Trump doubles down on promise to bring jobs back to America

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 9, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: If you only knew what comes on right before the camera comes up. Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juab Williams, Melissa Francis and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

Well, we have some breaking news on the Trump transition. Rudy Giuliani is out of consideration for an administration position. We're going to hear from the former mayor in a few minutes. But first, this news comes on a very busy day for president-elect Trump.

Mr. Trump starting off his morning with a face to face meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan at Trump Tower followed by a Get-Out-the-Vote event in Baton Rouge, and now Mr. Trump is headed to Grand Rapids, Michigan, for the next step on his thank you tour kicking off in about a couple hours from now. One common theme in the president-elect speeches, his plan to bring jobs back to America. He doubled down on his promise during a speech in Louisiana this afternoon. Take a listen.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT-ELECT: It's time to get help for the American people. We're going to get them into the labor market and they're going to do a great job and they're going to make good money. We're going to rebuild our country with American hands by American workers.

My administration will follow two simple rules. Buy American and hire American. OK? We have so many companies right now -- I think probably if I would have said a couple of months ago we have so many companies negotiating to leave, I don't think they're negotiating so fast right now.


BOLLING: All right KG, He promised to make America great again by bringing jobs back to America and keeping American jobs in America. Seems to be keeping his promise.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yes, I love it, and also a perfect location and venue to make this kind of speech to connect with the people, the forgotten men and women, the working class people that wanted someone to hear them and put them back to work and put money in their pockets and food on their table.

American cars made by American hands on the streets across this country. I think it's fantastic. This is why people joined his movement and carried him into the White House to try to get this done. And perfect timing as well, of course, with the lawsuits now being dropped for the recount here as well so, it's fantastic.

BOLLING: And also, there's an election tomorrow, that last senate seat is up for gaps tomorrow. Juan, early this morning, Andy Puzder was named or at least tapped to run the Labor Department. Guy has 75,000 people working for him. Seems to me a logical, wise choice to run labor.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: So, no problem with the ladies in bikinis selling hamburgers? You have no problem with this?

BOLLING: So you're talking about the "Carl's Jr."" commercials --

WILLIAMS: Yes, I see a lot of feminist --

BOLLING: It's one of the restaurants --

WILLIAMS: Yes, they're not happy. So, but the real argument is that this is a guy who at a time of populist anger about income inequality is opposed to raising the minimum wage, also opposed to the idea that more Americans should be made eligible to receive overtime pay and wants to do away with that Obama era regulation.

BOLLING: Can I just check you on that one.

WILLIAMS: Please, go ahead.

BOLLING: Andy Puzder supports president Trump. President-elect Trump's minimum wage raises that are "rational and do not destroy jobs or the businesses supporting them."

MELISSA FRANCIS, CO-HOST: Well, I think the difference is that he's a job creator not a job killer. And that he realizes that changing the federal minimum wage is putting a mandate on employers that doesn't necessarily make sense. I mean, saying that he isn't in favor of labor is like saying that a general doesn't love his troops.

I mean he's a guy that goes out there and expands business, builds it bigger. He understands what makes it tick. He is highly dependent on labor. I think he loves the guys that work for him and he's a great choice. He understands exactly how business works and how to expand it.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Are you talking about Andy Puzder? The guy that said that if he had his way he would automate his entire company because robots don't need health care, robots don't sue, robots don't do the slip and pay or whatever you call it?

GUILFOYLE: Slip and fall.

GUTFELD: Slip and fall -- you're the lawyer. I tried it on you and it never works.


GURFELD: He employs 75,000 people, but on the whole, he would rather employ none. And by the way, I think it's a great choice. I think Puzder is a smart guy. I think he is smart on minimum wage. I think he's smart on overtime, but he's also smart on the realities of automation.

FRANCIS: He wants to automate. I mean who doesn't? He loves automation, grat.

GUTFELD: That's my point. So, you're kind of talking out of both sides here.

FRANCIS: You're going to have no employees at all. No, I'm not. You have to have automation in a business. He wants to keep the employees that he has.

GUTFELD: You're pulling away though. It's fast food.

FRANCIS: It's productive. Yes, you can't stop time. I mean --

BOLLING: Yes, that's my point, you can't. But what if you decided to punish time or punish progress?

BOLLING: But he is also the guy who is in favor of Donald Trump -- president-elect Trump's border policy as well.

GURFELD: That's good.

BOLLING: Where there are a lot of illegal immigrants who are taking these fast food jobs that Americans could be taking. He promises to implement the agenda.

GUTFELD: I think that's a relatively new thing for Puzder. I think Puzder was definitely into cheap labor up until recently.

BOLLING: Well, I do not think he's for cheap labor. I mean, no.

GUTFELD: I think he was for open borders.

WILLIAMS: So, and let me say for all of our talk at this table -- and I'm worried about your job at the moment given your position here --

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm always worried.

WILLIAMS: I think -- let's ask labor. Let's ask the people who run the AFL-CIO. They say this man fights workers. This man is hell on workers.

BOLLING: Juan, you call labor -- big picture labor -- the 11 million people who are in the unions? That's who you call labor? How about the other 130 million Americans who are working who aren't unionized who are against everything union?

WILLIAMS: Against everything (ph). I don't think that's true. I think what you're saying true, is there are fewer and fewer Americans who are in unions from the private sector --

FRANCIS: Because they're not effective.

WILLIAMS: Unions today are mostly private sector.

