Trump slams 'meek' Trudeau for 'dishonest' news conference

This is a rush transcript from "Justice with Judge Jeanine," June 9, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, HOST: Breaking tonight, President Trump just hours away from landing in Singapore for his historic summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un.

Hello and welcome to "Justice." I am Jeanine Pirro. Thanks for being with us tonight and thank you again for making "Justice" number one again last week.

The summit that could change the course of history is just days away. Tonight, we are talking about it with White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley, Congressman Darrell Issa and Governor Mike Huckabee and more.

But first, my opening statement. As our President is primed to do what no other president has ever come close to doing in the history of this country with North Korea, there are many in the mainstream media cable news networks and left-wing liberals who are rooting for him to fail.

When it comes to Donald Trump, hate is their daily fare. They hate him so much, they want him to fail. Peace be damned. The success doesn't matter nor does whether they benefit from it. If he doesn't get credit for being one of the smartest, most clever and successful negotiator Presidents of all time, then we will know for sure what it's about and who they are.

They are not just haters, and this is about more than just politics. They are rooting for America's failure, and that is un-American. Take a look at how they reacted a few weeks ago when the President sent a letter to North Korean dictator canceling the proposed June 12 Summit in Singapore.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST, "HARDBALL": We are trapped in a one-man national security policy from hell. He blind sides his allies, he doesn't consult with Congress. As far as we know, he didn't consult with his own National Security Council. He dictates this bizarre actually, embarrassing letter.

RACHEL MADDOW, HOST, "THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW": It has always been a little hard to believe that Donald Trump was going to become the first US President ever to meet a dictator of North Korea. The effort to bring that meeting about has been chaotic and disorganized and sometimes, nonsensical from the start.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, HOST, "THE LAST WORD": Big surprise, the impossible dream turned out to be an impossible dream. President Trump canceled the June 12th Summit meeting with North Korea because according to NBC News, he was afraid that North Koreans would cancel the summit, so he wanted to beat them to it.


PIRRO: Beat them to it. Really? We finally have a president who has the chutzpah to tell this dictator to buzz off, no pun on his haircut. We get three American hostages back, the president hasn't lifted any sanctions, and is prepared to impose new debilitating economic sanctions pending the outcome of the summit.

Compare this to our last failure of a president who sent love letters to the Ayatollah begging Iran to come back, and then paid them off with tons of cash and euros on palettes in unmarked planes.

And how does dictator Kim Jong-un react to the strength the president showed by pulling out of the summit? It he crawls back in front of the world and asks for the summit to be back on.

Our President sis on schedule to forge a relationship with North Korea in Singapore that will cause Pyongyang to dismantle its nuclear weapons. The ones that have been building up ever since the Bill Clinton days when he wanted to give Kim Jong-un wads of cash, and as he beat chest parading around ICBMS when Obama was president, we did nothing -- well, nothing that mattered anyway.

The Dems have been crying about nukes forever and as this President openly negotiates for the safety and security of this nation, and enhances our military strength, destroys ISIS, they still complain. They literally don't want to see him fix this.

Take a look at this from The Economist. The headline, this is the cover, "America's Foreign Policy, the wrecking ball the president is swinging on is the planet earth, and Senator Chuck Schumer tweets this, "With ICBMS and nuclear warheads in the hands of North Korea, this situation is far too dangerous for seat of the pants negotiating."

You know, Chuck, not for nothing, but it was party that screwed this up to begin with. You have no idea how much advanced work has been done. You're too busy criticizing the President or crying about people you don't even care or know.

You simply can't comprehend the genius of Donald Trump, unless of course, you were looking for a campaign contribution, but that was back then. You can't comprehend Mike Pompeo. Our President has no fear.

And according to Prime Minister Abe of Japan who said it best, "A major step forward is about to be taken. President Trump, you are about to make a new history, not only Japan, but the whole international community is strongly looking forward for the United States-North Korea Summit to open doors toward peace and stability of the Northeast Asia."

