Transcript: The Case Against Neil Entwistle

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 15, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Neil Entwistle will be in court, accused of shooting his wife in the head and his daughter in the abdomen. Both, of course, died. He could not afford a lawyer, so a Massachusetts defense attorney was assigned to him, and that lawyer has a difficult job ahead of him.

Let's bring in our legal panel: Former prosecutor Jim Hammer is live in Sacramento. Criminal defense attorney Geoffrey Fieger is in Raleigh, North Carolina. And here in Washington, criminal defense attorneys Bernie Grimm and Ted Williams.

Geoff Fieger, any words of wisdom to the defense lawyer tonight who represents Neil Entwistle?

GEOFFREY FIEGER, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. Call up David Copperfield and ask him if he can create some illusions that would provide a defense because besides being great to be back, Greta, with Bernie and Jim and Ted and you, I can't conceive of how this guy, just by virtue of what he did afterwards. Even if he wasn't guilty, he's created such a terrible situation for himself that any connection with the weapon, which they have, obviously, is going to convict him.

I mean, he has no excuse. Leaving and claiming that he found his wife and child's body, not calling the police, covering them up and going to England on a one-way ticket will send him to jail for the rest of his life, period.

He makes Scott Peterson look smart.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jim, I guess, listening to Geoff Fieger, you think this is every defense lawyer's worst nightmare, but in some ways, it's the prosecutor who's probably the most nervous because you'd hate to lose this one, you know, with the stakes involved, two dead people, a child and what seems to be a terrific amount of circumstantial evidence.

JIM HAMMER, FORMER ASST. SAN FRANCISCO DA: Yes. I'll tell you, if the prosecution lost this, from what we know, it would be one of the strangest outcomes I could ever see. I agree with Geoff Fieger. Having sat through the Peterson case, which had some tough moments for the prosecution, Greta, this is just an absolutely devastating case.

Remember, as the last couple weeks went along, he kept asking us what we thought, whether or not we could be fair in this case. Well, when he didn't come back for the funeral, he had lost me already. But now that the Internet searches have come up with — again, if true — that within two days of murdering his wife and own baby, he's looking to hook up with paid escorts online...

VAN SUSTEREN: That's the least of his problems, I think. He's got bigger problems saying he discovered bodies and didn't call the police.

HAMMER: Yes, in terms of the evidence, you're right. I mean, the fact that the ballistics probably match, if that's true, that her DNA is on the gun, and the rest of it — I'm just talking about the sickness of this case and the evil involved in this case. If all of this is true, this is Scott Peterson book two, where a guy, for sex and money, kills his wife in bed, and his baby to boot. I mean, it's the most despicable thing you could ever see as a prosecutor. And being with the family of those victims, I think, that's the hardest part for the prosecution, hearing and feeling their pain, Greta.


FIEGER: I don't mean to interrupt you, but when you look at this guy's past background in terms of his Internet sex sites, his selling sexual products, you know, and things likes that, he's a really strange guy. This guy was never normal.

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, but a lot of guys who do that don't go out and shoot their baby and their wife.

FIEGER: No. Of course.

HAMMER: How about divorce?

FIEGER: But he was pretty strange.

HAMMER: Like Sharon Rocha said, "How about divorce?" That's what I just don't get with these guys.

BERNIE GRIMM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, Jim and Geoff, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Ted and I happened to make the trip down here, so...


GRIMM: And Greta wants us to get our five seconds in.

FIEGER: All apologies.

GRIMM: And she's been trying for the last week at least to get me in. But at any rate, I'm with Greta. All this other stuff about the sex stuff and on the Internet, to me, that's all fluff. That transcends a guilty verdict. What we're dealing with here, if this is all true — and I'm not someone to throw stones — but if this guy goes to hell, he will be spit out by Satan because they even have their standards down there. And I hate to go to that point, but he's beyond that. He's beyond that.

VAN SUSTEREN: He's still entitled to trial. He's still entitled to counsel. He's still entitled to all those things.

TED WILLIAMS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And Greta is absolutely right. You know, there's no such thing as slam dunk, but I must say...

VAN SUSTEREN: This is close, though.

WILLIAMS: This case has come very close to a slam dunk. The thing that's going to convict this guy is his own mouth, what he had to say to the law enforcement when he was in England. From what we understand, he told law enforcement he went in, pulled the cover back, found that there was blood and that they had been shot. And when the law enforcement found the bodies, they say there was no visible evidence that there had ever been any shooting.

VAN SUSTEREN: I just can't imagine any jury being — I mean, once a jury hears that his story, apparently, is that he found the bodies, and instead of calling the police, he covered them up and left and flew to England on a one-way ticket that he paid cash for...

WILLIAMS: He wanted to commit suicide before trying to find out who killed them.

VAN SUSTEREN: But it hurt too much. But it hurt too much.

WILLIAMS: Give me a break!

VAN SUSTEREN: Jim, you got 15 seconds.

HAMMER: The weirdest part — because I was 20 feet from the guy in that courtroom in England — when you look at this guy, he looks like the most normal guy you could ever see. That's the scary part...

WILLIAMS: Sort of like you, Jim Hammer.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, anyway that's always the big question. What does a normal person look like, especially a normal guy. But anyway...

HAMMER: Look at this panel!

VAN SUSTEREN: Don't know about that one.

FIEGER: Look at Bernie!


VAN SUSTEREN: That's my reference point, the panel. Gentlemen, thank you.

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