Thumbs Up or Down?

The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Wrong Report

Citing a senior defense official, CNN aired a story on Monday claiming that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had approved the use of an interrogation technique called water boarding that makes a prisoner feel as though he's drowning.

But memos released today show that Rumsfeld approved no such thing. CNN has since backed off the story, blaming the error on conflicting information from its Pentagon source. CBS News also reported the same story. All references to it had disappeared from the CBS Web site today.

Thumbs Up or Down?

Readers may be lining up to buy Bill Clinton's autobiography "My Life," but reviewers have given it a resounding thumbs down.

USA Today says -- "'My Life' is not a great book. It's not even a good book." The Orlando Sentinal says the 957-page memoir -- "goes on and on and on without delivering much substance."

The Associated Press compares reading the book to -- "being locked in a small room with a very gregarious man who insists on reading his entire appointment book, day by day, beginning in 1946." And the New York Times calls the autobiography -- "sloppy, self indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull."

Poll Results

Forty-eight percent of Americans now trust John Kerry to do a better job in handling the U.S. War on Terrorism, compared with 47 percent who trust President Bush, according to a new Washington Post/ABC news poll.

However, the same poll says that 14 percent more Americans believe President Bush will do a better job keeping the nation safer and more secure. What's more, only 42 percent believe that Kerry has a clear plan for handling terrorism, compared with 55 percent for President Bush.

Bush vs. the Boss?

The Republican National Convention is sure to be a big draw in New York this August, but New York concert promoter and Democratic activist Andrew Rasiej hopes to upstage the GOP with a little help from "the Boss," Bruce Springsteen.

Rasiej is planning the "Concert for Change" to coincide with the nomination of President George W. Bush to run for a second term, and has started an online petition asking Springsteen to headline the show.

While he's received no commitments from performers, Raciej says other artists such as Bob Dylan and Bon Jovi have told him -- "if you build it, we will be there."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report