BOLLING: It's 11 million. You know, that's 53 million workforce.

WILLIAMS: Because, look, wages have been going down. People are struggling at times for jobs --

BOLLING: Labor unions have done a terrible job.

WILLIAMS: No, but what I'm telling you is, big labor is not stupid. This is like the attack on Chuck Jones the other day by Trump.

BOLLING: Big labor is stupid. They are pricing themselves out of the market.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, they are.


GUILFOYLE: Because they're greedy and yes, when you are in a party pig like that.

GUTFELD: But you know what? The choice of Puzder is telling you what the future is. The future is automation. So all of this stuff about saving 1,000 jobs here and 1,000 there, it's not going to stop automation, well, that's artificial intelligence. It's not.

FRANCIS: No, but can I tell you what the difference is though? The automated factory is going to stay here because when it comes down to where they want to have their factory -- I mean, of course, CEO's would rather have it here. They can keep a closer eye on production.

They know that the workers that are there are more efficient, are better. They need lower cost regulation, lower taxes, cheaper energy because we are drill, drill, drill. And they'd rather have the factory here. Yes, the factory is going to have fewer workers but you need some workers to run alongside those robots.

BOLLING: They're the higher paying jobs.


FRANCIS: But it would be better than having the factories in China where they can't keep an eye on it where a bunch of products are so much --

GUTFELD: So you would say it's okay to apply tariffs to a company to keep them from going to China?

FRANCIS: No, I think that's he's opening salvo and then negotiation. I think he's saying we're going to throw this tariff on and I think that that's how you reset the negotiation. I don't believe it would ever come to that or he would actually do that. But if God knows like it's going to, don't tell anyone (inaudible) that he's not going to actually do that but I think he is.

BOLLING: And the Carrier deal, that was a threat, but I'm not sure that they stayed or these jobs -- the 800 stayed because of that. I think it was because it was a good deal to stay tax-wise. They got tax breaks. They got incentives. They got investment and if --


WILLIAMS: What did Sarah Palin call it? Crony capitalism.

BOLLING: And she was right.

WILLIAMS: What did George Will say? Socialism.

BOLLING: I would say George Will is completely off his game. I think George Will at that time was --

GUTFELD: Why? You can't say that. He's right. He's talking about the (inaudible) of free market principal.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

BOLLING: The free market principals say if you lower taxes, more corporations will hire more people.

GUTFELD: Yes. But then you don't need coercion to go along with that. You're saying lower taxes as the carrot for the stick.

BOLLING: But he never -- he hasn't coerced anyone. He's not even president yet. He can't coerce anyone at all.

GUTFELD: So he never brought up 35 percent tariff?

BOLLING: He brought it up and he didn't coerce. What he did was secure --

GUTFELD: That's a threat. He did say it was a threat.


BOLLING: Right. He secured millions of dollars of tax incentives. That is what --

WILLIAMS: And Carrier secured millions of dollars of --

BOLLING: Hold on. All right, hold on guys

FRANCIS: It's their money, their money.

BOLLING: Who is the governor of Indiana?

WILLIAMS: Mike Pence.

BOLLING: Mike Pence. Mike secured about a million dollars of tax incentives.

WILLIAMS: Why wouldn't the next guy say give me some of that?

BOLLING: Of course they should and hopefully they get it.

WILLIAMS: This is not a system, an economic system --

BOLLING: Do this. This is a great idea.

WILLIAMS: Eric, this is what they call picking winners and losers.

FRANCIS: No, it's not.


FRANCIS: Why are you against companies keeping their own money? It's not taxpayer money. It's Carrier's money --

WILLIAMS: Oh, well, go for it. Well, then they don't need Indiana's money?

FRANCIS: It's not Indiana's money.

WILLIAMS: Why are they asking for Indiana's money?

FRANCIS: It's their money. They earn profits for giving less of it to the government.

GUILFOYLE: OK, business 101 during the break.

BOLLING: OK, let's do this. As we mentioned earlier, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has removed his name from consideration for a position in the Trump administration, even though he is no longer a contender for a cabinet position. The transition team says Giuliani may join the team at a later date. Giuliani spoke about it moments ago.


RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: My desire to be in the cabinet was great, but it wasn't that great. And he had a lot of terrific candidates and I thought I could play a better role being on the outside. That was the only one I had any real interest in.


BOLLING: So, we bring it around KG. Rudy said -- the former mayor says he pulled himself out of contention. What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: And he did that on the 29th. Removed himself from contention and wrote a letter that they did not want to accept at first because they still wanted to keep him in consideration. He always said that he would be there for this candidate, for president-elect Trump. He was.

He was a very important surrogate on his behalf and very loyal. I'm sure he's going to continue very strongly to be an adviser. Anyone would be lucky to have Rudy Giuliani in any capacity. There are a number of roles he could have fulfilled beautifully in the cabinet so, you know.

Obviously, I'd love to see him serving the country but he's got a very busy life, very active life and with his wife, Judith. So, he's got a lot of options. Let's see what happens.

BOLLING: What about deputy? No one wants to be the deputy?

GUTFELD: Yes, nobody wants to be the deputy. They all want to be the sheriff. Is that how it works? But anyway, he's a great guy. He's like our Churchill in a way. I mean, he was an inspiring person. I hate to say was but I feel like he's retiring and he's pulling back. But he can still be one lucky guy at outnumbered.


