend that.  

CARLSON:  Yes, it's actually beyond belief. Thank you for calling it out. 

Alex Berenson, great to see you.  

BERENSON:  Thanks, Tucker.  

CARLSON:  So, for the last eight months, this crisis has been mismanaged in a way that no crisis in our recent history has ever been. But you know who did it and who is at fault? You know who they are blaming? You. 

Yesterday, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo explained just how culpable you really are for this disaster.  


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY):  We will make mistakes in life. We try not to, but we do. The key is to be strong and secure enough to admit your mistakes and admit your shortcomings.  

Don't get defensive. Denying the mistake only assures repeating the mistake. We've made mistakes during COVID. I wrote a book on the lessons to be learned from the COVID crisis. 


CARLSON:  Oh man. "Admit your mistakes," says the thinnest skinned politician in American history, a man who is constitutionally incapable of admitting his own mistakes. Ask anyone who knows the Governor of New York. 

Admit your mistakes? Self-awareness has died along with a lot of people in New York State.  

At the same time, Tony Fauci is telling us that masks may be necessary forever, even after we have a coronavirus vaccine.  

Jeanine Pirro is the host of "Justice with Judge Jeanine." We're always happy to have her on the show. Judge, great to see you.  

"Admit your mistakes," says the guy who killed more people than any other governor in the country. When will he admit his?  

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST, JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE:  Well, you know, I loved that he promoted his book on leadership as he talked about admitting his mistake. I'd like to promote my book right now and the name of my book is "Don't Lie to Me: And Stop Trying to Steal our Freedom." 

And that's just what he is doing.  

Look, when thousands of our parents and grandparents in nursing homes were infected by individuals who were sent back into nursing homes who were COVID infected, then that was all of us knew a death sentence for everyone in the nursing home.  

And for the governor to now say, you know, the key to leadership is to basically admit your mistakes. He hasn't admitted his yet, and I'll give you one better. It's called consciousness of guilt. Defendants use it a lot.  

It's when he got a law passed and signed that law to make sure that the healthcare officials and everyone at long term care facilities and nursing homes could not be sued criminally or civilly for any of the mistakes that occurred during COVID.  

And that was a cover up that got him $2 million from the healthcare industry for his election. But you see, the totalitarian impulse on the part of those on the left is very strong, and they are now using COVID as this prophylactic that prevents us from exercising our religious freedom, our freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  

You can't tell someone who has got a business. We're going to shut you down for two to three months in the spring. And you know what? In the summer, you're just going to have to live with the protest and too bad if the rest of you lost your business, and now we're going to shut you down for good.  

And the problem is they are so dictatorial and hypocritical that Nancy Pelosi walks into a salon with no mask expecting to get her hair done. Lori Lightfoot the same thing. She says, you know, I'm in government, I need to look good for my city. I mean, what nonsense is this when someone who is trying to run a salon with a mask goes to jail. The hypocrisy is not going to be tolerated for much longer. 

Americans need to be able to live and the religious freedom is the worst. 

The discrimination and denial of equal protection. When a Supreme Court Justice Alito comes out within the last week and talks about the fact that our religious freedoms are being denied under cover of COVID, then we know that we've got a problem, and they are using this to reimagine everything.  

Well, I'd like to use COVID to reimagine that this is the country that our founding fathers said we have the right to free speech, we have the right to freedom of religion.  

CARLSON:  That is exactly right, and as long as we put up with it, that's exactly how long it will continue. Judge Jeanine, great to see you. 

PIRRO:  Absolutely.  

CARLSON:  Thank you.  

PIRRO:  Thank you.  

CARLSON:  By the way, as far as we know, every single person, every single business owner who has come on this show to talk about resisting lockdowns has been the target of intense harassment from the politicians who harassed them in the first place.  

Rick Savage from Maine, the restaurant owner who came on the show in the spring has been under attack by the State of Maine, Janet Mills, the Governor there ever since he appeared on the show. It tells you a lot.  

Well over the weekend, you probably heard about Dominion Voting Software used in the election in some places this month. There are claims that it caused massive fraud and turned the course of the election.  

We're going to have an update and an investigation into that after the break.  


CARLSON:  Well, Election Day was 13 days ago. In some of the most populated cities in our country, the vote is still being counted, amazingly.  