There was a time when liberals were known as people who are all inclusive, they were generous souls fighting for the common man to assure his success and safety, but now they are not interested in success. No, they are are just angry. In fact, they are furious.

We have a President who steamrolls the economy to historic heights. Consumer confidence at an 18-year high. A stock market hitting record highs. Tax cuts for everyone. And unemployment is not just down, there are actually more jobs than there are people to fill them. Did you hear what I just said? More jobs available than there are people to fill them.

African-American unemployment is at its lowest in the history of this country. And then the same with Hispanics. Our businesses will be able to compete again as we get our mojo back on the world stage.

Take a look agent these pictures from the G-7. Our President is in middle of every photo. The man is center stage. World leaders are all over him. The questions are to him. He is dominating the G-7. America is back, folks. The truth, however, is a far cry from what stumbling Nancy said just a few weeks ago.


NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: But this takes preparation. This takes knowledge. This takes judgment. And clearly, it takes preparation which the president didn't make. It's clear he didn't know what he was getting into.


PIRRO: Sweetheart, as the president said himself, he has been preparing for this his whole life, and not prepared? You can't begin to comprehend the success and the benefits we will reap from the meeting that we have been waiting a lifetime for.

There was a time when America celebrated successes together. When we came out with our kids on the streets and parades, waving our flags and teaching our children the importance of patriotism. Donald Trump is bringing America back in front our eyes. And it's time for the un-American haters to get on board.

And that's my open. Tell me what you think on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram #judgejeanine.

And joining me now with reaction to my opening statement and all of the developing news tonight, deputy press secretary in the White House, Hogan Gidley. All right, Hogan, before we get to the North Korea summit. President Trump doing what he does best, causing a bit of disruption tonight with this tweet. It was sent after he left the G-7 Summit about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The president saying, "Prime Minister Justice Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our G-7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that US tariffs were kind of insulting and that he will not be pushed around. Very dishonest and weak. Our tariffs are in response to his 270% on dairy."

Trudeau then responded saying, "Canada won't be pushed around."

Hogan, what's going on here?

HOGAN GIDLEY, DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY IN THE White House: Obviously, I am in Washington, DC tonight, Judge. Thanks for having me on. I am not at the G-7. I wasn't in the meeting. But what do I know about this President is he's the same behind closed doors as he is out in front of the cameras talking to the American people.

And what he did in those meetings, I have talked to Larry Kudlow already this evening. He gave me a brief coming out of the summit, and he said, "Listen, the president was on fire in those meetings. He was tough. He was honest. He told the world community we were not going to be the world's piggy bank anymore. We weren't going to be taken advantage of anymore and that it was time to open up trade. It was time to be free. It was time to be fair." That is what the president was behind the scenes and now, you see when he comes out, he says the same thing in public.

This is where this president is because he wants to defend the American worker. They have been taking it in the teeth for decades. We are in this position now because of bureaucrats and beltway politicians who have allowed us to get here and he is going to fix it.

PIRRO: You know, Hogan, it reminds me of the NATO issue when you know, right to their faces, he said, "You guys aren't paying their fair share." And then, you know, it's that kind of tough love, you might call it, that gets them to pay up a bit. But you know, Hogan, I want to talk about North Korea and I want to talk about my open and what I was saying, am I wrong? Are there people on the left who are actually cheering for the President and rooting for him to fail?

GIDLEY: Well, you've tapped into something here, Judge. So, many people on the left hate this president more than they love this country. And it's obvious, because the things they have been crying about for decades, this president comes in and has had record-setting accomplishments in record- setting time fixing all the things they have been bemoaning for so long, and now all of a sudden, they don't want it to be fixed.

And instead, they would rather attack this president as opposed to the policy, him fixing the things that have made this country now back in the positive, in the red on the economy. That is respected and loved on the international stage. We weren't like that under Barack Obama. We are like that now because of this President.

PIRRO: Yes, but we didn't do that to Barack Obama when everything went to hell and hand basket. There was no employment. Everybody was fighting with everybody else in terms of some of the issues going on back then, but even more than that, it is like they are not worried about being hypocrites. They are beyond that. They don't even care about being un- American.