GUTFELD: He will be back here.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he just got an award in Colombia for reducing crime there just last night. I mean, you know, he's incredibly talented.

BOLLING: This is an important point. He does very -- his security company does very well internationally advising foreign countries on security.

FRANCIS: Maybe that would have been one of the challenges. I mean, that's one of the things that a lot of people talk about, is that in the process of a confirmation, that he has a lot of interests all around the world that could have been a challenge. He's America's mayor. We love him. What are you going to do?

GUILFOYLE: But he also was thoroughly vetted so, that process already was completed.

BOLLING: What do you make of all this?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I don't buy that he was fairly vetted. But I do buy this, that --

GUILFOYLE: He said it in the interview.

WILLIAMS: I know, well, I would say it, too. But I don't know if it's true. But I'm just saying, I think Rudy Giuliani could have been a great attorney general. I think in fact, he might have done better than Jeff Sessions, the senator from Alabama in terms of getting through.

But what strikes me is he was held on a string. If you remember, when we started these conversations, everybody assumed he was going to get the job. We don't know if he's qualified. Doesn't have a lot of foreign policy experience. But it was assumed he's going to get the job.

Then it starts to go Romney, Petraeus, Senator Corker and maybe he got tired of this game. I mean, he makes a lot of money now going overseas doing the things Kimberly was talking about, giving speeches.

BOLLING: All right. They want us to leave it right there. A programming note, tune in to Fox News Sunday for an exclusive interview with president- elect Donald Trump. Check your local listings.

But up next here, disturbing new details about this illegal immigrant on the run after -- on the run, I'm sorry, after allegedly killing two women in Kentucky. How Mr. Trump's tough immigration stance might fix problems like this when we come right back.


GUILFOYLE: Is this the exact problem Mr. Trump is trying to fix? This man you see on your screen, an illegal immigrant from Mexico is wanted for allegedly killing two people in a hit and run case in Kentucky. Guess what? He has been deported eight times. At his thank you tour stop in Iowa last night, president-elect Donald Trump reiterated his campaign pledge to build a border wall and crack down on illegal immigration.


TRUMP: On immigration, we will build the wall and we will put an end to illegal immigration and stop the drugs from pouring into our country. The drugs are pouring into our country, poisoning our youth and plenty of other people.

A Trump administration will stop the violence that is spilling across our border. And believe me, you've seen now, it is unbelievable how much there is.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so a strong messaging but this is consistent, Melissa, with during the campaign, what he talked about, cracking down on illegal immigration, cracking down on sanctuary cities that would have these people come in, revolving doors to come in to re-offend as criminal recidivist, much like this man did, and then deported eight times. What an insufficient broken system.

FRANCIS: Yes. No, I mean, this has become the issue. Of course, there are so many cities saying they're going to be sanctuary cities here in New York. Mayor de Blasio having a commercial in the back of taxis talking about how proud he is that he's refusing to cooperate with the feds.

I heard Greg say it before and it was so right, that the wall is like the red shiny bike under the Christmas tree, and God help him if the kids come down in the morning for Christmas and that bike isn't there. I mean, this is something that if he fails on this campaign promise, it's really tough.

At the same time, when people are so literal with the wall -- I mean he also said -- remember every time he said the big beautiful wall, he said with a giant beautiful door in the middle, like, do you really think there's going to be a giant door in the middle? I don't think it's quite as literal. Like a giant -- it's going to swing open --

BOLLING: Yes. Big, beautiful wall.

FRANCIS: A giant brass knob on the big door and you open it up and you follow through?

GUTFELD: There's going to be a doggie door too for Jasper.


FRANCIS: I don't think it's quite as literal, but I agree with Greg that if it doesn't happen, yikes.

BOLLING: I think it's literal. I think he means what he says.

FRANCIS: With a big door? Is there a knocker?

BOLLING: No, no, no. I think he will build a wall. I mean, this is a brilliant idea. Not only to fulfill a campaign promise, but it also -- it's a massive infrastructure. You want to talk about trade and --

FRANCIS: That's true.

BOLLING: It's a massive infrastructure program that you could put a lot of people to work. And like he said, they're putting ways to make Mexico pay for it. Can we be a little (inaudible) down (inaudible). Here's an interesting opportunity for Andy Puzder to do something that Republicans haven't been able to do or aren't willing to do -- is to go after the companies who employ illegals as well.


BOLLING: Not only deport illegals when you catch them or put the wall up, but if a company like a fast food restaurant is employing illegal aliens, you penalize them. You make them pay for that. Now, this has not been a very conservative talking point, but I think Andy Puzder is the guy. If he is going do it, boy, this would be an opportunity to do it.

GUILFOYLE: Pretty exciting. OK, Juan, are you recovering from Bolling's comments yet?

WILLIAMS: Well, I just think -- I really appreciate that you shouldn't take him literally on the wall. There might be a door. I think he said in some areas there might be a fence. We'll get to it. I mean, I just think, look, this is a waste of money, waste of time. If you're looking for jobs, Eric, there's so much that we need in terms of infrastructure in the country.

I would hope that we can do other more meaningful projects. But what concerns me, Kimberly, the demonization of all illegal aliens because of the crimes committed by this one man. He has been deported several times. I think the case that Bill O'Reilly talks about all the time in San Francisco is even a better example because that guy just freshly got out of jail.