As of this morning, for example, the Borough of Manhattan, the most densely packed place in the biggest city in America, it only reported about 60 percent of the votes cast. That is incredibly dysfunctional.  

There are entire countries, big countries like Brazil, they count the entire country's votes within 24 hours. So what's wrong with us? Why does it take Manhattan and states like Pennsylvania and Georgia, North Carolina so much longer?  

Millions of Americans understandably are asking that question and questions like it. Those are real questions. Our current system does not inspire confidence. Unless they get a real answer, no amount of threats or censorship -- and they are getting both -- will make the population shut up.  

People have legitimate concerns about the integrity of our elections. And right now, a lot of those concerns center on the software that many states used to keep track of ballots. 

Several Trump Campaign attorneys -- prominently, Sidney Powell -- say they have evidence that certain voting software was rigged, and that millions of ballots were changed from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. That is a shocking claim, but we do not dismiss it out of hand.  

We are dealing here on the left with people who support third trimester abortion and BLM riots. So clearly, they have no limits, by definition. 

What wouldn't they do? 

On the other hand, those are very serious charges and you'd better have evidence if you make those charges. And of course, we were not going to endorse that story before we see the evidence ourselves.  

We asked today see that evidence, we haven't yet received it. If it exists, we will see it soon. There's a timeline on this.  

In Pennsylvania, the deadline to certify the election results is November 23rd, that's a week from today. So legitimate claims of fraud will be proven by then, or they won't be. Right now though, what is interesting is the total unwillingness of anyone in power even to entertain the idea that there might be something wrong with any of the election software that was used two weeks ago.  

What's weird about that is that worries about election software are not a conspiracy theory, and they are not even partisan. They are longstanding and they have been widely aired. 

Four years ago, CNN told us that scientists were convinced there might have been hacking of the software in the 2016 election.  


JIM SCIUTTO, CNN ANCHOR:  Some computer scientists are privately urging her campaign to ask for a recount in several crucial Rustbelt swing states. Why is that? Because they say Clinton got fewer votes than she should have in critical counties that used specifically electronic voting machines and those scientists say that there could be a pattern there and that this is potentially explosive, indicating those machines could have been manipulated or hacked.  


CARLSON:  So to be totally honest about it, a lot of Trump voters laughed at that. I think we laughed at it at this show. Either way, the Democrats never proved that it happened, but they remain deeply concerned about election software.  

Just last year, several leading Democrats in the Senate, moderates, including Amy Klobuchar, and Mark Warner of Virginia sent a letter to the three largest vendors of election systems in our country. Those companies included Election Systems and Software, Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Hart InterCivic.  

The letter the senators sent read this way, quote, "The integrity of our elections is directly tied to the machines we vote on, the products that you make. There has been a lack of meaningful innovation in the election vendor industry and our democracy is paying the price.  

Republicans we should say shared that concern. Just last year, examiners to the Texas Secretary of State rejected the idea of using Dominion Voting Systems in Texas. They raised concerns about whether the system was quote, "safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation."  

For the past three years, Democrats lined up on television to warn exactly that. They said we could be minutes away from a full scale hack of our democracy itself.  


REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL):  Even hackers with limited prior knowledge, tools and resources are able to breach voting machines in a matter of minutes.  

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA):  I continue to think that our voting machines are 

too vulnerable.   

REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE (D-TX):  Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that ballot recording machines and other voting systems are susceptible to tampering.  

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  In Arizona, malware was installed in the state elections website. Voters in Georgia and Texas saw electronic voting machines deleting votes and switching them to other candidates.  

SEN. RON WYDEN (D-OR):  Our election system and our digital infrastructure are still exceptionally vulnerable to attack. Unsecured machines that might as well have the words scrawled on them, "Please hack me, comrade in Russia."  


CARLSON:  Russia. So try to put aside the Russia nonsense. Nothing, by the way no lie in our lifetimes has so thoroughly degraded confidence in our systems done more to make the population paranoid and afraid that the Russia lie, and people should be held accountable for that. If they haven't been, they should be.  

But the point here is that Democrats have been warning about electronic election fraud for a long time, long before Donald Trump showed up. In 2014, for example, the left-wing outlet Vox tweeted that, quote, "Sixty eight percent of Americans think elections are rigged."  