GIDLEY: They are just so blind by their hatred for Donald Trump personally. It doesn't matter that he's making people -- he is rising everybody in this country, 80% of the people, middle class getting tax cuts and him calling it crumbs. They are running on a platform of taking the tax cuts away, taking more of the American's money. It is incredible. They are literally apologizing for mMS-13 gang members whose motto is kill, rape and control. It's incredible.

PIRRO: One of the things I noticed today was Dennis Rodman said to all Americans and the rest of the world, "I am honored to call POTUS my friend. He's one of the best negotiators of all time." I don't have it in front of me, but I think I am reading it properly.

Now, you know he's going to get pushback from that. Here is Dennis Rodman who is a pal of Kim Jong-un, I am not even going to touch that one, but he's so proud of our President, he's signaling to Kim Jong-un, "Hey, this is a great thing, and all you Americans, you are not appreciating him either."

GIDLEY: Well, Dennis Rodman knows what's best, I will give him that because he was the best rebounder in the history of basketball, and he now knows the best negotiator on the planet, and that's Donald Trump. This guy is standing for the American people like no President in history, and like no politician who promised they would for decades. He's helping out the American people and that's what it's all about.

PIRRO: And you know why Hogan, I thought about this the other day, he's not beholden to anyone...

GIDLEY: No one.

PIRRO: It was one of the reasons that we put him in the Oval. He doesn't owe anybody anything. It's just for us, but I want to keep moving. This week, a lot of information came out, out of Texas regarding illegal immigrants and the crime numbers and it speaks to the sanctuary city issue. I had no idea the numbers were like this. Give the viewers an idea of what we are talking about.

GIDLEY: It is incredible, the president wants to show transparency and sunlight on just the problem we face in this country with illegal immigration. Barack Obama wanted no part of these numbers. The numbers came back from DOJ and DHS and just in Texas alone, there are more than a quarter of a million people booked in Texas jails and those quarter million people committed more than 683,000 instances of crimes -- 80,0000 drug charges, 80,000 assaults, 4,500 aggravated assaults, 1,500 murders, 7,000 sexual assaults -- we are not getting the best of the best from these other countries. We are getting the worst of the worst, and I will tell you this. The sad part is these crimes are 100% preventable. All you have to do is close the loopholes in the law and we don't have this crime rampant throughout this country. It is disgusting.

PIRRO: And you know what, there are politicians who want to make their state sanctuary states, sanctuary cities. They want to protect these people. I've got to do a show on this and these are the people that we are letting in and giving protection, like the 65-year-old woman who was raped by a guy who was deported 20 times.

GIDLEY: Right, you are talking about someone in the state of Oregon and that's Senator Merkley. He was out doing some political grand standing and he was deriding and lying to the American people about quite frankly, common ordinary practices of immigration law in this country and absolutely running down the DOJ and CBP, it's absolutely incredible what this man was doing. Absolutely.

PIRRO: It's crazy, but Hogan Gidley, we are going to have you back to talk about it. Thanks so much for being with us tonight.

GIDLEY: Sure. Thanks so much.

PIRRO: And Governor Mike Huckabee still on deck tonight. Plus, what can the president get out of Tuesday's summit? Congressman Darrell Issa is standing by live to talk about it, more "Justice" in a moment, including a special treat.

So, here I am in Manhattan with my favorite cab and my favorite cabbie and I am going around trying to figure out if the president is going to be able to get little rocket man to give up his rockets. Stay tuned.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It is unknown territory in a truer sense, but I really feel confident. I feel that Kim Jong-un wants to do something great for his people, and he has that opportunity. And he won't have that opportunity again.


PIRRO: We are on the brink of history tonight as President Trump heads to Singapore for the summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un.

Joining me now with reaction, Congressman Darrell Issa, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Judiciary Committees. All right, good evening, Congressman. Thanks so much for being here.


PIRRO: So as I said, we are on the brink of a very historic summit. You have been in Congress for many, many years. A lot of people have talked about North Korea, and yet for the first time, we have a President who is actually going to meet the dictator of North Korea.

