Transcript: Gaspricewatch Group's Brad Proctor

This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," May 3, 2005, that was edited for clarity.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, wipe out that state tax and I want you to look at the difference. With us now from Cincinnati to explain is Brad Proctor. He’s the founder of Good to have you, sir.


CAVUTO: I’m surprised when I look at all the states here besides just the state taxes, which — we`ll try to compare apples to apples, instead of apples and oranges. It’s ridiculously high. In Wisconsin, I know it’s sort of a collective fee. But New York and Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and this is just slapped on to every gallon?

PROCTOR: Absolutely. You know, every state has its own formula for its taxes. And it just gets added, whether — no matter what the price is.

CAVUTO: All right, Brad, let’s start looking at some of the more, I guess, notable examples. In California — I was in Los Angeles last week, and I could see $3 and over in some street corners here. What are we looking at in that state?

PROCTOR: Sure. Well, you know, California has an 18 cent state sales tax, but they have something also that`s very regressive. On top of that 18 cent sales tax, they also have a sales tax percentage, which is 6 percent of the gasoline price. You know, that means, at $2, the state is making 12 cents. At $3, the state is making 18 cents. The state loves it.

They also have a tank user fee also of 1 cent per gallon that gets levied in California, which, again, goes to adding up to highest cost in the nation.

CAVUTO: All right. How the heck are they running a deficit. But that’s a whole other issue. New York, same situation. What’s the deal?

PROCTOR: Same situation. They have got a 32 cent tax on the — for the state, but they also have another 1-cent-per-gallon tax on the state issue for — excuse me — a 0.3 percent tax on the underground storage tanks. So, again, it’s, again, regressive and moving up.

CAVUTO: All right, Wisconsin?

PROCTOR: Wisconsin, 32 cents also. But that’s a straight 32 cents that they have blended through the state, so they don`t have any additional taxes ...


PROCTOR: ... Wisconsin.

CAVUTO: So, they don`t have any clean air or any of that other stuff fees, right?

PROCTOR: That’s correct.

CAVUTO: OK. All right. Illinois.

PROCTOR: Illinois, 19 cents sales tax — or excuse me — state tax on their every gallon. Again, this is every single gallon that you buy.


PROCTOR: But they also have a fee for the underground storage tanks of 0.3 percent for everything.

CAVUTO: Well, all right.

PROCTOR: So, again, you start to see these regressive prices in there.


PROCTOR: But they also have, again...


CAVUTO: Go ahead.

PROCTOR: Sorry. Again, I want to point out one other thing. They also have a 6.25 percent sales tax on top of that 19 cent tax that they have, so, again, very, very regressive.


CAVUTO: I want to end very quickly with Rhode Island. That little state that I used to live in has big fees, right?

PROCTOR: Right, 30 cents per gallon.


PROCTOR: Almost the highest in the nation, with a 1 cent-per-gallon EPA fee.


PROCTOR: The EPA again, clean air, clean water.

CAVUTO: Brad Proctor, thank you very much. We found out quite a bit, the reverend for this.

PROCTOR: Thank you.

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