Ron Klain, who apparently is now set to become the Chief of Staff to Joe Biden agreed with that. "That's because they are," Klain reply.  

It's now fair to ask if Ron Klain had a point, and let's get specific in this. Consider the State of Georgia where the presidential race is currently within about 15,000 votes. Georgia uses Dominions Voting System.  

Now, to be clear, we're not alleging that that system was hacked. We're not alleging that it was written to throw the election to Joe Biden. If there's evidence of that, show it to us. But the problems with that system are intrinsic, and here's one of them. 

It doesn't produce a paper trail of a voter's decision. Instead, the State of Georgia uses something called ballot marking devices, BMDs for in-person voting. The machines print a piece of paper indicating the candidate the machine say the voter chose. 

That is supposed to be reassuring, but it's not really evidence of voter intent, is it? No, it's not. 

And according to a paper published in February by researchers at Princeton, Georgia Tech and Berkeley, ballot marking devices are not secure. Quote, "BMDs are also subject to hacking, bugs and misconfiguration of the software that prints the marked ballots. Most voters do not review BMD printed ballots, and those who do often fail to notice when the printed vote is not what they expressed on the touchscreen. There is no action a voter can take to demonstrate to election officials that have BMD altered their expressed votes," end quote.  

So there's no way to check, and there's nothing you can do about it. Now, that's not good. Who thought this up? It requires a level of faith that we no longer have in the United States in our system and we need to change that.  

By the way, it is not unique to Georgia, and it's not unique to Dominion. 

Philadelphia County, for example, doesn't use Dominion. That county uses Election Systems and Software's ExpressVote XL.  

According to a report in Bloomberg News, ExpressVote XL caused chaos in polling stations last year, quote, "In one case, it turned out a candidate that the XL showed getting just 15 votes had won by a thousand. Neither North Hampton nor the vendor knew what went wrong."  

So how did that happen? Well, it was the software.  

The software in question was so unreliable that a Berkeley Professor called Philippe Starck told Bloomberg bluntly that quote, "There's no reason to believe that the paper trail generated by the XL accurately reflects voters' selections." That's still true. It will remain true no matter how many 32-year-old news reporters pop up on your screen and demand you stop worrying about it because everything is fine and the experts say it's all foolproof and impossible to hack. 

At best, they've got no idea what they're talking about and at worst, they are lying. Either way, this is a real problem, no matter who the President is because increasingly, Americans don't trust technology. And why would they? They've seen Google at work. 

They know how easily technology can abet corruption and they know how often it is -- which is a lot -- every day. The people who thought about this most -- election integrity -- believe that hand marked paper ballots are the safest way to vote and inspire the most confidence which is key for the system to work.  

Democrats like Ron Wyden to his credit, have argued for paper ballots for years and maybe we ought to listen. We need to do something. Something needs to change and soon. No democracy can survive many more elections like this one.  

President Obama thinks he has got a solution to declining confidence in our systems. Get Big Tech to control the news media. Woo. That's not totalitarian or anything. Settle down, Barack Obama.  

Candace Owens is here to assess that. Also, we've been asked a lot recently about this shows future on this channel and we will tell you what it is, coming up.  


CARLSON:  Before we get to the next segment, a quick note about this show. 

Over the weekend, we got a lot of calls asking if we're leaving FOX News. 

Ironically, at that very moment, we were working on a project to expand the amount of reporting and analysis we do in this hour across other parts of the company.  

The show is not going anywhere, it's getting bigger. The people who run FOX News want more of it, not less and we are grateful for that. We'll have specific soon.  

But as always, thank you for your trust in us. We'll do our best to be worthy of it.  

So it's not often the rest of us get to hear from Barack Obama. He doesn't like talking about himself. If there's one thing in fact that Barack Obama hates more than wedding parties in Yemen, it is being the center of attention. "It's not about me," he often says. He says that in his second autobiography.  

But just this weekend, Barack Obama finally broke his silence, and here is what we learned.  


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  A new President can set a new tone. That's not going to solve all the gridlock in Washington. I think we're going to have to work with the media and with the tech companies to find ways to inform the public better about the issues and to bolster the standards that in short, we can separate truth from fiction.  