ISSA: Well, he's not only going to meet the dictator, but he's meeting him on his terms, in a place of the President's choosing, after the harshest sanctions ever. One that actually began to strangle the economic underpinnings of the regime and after 67 years, the president is saying, "We are not going to put up with a status quo. You either make a deal or we're going to strangle you." And that's a deal that this dictator, if you will, has to take.

PIRRO: Why couldn't other presidents have said that? What was so difficult about it?

ISSA: You know, one of the challenges that other presidents face that President Trump doesn't is they want to be seen in history somehow as not making mistakes. President Trump is more than willing to break a few eggs to make an omelet. In this case, he was willing to demand that they actually strangle the economy of North Korea, not give them subsidies the way President Clinton did, and the reason simply is it only takes common sense, and the President has a great deal of common sense to know that everything we've tried for 67 years doesn't work, so let's try what we haven't tried.

PIRRO: You know, and it is amazing, I mean, he is a man literally who has no fear. I mean, I am convinced he would walk in a den of lions and come out the winner, but anyway, let's talk about this -- the report that's coming out from the Inspector General this week, and the indications are that Comey is going to be called insubordinate. I mean, big deal, that means nothing in terms of, I think some of the wrongs that are clear to anyone who has an understanding of the law. What say you?

ISSA: Well, what I would say is that it is going to in my opinion justify and then some the firing of this person who made decisions that he could do what he wanted to do and not just in the case of the actions with this President, but even beforehand.

Time and time again, Comey from day one assumed that he could do whatever he wanted. You might remember he subpoenaed -- tried to force Apple to actually give up their source code and write a program so they could spy on America and he claimed under oath before a committee that there was no way to work around it, and a matter of week later for a few hundred dollars, a professor said, "Oh no, here is how you work around it."

PIRRO: You know, what is with the guy? Is he incapable of telling the truth? I mean, you know, the whole idea about you know, I had to reopen the Hillary case because you know, it was the right thing to do, baloney. NYPD and the field office of the FBI was going to out him because the sex (inaudible) there Anthony Weiner had classified e-mails on his computer.

ISSA: Well, you know, this is an example where somebody gets to the top and then they decide that they don't have to play by the rules that were written for others, and by the way, you saw it under Comey, it went all the way down to a whole host of other people at the Department of Justice and obviously at the FBI. This is what the president is facing is on one hand, he has got this accusers, if you will, with a false assumption to begin with.

And on the other hand, what he has is he has a Justice Department that need reform. It needed to go the exact opposite way it went under both Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

PIRRO: Okay, it doesn't need reform, Congressman. It needs people who will enforce the law. Now, let me ask you this, you have got McCabe saying, "I am not going to testify before senate judiciary unless you give me immunity." I imagine it's used immunity because he doesn't want to be indicted because they are looking at him. Let's assume McCabe is going after Trump. I mean, what are you going to give me? When I was a DA, you only got immunity -- give me something, otherwise, take a hike.

Now, assuming he's got something against Comey, what if he has something against Obama who was in the Department of Justice to go after it?

ISSA: Well, this is exactly the problem we have is that you need to proffer your term, that you're going to know what you're going to get before you're offered immunity. You know, with Lois Lerner, she wanted immunity, but all she would tell us was she is innocent.

If he has something to really deliver, I certainly believe it should be considered. Oddly enough though, in order to give immunity, the Senate has to go to and give notice to the Department of Justice and tell them what it's about. So that may be a little more ticklish that you can think of.

PIRRO: Right, right, and you know what the scary part of it is, if he does get the immunity and the proffer is one that not only you know implicates someone above him, but someone two levels above him, who is going to prosecute the case? There is no one. You have got Rod Rosenstein who is as far as I am concerned, he should not have that job. He should not be in that position. This is all messed up.

ISSA: Judge, the American people prosecuted the last administration in the election of President Trump, and quite candidly, if the American people have the truth, they will find the last administration and the Democrats guilty again and to be honest, the ballot box is the best way to get the kind of conviction that changes America.

