Transcript: Why Are Aruban Police Combing Through Sand Dunes?

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 1, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: New information about the search for Natalee Holloway: The Holloway family attorney just got back from Aruba, and he spoke with both the chief prosecutor and the chief investigator.

Holloway family attorney John Q. Kelly joins us live in New York. Good evening, John.

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Hey, Greta. How're you doing?

VAN SUSTEREN: Very well. How long have you been back from Aruba?

KELLY: Got back late last night.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. How many days were you there?

KELLY: Just two.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what did you learn? Who did you talk to, and what did you learn?

KELLY: Monday, I spent about two hours with Deputy Chief Dompig and the prosecutor, Karin Janssen. And then on the second day, Tuesday, I spent about an hour-and-a-half separately with Karin Janssen, going through things.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Go ahead.

KELLY: Well, yes, basically, the first day, we went through — I had been down there in mid-December — and they brought me up to date on everything they had done between mid-December and now and what they intended to do for the next month to two months in terms of the investigation.

I think what they're really focused on right now, Greta, is search-and-recovery efforts. The feeling is that if they can locate a body that, one, it may yield forensic evidence, and two, it also could fit in with witness accounts and suspect statements and would, you know, be of great help in the investigation, obviously.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you grown more optimistic that this is going to be resolved, having spoken to Chief Deputy Dompig and Karin Janssen, less optimistic, or are you at the same place before you went?

KELLY: I think at about the same place, Greta. What I am satisfied both with the police, in terms of the investigation, and with Aruban investigative team, that they are committed to making an arrest. They want to solve this.

And secondly, if and when an arrest is made, that Karin Janssen, the prosecutor, is committed to a prosecution. She wants to see people charged and she would love to see a conviction in this case, too. And I think they're putting in the effort right now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why the search of the dunes there? Hasn't that been searched and searched and searched and searched?

KELLY: Well, I mean, you've been there, Greta. It's a massive place. They say the size of eight football fields. I think it's got to be two or three times that size, even. It just goes on endlessly.

Two things: One, they've received what they term as credible, reliable, fresh information in terms of location there. And secondly, there was some indication from the infrared test, the F-16s flying over there, that there was a heat source located in there, too, which could indicate remains located in the sand dunes.

And my understanding is they're going to be back down there with Aruban authorities, FBI and the Dutch Forensic Institute, a joint effort to just comb the entire area once and for all with cadaver dogs and the latest technology they have available to them.

VAN SUSTEREN: John, the F-16s flew over there in early June. If they had some sort of sign, I mean, why didn't they look then?

KELLY: I agree, Greta, and there's been some talk that they're able to peel away the layers of the topographical map. And my other comment is, once you locate a heat source through that, it's usually something that's very pinpointed, where you can go to a very specific location, just excavate that small area.

So I don't put a lot of credence in that. I'll go along with it for now, but I would hope the main reliance right now is on a credible eyewitness account of something that may have been observed or someone that was told in terms of location of a body there, and that's what's the driving force right now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Thirty seconds left, John. Paul van der Sloot was going to go to court, try to get damages for his arrest. Any update?

KELLY: There's going to be a decision February 27. Karin Janssen actually made an application in court for me to be there that day. Van der Sloot opposed it, thought I'd been rather unkind to him in the public eye with my comments. I agree with him. I have been. I'm not a big fan of his, but we'll find out February 27 if he hits the motherlode or not.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. And you'll come back and join us immediately after, right, John?

KELLY: I sure will, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: If not sooner. Thank you, John.

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