CARLSON:  Never have scarier things been said in a more soothing tone. 

We're going to have to work with tech and the media to make sure that our message is heard. So, the problem isn't censorship says Barack Obama, supposedly a constitutional lawyer. The problem is there isn't enough censorship.  

What do you think is coming next exactly?  

Candace Owens is the author of "Blackout: How Black America can make its Second Escape from the Democratic Plantation." We're happy to have her on.  

Candace, thanks so much for coming on. So -- and like everything Obama says, if you don't listen carefully, it sounds reasonable, because Obama's voice always sounds reasonable, no matter what he is saying. But let's take a close look at what he just said, we need to get tech involved with the media to make sure that this information is squelched. What can we take from them?  

CANDACE OWENS, AUTHOR, "BLACKOUT":  He is the king of the euphemism. He can make anything sound so good, right? In form, it sounds so much better than what we're looking to do, it is to expand censorship, which is already problematic in this country.  

CARLSON:  Exactly.  

OWENS:  Here's what a corrupt government needs to be successful and we have seen this all over the world, right? They need propaganda and they need censorship, right? I think the left has really gotten the propaganda arm down, and we just spoke to the fact that people are asking you to leave FOX News when you're trusted.  

It's great that your voice is trusted, but so many other media sources are not trusted. We've seen the fall of media over these last four years in their corruption in presenting what exactly is going on with Donald J. 

Trump and why so many Americans support him, right?  

Now, we are seeing them saying we need more censorship. Tucker, I'm in the middle of suing the Facebook fact checkers, not because they've been saying Candace is not telling us facts so we need to censor her, because they're now starting to fact check opinions. Opinions are not allowed anymore.  

So if I go online right now on Facebook, and I say, in my opinion, Tucker Carlson has the best show on TV. They can censor that. If Facebook does not like you, they can put a post on that and they can say fact checkers have reviewed this information and this is why they deem it to be untrue.  

I decided that I was going to go after them legally when they've censored me sharing a doctor's perspective on COVID-19, a literal epidemiologist who wrote an article on his opinion on what is going on with COVID-19 got censored and then what happened? My page got demonetized. What's the next step? My page gets banned.  

They are allowed to start censoring voices that dissent away from what they believe needs to be the mainstream opinion and that is dangerous in a free society, in fact, society cannot be free when that exists.  

CARLSON:  Yes, I'm sad to say this, I don't think we're a free society anymore. We need to fight to make it free for real.  

Candace Owens, I appreciate your analysis. I think you're absolutely right.  

And as if you need more evidence that it's right, book burning is back. No exaggeration. Major corporations, even the ACLU are endorsing it. We will talk to the author of one book they absolutely do not want you to read. 

That's next.  


CARLSON:  Here's something you probably never read a story about, but at the same time something that has changed this country in a very basic way.  

In the last decade, there has been a huge spike in transgender identification among teenage girls. What is this about exactly?  

Well, one author, a journalist called Abigail Shrier wanted to know, so she wrote a book about what may be causing the increase in identification. The response tells you everything.  

Target immediately stopped selling the book after an anonymous Twitter user complained it was quote, "transphobic." Target itself tweeted this quote, "We have removed this book from our assortment." Then a professor at UC Berkeley called Grace Lavery celebrated that decision. Lavery wrote, quote, "I encourage followers to steal Abigail Shrier's book and burn it on a pyre."  

Okay, well, that's lunacy.  

But here's how the ACLU responded. An attorney there wrote this, quote, "Stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is a hundred percent a hill I will die on." Now, after much public outcry, Target reversed its decision to ban the book. But this kind of censorship is happening everywhere now, particularly on this topic. And the question is, why is that?  

Abigail Shrier is the author of the book, "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters." We're happy to have her on tonight. Abigail, thanks so much for being on the show.  


CARLSON:  So let me ask you a meta question first. Why do you think the censorship of your book has been so aggressive and so unapologetic just out in the open? What is that?  

SHRIER:  You know, woke activists have taken the position that we are never allowed to question anyone's transition, no matter their age, the circumstance or the incredible lack of adequate medical oversight.  

I fully support medical transition for mature adults. My book specifically looked at a sudden and alarming spike among teenage girls and I took a hard look at why.  