PIRRO: Yes, I have to agree with you, Congressman Darrell Issa. Thanks so much for being with us tonight.

ISSA: Thank you, Judge.

PIRRO: And Mike Huckabee is coming up, plus, I hail a cab "Street Justice." And next who needs Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, we've got Dan Bongino and Chris Hahn. Can I broker a peace deal between these two guys? The panel is next.

Live from the "America's News Headquarters," I am Anita Vogel. President Trump tweeting that the US will not endorse the new joint statement by the group of seven nations after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called US tariffs insulting.

Trudeau made the comments after the President had left this weekend's G-7 summit for Singapore.

The president also slamming the Canadian leader as "Very dishonest and weak."

An American special operations soldier has been killed and four wounded during a counter terror operation in Somalia, the Al-Qaeda linked group, Al-Shabaab claiming responsibility.

President Trump tweeting, "My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the serviceman who was killed and his fellow servicemen who were wounded in Somalia. They are truly all heroes." I am Anita Vogel in Los Angeles, now let's get you back to, "Justice with Judge Jeanine."

PIRRO: You all heard my opening statement, the liberal media rooting for America to fail and to continue with that theme, it doesn't get much more un-American than this.


BILL MAHER, HOST, "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER": I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I am hoping for it. Because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please bring on the recession. Sorry if that hurts people, but it's root for a recession or you lose your democracy.


PIRRO: Let's ask my panel their reaction to that and so much more, joining me now, NRA TV contributor, former Secret Service agent, Dan Bongino and former aide to Chuck Schumer, radio talk show host Chris Hahn. All right, you know what? It is amazing, bring on the recession, Chris. What's that about?

CHRIS HAHN, FORMER AIDE TO CHUCK SCHUMER: Oh, I don't agree with that. I am not rooting for him to fail in North Korea. I hope he gets along better with Kim Jong-un than he did with Justin Trudeau this week, but look, I would like to see some successes out of that summit. I think whole world would like to see some successes out of that summit. I don't think it is going to take a recession to defeat Donald Trump in two years. But let's hope that we continue with the good economy so people could prosper.

PIRRO: Well, let me ask you this, Dan, you know, if the President does do well in Singapore, and I think even he said that there will be several additional meetings. But right now, Kim Jong-un has given us three hostages, he agreed to denuclearize. He is actually meeting, and we have got Abe singing the praises of President Trump. Will the Democrats or the left, forget the Democrats, the leftist, will they give the President credit for something no other President has been able to do?

DAN BONGINO, FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT: No, not at all, Judge. And you know, I am glad you made the distinction because it isn't all Democrats. There are some sane Democrats left. Look, the radical left though has lost their minds.

You know, Judge, this has been the gift of Donald Trump. He's got the radical left showing America who they really are. So far, Judge, we know the radical left is on the side of North Korea, MS-13, Hamas, Nancy Pelosi is now cheering high unemployment the other day and we've got Bill Maher cheering for a recession.

This is who the radical left always was, it took Donald Trump for them to show their looks to everyone. This is who they are.

PIRRO: Go, ahead Chris.

HAHN: Dan, I think we both know that Bill Maher was basically pointing out that the economy determines presidential elections. It might not determine a mid-term election, it sure didn't for Obama, the economy had turned by the time mid-terms came, but it does determine presidential elections.

So, he was just expressing that in a very comical way. I don't route for a bad economy. I mean, I will give the president credit. Hold on, Dan, I will give the president credit, if he does do well in North Korea this week, and I think the whole world will if these guys do well and it is better than the Iran deal.

PIRRO: Baloney, you want this -- go ahead, Dan.

BONGINO: Chris, that's not funny though. I am sorry, like that's not a joke. Chris, listen, let's just be candid this. There are Americans in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan that voted for Donald Trump for the first time. They voted for Donald Trump because finally, there is a collective identity he is celebrating. You know what that collective identity was? America is going to win.

Now, we've got people on the other side, Bill Maher, with a significant platform. He is not a small timer here. On HBO, clamoring for a recession? And we think that's funny. Chris, there is no caveats there, I am sorry.

