Tracing the Fort Hood Shooting Suspect's Steps at 7-Eleven and His Apartment

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," November 11, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: It's Veterans Day, a day to honor all of veterans, but sadly, we are also trying to figure out how one major in the Army slipped through the cracks. "On the Record" is on the ground in Texas. Producer Justin Wells spoke to a 7-Eleven worker who knows Hasan and saw him the morning of the shootings.


JUSTIN WELLS, FOX PRODUCER: Aleasha, you were here in the morning. You saw the alleged shooter. When he came in, how was he dressed?

ALEASHA MOORE, SAW HASAN MORNING OF ATTACK: He was dressed in Muslim -- it was white, like -- I don't know what they call them, but the Muslim from head to toe, that Muslim outfit...

WELLS: (INAUDIBLE) all white?

MOORE: It was pure white, yes.

WELLS: Had been in here before?

MOORE: Oh, yes. A couple mornings a week, he'd come in, get coffee, hash browns.

WELLS: Early in the morning, 6:00 AM?

MOORE: Normally between about 6:00 and 6:30.

WELLS: So he'd come in that early and -- and was he always wearing his white outfit then?

MOORE: Normally, he either had his uniform on or civilian clothes.

WELLS: So he'd have his civilian clothes on, or a uniform, but this time, he had this on.

MOORE: Pure white.

WELLS: Did he say anything to you that day?

MOORE: We -- I stopped one time and I talked to him, and I told him, Good morning, how are you doing? And he just smiled at me, like normal. And then he was standing over here, and I noticed his outfit. And I actually stopped and commented on it. I asked him, I said, What's -- you know, why are you all dressed up today? (INAUDIBLE) he just wore it in the morning sometimes, very evasive, just -- I don't know, just (INAUDIBLE) like he just said it just to, like, blow me off, basically.

WELLS: He was just talking in his (ph) normal, though?

MOORE: No, he was a little peaceful that morning, just -- just -- just -- just, I don't know, kind of peaceful and serene. And like I say, he was standing over here, just gazing out, you know?

WELLS: Was the normally more about business when he came in? He just seemed like -- more like a guy going to work, or a guy going on base or -- typically.

MOORE: A guy going to work, getting his coffee, going to work. And me, my personality, I try to make all my customers smile, so normally, he left here with a smile.

WELLS: But on this morning, seemed different?

MOORE: He was just a little bit off. Like I say, he seemed, like, peaceful to me, is the feeling I got off of him.


VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, now we're going to take you inside Major Hasan's apartment, inside the place where the accused mass killer lived the past few months. Investigators have now removed bags of evidence from the apartment. They did it right after the shootings. But many things still remain in the apartment -- Jordanian and Israeli coins, a prayer rug folded up and left behind, a paper shredder, a box of prescriptions, which, incidentally, some of which Hasan had prescribed to himself.

You can see it's a very modest apartment with few pieces of furniture left behind and nothing on the walls. Producer Justin Wells talked to the apartment manager.


WELLS: We're in Killeen, Texas, at the Casa Del Norte apartments. This is where Hasan lived. He moved in at the end of July. Today we spoke to many of the neighbors here. Many of them didn't want to go on camera, but they gave us a little bit of perspective about his life here. We spoke to the manager at the complex here, who told us a lot about seeing Hasan around and what happened the day that the shooting went down, tragically, at Ft. Hood down the road.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I came out and asked the detective, I says, They just confirmed the shooter dead on TV. They shot him. And I said, What's his name? And they're, like, Well, we know his name. Do you know his name? And I told them Malik Hasan. And he said, That's the man we're looking for. And I told him, I said, Well, they just confirmed that they had shot and killed him.

Later that evening, we all found out that he was still alive. Nobody really actually knew him. I mean, he'd come and go, you know, and sometimes people would be sitting out here. You know, it'd be, like, Good afternoon. How are you doing? I said, I'm doing OK. How're you doing? He's, like, I'm OK. I'm blessed, you know, and be on his way, you know? It was pretty much every day I seen him.

WELLS: When did he move in, exactly?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right at the end of July, I would say, or the first of August.

WELLS: And other people in the complex never complained about him as a neighbor?


WELLS: Everybody left here, and they -- they arranged (ph) a community center, but many of you found places with friends and -- and when did you return to the complex after you all had to leave?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We came back at 8:00 AM Friday morning. They -- the bomb squad and all them went in, made sure everybody was out, and then that's when they decided to go in the apartment, yes.


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