CARLSON:  And I want to ask you why, but could it -- why this topic? I mean, my sense is maybe it's the least defensible positions that people feel they have to defend the most aggressively. But maybe there's another reason.  

SHRIER:  I think they get the sense that if anyone's transition is ever questioned, that they will not be able to, you know, issue demands for whatever treatment they want. Right now, you have individuals who claim to be gender dysphoric, that is have severe discomfort in their biological sex. 

They are self-diagnosing and doctors are just told to rubber stamp this. 

And, you know, look, for these teenage girls, a lot of them really don't have gender dysphoria, so they're unlikely to be helped by medical transition.  

CARLSON:  Well, it sounds like they're likely to be hurt by it. Why this -- give us a sense of the scale of the change in identifications of gender dysphoria, and the reason for it.  

SHRIER:  Sure. So it used to afflict roughly 0.01 percent of the total population. So that's one in 10,000 people, and it was always overwhelmingly male. I think roughly 0.003 percent of female, so one in

30,000 females were afflicted by it. And they always had started in childhood. They always started with childhood gender dysphoria.  

Today, we're seeing a spike in in teenage girls who claimed to have this and they have no childhood history at all. So we know that this is very strange. And we're now seeing two percent of high school students, most of whom are teenage girls claiming to be transgender.  

So we know this is a very, very large spike that doesn't seem to make sense. And even stranger, it is clustered in friend groups. Teenage girls are coming out with their friends. So, we know this is socially driven.  

CARLSON:  Are some of the medical responses to this -- I mean, what do they include? So you go to the doctor, you say my 14-year-old has gender dysphoria. What is the physician likely to do next?  

SHRIER:  Well, you know, the age of medical consent varies by state. In Oregon, it is 15. So a 15-year-old without her parent's permission, and without so much as a therapist note can walk into a gender clinic and walk out that day with a course of testosterone.  

CARLSON:  Seriously?  

SHRIER:  Seriously.  

CARLSON:  What are the long term effects of that on teenagers? 

SHRIER:  Well, it puts fertility at risk, a very serious risk. After five years, doctors usually recommend a prophylactic hysterectomy. It of course permanently changes your voice, your facial features. You can end up with a permanent five o'clock shadow and it alters private anatomy as well. 

CARLSON:  So many cowards have stood by and let this happen, so many, and you are brave. Abigail Shrier, I really appreciate your coming on tonight. 

Thank you.  

SHRIER:  Thank you.  

CARLSON:  Well, Trump supporters came to Washington on Sunday. They peacefully assembled, and the party of unity arrived. We think you know what happened next? We've got tape.  


CARLSON:  Over the weekend, thousands of Trump supporters gathered in the Nation's Capital to show support for the man they voted for. They didn't burn Wendy's. They didn't loot the Nike store. But then the party of unity showed up and here's what happened.  


CARLSON:  Drew Hernandez of the "Tatum Report" took some of the video you just saw. He joins us tonight. Drew, thanks for coming on. What did you see?  

DREW HERNANDEZ, "TATUM REPORT":  Thank you for having me, Tucker. Yes, so obviously hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters showed up in D.C. 

Freedom Plaza to support the President because 73 million Americans know that this election is a fraud. But it eventually led to the Supreme Court and when the Trump supporters got to the Supreme Court, the convoy was there of Antifa and Black Lives Matter to resist the Trump supporters.  

But once the event was over at the Supreme Court, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, actually, rendezvoused back at BLM Plaza, and when Trump supporters were walking back to their hotels, this is when you started to see the violence.  

Antifa and Black Lives Matter started attacking elderly Trump supporters, family Trump supporters, even some children, some teenagers, women, black people, white people, all people of color that are just simply Trump supporters were getting physically assaulted walking back to the hotels by Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  

You can see all the footage on my Twitter @LivesMattersShow. One of the videos you can actually see, an Antifa militant that is masquerading as a medic that is physically assaulting a woman. You could hear her screaming and crying, fearing for her life, but it is interesting because they masquerade as heroes of the community, but they're actually villains of the community.  

CARLSON:  That's right. Not only violent, but dishonorable. Drew, thanks for coming on tonight. Glad you're back.  

We will be back tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. But in the meantime, the Great Sean Hannity from New York. 

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