But you can't, it seems to me, connect crime and illegal immigrants in any significant way because, in fact, crime has gone down. Violent crime has gone down even when immigration -- illegal immigration is going up.

BOLLING: The incidence of violent crimes is higher among the illegal --

WILLIAMS: That's not true. That's absolutely not true.

BOLLING: According to the FBI in --

WILLIAMS: No, no. What the FBI says is you have more illegal immigrant -- I think its 37 percent illegal immigrants in jail.

BOLLING: Violent crimes committed at a higher rate.

WILLIAMS: But you know why they're in jail, Eric? Not violent crime. They're in for immigration violations.


BOLLING: They commit crimes at a higher rate than the population.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no. They are not in there for immigration violations.

GUTFELD: You know what amazes me? Can you show the picture of the guy?

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead Greg.

GUTFELD: What drives me crazy, if you take a look at this fellow, illegal alien deported eight times is well fed. He's just well fed. I mean, if this is how our country operates. He has been deported eight times. That's once every six weeks. He gets deported more times than I get a haircut.

For him it's like running a 5k if he actually exercised. So the problem here isn't just that he's an illegal alien. It's that there are no consequences for the incompetence or the supervisory incompetence. It may not be the officers.

And maybe that they're told not to stop this, and if they're told not to stop that, that has to be addressed. There has to be a punishment for the incompetence so that this doesn't happen.

BOLLING: They are told not to stop this. They are sanctuary city.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, that's --


GUILFOYLE: It is. It's a hundred percent to -- I'm telling you. I lived there. I worked there. I rented (ph) there and I'm telling you that you'd go in as a prosecutor into court and you would be the bad guy.

The prosecutor of the White House is a bad guy because he would ask the person on the other side of the table there to please identify yourself by your true name. And they would give you about 16 different aliases, lie about everything. You'd have to run them through the print system. Find out they have a hold.

And then the public defender would just try to get them out and then specifically not turn them over to ICE so they can come back into my courtroom again with another DUI or another criminal offense. They are not in the criminal system for an immigration violation, trust me.

WILLIAMS: There's any and every community which you can find criminality. But let me just say, speaking for big business -- can you imagine me speaking for big business? Big business, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Mike Bloomberg -- so many of the big corporations from Disney to Marriott (ph) are all saying that if Donald Trump goes ahead with this deportation force, it will devastate the American economy.

GUTFEDLD: OK, but we're talking about the specific examples of criminality and whether the criminality is worse or better among illegal aliens. If you have that person deported, that crime is committed, you should start calling him the deportables.


GUILFYLE: And here we go.

GUTFELD: The deportables.

GUILFOYLE: And just on a quick programming note here, we're unclear as to why that individual looks well fed. He also could have a thyroid issue.


GUTFELD: Oh, we'll treat that. We'll treat that coming up.

GUILFOYLE: Directly ahead, Hillary Clinton takes aim at fake news. It's her warning about spreading false information. Legitimate or just an excuse for losing the election? Details, next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. In her first speech since losing the election, Hillary Clinton is sounding the alarm about the dangers of so-called fake news. This comes after online conspiracy stories involving her campaign sparked some violence.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Fake news can have real world consequences. This isn't about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk. Lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days to do their jobs. It's imperative that leaders in both the private sector and the public sector step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives.


WILLIAMS: With recent incidents like the Pizzagate incident in Washington, D.C. and most recently in Brooklyn, New York, does Clinton have a point? Greg, I want to go to you on this because it's not only Hillary Clinton. I mean several people are increasingly talking about this danger, even the Pope is saying this is --

GUTFELD: All right, first of all, this is a real story. Forget Hillary. We don't need to hear from her on this because I don't trust anything she says. Fox News should be talking about this because this is about news and this is a serious, serious problem. The poison of Pizzagate is that it shifted the burden of proof on to the accused.

If somebody calls you a child molester, it's up to them to provide the proof. They can't call you -- then you're returning to the Salem witch trials where you take a witch and you throw in the water, and if she drowns, she's not a witch. That's the mentality we are dealing with on the internet.

We now have parents of Sandy Hook children getting phone calls and death threats from people because they believe that Sandy Hook is a false flag operation. There has -- we are returning to the McMartin preschool era where you just say somebody is a pedophile and you ruin their lives. There has to be consequences for any of these people. You get -- the FBI should investigating these people and they should be sued for slander and libel. Do whatever is possible.

These small businesses that are being abused by these weirdos, they need to be able to have some action, some action to get back at this. I don't think Hillary helps because she politicizes this.

WILLIAMS: She has a legitimate right to --


GUTFELD: Fox News should be talking about this, not Hillary.


WILLIAMS: I agree with you, but you know, you have people who tweet us stuff like, until this story is proven false, it's a story.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: That's crazy. That's what you are saying. Melissa, let me come to you. I read a story the other day that indicated this is not just a problem because, you know, some guy takes a gun into a Ping Pong Pizza in D.C., but it's a problem because people who are just trying to know what's going on in the world get confused and they no longer know what's trustworthy. It distorts the entire world of news.

FRANCIS: I guess. But I mean, what's the remedy? How do you police something like this? I mean, I understand the extreme example. But it's like, with people putting out stories, you need some common sense.

I mean, I feel like, when somebody is sharing a story that's ludicrous, I don't just believe it based on that somebody forwarded it in their Twitter or they booked it in their Facebook. I think they're a moron. You know I mean? You watch it and you look at it, and you're like, this can't possibly be true. Why -- why would I believe it? I mean, I just...