PIRRO: Well, all right. Guys.

HAHN: America has been winning since 2009. The economy has been growing since 2009. This is not Donald Trump's economy.

BONGINO: No, no. Chris, you don't know -- listen, I am sorry, that is not true. Barack Obama has presided over the worst recovery from a recession in modern American history. Those are statistical facts, dispute the (inaudible)...


HAHN: That's just not true. No, that is statistically not true.

BONGINO: Chris, you don't...

HANH: In fact, the stock market average under Obama consider...

BONGINO: GDP growth...


HAHN: I am talking about the stock market.

PIRRO: GDP -- look, you know, let's listen to Nancy Pelosi what she has to say.


NANCY PELOSI, MINORITY FLOOR LEADER: Hip-hip hooray, unemployment is down. What does that mean to me in my life? I need a bigger paycheck.


PIRRO: What's with this woman and crumbs and hip-hip hooray. She doesn't want people to get a tax cut. She doesn't want people to get jobs. What is wrong with them, Chris?

HAHN: Well, unemployment was 4.5% when this President took office or maybe 4.8%, let's see where it is when he finishes. Okay, it is definitely down and we will give him some credit for that.

PIRRO: There are more jobs than there are people to fill them.


HAHN: And he has promised paychecks going up.

PIRRO: Go ahead, Dan.

BONGINO: Chris...

HAHN: I agree.

BONGINO: Again, you're saying things that are not true. By the way, I am not going to let you go -- Barack Obama has presided over the worst economy from a recession.

HAHN: That's not true.

BONGINO: In American history...


PIRRO: It is true.

BONGINO: And secondly -- it is true. They measure it on GDP growth, not the stock market. Here is another point on this, too, where are the Democrats going to go, Judge? And Chris, they have nowhere to go with this. They can't celebrate the economy because not one of them voted for the tax cuts that led to this vibrant growth with the regulatory reform.

PIRRO: That's going to burn them.

BONGINO: And secondly...


HAHN: The economy was growing before Trump took office.

BONGINO: Chris, the economy has grown throughout American history, it's on-- we measure things by the margin, not grow or not. We measure it by how much...


HAHN: He had two quarters of above 2.5%. Let's see how he does in the long turn.

BONGINO: Wait, wait. Time out. Judge, wait, Chris, let me ask you a quick question, what was the growth rate Barack Obama handed Donald Trump. You know everything, tell me, what was it?

HAHN: The fourth quarter of 2016 was 2.75%.

BONGINO: You don't know the numbers.


HAHN: Hold on a minute, I do know my numbers. The average was 1.9% the last year.


PIRRO: All right, cut, cut. All right, guys, let me ask you this. Chris, I will start with you. Is the President prepared? Nancy Pelosi says he's not prepared to meet with Kim Jong-un, and who is the other one who said Kim Jong-un is going to outsmart him. So, Chris, is Trump prepared?

HAHN: Well, I don't know that Kim Jong-un is going to outsmart him. But I doubt he's prepared. I mean, the president does not prepare. He's an improv comic. He goes out there and reacts to what is in front of him, and that is what he will do in this summit.

BONGINO: This is -- well, coming from Democrats, Judge, did Barack Obama prepare when he got up there? And he set the Syrian red line which they crossed? Did he prepare when he told us that the Russians had removed the chemical weapons in Syria.


HAHN: (Inaudible) to go over it.

BONGINO: Nothing to worry about. There was a whole lot of preparation on that, too.

HAHN: The fact that the Congress has a check on the president.

BONGINO: Donald Trump has been a welcome change from the pathetic grotesque eight-year foreign policy of retreat from Barack Obama.

PIRRO: All right, guys, I have got to wrap. But Dan Bongino and Chris Hahn. Chris, I want to ask you one question. If the president succeeds, Democrats are going to lose 2018, aren't they?

BONGINO: No. He's not going to win Congress in 2018 under any circumstance. I wish him well there, but he has no chance of holding Congress.

