Transcript: The Mickey D's Diet

This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," June 20, 2005, that was edited for clarity.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Think you have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight? Think again. My next guest ate at McDonald's for 60 days straight and, get this, lost almost 20 pounds. And she did it to prove that the guy behind that documentary, "Supersize Me" (search), was, well, super misrepresenting things.

Joining us now is Soso Whaley.

Soso, good to have you.


CAVUTO: So, you lost this weight doing what?

WHALEY: Well, I lost weight eating at McDonald's. And people often look at me aghast. Oh, you lost weight at McDonald's? I did. And, actually, I did it longer than that. I did 90 days and I lost almost 30 pounds.

CAVUTO: Well, your point was originally that this guy who did the documentary just had it all wrong.

WHALEY: Well, basically. I mean, he was eating a lot of food.

CAVUTO: Right.

WHALEY: The best we can figure, about 5,000 calories a day. We don't know exactly what he was eating, because he never released any good diaries.

CAVUTO: Right. It's Morgan Spurlock.

WHALEY: Morgan Spurlock. I didn't even see the film when I started the project, because, when I heard about it, I said, this is aversion therapy. This is just telling people, don't eat at a particular place.

CAVUTO: But anything taken to extreme is bad, right?

WHALEY: Absolutely.


CAVUTO: So, he was just plowing through Big Macs and double cheeseburgers.


CAVUTO: And, naturally, you're going to gain weight — especially if you don't exercise, right?

WHALEY: Absolutely. Right. And the thing is, he says, oh, well, I supersized. Well, out of 90 meals, they only asked him nine times if he wanted to supersize.

This suggests to me that McDonald was already phasing out their supersize portions.

CAVUTO: So, how did you lose weight?

WHALEY: I stayed under 2,000 calories a day. That wasn't always easy.

CAVUTO: Give me a typical day for you.

WHALEY: OK. Say, I might have a McGriddle for breakfast.

CAVUTO: Right.

WHALEY: I like the McGriddle with bacon, egg and cheese. Maybe a glass of orange juice with that. That's about 500 calories.

CAVUTO: But you wouldn't have a hash brown?

WHALEY: I might. It depends. If I was going to do some roller-skating, because I do some roller-skating.

CAVUTO: Sure. Now, lunch...

WHALEY: Well, I might be a good girl, have a California Cobb salad.

CAVUTO: Right.

WHALEY: And I will use all of the dressing, because that's only 120 calories there. But, altogether, that might be about a 400, 500-calorie meal. So, I've still got about 1,000 calories left for dinner. Go for the Big Mac.

CAVUTO: And when did have the fries, which you largely tried to avoid, you would have the small fries.

WHALEY: No, no, I didn't try to avoid them. Oh, no, no, I had to eat all the different sizes.

CAVUTO: Right.

WHALEY: My favorite meal, chocolate shake with medium fries.

CAVUTO: Oh, man. Call it a day there.


CAVUTO: So, so, you know, when you see the way fast food is vilified, you were trying to say, in moderation, everything is fine.

WHALEY: Right. I mean, if you eat too much broccoli, you can get sick and die. I mean, everything...

CAVUTO: I've never seen anyone eat too much broccoli.


WHALEY: No, really. Most people don't like broccoli. I do, however. But, no, the whole point is making good choices.

I think a lot of people get to my age — I'm 50 this year — I think people get to this age and they go, goodness, I have got a little extra around the waistline here. I might like to try to get a little healthier.

CAVUTO: But you're saying go to McDonald's, you could lose weight.

WHALEY: Sure, if you make healthy choices.

CAVUTO: Have the McDonald's people come back to you and said, man, oh, man, you are the best publicity we could ever hope for?


WHALEY: Well, actually, their whole take on this is basically hands off, any of us that did these experiments, because it would taint the projects.


WHALEY: And I'm glad. I don't get any free food from them.

CAVUTO: But who is the guy, this Jared dude with the Subway?

WHALEY: Oh, yes, with Subway.

CAVUTO: Have they talked to you about doing the same?

WHALEY: No, no, no, no.

CAVUTO: At the very least, when you walk in, are they going to give you a free quarter pounder or not?

WHALEY: No, no. I don't expect it. I don't expect it.

CAVUTO: Really? OK.

WHALEY: Because this is not about eating at McDonald's. This is about addressing this whole knee-jerk response we have to our cultural fears about food.

CAVUTO: Well, good for you. We are responsible for what we do.

WHALEY: That's right.

CAVUTO: All right, Soso, thank you very much.

WHALEY: Thank you for having me.

Soso Whaley lost weight going to McDonald's. We're all heading over there right after the show now.

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