GUTFELD: There's an entire group of people who are pushing a story, pushing a pernicious, toxic story that are hurting people. There should be some retribution.

WILLIAMS: So Eric, let me come to you on this point. In the story that I read, it said there are lots of people, particularly on the right -- and I've heard this from Greg -- who take delight in the idea that there's someone picking on the liberals, someone who's saying they're up to nasty stuff, and so what if it's a little not true? They're still punching back at the left.

BOLLING: This is a big, big problem. And I think the only solution is Greg is right, have the legitimate news services get out in front of it and talk about it. And I'll tell you what it does do. It drives people to FOX News, CNN, ABC, NBC and stop reading these things that randomly pop up.

The problem is, some of them look like us. Some of them...

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

BOLLING: ... are putting logos that look a lot like...

GUILFOYLE: Deliberately false and misleading.

BOLLING: ... our logos. Of course. But again, free speech, I get it. But when you're infringing on copyright -- there's also another issue, too. When you're a public figure, I think you forego your rights of being -- of suing for libel and slander. So when you're hitting Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton has some sort of pedophilia thing going on with the pizza - - pizza place in D.C., she doesn't really -- she's not covered under the law. But the average citizen is.

GUTFELD: The pizza guy.

BOLLING: The pizza guy is. He's not a public figure yet, and so he should be.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly, the...

BOLLING: Who do you sue?

GUTFELD: You have to get the names of the -- they found -- they found one woman who was behind the Pizzagate story who published it on her website, finally.

BOLLING: Sue the Internet provider that hosts the story, not the person that posts it. Or both.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly, here's...

FRANCIS: But Bolling, jeez, I don't know.

WILLIAMS: Sorry. Go ahead, Melissa.

FRANCIS: I mean, I -- I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying.

GUTFELD: Like shouting "fire" in a theater. Right?

FRANCIS: It's -- but it's -- realistically, how do you deal with this? I mean, so then you go after the Internet provider. I mean, that's...

WILLIAMS: It's terrible. Let me -- let me...

FRANCIS: Then they've got to police everything that's going on all over the Internet?

WILLIAMS: I want to talk to...


WILLIAMS: I want to talk to Ms. Guilfoyle, the lawyer, if you'll allow me.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, the lawyer. Twenty seconds, the lawyer.

Please. Go to a real lawyer. Not a fake lawyer.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Hey, wait a second. I'm a lawyer.

WILLIAMS: Will you give Ms. Guilfoyle the table?

GUILFOYLE: You're the intern.

WILLIAMS: We -- Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is now asking Facebook users to help him find fake stories. Google says they're going to stop placing ads. But "The Wall Street Journal" reported just today, they said, "You know what? Fake news is making tens of thousands of dollars because the big companies don't know that their ads are on these sites. The computers are automatically placing these ads. And so they're supporting fake news sites.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Well, obviously, they have to be a little bit more, you know, vigilant about researching and vetting the sites that they're involved with and make sure this doesn't happen. So it has to have a multifaceted approach. Right? You've got to do this thing. It's like Jeff [SIC] Zuckerberg is doing over there at Facebook.


GUILFOYLE: Mark Zuckerberg is doing over there to make sure that they're, in fact, checking it all out. Right? But at the same time, people also use some of their common sense to not be fooled by it.

And on a third note, Hillary Clinton is just trying to continue to make and find excuses for why she lost the election, even though she was a horrible candidate and herself being no stranger to creating fake news stories, like when she lied about Benghazi and said over the caskets of four Americans.

GUTFELD: Or the bullets in -- with getting hit by fire.

GUILFOYLE: True. True.

BOLLING: She and Brian Williams?


WILLIAMS: I won't go into that.

All right. When we come back, new questions about conflicts of interest for President-elect Trump. This time, for his ties to "Celebrity Apprentice." Oh, my goodness. Details coming up next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A lot of times it falls on the project managers. But, you know, I did come up with the jingle, but I want to stay here. I want to win.



TRUMP: Johnny, you're fired.

Brandy, so you're project manager. Brandy, you're fired.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

FRANCIS: Poor Brandy.

GUILFOYLE: Poor Brandy. So many emotional moments.

FRANCIS: President-elect Donald Trump will not be firing anyone else from NBC's "Celebrity Apprentice." In fact, Mr. Trump is keeping his title as executive producer of the reality show after he takes office. The series is returning after a two-year hiatus, hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In the meantime, Kellyanne Conway is pushing back against the hypocrisy of critics who are slamming the move as a potential conflict of interest.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP SENIOR ADVISOR: Were we so concerned about the hours and hours and hours spent on the golf course of the current president? I mean, presidents have a right to do things in their spare time or their leisure time. I mean, nobody objects to that.

Whether it's President Obama or Donald Trump, the idea that these men are going to be all work and nothing else all the time, it's just unrealistic, because it's never happened in our lifetime.


FRANCIS: Kimberly, what's the potential conflict of interest here? That he's going to suddenly start liking "SNL," because they're on the same network?

GUILFOYLE: There you go. Conflict of interest. He's going to have to all of a sudden think Alec Baldwin is very, very funny.

I mean, yes, I think they're going to check this out legally to make sure that there isn't any impropriety. If there were, then he would have to not have the executive producer title. So so far, I think this is clean. Maybe perhaps it's somewhat unconventional. But it is not, my dear friend, illegal.