PIRRO: Dan Bongino, Chris Hahn, thanks so much guys. And which CNN talking head got me most fired up this week? Governor Mike Huckabee is next with the most outrageous statements of the week, don't miss this.

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin says that President Trump's pardon of black people are just great theater and suggesting the President still wants to fight with black people, take a look at this.


JEFFREY TOOBIN, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: By fighting with the NFL players, by fighting with the UCLA basketball players, by his comments in Charlottesville, President Trump gets to fight with black people, which he thinks is a great advantage politically. This is not an olive branch. This is more opportunity to define himself.


PIRRO: Here with reaction to this and more outrageous stories of the week, former Arkansas Governor and Fox News contributor, host of "Huckabee," Saturday and Sunday on TBN, Mike Huckabee. Good evening, Governor and what say you about Jeffrey Toobin saying that the President just wants to fight with black people.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS: Well, Judge, I didn't realize Jeffrey Toobin was African-American. I guess, he is -- but he is identifying now as an African-American so that he can be the spokesman for the African-American people in America. Even the ones who supported Donald Trump, and an increasing number of them are.

When he makes this comment about the pardons being theater, let me tell you something, that was one heck of a show for Alice Johnson and her family. It wasn't just theater to them, it was a family reunion, and they are glad that the President had the guts to right in the middle of his term, not the last 15 minutes when he was in the White House, but in the middle of his term, see something that was an injustice and to correct it and to do it in a very public way.

I thought it was terrific. I am sorry Jeff Toobin can't find some pleasure in letting a great grandmother get off of a life without parole sentence for a non-violent first offense.

PIRRO: First offense, and that is the key, and you know, what's interesting as you say is more African-Americans are coming on board. I was just saying, Dennis Rodman who was tweeting about how the President is a great friend of his and so is Kim Jong-un, and the President is going to go over there and cut a deal. You know, Kanye West, all of that stuff, the rapper chance, so maybe the push back isn't going to be as bad as it was, but let's keep moving on this thing.

I am going to pull up a cover of Time envisions the president in a crown and a robe, you see it there on the right side of the screen. And it says, "King me." What's your reaction to that?

HUCKABEE: Time has become so irrelevant they ought to rename the magazine timed out. They no longer really are even making good sense. What was it supposed to mean, anyway? That Donald Trump is a strong leader and they can't handle that? He's about to go into a historic summit meeting with a North Korean leader of the hermit kingdom who begged to get that meeting back on the agenda after the president said, "No, I don't think we are going have it."

I think it's incredibly significant that the president just walked out of G-7 basically telling them go where the good people don't, and said to them, "Hey, we are not going to be chumps anymore."

A lot of Americans are cheering for an American president who puts our country first.

PIRRO: But think of it, Governor, why wouldn't they cheer for a man who is fighting for us? It's like what I said earlier, he's not beholding to anyone but us, and they don't appreciate it.

HUCKABEE: I think that was the most of important point you made earlier in the show was that he is not a person who comes with so many hooks in him from all of the donor class, and it's one of the reasons that some people can't stand him, because they can't control him. They can't call him up and say, "Now, Mr. President, remember how much money that we raised for you, if you don't come through..." he just basically says, "No, you didn't get me here. A lot of ordinary people did and I am beholden to no one."

PIRRO: All right, let's go to the third one here, there is an MSNBC host, I want you to hear what she has to say.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let me ask you, I mean, you know more about the Trump women and the Trump family than anyone. What do they do on a day like today? Are they the most of stoic human beings? Are they numb? Are they dead inside? Do they pay it off? I mean, what's their deal?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, yes and yes. I think -- they do not see President Trump the way that all of us see President Trump. They have such a distorted image of who he is. They don't have the kind of reaction that we do. It's almost some sort of trick...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But their mothers know. I mean, what kind of -- I mean, and they seem to be raising nice kids. I mean, how do they wall it off?


PIRRO: Dead inside, paid off. What happened to these people? What is wrong with them?