FRANCIS: See, I think this is a decoy. This is like the shiny ball that he, you know, holds up in front of the crowd to distract you. Because it doesn't make any sense to be talking about this necessarily. I mean, executive producer, it's like a candy that they give out now to actors when they're not really -- you know, I mean...

BOLLING: That's the point. I don't think many people understand what that means. That doesn't mean he's going to be on the phone going, "Yes, I want to see this activity going on."

FRANCIS: Get that angle.

BOLLING: No. You slap "executive producer" on almost everything. Watch a movie. At the end of a movie, when the credits start to roll...

FRANCIS: There's 14 E.P.'s.

BOLLING: Yes, there's 15. And, you know, most of them are the ones who donated to the film.

So I see nothing wrong with this. It's intellectual property. He developed the show.

GUILFOYLE: One or two.

BOLLING: It was created prior to ever announcing he wanted to run for president.

Barack Obama wrote a book before he was president. If that book was made into a movie, it would be the exact same thing. No one would ask him to take his name off...

WILLIAMS: What happened to the profits from the last book Obama did?

FRANCIS: Donated.

WILLIAMS: Went straight to charity.

FRANCIS: We don't know he's getting paid for this, though. We don't know he's getting paid.

WILLIAMS: So here's the -- here's the...

GUILFOYLE: He has ownership.

WILLIAMS: Well, we do know that he's made millions already.

FRANCIS: Yes, but we don't know he's going to get paid this time.

WILLIAMS: Let me say the problem here -- I'm amazed that you guys don't see the problem of the potential for the chief executive of the United States taking a paycheck not from the American people.

FRANCIS: We don't know he's getting paid.

BOLLING: You don't know that.

WILLIAMS: Or taking credit, having an interest -- Kellyanne Conway says he's going to be spending time on this. I don't think that's legit.

And I think that when you look at the idea that, you know, he stands there and says, you know, "I have spare time. I'll do this." What if he says, you know, "I don't know if I'm going to do an interview with NBC, because I want a better time slot for 'The Apprentice'"? That's a conflict of interest. Isn't it? By definition.

FRANCIS: Greg, aren't you the executive producer of this program?

GUTFELD: And "O'Reilly Factor."

FRANCIS: Really?


GUILFOYLE: Little known fact.

GUTFELD: Little known fact, yes.

FRANCIS: I had no idea. What is your opinion on this?

GUTFELD: My opinion is, forget conflict of interest. Make it a conflict of interest. You know, if you win "The Apprentice," you get -- your apprenticeship is in government. You get a job on the cabinet. If you lose, you go to Gitmo. And everybody who loses goes to Gitmo, because Gitmo is awesome.

BOLLING: Geraldo's right there. Just when you said that, Geraldo...

GUILFOYLE: Geraldo is going to Gitmo?


GUILFOYLE: Geraldo, thank you for the chocolates.

GUTFELD: ... Newt was on "Cavuto" earlier, and I like Newt, because he always says the honest thing. He just goes, "It's weird." Didn't he say, like, "It's weird"? He was like, "Why would he care? Why would he want it?" He gets -- he asks everything.

GUILFOYLE: There's a reason behind it.

FRANCIS: I know. That's why I think it's a decoy.

BOLLING: He developed the show. It's near and dear to his heart.

GUILFOYLE: This is his other baby.

BOLLING: His kids were involved in developing the show.

GUILFOYLE: The kids are involved.

BOLLING: It would be like...

GUILFOYLE: I think he thinks Arnold is going to do well.

BOLLING: ... would you want to take -- would you want to take your book away from you, your name and rights to the book, if you became president.

WILLIAMS: By the way, he's having a news conference next week, I think on next Thursday.

FRANCIS: The 15th.

WILLIAMS: Trump is going to have a news conference, which he hasn't done - - hasn't had one since Hillary Clinton.

GUTFELD: What a great problem.

FRANCIS: He doesn't need to. He won.

WILLIAMS: He shouldn't talk to the American people and the press?

GUTFELD: It's an interesting problem to have. This is the first pop culture president.


GUTFELD: The first president that came directly from entertainment.

GUILFOYLE: The first reality TV president.

GUTFELD: This is a new problem.

GUILFOYLE: So truth in advertising and therefore...

FRANCIS: Greg will be the next one.

GUTFELD: No. Never.

FRANCIS: All right. Don't go anywhere. "Facebook Friday" is up next.


GUTFELD: Good questions.


GUTFELD: Yes. "Facebook Friday," your questions answered. This is a great one. I'm going to start with you, Kimberly, go around.


GUTFELD: From Michelle K.: "In memory of John Glenn, would any of you want to go to space and why?"


GUTFELD: Nope. Any -- any reason why?

GUILFOYLE: Because it would be really tough to catch all the salami upside down.

BOLLING: Bad hair in the helmet?

GUILFOYLE: Bad hair. I don't know. That kind of scares me a little bit, to be honest.

GUTFELD: Yes. What about you, Juan? I bet you'd go.

WILLIAMS: I'd love to go. You know, I'm curious about this tourism business...


WILLIAMS: ... because it seems a little extreme. But if you really are going to do something, that would be cool. Like, the other day Steven Hawkins said we're going to have to find a new planet in 1,000 years, because we're going to use this one up. Especially with Trump as president, doing away with the EPA.

GUTFELD: Way to work that in there.

WILLIAMS: So I would, yes. But the other reason is because I love movies. Right?


WILLIAMS: So I think Sigourney Weaver's probably up there with the aliens. Right? And Jodi Foster, didn't she do "Contact"?

FRANCIS: That was a good movie.

WILLIAMS: Yes, so I would like -- there's nice people in space.

GUTFELD: I don't think Jodi would be into you, though.


BOLLING: I don't think so either.

So apparently, Elon Musk says in 10 years, he'll have a space station...


BOLLING: ... up on the moon to go visit. I would like to. But you know what I would rather do?


BOLLING: I'd rather be Speed Racer. I would -- Spritle and Chim-Chim and racing Racer X in the Mach 5 when it would leap canyons.

GUTFELD: It would. It was pretty impressive.

BOLLING: I want to be Speed Racer.


WILLIAMS: I think we saw the child in you. That's wonderful.

FRANCIS: I give that a big no.

GUILFOYLE: He also likes zombies.

FRANCIS: I am officially terrified. I would rather lay on the beach.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

FRANCIS: Would you join me laying on the beach? We can do that together. Nice sand...

GUTFELD: But -- but that's the beauty. If you lay on the beach, technically you are in space. We are on a spaceship, Earth. We are throating in space.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: We are flying through space right now. Probably in a tiny spaceship, compared to a lot of other ones. The other issue is pooping.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: Not having that. I don't know how you do that in space. I mean, think about the problems.


GUTFELD: People have thought about it. How do you -- you know, things happen. It's floating over there. You know, all of a sudden it's up over there. You've got to chase it.

BOLLING: He's right. It's an issue.

GUTFELD: It's an issue.

GUILFOYLE: How did this happen?

GUTFELD: All right. Now we're going to go this way.

FRANCIS: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: From Robert G., when -- great question. "When growing up," Melissa -- when you were growing up -- "which celebrity posters or pictures did you have hanging on your wall?"

GUILFOYLE: Her own. Her own. "Little House on the Prairie."


GUTFELD: They didn't have posters of "Little House on the Prairie." Come on.

FRANCIS: David Cassidy.

GUILFOYLE: Sean Cassidy?

FRANCIS: Sean Cassidy, OK.

GUTFELD: Any of the Cassidys.

FRANCIS: OK, yes, any of the Cassidys.

GUTFELD: Cassidys.

FRANCIS: Billy Idol. I was a huge Billy Idol fan.

GUTFELD: He still looks the same.

FRANCIS: "Rebel Yell." Frighteningly similar.


FRANCIS: I had all kinds of Billy Idol going on in my room. Every single poster. It was a little frightening for my parents. And these tiny little buttons that you put...

GUTFELD: Were you dancing with yourself?

FRANCIS: I'd put them on my teddy bear, which is, like, a kind of mixed up, scary thing.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of cute.


BOLLING: True story, I had the Farrah Fawcett poster...


BOLLING: ... which a lot of guys did. But my mom let me have it. But it had to be in the closet. It wasn't allowed to be on the walls. It was in the closet.

GUILFOYLE: And then you married Adrienne, much better looking.

BOLLING: Don't talk about coming in or out of the closet with that one. But I was a huge, huge Rolling Stones and Aerosmith fan. So anything Stones or Aerosmith went up on my walls.

GUTFELD: That's good.

BOLLING: Or The Who.

GUTFELD: What about you?

WILLIAMS: You know, I -- you know, my dad is involved with boxing. I love boxing, so it's odd characters like Alfredo Benitez, who was just a great boxer. But Ali. You know, I just like boxers.

GUTFELD: Interesting.


GUTFELD: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Oddly enough, I had Christian Slater.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes. One time I got this magazine. It was, like, "Teen Beat" or something.

FRANCIS: Yes. I loved that. "Tiger Beat."

GUILFOYLE: Yes, maybe that was it. And it had a free poster in there.

FRANCIS: Of course. And so I was like, OK. And I put it up. And then I put it up, and that was that. And it was nice. And then I eventually got to meet him. And then...

GUTFELD: Called him (ph).

FRANCIS: Were you disappointed or happy?

GUILFOYLE: No, I was quite happy. And he sang to me. He has a beautiful voice.


GUILFOYLE: Sounds like Frank Sinatra.

GUTFELD: Wow. I used to have -- I used to have posters...

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

GUTFELD: ... of Lancelot Link, which was a money dressed as a detective. But I had posters underneath it. So that was the whole key. Is we always had posters that hid other posters so your parents never knew what you were really looking at.

GUILFOYLE: And what posters do you have, now?

FRANCIS: No, no. Don't ask that.

GUTFELD: I don't think you want to know.

All right. Start with you, Eric. From Cindy E., "What did you want to be when you grew up?"

BOLLING: Speed Racer.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: It's true. That's all I got for you.

GUILFOYLE: That or zombie apocalypse.

BOLLING: Baseball player.

GUTFELD: Quickly, Juan, what did you want to be when you grew up?

WILLIAMS: A journalist.

GUTFELD: A journalist? Wow, you were an exciting kid. Yes.


GUILFOYLE: Well, I wanted to be a prosecutor, and I did that. And then I decided, OK, I want to work in television. I did that. And now I decided I wanted do something else, and I'm going to do that.


GUTFELD: Mayor of New York.

FRANCIS: What was the other thing? Wait, can we come back to that?

GUTFELD: Well, we know. It's mayor of New York.