HUCKABEE: Well, the peacock network has become the turkey network. I think they need to need to rename it BS-NBC, and I just don't even know what happened to Nicole Wallace, they must have done a liberal lobotomy on her because I have never seen anybody have such a personality change and be insulting kind of condescending to say that Ivanka and Melania and all the women of the White House, which I guess, would include my daughter are somehow dead inside.

PIRRO: I was just going to say your daughter is certainly not dead inside-- Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

HUCKABEE: No, she certainly is not, but neither is Ivanka and neither is Melania who is an extraordinary classy lady. I think they are just jealous that there are people who don't agree with their liberal nonsense. You know, you can be a woman in America as long as you are liberal, but god help you, if you might be a conservative because that just doesn't work with these people.

PIRRO: Governor Mike Huckabee, thank you so much for being with us this evening.

And a very different "Street Justice" is coming up next.

PIRRO: Time for "Street Justice." And this week, I decided to hail a cab. I will ask my cab driver -my favorite cab driver, Edward. Is the President going to be able to get Kim Jong-un, rocket man to give up his rockets?


PIRRO: Definitely, why do so many people have a question about it?

EDWARD: Because they don't trust Trump. They don't appreciate what he's doing.

PIRRO: The president is going to Singapore. Who is going to get the better end of the deal, Kim Jong-un or Donald Trump?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only time will tell, Judge.

PIRRO: Baloney. So, yes, just that's the cabbie, all right, we pay to you drive. Who is going to win?

PIRRO: Donald Trump. Thank you, they said, Donald Trump. Get in the cab. Whoa, stop, come back here. Donald Trump is on his way to Singapore. Is he going to get rocket man to give up his rockets?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's Trump, he won't give him too much.

PIRRO: He is going up his rockets?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He probably should.

PIRRO: Of course he should, but will he?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not to Trump. I don't think he is the best negotiator.

PIRRO: You think that Obama was going to get him to give up his rockets?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would give them to Obama.

PIRRO: Yes, well, it didn't work? Do you think he will be able to get rocket man to give up his rockets?


PIRRO: What does this guy want? I think he just wants to come to New York.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maybe, or Mar-a-Lago.

PIRRO: Yes, you think Mar-a-Lago is enough of an incentive? Why is he willing to say he'll denuclearize and he released three Americans for nothing?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think he's going to really go through with it?

PIRRO: I am asking you.


PIRRO: You don't?


PIRRO: You want him to?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It would be nice, but we can't going into it being nonchalant thinking it is really going happen.

PIRRO: You think so?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I think he is.

PIRRO: Why do you think he is going to do it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it's about time they realized they need to change that. And I think the world is getting on him a little bit, so I think it is time if he wants some change, but he is going to want something in return for that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean, who will give up their rockets?

PIRRO: Yes. Do you think he will get rocket man, Kim Jong-un to give up his rockets?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are rooting for him.

PIRRO: Okay, so what does he have to do to get him to give up his rockets?


PIRRO: Stay strong. You think he will have any trouble staying strong?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he has got a plan and I think he can go out there and do it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, we are rooting for him and praying for him.

PIRRO: You think he is going to be able to get Kim Jong-un to give up his rockets when he goes to Singapore?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If anybody can do it, he can.

PIRRO: Do you think he can get Kim Jong-un, rocket man, to give up his rockets?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because Trump is...

PIRRO: All right, and if Donald Trump were in this cab, what would you say to him now?

EDWARD: I would just flip out. I wouldn't know what to say. That would be my dream come true.

PIRRO: Edward, you have been talking nonstop. What do you mean you wouldn't know what to say.

EDWARD: Because I adore him. He is going to be the second Ronald Reagan coming.

PIRRO: Just finished "Street Justice" cab version New York City, Edward, how do you think we did?

EDWARD: I think we did excellent.

PIRRO: Sayonara, New York cab style.

EDWARD: Make America great again. Let's go, guys.

PIRRO: We'll be right back.

Finally, if you like my opens, you're going to love my new book, "Liars, Leakers and Liberals: The Case against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy," it comes out in July, but you can preorder it now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I am Jeanine Pirro, advocating for truth, justice and the American way. Greg Gutfeld is next. See you next Saturday night.


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