BOLLING: Is it? Or is it something else?

FRANCIS: What is it?

GUILFOYLE: Greg wants to write all of my mayoral speeches.


GUILFOYLE: No, but Bo Dietl's running for mayor.

GUTFELD: Oh, that -- is that -- really?

BOLLING: That's true. That is true.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going there Monday night.

GUTFELD: That's going to be -- that's going to be amazing.

WILLIAMS: And he told me he's running as a Democrat.


GUTFELD: That's the only thing you can do.


GUTFELD: Or independent.

When you were a child, you already had a job.

FRANCIS: I was an actress, so I wanted to be everything. I was going to be a president and an actress and also a doctor. So I would, like, slip out to do an episode of "Knots Landing" and then, you know, go see some patients and then come back and protect the free world. I was going to just do it all at once.

GUTFELD: Very interesting.

FRANCIS: Very realistic. Yes.

GUTFELD: I wanted to be Kimberly Guilfoyle.


GUTFELD: I would dress up as you often. You know, that still hasn't stopped.

FRANCIS: I do that now.

GUTFELD: One day I will be you. I will wear your skin, Kimberly. That's from "Silence of the Lambs."

BOLLING: You better be nice.

WILLIAMS: That's exactly what I thought.

GUILFOYLE: You're so Hannibal Lecter. You know that?

All right. "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: Beans and chianti.


BOLLING: All right. Time for "One More Thing." Juan is first -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Today one of Hollywood's greats turned 100. The dimpled and macho, guess who? Kirk Douglas.


KIRK DOUGLAS, ACTOR: A free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we all win.


WILLIAMS: People remember Douglas as the star of "Spartacus." But he was also in other classics, like "Lust for Life" and "Paths for Glory."

He's been with his wife, Anne, now for over 60 years. And he's still making appearances with his son and fellow actor, of course, Michael Douglas.

Happy birthday to you, sir. You are a joy.

GUILFOYLE: God bless him.

WILLIAMS: Also, I want to send a quick shout-out to one of our fans here at "The Five," Dr. Jerry Den Herder. Dr. Den Herder had a stroke this week, but he's such a big fan of "The Five," check this out, Gregory. The first thing he did in the hospital, he demanded that the nurse switch the TV to FOX News so he could watch "The Five," Eric. "The Five." Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dr. Den Herder.

BOLLING: Anything else?

GUILFOYLE: God bless him. What a handsome doctor.

BOLLING: K.G., you're up.

GUILFOYLE: I know. OK, so, time for...


GUILFOYLE: Kimberly's Royal News.


GUTFELD: Ay, yi, yi.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. I love it. So -- Greg, please.

So Madame Tussauds in London has unveiled a special version of the royals wax figures this week, featuring each member in a Christmas sweater. Greg, look at how cute. Four real-life Corgis joined the photo shoot. The queen is a big fan and is wearing a little Corgi sweater. How adorable is that?

GUTFELD: I don't care.

GUILFOYLE: This is not your turn, Greg. The royals actually granted permission for it as part of U.K. charity, Save the Children. Do you care now, Greg?

GUTFELD: I care for the children.

GUILFOYLE: Christmas Jumpers, a campaign. It starts on December 16 and encourages people to throw on their festive knits that day and donate to the cause. You can wear one of your unicorn sweaters.

GUTFELD: All right, then.

BOLLING: All righty. So tonight, make sure you tune in. Big "O'Reilly Factor." Donald Trump is going to go to Lansing, Michigan, and talk to them on the thank-you tour. You've got to stay tuned, because part of that will probably go into that hour.

But then Rudy Giuliani is going to join me to talk about exactly what we're talking about earlier. First time on camera, actually, talking about the secretary of state pick. And we'll figure out...

GUILFOYLE: And where he'll be this weekend at the -- right? -- Army-Navy game with the president-elect.

BOLLING: At the -- at the football game, Army-Navy football game.

OK. Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: Tomorrow night at 10 p.m., slam banging new show, Kimberly.


GUTFELD: I said it. I've got Ambassador Bolton. We're going to hopefully talk to him about what's going on in that mustache of his. Erin McPike. We've got Kat Timpf. And Tyrus, a new employee of FOX News.

BOLLING: Oh, is he? Made a contributor?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and by the way...

GUTFELD: He's bigger -- he's bigger than O'Reilly.

BOLLING: Do you think I could take him?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: Rudy Giuliani said that his pick would be John Bolton, by the way. So you can ask him Ambassador Bolton about that.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

BOLLING: Let's get Melissa in here.

FRANCIS: All right. So since I'm in Dana's chair, I feel compelled to do something about a dog.


FRANCIS: And this is how they do Christmas in Clearwater, Florida. It is too warm for Santa and his reindeer. So that substitutes for a reindeer. That is Ollie, out in his red sleigh, delivering gifts.

Actually, so that's my mother-in-law's dog. I stole her son, so she got a giant dog.

This is -- he was out looking for Abby Huntsman here, ringing the bell at Salvation Army. She was down in a diner nearby, but he missed her, so he went home to watch a little football and get some weather. That is Ollie, a fantastic dog.

BOLLING: We've got to leave it right there. We've got eight seconds or so.

FRANCIS: They tell me that (ph).

BOLLING: Guess what's coming up right next?

GUILFOYLE: "Special Report."

BOLLING: "Special Report."

GUTFELD: "Special Report."

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